List of publications on a keyword: «train»

Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность

Publication date: 29.09.2016
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Valentin D. Ivanov , candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor , доцент
Nataliia A. Kazakova
FSBEI of HE «Chelyabinsk State University» , Челябинская обл

«Спортивная подготовка и тренировочный процесс по легкой атлетике для лиц с поражением опорно-двигательного аппарата»

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The article discusses sports training and especially training of athletes with lesions of the musculoskeletal system.Athletics for persons with disorders of the musculoskeletal apparatus is a unique and universal means of physical, mental and social rehabilitation.


Publication date: 21.09.2016
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Larisa V. Chernikova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FAI of APE "Novosibirsk Institute of Professional Advancement and Re-training of Educators" , Новосибирская обл

«Scientific and methodological aspects of educational group organization in the process of professional advancement»

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This article presents the experience of studying the organization of professional retraining group "Teacher's education" on the basis of the Novosibirsk IQIRE. The author reveals theoretical and practical issues of adult education organization on the principles of persont-centered and activity approaches. Looking at teachers' interpersonal communication as an essential component of continuing adult education, presented the methodological ideas of teacher's personality in the process of training are shown.


Publication date: 21.09.2016
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Sergei A. Belokurenko , candidate of engineering sciences
Natalia D. Dorokhova , candidate of veterinary medicine
Janna V. Medvedeva , candidate of agricultural sciences
Luybov V. Kobtseva , candidate of agricultural sciences
FSBEI of HE "Altai State Agrarian university" , Алтайский край

«Efficiency improving of safety briefings»

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One of the most effective ways of preventing injuries in manufacturing is safe methods of production training that secures the old and the acquisition of new knowledges, skills improvement and safety skills. According to general theory of сontrol,main links ensuring the effective functioning of systems are control connections. In considered production pedagogical system these relations are manifested in leadership activity of instructor for organization and management of training activities. In order to achieve the desired learning outcome communication defining the interaction between subject and object and wearing control character must be determining issues.

Система образования

Publication date: 16.08.2016
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Yulia D. Koltasheva
MAEI Comprehensive school №68 with DESS , Свердловская обл

«Influence of FSES input on personnel policy in educational institutions»

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The successful introduction of the federal state educational standart requires high-qualified administrative and teaching staff. The main directions and objectives are development and implementation of unified reforms, monitoring of progress, providing of resource maintenance.

Современные педагогические технологии

Publication date: 12.09.2016
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Nikolay I. Pakhomov
Ekaterina D. Ivanova
FSAEI of HE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«New trends in the organization of technical education at secondary technical schools»

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The authors of this article point out, the hallmark of secondary technical education is a practice-oriented approach to the training and motivation of college graduates to education throughout life.

Организация воспитательно-образовательного процесса в ДОУ

Publication date: 14.09.2016
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Irina Y. Pogorelskaya
FBEI "K/g №93 of a compound type" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Development of fine motor skills through non-traditional painting technique among children with speech impairments»

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The article deals with the principles and contents of motor development among preschool children by means of the design and implementation of activities with non-traditional painting techniques. The article describes the role and importance of the process of drawing, not only dealing with the problems of speech therapy, but also in the creative thinking development of pupils, presents the main patterns of holding the lessons.

Взаимодействие ДО с семьей и институтами общества

Publication date: 21.09.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Oksana O. Orekhova , педагог-психолог
MBOEI K/g №53 , Белгородская обл
Oksana V. Martynova
MBDOU "D/S 53" , Белгородская обл

«Modern look at cartoons and their impact on children of preschool age»

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The article deals with the role of the media environment in modern family, reveales a positive impact of "right" video on children's development, highlights the conditions in which children can watch animated films, as well as discusses the negative impact of the animation industry on the psyche of children, recruitment video.

Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Publication date: 31.08.2016
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Ivan I. Danchuk , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSAEI of HE "Southern Federal University" , Ростовская обл

«Revelance of methodical education in high school future Technology teachers to organize project activity of pupils»

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In this article the author defined the relevance of methodological training in modern university of bachelors in technology and pedagogical education in the implementation of project-based pupils teaching. Personal experience of the future teacher of technology, preparing for the upcoming professional activity becomes a training project. It was revealed that the methodical preparation of future teachers allows them to realize that the project activity of pupils during lessons contributes to the development of their personality traits allowing to adapt to the socio-economic conditions, developing creative thinking, the ability to see and solve the problem on their own and to construct their knowledge.

Publication date: 31.08.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Evgenii A. Kurochkin , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HPE "Perm Military Institute of Internal Military Forces of MIA of Russia" , Пермский край

«Военно-эстетическое воспитание будущих офицеров в ходе стажировки»

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The article is devoted to the modern military education of the future officers of military service problem of formation of values in the educational process by acting on their emotional and sensual sphere. It seeks to discover the essence and content and pedagogical way the military and aesthetic education of the future officers in the course of military practice and training

Publication date: 29.08.2016
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Lyudmila B. Dzerjinskaya , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Volgograd state physical culture academy" , Волгоградская обл
Valery V. Prokhorenko
Volgograd branch of FSBEI of HE "Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation" , Волгоградская обл
Gennadii A. Dzerzhinskii , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Volgograd Institute of Management, branch of FSBEI of HE "Russian Presiden-tial Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (The Presidential Academy, RANEPA)" , Волгоградская обл

«The procedure for determining the rating index of the student on the subject "Special physical training", implemented in the Volgograd branch of RANEPA»

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This article provides a procedure for determining the rating of the student on the subject "Special physical training" developed in the department of physical and special training of RANEPA's Volgograd branch, successfully tested during the learning process, taking into account the specificity of the subject and allowing to evaluate a motor preparedness of student as well as and the quality of theoretical knowledge.

Технические средства обучения

Publication date: 31.08.2016
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Nataliya E. Samoilenko , candidate of engineering sciences
Anastasia V. Stepanova
Dmitry D. Chesnakov
FSBEI of HE "Voronezh State Technical University" , Воронежская обл

«Automation of technological disciplines teaching»

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This article discusses the methodology of complex automation of the learning process on the basis of an open environment MOODLE with a possibility to control the received knowledge during learning process and ensuring the performance of accounting and project work.


Publication date: 29.08.2016
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Yulia Y. Vlasova , master of culturology
MBOU "SOSh 50" , Белгородская обл

«Role of family in children upbringing»

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The article discusses the main factors of family's role pedagogical importance in upbringing and formation of the child as an individual.

Publication date: 24.08.2016
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Vitaliy V. Semak
Academy of Engineering and Technology of FSAEI of HE "Southern Federal University" , Ростовская обл

«Training military center in the system of university education»

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The article describes the main features of student's education in military training centers at federal state educational institutions of higher education on military training programs.

Publication date: 15.08.2016
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Dmitry S. Yakovlev , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Vasiliy N. Volodin , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Evgeny A. Garanin
FSBMEI of HE "Tumen Higher Military Engineering Command College named after engineering forces marshall A.I. Proshlyakov , Тюменская обл

«Impartiality in cadet's physical training indexes as an old-fashioned criterion of effectiveness»

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The article is devoted to a very acute problem of impartiality of control trials results on physical training. Thanks to the investigation carried out the authors come to the conclusion that modern requirements objectivity to a physical training level among cadets is conceptual and doesn't comply with reality.

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 02.08.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Alexandr Y. Gribov , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Bunin Yelets State University" , Липецкая обл

«About the elective course "introduction to programming»

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The article describes the elective course "introduction to programming", which is useful for students preparing for the exam in computer science, as well as in case of correct methodics promotes interest in occupations related to ICT and programming.

Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Publication date: 01.07.2016
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Irina V. Istomina , candidate of historical sciences
Svetlana P. Shapovalova , candidate of historical sciences
FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл

«Tecnique of provocation lecture performig for students of historical faculty»

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This article deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of active learning of high school students. The authors present the possibilities of interactive provoking lecture while professional education of students-historians.

