List of publications on a keyword: «feed»

Технические науки

Publication date: 24.11.2023
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Ding Kai Jian , candidate of engineering sciences , professor
The University of Technology of China , The People's Republic of China

«Ultraprecise weight feed at batching of nanopowder materials»

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In the article the current ways and the equipment for batching of powder шmaterials are considered. On the basis of an estimation of volume feeders accuracy authors revealed a necessity of use instead of them weight feeders: vibratory feeders or feeders of a suspension of powders in gas. There is perspective to use of feeders of suspensions of powders in gases for batching of ultra tiny portions of powders.

Сельское хозяйство

Publication date: 16.04.2021
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Evgenii A. Grishin , postgraduate student
FSBEI of HE "Kurgan State Agricultural Academy by T.S. Maltsev" , Курганская обл

«Morpho-Biochemical and Protein Turnover Readings of Growing Geese Consuming Vitamin Supplements»

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The aim of the study was to examine the protein turnover and morpho-biochemical readings of growing geese taking “Vitammin” feed additive. The control banding poultry received basic diet, the 1st experimental group received the diet with the addition of “Vitammin” in a dose of 0.2 ml/l of water, the 2nd experimental group – 0.5 ml/l of water. The research conducted showed that the use of “Vitammin” feed additive contributed to high-turnover rates and, consequently, improved the oxygen supply to organs and tissues in contrast to the control banding. In case of increasing the dose the additive it was noted that the rates of aerobic respiration increased as well, which is typical for the augmentation of metabolic processes and, subsequently, productivity.

Система образования

Publication date: 30.07.2020
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Andrei V. Riabov
Permskii filial FGAOU VO "Natsional'nyi issledovatel'skii universitet "Vysshaia shkola ekonomiki" , Пермский край

«Modern Methods and Techniques of Personnel Evaluation in Educational Organizations»

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The main issue of this study is a further development of the criteria of personnel evaluation in knowledge-based organizations and application of this method in order to conduct the performance appraisal in terms of a particular company. Two research methods are used: the analysis of the data based on in-depth interviews, and questioning of 130 existing company respondents according to 360-degree feedback model. The results are analyzed and then proposed to the superiors of the company. The following study presents a description of the investigated field context, an analysis of the existing approaches in performance appraisal, chosen methods justification, and results anticipated.


Publication date: 14.12.2018
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Andrei V. Borodin , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Volga Region State University of Technology" , Марий Эл Респ

«Evolution of the Russian citation index as science sociology context»

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An area of research in the present article is process of obtaining new scientific knowledge in the Russian Federation. The factor of influence of institutes of a citation index on efficiency of scientific and technical progress acts as an object of a research. The main results of the conducted research are the sentences on saving of level of motivation of all categories of researchers consisting in implementation of full indexation of content of a scientific digital library of eLIBRARY.RU taking into account the available stratification, but, at least, with saving of full statistics of citings for the lower stratum now excluded.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 30.03.2018
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Andrei V. Borodin , candidate of economic sciences
Dmitrii I. Ivanov
FSBEI of HE "Volga Region State University of Technology" , Марий Эл Респ

«Institutional trap of degradation of the assortment of the computer equipment in the retail market of the Russian Federation»

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The phenomenon of origin of more than 15-year trend of lowering of the assortment of the computer equipment and accessories in the retail market in the Russian Federation is probed. The directions of the institutional transformations capable to break a negative trend are offered and to exert the positive impact on scientific and technical progress in the country.


Publication date: 19.02.2018
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Anastasiia K. Semakina
Andrei V. Borodin , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Volga Region State University of Technology" , Марий Эл Респ

«Institutsional'naia lovushka motivatsii truda v ekonomike Rossiiskoi Federatsii»

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In paper the institutional trap connected to features of employee’s engagement at the enterprises of natural monopolies of the modern Russia is identified. Ways of elimination by the found institutional trap in the context of international experience are considered.

