Yakovlev Lev Sergeevich

Author's articles(17)

Стратегия управления талантами как ключевой элемент развития многоуровневой системы образования



В статье затрагиваются вопросы интеграции систем управления талантами в среднюю и высшую школу как одного из важнейших компонентов реформы образования. Управление талантами может быть эффективно только в качестве целостной системы, предполагающей последовательное управление всеми этапами карьеры. Авторы статьи перспективными представляют действия, связанные с использованием в образовательных учреждениях современных технологий менеджмента талантов и разработанных для них программных продуктов, пересмотром принципов продвижения выпускников, практическим участием университетов в разработке корпор...

Кинодискурсы в механизме смены парадигм гендерных отношений



стилистика гендерных отношений выступает стабилизатором и, в то же время, катализатором изменений для всех сфер социальной жизни. Кризис общества модерна сопряжен со сменой парадигм гендерных взаимодействий. Эта смена находит отражение в кинодискурсе и одновременно осуществляется с его помощью. Изменения культурных ориентаций через сдвиги в системах ценностей воздействуют на модели социального поведения.

Конструирование визуальных репрезентаций системных конфликтов



one of the most important characteristics of modern societies was the growing importance of the media in the sphere of social communications system. Analysis pool biographical movie about Steve Jobs demonstrates the potential of simulation of social conflicts in the feature film. Through interpersonal conflicts re-presented the system of socio-cultural contradictions of the transition to an information society.

Профессиональное самоопределение в модельном бизнесе в контексте эволюции государственной политики в fashion-индустрии



the scope of the fashion business, which developed in the Soviet period is uneven, only a small degree can be based on historical tradition. It is necessary to study the processes of professional self-determination of the people working in this field. Acquires social meaning popularization of the objective content of the profession model.

Conflict interpretations of family relations among young people



in modern societies, mechanisms of open implementation of conflicts become a component of social relations restructuring. The least significant, these processes mediating gender interactions. Our analysis of narrative interviews with young men and girls revealed a trend of privatization of conflict, the interpretation of social contradictions are transferred to the personal level. The real basis of conflict, thus, are the contradictions associated with the change in family patterns.

Gender inequality in the context of russian community social polarization: youth aspect



in modern Russian society there is no holistic, single view of social polarization. It is caused by a number of controversial compound of cultural traditions. Ther is also no single relation to gender inequality. In these circumstances the younger generations are trying to build a compensatory strategies of gender relations. These strategies are not always adequate and this fact becomes one of of family crisis factors.

Socio-cultural context of reviewing the gender contract



the article is devoted to the problem of gender inequality in Russian community. The authors describe gender structure of Russian people on the basis of analysis of gender construction practice, investigate self-presentations in the Internet, perspectives of gender contract changes. The research also covers the relation of young generation to their gender roles.

Концептуализация проектирования образов социальной рекламы



The perspective of using technologies for designing images of commercial advertising is considered in social advertising. Widely used in the promotion of products of well-known brands of animation characters allows you to emphasize the semantic aspects of the advertising message associated with the universal characteristics of objects. This approach may well be shifted to the field of social advertising, in many cases carrying out the representation of universal values.

Student theatrical studios as the agent of socialization of youth



in the article the significance of the practices of participation in theater studios for the processes of socialization of young men and girls is substantiated. Practices of operating, participants in stage activities, cultural forms, as ways of their deconstruction and creative development are considered. The possibilities of a dialogue between amateur theaters and the public are articulated, as a form of integration of youth into social space.

Conceptualization of the magistracy in the paradigm of continuing education.



the article analyzes the perspective of a multi-level education system in Russia, taking into account the peculiarities of the historical tradition. The necessity of revising the paradigm of education in the transition from the industrial to the informational society is substantiated. Positioning magistracy, as a step in the system of continuous education.

Prospects of incorporating the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the practice of promoting fashion industry products



The article substantiates the productivity of use, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the opportunities created by the development of youth fashion. Fashion has become an effective tool for socio-cultural communication, which forms values for young men and women. Particularly productive is the use of social networking sites to promote a healthy lifestyle, as appropriate to the notion of fashion.

Setevoi marketing kak prostranstvo zaniatosti molodezhi



в статье артикулируется актуальность проблем сетевого маркетинга как значимого и противоречивого фактора организации экономического пространства современной России. Выявляются позитивные и негативные аспекты молодежного участия в сетевом маркетинге на эмпирическом материале. Проектируются перспективы государственного воздействия на отношения в сфере сетевой торговли.

Tranzitsiia modelei sem'i v sovremennom rossiiskom obshchestve v vospriiatii studencheskoi molodezhi



в данной статье анализируются дискурсы кризиса семьи в российском обществе. Констатируется переходный характер семейных отношений на современном этапе, ситуация смены доминирующей модели семьи. Выявляются характерные для российской молодежи представления о функциях семьи, ее оптимальных формах.

Problems of correction of sociocultural deprivation in the processes of youth socialization



Clarifies the problematization of socio-cultural deprivation in relation to the processes of socialization. The structure of sociocultural deprivation is analyzed. The generation gap is conceptualized in the paradigm of cultural deprivation. The necessity of discontinuing the cultural tradition is articulated as giving rise to the possibility, but not the necessity, of conflicts. The material of the case-study highlights the types of sociocultural deprivation of adolescents. Prospects for optimizing the processes of cultural integration in work with young people are being designed.

The role of dance culture in the socialization of youth



The article analyzes the potential of dance culture in the processes of socialization of youth. It is shown that in the space of dance culture a successful synthesis of the effects on children and adolescents of the family and social forms of education is carried out. Potential contradictions of reproduction are highlighted, and, moreover, attitudes toward opposing male and female gender strategies. The correlation in the personal development of the components associated with the integration into the dance culture and education is conceptualized. The contradictions generated by the affirmation...

Kommunikativnoe vzaimodeistvie organov vlasti i naseleniia v sfere optimizatsii gorodskoi sredy



The article substantiates the need to ensure a dialogue mode of interaction between the authorities and the population as the basis for ensuring the effectiveness of communication processes. The level of complexity of the modern urban environment suggests the need for multi-level communication. The construction of such a system maybe based on mechanisms to support the integration of citizens into the processes of organizing the urban environment.

Potentsial sotsial'nykh setei kak instrumenta realizatsii sotsial'noi politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii



в статье обосновывается значимость, в современных условиях, интеграции возможностей интернет-сообществ для разработки и реализации проектов в сфере социальной политики. В рамках компаративного анализа выделяется опыт московской мэрии в реорганизации информационно-коммуникативного пространства города. Утверждается необходимость утверждения диалогового режима как ключевого условия обеспечения эффективности реорганизации информационного поля социальной политики.