Publication date: 01.07.2016
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Vadim V. Semenov , candidate of engineering sciences
Igor V. Medvedev , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HPE "Barnaul juridic institution of MIA of Russia" , Алтайский край

«Features of fighting techniques training for listeners from faculties of professional training of MIA of Russia»

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In this article the authors give a brief analysis of the content of the combat fighting techniques section in the educational institutions of the MIA of Russia in professional training departments.

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 14.07.2016
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Evgenia V. Galiguzova
MBEI "MES №18" IMDSD , Ставропольский край

«Role of off-time work in the formation of world outlook among primary age pupils»

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This article examines the role of off-hour work in the formation of the world outlook among pupils of primary age. After-hour activity is an integral part of the educational process at school, it helps to implement fully the requirements of the federal educational standards of general standard education.

Дополнительное (внешкольное) образование детей

Publication date: 20.07.2016
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Elena N. Homik
Lubov N. Soshenko
Yulia A. Kuzmina
MAUDO "Tsentr dopolnitel'nogo obrazovaniia "Uspekh" , Белгородская обл

«Gaming technologies application in supplementary education of children»

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The actuality of using gaming technology in the system of modern additional education of children is being discussed in the article. In conclusion, the authors concluded that it is important to use gaming technology, contributing to the development of cognitive activity, the revitalization of the pupils, to support interest in the studied material and remove fatigue from children.

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 01.07.2016
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Luydmila U. Meshkova
MPEI Combinatory Kindergarden №105 , Тверская обл

«Improving the preparation of children for school through personal education of the future pupil»

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In this article the author reveals the factors that have a significant impact on improving the training of children for school.


Publication date: 14.07.2016
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Marina S. Zadvornaya
SBEI of APE (PK) of Specialists of St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical University , Санкт-Петербург г

«Problems and ways of development of teachers of preschool educational institutions in the system of additional preschool professional education»

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The article is devoted to the existing modern situation of preschool educational institution teachers training in the system of additional professional education. The need of staff potential development in preschool educational institutions is shown connected with the recess of contradiction between demanded an real level of teachers professional competence, the reasons blocking this process an the ways of improvement of additional professional education system are mentioned.

Publication date: 18.07.2016
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Sofiya S. Umerkaeva , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Culture and Arts Institute of SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г

«Some aspects of practical training of bachelors and masters of welfare activity in condition of pedagogical institute and museum interaction»

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This article deals with the problem of practical training of acafemic bachelors and masters of welfare. The author considers the interaction between pedagogical institute and museum as a factor of practise-oriented training of future specialists for welfare institutions.

Publication date: 28.06.2016
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Mihail K. Romanchenko , candidate of engineering sciences
SAPEI of NPE "Novosibirsk College of Car Service and Public Road System" , Новосибирская обл

«The experience of creating an educational institution of multilevel continuous professional training for preparing working men and specialists»

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Статья представляет исследование автором опыта создания образовательного учреждения многоуровневого непрерывного профессионального образования по подготовке рабочих и специалистов. Автор делится опытом формирования образовательного кластера. Освещаются виды сотрудничества с образовательными учреждениями России. Проводится анализ оптимизации функционирования кадрового ресурса образовательного учреждения. Предложенные выводы предоставляют возможность переноса опыта, приобретенного автором, в практическую деятельность других профессионалов.

Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Publication date: 16.05.2016
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Valeriy N. Grigoryev , candidate of economic sciences , старший преподаватель
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«К вопросу получения компетенций в области организации и экономики лесного комплекса»

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For obtaining the necessary competence in the field of organization and economics of forestry complex specialists Petrozavodsk State University developed a published set of required textbooks.

Общая педагогика

Publication date: 16.05.2016
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Иванникова Марина Викторовна , candidate of pedagogic sciences , старший преподаватель
SBEIHE RC "Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University" , Крым Респ

«Обучение детей народным ремеслам как фактор социализации (на примере традиций крымских татар в подготовке ювелиров)»

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The article is devoted to the issue of the revival in the Crimean region of folk crafts. Shown krymskotatarskogo traditions of the people in learning the art of filigree and the possibility of their use in institutions of primary and secondary education.