Сельское хозяйство

Publication date: 23.11.2018
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Aigul I. Gazizova , doctor of biological sciences
Firuza K. Balkeeva , bachelor
Alfiia Z. Nurkenova , bachelor
AI "S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University" , Kazakhstan

«The use of vitamin supplements in the diet of birds «Capital Projects LTD» LLP»

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The scientific article describes the modern management of industrial poultry farming at the poultry farm «Capital Projects LTD» LLP. Data on the processes of feeding and maintenance of broilers is presented. The principles of the use of vitamin supplements to increase the meat productivity of poultry are substantiated.

Технические науки

Publication date: 14.06.2018
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Bakhrom S. Otahanov , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor
Husniddin T. Kirgizov , candidate of engineering sciences
Namangan Engineering and Construction Institute , Uzbekistan
Zhasrbek K. Ashurbekov , студент
Андижанский машиностроительный институт , Uzbekistan
Ehlyorzhon H. Mamazhonov , студент
Namangan Engineering and Construction Institute , Uzbekistan

«The machine for trashing flaps of mung bean»

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The article concerns the issues of trashing flaps of mung bean, technology of harvesting, the construction, producing thrashing of the flaps is proposed. Existing three methods of threshing mach culture are presented and analyzed as well as ways of thrashing are described. Advantages and disadvantages of these methods are overseen. According to the patent study the most appropriate device for thrashing of this culture is pointed out. According to studied properties and characteristics of the leaves and mung beans, a new method of threshing  mung bean flaps based on the features of this culture is proposed.


Publication date: 16.04.2018
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Elena G. Sergeeva , doctor of medical sciences
Tatiana V. Ibragimova
Mihail D. Didur , профессор
FGBOU VO "Pervyi Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii universitet im. akademika I.P. Pavlova" Minzdrava Rossii , Санкт-Петербург г

«Biofeedback and correction of cardiac rhythm variability in athletes training for endurance»

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Biofeedback is a technology of diagnosing physiological processes in real time, during which the patient receives information about the state of his own physiological parameters and conducts its self-regulation in the feedback mode organized with the help of microprocessor technology. In sports cardiology, biofeedback mostly stays in demand, aimed at cardiorespiratory synchronization of heart rate variability. The aim of the study – to create an original correcting method of heart rate variability with the use of biofeedback in athletes training for endurance. The study included 61 people (men aged 20-34 years without diseases of the cardiovascular system). The main group (n = 36) was made up of athletes who predominantly train for endurance. Initially for 30 minutes after training all athletes conducted a study of heart rate variability (HRV) according to a standard procedure. Next, by the method of random numbers athletes were divided into three equal groups (12 people each). Group 1 (main) received cardiothoracic sessions. Cardiorespiratory training was conducted daily. The course consisted of 5 sessions, each of which included 8-12 samples of 120 s each. Statistical processing of the obtained data using a single-factor dispersion analysis did not reveal significant differences in the parameters of the athletes of the study groups. It was found that the total heart rate variability after cardiorespiratory training sessions increased by an average of 33.5 ms (or 69.5% of the baseline, p = 0.002). When analyzing the HRV indices in athletes after watching motivational videos and in the athletes of the comparison group, statistically significant differences were not revealed. Thus, it was the original method of biological feedback that had a significant corrective effect on the indices of heart rate variability in athletes training for endurance.


Publication date: 13.12.2017
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Arkadii V. Zharavin
Andrei V. Borodin , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Volga Region State University of Technology" , Марий Эл Респ

«Regional'nye ekonomiki v kontekste protsessov tsentralizatsii estestvennykh monopolii v Rossii»

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The institutional trap connected to processes of optimization and centralization of activities of historically created transregional enterprises and the organizations in the modern Russia is revealed. Ways of overcoming the problems connected to the found institutional trap are offered.

Система образования

Publication date: 03.08.2017
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Oksana I. Bychkova
Sevastopol Pedagogical College named after P.K. Menkov , Севастополь г

«Качество образовательных услуг в контексте современных задач системы профессионального образования»

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Modern stage of modernization of the vocational education system makes new demands not only of educational institutions but also to the quality of the educational services they provide. Objective to ensure the availability of quality services in the new environment associated with the transition to the organizational models of individualized vocational education.

