List of publications on a keyword: «Society»

[22.00.00] Социологические науки

Publication date: 22.12.2016
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Bayan M. Ibraeva , candidate of philological sciences
Anna N. Kaizhanova
Private institution «Bolashak» , Kazakhstan

«Sexism in modern American society»

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The authors of the article consider that modern life is still full of various stereotypes. One of the most controversial questions in this article is the issue of discrimination against women in contemporary American society, and it is hard to believe, because this country claims to be a main guarantor of the human rights and freedoms.


Publication date: 30.09.2016
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Nurmira K. Karasheva
Osh State University , Kyrgyzstan

«Structure of existence and development of the company»

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In this paper, using the method of conditionality attempt to study the laws of development of human society. It was concluded that in any case the spiritual conditions in contrast to the material have an indirect impact on society, and the number of mediating factors can make certain adjustments to certain aspects of the information transmitted.


Publication date: 26.07.2016
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Lev S. Yakovlev , doctor of sociological sciences
Olesya A. Sirotenko
Volga Region Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin (branch) of FSBEI of HE “The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration” , Саратовская обл

«Gender inequality in the context of russian community social polarization: youth aspect»

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In modern Russian society there is no holistic, single view of social polarization. It is caused by a number of controversial compound of cultural traditions. Ther is also no single relation to gender inequality. In these circumstances the younger generations are trying to build a compensatory strategies of gender relations. These strategies are not always adequate and this fact becomes one of of family crisis factors.


Publication date: 02.08.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Kristina D. Vorojko , senior lecturer
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Stereotype as a socio-cultural phenomenon in Russian and foreign researches’ studies»

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This article is devoted to socio-cultural phenomenon of stereotyping as an object of studies of Russian and Western linguists. This study is intended for students specialized in philology and also for mainstream audience.


Publication date: 25.07.2016
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Sergei I. Ponomarenko , candidate of juridical sciences
Chekhov Taganrog Institute (Branch) of FSBEI of HE "Rostov State Economic University" , Ростовская обл

«The development of rhythmic abilities among of secondary school age pupils»

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In modern Russian society there is no holistic, single view of social polarization. It is caused by a number of controversial compound of cultural traditions. There is no single relation to gender inequality. In these circumstances, the younger generations are trying to build a compensatory strategies of gender relations. These strategies are not always adequate, that becomes one of the family crisis factors.

Publication date: 06.07.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 1)
Olga V. Leshhenko
Pskov branch of “The Academy of the Federal Penal Service of Russia” , Псковская обл

«Revisiting the understanding of legal consciousness review of convicted minors»

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Under the modern reform of social and legal sphere in the Russian state and expansion of citizens’ legal consciousness it is important is to understand legal consciousness review as a unique and holistic phenomenon. The author analyses current rules of the state which promote legal consciousness of convicted minors. The research presents the modern understanding of such phenomenon as legal consciousness review of convicted minors as a condition reflecting individual’s consciousness in understanding laws and statutes.


Publication date: 03.06.2016
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Nadezhda I. Sevryugina , candidate of sociological sciences
NAN PEI of HE "Academy of Marketing and Social Technologies - IMSIT" , Краснодарский край

«Culture and social interaction»

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The article considers the concepts of culture and social interaction. The author outlines the impact of culture on people and discusses how social interaction changes the world.

Филология и лингвистика

Publication date: 26.01.2017
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Vera P. Pylaikina , candidate of philological sciences
FSFEI of HE "Ural State Pedagogical University" , Свердловская обл

«Marital terms and linguacultural gender»

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Grammatical category of old English nouns has transformed into a linguacultural category in modern English. Semantic analysis of the lexical meaning of nouns denoting human beings reveals the covert attitude of society to them. In modern English the attitude is mostly negative to both men and women. Semantic analysis of terms denoting fathers and mothers reveal new trends in the society, gender asymmetries, connotations and hidden implications.


