List of publications on a keyword: «train»

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Publication date: 23.01.2017
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Margarita A. Bragintseva
GBPOU IO "Irkutskii regional'nyi kolledzh pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniia" , Иркутская обл

«Formirovanie individual'nosti budushchego uchitelia muzyki v protsesse muzykal'no-instrumental'noi podgotovki»

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Pedagogical skills of the teacher, expressed as the totality of the personal human and professional qualities, love for their work – the conditions of formation of individuality of future specialist. The article gives examples of the relations of the Irkutsk teachers-musicians to his disciples that have impacted further on their professional development.

Publication date: 08.11.2017
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Elena K. Paptsova
MBU DO "DShI 5" g. Irkutska , Иркутская обл

«K voprosu tekhnicheskogo razvitiia uchashchikhsia v klasse fortepiano na etape predprofessional'noi podgotovki»

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Insufficient level of technical development of students of children music schools and art schools often becomes a problem for the formation of further professional pianistic skills. The author suggests effective ways and techniques of correcting the most common deficiencies in technical development.

Publication date: 14.06.2017
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Anna L. Poberezhnaia
Irina P. Shkriabko , candidate of psychological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Aramvir State Pedagogical University" , Краснодарский край

«Rol' i znachenie vnimaniia v protsesse obucheniia uchenikov starshego shkol'nogo vozrasta»

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The article reflects the importance of attention as an indispensable condition of cognition, its role and functions, and also describes methods aimed at increasing student attention and improving the quality of the learned teaching material. Details of the types of attention and focus on after arbitrary attention, as the most progressive, giving the combination of the processes of knowledge and genuine interest of students.

Publication date: 17.05.2021
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Kalybek M. Dykanaliev , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor, head of the Department
Aida Kurmanbek kyzy
Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov , Kyrgyzstan

«Формирование ПК бакалавров ПО»

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This article analyzes the reasoning of scientists and teachers on the creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competencies of university graduates. Some pedagogical conditions that are compatible with the existing educational environment at KSTU named after Iskhak Razzakov for the formation of professional competencies of bachelors in the direction of 550800 Vocational Training are determined. The sequence of fulfillment of pedagogical conditions to achieve the greatest efficiency of the educational process is established.

Publication date: 08.12.2015
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Vladimir I. Safonov , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
FSBEI of HE "M.E. Evsevev Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute" , Мордовия Респ

«Realizatsiia didakticheskikh vozmozhnostei IKT pri obuchenii shkol'nomu kursu matematiki»

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The maintenance of a school course of mathematics is presented in article and shown how didactic opportunities of ICT at its studying can be realized

Publication date: 08.12.2015
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Vladimir I. Safonov , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
FSBEI of HE "M.E. Evsevev Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute" , Мордовия Респ

«Razvitie informatsionnoi kul'tury shkol'nikov v protsesse obucheniia matematike»

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Now in the conditions of continuous growth of possibility of access to the arrays of information actual formation of ability of the school student to independent search and data processing, necessary for it for the solution of any tasks is, including when studying mathematics. In this regard it is possible to state growth of requirements to information culture of the personality. In article questions of its development in the course of training in mathematics are considered.

Компетентностный подход в системе профессионального образования

Publication date: 29.11.2021
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Khapiza T. Naubaeva , doctor of psychological sciences
Ferizat K. Mizambaeva
Zhetysuskii universitet im. I. Zhansugurova , Kazakhstan


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The article reflects the main psychological aspects of the professional training of future teachers. The authors characterize the psychological and pedagogical methods of forming the professional competence of future teachers. The influence of the psychological aspect on the components of the professional competence of future teachers.

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Publication date: 22.06.2016
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Mikhail V. Odintsov
HPEI "Syktyvkar humanitarian pedagogical college named after I. A. Kuratov" , Коми Респ

«Comparative characteristics of the technical and tactical training among players of 10-11 years in ice hockey, depending on role»

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This article deals with the problem of tactics and training of hockey players. The results made by the author of the study revealed a correlation between the techniques and tactical actions in ice hockey.

Publication date: 10.06.2020
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Evgeniia V. Popova
Vera V. Shchetkova
GAPOU "Golyshmanovskii agropedagogicheskii kolledzh" , Тюменская обл

«Setevoe vzaimodeistvie "kolledzh - vuz - predpriiatie»

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The article addresses such areas of production and management in which information technologies are used. Successful activity of the educational organization on interaction with companies that are engaged in production of certain products is possible only in cooperation with higher education institutions and the employer. New information technologies significantly expand the use of information resources in various agricultural sectors.

Publication date: 12.01.2017
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Evgeniia V. Ilina
GBPOU IO "Irkutskii regional'nyi kolledzh pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniia" , Иркутская обл

«K voprosu organizatsii samostoiatel'noi raboty studentov v protsesse muzykal'no-instrumental'noi podgotovki v kolledzhe»

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To teach students to use time efficiently for self-study training solution – one of the conditions for the rational organization of the independent work. With the aim of enhancing the knowledge of new material and mastering professional skills and abilities at the initial stage musical and instrumental training are encouraged to organize a large part of students ' independent work in the form of clear algorithms.