Исторические науки

Publication date: 13.12.2016
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Ekaterina I. Potekhina
FSBEI of HE "M.E. Evsevev Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute" , Мордовия Респ

«Социально-политическое развитие единого Российского государства во второй половине XV в»

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The article deals with the socio-political system of a single Russian state in the second half of the XV century, analyzes the formation of the Tsar's court in the reign of Ivan III.

Психологические науки

Publication date: 02.06.2016
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Marta D. Ladeh
Natalya M. Gorchakova
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Time perception by women with eating behavior problems»

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Для изучения взаимосвязи временной перспективы, а также ее влияния на структуру пищевого поведения было обследовано 52 женщины с нарушениями пищевого поведения, не озабоченные проблемой снижения веса и довольные своей внешностью. Чем в большей степени участницы исследования не уверены в себе и в возможности контролировать свою жизнь, чем им труднее «понимать» и распознавать свои эмоции, тем негативнее на аффективном уровне они воспринимают свою жизнь и прошлую, и настоящую.

Сельское хозяйство

Publication date: 25.01.2017
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Tatiana M. Romanenko , candidate of biological sciences
Yuriy P. Vylko
Anastasia B. Filippova
Naryan-Mar Branch FSFIS Federal Research Center for Integrated Arctic Research RAS , Ненецкий АО

«Modern problems of land management of reindeer pastures»

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The article presents research-based materials, indicating the current problems of land of reindeer pastures in the Nenets Autonomous District, which are expressed by a lack of large- and medium-scale geobotanical maps that capture the state of the vegetation cover under the influence of agro-climatic and anthropogenic impacts and regional norms of feeding the reindeer for solutions on the rational use of pastures.


Publication date: 05.07.2016
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Nina V. Miklashevich , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Irina G. Sarkisova
Nina B. Yakovenko
SEI of HPE “Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture” , Ukraine

«Organization of students’ knowledge control in the process of distance learning»

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The article observes the main problems of organizing and carrying out the educational diagnosis in distance learning. Studying different approaches to monitoring showed that such control types as routine control and self-control are more efficient and effective. There is a difficulty of carrying out the control in distance learning: the need for accurate identification of the learner's personality. Despite existing technologies and recent developments in this area, the problem of preventing the test results from falsification is not fully resolved. According to the authors, the basic type of routine control when educating distantly remains the student obligatory attendance.

Общая психология и психология личности

Publication date: 19.07.2016
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Eduard E. Zatsepin
Academy of Pedagogy and Psychology of FSAEI of HE "Southern Federal University" , Ростовская обл
Carine A. Babyants , candidate of psychological sciences
FSAEI of HE "Southern Federal University" , Ростовская обл

«Meditation as a method of psychological correction of emotional stress on the example of biofeedback»

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This article discusses meditation as a method of psychological correction of emotional stress on the example of biofeedback. The material could be practically significant not only to correct the emotional stress of the individual, but also for those who suffer from phobias, addictions, to form the necessary psycho-physiological status of stressful occupations persons.

Инновационные принципы и подходы организации учебной деятельности

Publication date: 17.03.2016
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Evgenia V. Petrova
Vladivostok Presidential Cadet School , Приморский край

«Encouraging learners to create language-learning materials»

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In this article, the educational value of learner-produced materials is highlighted and methods to encourage students to create materials are discussed. Some material development activities aimed at empowering learners to practice and improve their English are described.

Система образования

Publication date: 26.11.2015
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«Модель региональной системы обратной связи по выявлению удовлетворенности педагогического сообщества Крыма и Севастополя качеством образовательных услуг в сфере дополнительного образования»

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The solution to the problems facing the education system of Sevastopol and the Crimea, is impossible without changing the existing approaches to additional education of teachers and updating it, improving the organisation and management mechanism of this system, as well as improvement of the educational process. In order to ensure quality in order to identify satisfaction of teachers the quality of educational services, it is necessary to introduce a model of feedback.