List of publications on a keyword: «activity approach»

GBOU "SOSh 260" , Санкт-Петербург г
«A cardinal renewal of the process of teaching schoolchildren in the lessons of a foreign (English) language»

MAOU "SOSh 78" , Кемеровская обл
«The use of instructional maps in biology lessons»

В статье описывается опыт применения инструктивных карт на уроках биологии, его плюсы, методика работы с картами, а так же их наполнения. разъяснена значимость инструктивных карт с позиции требований к реализации ФГОС. The article describes the experience of using instructional maps in biology lessons, its advantages, methods of working with maps, as well as their filling. the importance of instructional maps from the standpoint of requirements for the implementation of the Federal State Budget is explained.
Дополнительное (внешкольное) образование детей

MBUDO "Iunost'" , Белгородская обл
Margarita A. Alekseeva
MBOU "SOSh 46" g. Belgoroda , Белгородская обл
«Patriotic education through the systemic - activity approach in the classroom for visual activity»

In recent years, the problem of patriotic education in Russia has become especially relevant, since the processes of reassessment of moral values and the loss of high spiritual values of being are taking place in society. The article reveals the variety of forms, methods and means used to ensure the effectiveness of patriotic education, including the methods of actively involving children in educational, research and creative activities. On the example of a lesson on visual activity, the principles of the system-activity approach in patriotic education are considered.
Современный урок в контексте реализации ФГОС

MBOU "SSh 8" , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО
«Implementation of a system-activity approach in the teaching of mathematics in the conditions of transition to GEF LLC»

The article "Implementation of the system-activity approach in teaching mathematics in the conditions of transition to the Federal State Educational Standards LLC" reveals the features of the system-activity approach and ways to implement it in line with the use of technology for the development of critical thinking. The focus is on methodological techniques: cluster, insert, sinwain, etc.

МОУ "Средняя школа №128 Дзержинского района Волгограда" , Волгоградская обл
«Types and forms of independent work of students at the lesson of mathematics: activity approach»
Общая педагогика

Liubov N. Pigareva
Natalia A. Lebedianskaia
MBOU "Gimnaziia 1" , Астраханская обл
«Proektnye zadachi v nachal'noi shkole - shag k proektnoi deiatel'nosti v podrostkovoi shkole: iz opyta raboty MBOU g. Astrakhani "Gimnaziia 1»

Annotation. The implementation of the educational standards have called for systemic changes in the educational environment of the gymnasium at the primary level of General education. The changes affected all components of the environment: from the goal to the results of education. The article considers new forms of educational process organization. The authors tell about the organization of educational events of activity orientation, in which primary school students solve different project tasks - subject, interdisciplinary, over-subject, of different ages ones. Their role in providing metasubject educational results is emphasized, for example, the control –and- assessment independence of younger schoolboys is becoming a component of "ability to study".

Institute of Physical, Social and Economic Sciences of FSBEI HE "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University" , Новосибирская обл
«Development of students’ pedagogical abilities during the classes at the pedagogical university»

The problem of professional adaptation and the formation of teachers is covered in the work. The specific of the training of future teachers in the university that is focused on the development of pedagogical abilities is described. On the basis of the personal and activity approach, the examples of assignments are presented in connection with various groups of pedagogical abilities.

Surgut State University , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО
Marina A. Uporova
Vladimir I. Drachev
MBGEI Gymnasium “Salahov Laboratory” , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО
«Electronic textbooks adoption in modern school teaching practice: difficulties and search for solution»

This article discusses the problem of transition to electronic textbooks and proposes ways of effectively applying electronic textbooks are pedagogical technology «quantization» text for organization of independent work of learning and applying technological card as a form of design classes according to the requirements of the system-activity approach.

FSOMEI of HE "Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation , Москва г
«Managemental and action process of a human behavior while posting an information on social networks»

On the basis of the activity and management approaches, modern scientific research in the field of Internet technologies and social networks, the article discusses the stages of involvement, goal-setting, design, implementation and analysis of the results of actions of users of social networks. Used methods of generalization of scientific data and system analysis. Marked features of the activity in the social network. The ways of social regulation of activity in a social network are defined.

ГБОУ «Школа №920» , Москва г
«Gaming activity as a means of implementing the activity approach to the de-velopment of communicative skills of schoolchildren»

In this article we discuss the basic provisions of the pedagogical psychology and pedagogy, related to the game, show the main functions of didactic games for Russian language lessons in school, explain the link between gaming activity and speech activity, explain the need for activity approach to development of communicative skills.
Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)

MBEI "GES of Tarasa" , Иркутская обл
«Развитие личностно-профессионального самоопределения старшеклассников в условиях сельской школы»

In this article various factors of the educational environment of rural school influencing development of personal and professional self-determination of seniors are considered. The author analyzes various theoretical positions of influence of the educational environment on formation of the personality, and also actions for development of personal and professional self-determination of seniors in the conditions of rural school are presented. Results of the forming experiment are presented in article, the following tasks are solved: formation of steady interest in a pedagogical profession; development of need for professional activity, receiving pleasure and satisfaction from pedagogical activity; formation of conviction in further choice of profession.