Publication date: 12.10.2016
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Goar S. Mkoyan , candidate of sociological sciences
Armenian State Pedagogical University named after Kh. Abovyan , Armenia

«The role and importance of free time in the formation of social and cultural values in the modern society of Armenia»

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The article considers the problem of a culture of free time as a factor in the formation of modern society that has entered the era of globalization, which provides opportunities for a variety of leisure activities and at the same time creates a problematic situation for the person associated with the effective use of leisure potential for the development of leisure culture of the person. The aim of this study was to examine the role and leisure time value in the formation of social and cultural values ​​in our society between two generations - today's youth (18 to 30 years) and the older generation (56 to 66 years), to identify the particular preferences among the two generations in the field of leisure, to provide a comparative analysis and assessment of the data. Before the author had the task of considering the organization of free time as a scientific and social problems, its effective implementation representatives of the two age groups, the disclosure of the content of free time was the concept of culture. In the study, quantitative and qualitative methods of sociological research were used: unstructured participant observation, expert interviews, interviews (questionnaires) in compliance with the quota sample of the population composition of the proportions by gender and age. In the analysis the author focused on such objective indicators of the quality of free time as a variety of leisure activities, especially the preferences of the two generations in the recreation (degree of interest in reading, turning to information and communication technologies, the frequency of visits to cultural and leisure facilities and so on.). The article substantiates the idea that free time acquires its true value when it is directed to the full development of the person and the acquisition of their socio-cultural values ​​as well as with the growth of free time, the role of self-development and reduced the share of inactive leisure.

Общая педагогика

Publication date: 05.09.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 2)
Larisa E. Ushakova
MBEI "primary school №1" , Хабаровский край

«Children with disabilities and contemporary society»

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This article deals with the problem of social adaptation of children with disabilities. In Russia, it is a pressing question, which is associated with the problems of children in modern society, from legislation and social organizations, to the environment in which their families live.


Publication date: 29.04.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 14)
Tatyana N. Starkova
Leonid G. Popov
Federal State Educational Budget-Financed Institution of Higher Vocational Education The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications , Санкт-Петербург г

«Unified information space – the community of informationally available people»

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Different organizations are under the conditions of migration. The problems with supplying them with access to people by means of communication services is observed in this article. For this purpose, we demonstrate the use of existing services, which were verified by comparative analysis of the possibilities offered by the mobile operators and conducting the survey in small groups. We propose the idea of personal data synchronization by the subscriber’s request.

Социологические науки

Publication date: 15.01.2016
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Fatima A. Cheldieva
FSBEI of HE "Pyatigorsk State University" , Ставропольский край
Fatima I. Mamchueva
FGBOU VO "Severo-Kavkazskaia gosudarstvennaia gumanitarno-tekhnologicheskaia akademiia" , Карачаево-Черкесская Респ

«Религиозно-политические конфликты и пути их решения»

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This article describes religious and political conflicts and the ways of its solving. It considers the dialogue between the state and society in resolving these religious and political conflicts.

Наука и инновации в современном мире и изменения социальных ценностей

Publication date: 20.04.2016
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Vladimir F. Gorokhov , candidate of philosophical sciences
FSAEI of HE «National Nuclear Research University MEPhI» , Москва г

«Мультикультурные коммуникации на примере отдельного советского региона (из личного опыта мультикультурной коммуникации)»

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The research deals with the historical aspects of the multicultural society, the example of a single Soviet region, formerly known as Bessarabia. The author was an active member of multicultural events that took place there in 50–70 years of the XX century. Introduced material can be considered as the primary source, produced by the method of participant observation and analytical generalization. Author implemens the first reflection on cultural studies.


Publication date: 14.12.2015
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«Научно-исследовательская работа студентов: организация научного творчества вузовской молодежи»

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Research work of students and postgraduates is an important part of the quality assurance system. The volume and structure of knowledge is only one part of the qualitative characteristics of modern education. Therefore, the most important component in the process of formation of future specialists in the system of higher education is research work of students (NIRS).

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 28.04.2016
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Alevtina P. Anikina
Insitute "Higher School of Education" of FSBEI of HPE "Moscow State University of Education" , Москва г

«Развитие сетевого взаимодействия в дошкольном образовании»

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In this article the author reveals the reformation processes in the pre-school sector, the introduction of forms and methods of updating the educational and educational process of preschool education, the emergence of new requirements for the training of professional qualified staff working with preschool children, carried out jointly with the parents of pupils and sotsstrukturami socialization of a preschool child.

Образовательная среда высшего учебного заведения

Publication date: 20.04.2016
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Nadezhda A. Avdeeva
Elena A. Markovskaia
FSAEI of HE «Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia» , Москва г

«Современное европейское общество и его педагогические системы в борьбе с феноменом радикализации молодежи»

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This article analyses the development of Islamic radicalism in Europe as a result of the war in Syria, the financial crisis and aggravated situation in the middle East and the Maghreb is gaining momentum in many countries, attracting to its ranks the young minds. In France, where a very high Muslim population, these young people have become the focus of the instigators of jihadism.


Publication date: 18.04.2016
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Svetlana V. Sherstobitova
FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл
Aleksandra S. Golosova
Iuridicheskii institut FGAOU VO "Belgorodskii gosudarstvennyi natsional'nyi issledovatel'skii universitet" , Белгородская обл

«Особенности отраслевого спектра действия принципов права в обеспечении прав и свобод человека и гражданина»

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This article raises important legal problem of understanding the principles of law. The authors analyze various aspects of the functions of the principles of law in the domestic legal environment, focusing on strengthening the enforcement orientation in respecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the development of civil society.

Современные педагогические технологии

Publication date: 23.03.2016
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Natalia V. Fedorishcheva
Nina M. Galkina , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Tekhnologicheskii institut (filial) FGBOU VO "Donskoi gosudarstvennyi tekhnicheskii universitet" , Ростовская обл

«Современное образование в условиях развития IT-технологий»

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The paper deals with the development of modern education and information and communication technology, introduce the students in the learning process. The analysis of the characteristics of e-learning system e-learning. And revealed the necessity of the application of this technology in modern conditions.


Publication date: 19.03.2016
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Ekaterina E. Sinkevich
ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный машиностроительный университет (МАМИ)» , Москва г

«Особенности процессов глобализации в сферах общественного развития на современном этапе мировой интеграции»

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In this study, the author conducted a study of globalization. The impact of globalization on the formation and development of society, global integration and differentiation of society. The relationship of globalization processes and the different spheres of society.

Publication date: 11.03.2016
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Ekaterina E. Sinkevich
Elena V. Bateeva , candidate of juridical sciences
ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный машиностроительный университет (МАМИ)» , Москва г

«Анализ права человека на забвение в рамках информационного общества»

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This article analyzes the human rights in the information society. The aspects of the right to be forgotten in the Russian Federation.


Publication date: 02.02.2016
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Vladinir V. Kovrov , candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor , доцент
Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Inclusive Education of Humanities-Pedagogical Academy (Brunch) FSAEI of HE "V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University" , Крым Респ
Galina S. Kozhukhar , candidate of psychological sciences
ГБОУ ВО «Московский городской психолого-педагогический университет» , Москва г

«Риски формирования российской идентичности в современной образовательной практике Республики Крым: теоретическое обоснование и методический инструментарий исследования»

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The article presents the theoretical approaches and methodological tools for the study of empirical mo-monitoring surveys to identify the risks and threats to the formation of the Russian identity of students in modern educational practice (based on the study of life of students in the educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea). The article presents a study of the diagnostic package profiles and techniques for students in grades 9-11.

Бухгалтерский учет, анализ, аудит, статистика

Publication date: 26.11.2015
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Mariia V. Saveleva
Svetlana A. Strekalova
FSBEI of HE "Siberian State Industrial University" , Кемеровская обл

«Анализ моральной статистики в России»

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This article describes the performance of moral statistics of Russia. Analyzed the number of registered crimes committed in different years. Based on the data presented, it was concluded.

Социология (гендерная социология, экосоциология и др.)

Publication date: 22.01.2016
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Polina V. Pedanova
Oksana F. Volochaeva , candidate of sociological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Pyatigorsk State University" , Ставропольский край

«Некоторые подходы к рассмотрению влияния СМИ на социум»

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This article describes the different ways of influence of the media on society. The material includes the power's characteristic of influence of mass media on individuals and the effects resulting from this exposure.

Философия (этика, эстетика, религиоведение, философия культуры, философии науки и др)

Publication date: 25.01.2016
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Sergei I. Chudinov , candidate of philosophical sciences
FSEI of HE "Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciences" , Новосибирская обл

«Цивилизационные аспекты национальной безопасности»

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The article examines the problem of civilizational dimension of security strategy. The last is always enunciates in accordance with the mental attitudes, social and cultural features of a particular civilization. On the example of the evolution of US national security strategy the article shows how the transition from the modernist paradigm of development into a turbulent society predetermines change of the strategy of global security.

Педагогические науки

Publication date: 08.02.2016
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Anastasiia A. Levchenko
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of FSBEI of HPE "Orenburg State Pedagogical University" , Оренбургская обл

«Сравнительный анализ профессионального самоопределения подростка в школе на Западе и в России»

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The article presents the analysis of the development of domestic occupational activities and Western. Identified psychological and socio-economic causes of the problem of professional self-determination. And analyzed the levels acting factor in the development of career counseling in the community