List of publications on a keyword: «identity»
Социология (гендерная социология, экосоциология и др.)
Anastasiia A. Seredinskaia , degree-seeking student
Volga Region Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin (branch) of FSBEI of HE “The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration” , Саратовская обл
«Evolution of interpretations of the concept of authenticity in the era of information»
The article examines the internal contradictions of discourses of authenticity as a social phenomenon in modern conditions. Based on the analysis of discourses of positioning copies of popular products on the market, the concepts of counterfeit, copy, simulacrum are differentiated. Prerequisites for developing proposals for optimizing approaches to correcting the perception of advertising strategies by young people are outlined.
Культурология и искусствоведение
Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn , Kyrgyzstan
«Cultural identity and self-determination of a person on the example of the memory of a stone»
Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn , Kyrgyzstan
«The Idea of Memory in the Context of «the Secret Garden» by Frances Hodgson Burnett»
The importance of memory is difficult to underestimate. Not only does it help us to reinforce our cultural identity, but it also gives us an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and be more successful in the future. Yet some people tend to forget how precious and significant their memories are. And I do believe that it is high time we walked down memory lane and tried to set things right.
Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г
«The system of patriotic education of Russian schoolchildren: value orientations and educational tasks»
The formation of the personality of a modern schoolboy presupposes the assimilation of a system of values that together allow you to form an attitude towards society, yourself, people, culture, and the world as a whole. The value (everything that can be of some importance to people), assimilated by a person, form the basis of the content of education. The task of education is to form the appropriate value orientations – the value relations of the subject to the objects and phenomena of reality. Any value acquires true meaning if it is included in a certain educational system.
Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность
Audrone L. Dumchene , doctor of sociological sciences, doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
Lithuanian Sports University , Lithuania
«The Expression of the Athletics Identity of Young Basketball Players»
The study aimed to find out the differences in athletic identity between young (16–18 years old) basketball players. It was found that many indicators of the athletic identity of young basketball players selected for the national team were higher than those not invited to the national team. For they were highly expressed the negative affectivity.
Парадигмы современного образования
Institute of social and humanitarian education Moscow Pedagogical State University , Москва г
«Politika Vengrii v sfere obrazovaniia kak instrument "miagkoi sily»
The article analyzes the educational policy of Hungary as a tool for forming components of «soft power»: the image of the state in the world public opinion, the socialization of compatriots abroad and the possibility of their use as agents of influence in solving both foreign policy and internal political tasks. The author considers the possibilities of using various methods of forming the attractiveness of education within the framework of social policy, as well as the policy towards national minorities.
Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность
ГУО «Академия последипломного образования» , Belarus
«Проблемы в становлении гендерной идентичности спортсменок в традиционно мужских видах спорта»
The article touches gendernoy authentication of sportswomen in those types of sport, which are traditionally considered masculine. The circle of types of sport which accustoms women broadens constantly. However attitude of society toward it not simply, that tells on the psychological state of sportswomen. Probably, specific psychological accompaniment can be required them.
Omsk State Pedagogical University , Омская обл
Gulmira R. Sheriazdanova , candidate of political sciences , associate professor
Kazakh national agrarian university , Kazakhstan
«Identity phenomenon: specificity and aspects of understanding»
FSFEI og HE "Perm State University of Culture" , Пермский край
«Razvitie tvorcheskikh sposobnostei mladshikh podrostkov v ramkakh deiatel'nosti khorovogo proizvedeniia-deistva»
This monograph considers the relevance of research, degree of its readiness, its purposes and tasks, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical importance of the work, methodology and methods of research, the main results of research, degree of reliability and approbation of results and states the recommendations and prospects of further examination of the topic.
Филология и лингвистика (русская литература, фольклористика, журналистика, языкознание, прикладная лингвистика и др)
FSBEI of HE "Cherepovets State University" , Вологодская обл
«Gender identity of the characters of M.I. Tsvetaeva's "On the Red Horse" in the aspect of the author's concept of life creation»
История и политология (археология, этнография, этнология и антропология, историография и др.)
FSAEI of HE "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ
«Северо-Кавказский имамат как пример радикализации суфийского ислама»
The article examines the mechanisms for replacing traditional religious values with the political aggressive ambitions of various political groups. The author studies the question of the fairness of the identification of religious dogma and political actions, declaratively performed on behalf of this religion.
Этнография и историческая антропология
FGBUK Rostovskoi oblasti "Razdorskii etnograficheskii muzei-zapovednik" , Ростовская обл
Anna P. Ivashchenko
FSFEI of HE “Rostov State Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Ростовская обл
«Cultural forms of thinking as translation-communicative basis of the individual»
Social psychology approach to cultural dynamics used by the authors formed within the framework of the cultural and historical concept is a comparative analysis of cultural-historical process that helps to identify its main characteristic features of a particular cultural community, which are the most sustainable socio-cultural entities (cultural forms) and perform translation-communication function of the culture impact on personality development and social relations. The authors concluded that cultural forms were the main determinants of socio-cultural identification with internal mechanism – cultural forms of thinking
[19.00.00] Психологические науки
FSBI “Saint-Petersburg V.M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute” , Санкт-Петербург г
Sergey P. Shklyaruk , candidate of medical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г
«The dynamics of socio-psychological adaptation of adolescents engaged in artistic creativity»
This article presents a study of the dynamics of socio-psychological adaptation in adolescents during the course of pictorial arts. 60 teenagers aged 13 to 17 years have been participating in a longitudinal study for three years, systematically involved and not involved in pictorial art. It has been found that the creative adolescents have lower level of neuro-psychological adaptation and higher level of subjective feelings of loneliness than non-creative adolescents. But creative teenagers have significantly higher self-esteem, level of aspiration and satisfaction in achieving success and lower anxiety in relationships with adults. The influence of the creative group reflected on such personal qualities as: self-confidence, credibility among peers, ability to do things with their hands, social identity, loneliness, frustration needs in achieving success, problems and fears in relations with adults. The personal characteristics of creative adolescents have been identified. These characteristics distinguish them from others teenagers, and the effect of the creative group and creative activity indirectly on the personal qualities of adolescents.
FSAEI of HE "Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University" , Калининградская обл
«Specifics of the implicit expression of the author’s gender identity in 19th and 20th century German-language female memories»
This article covers the expression of implicit gender identity of the subject of speech activity in the 19th and 20th century women's memories. The study revealed that implicit gender aspects associated with linguistic ascertainment of gender stereotypes presented in female linguistic material form the lexico-semantic category of “Character”. Within this category, the lexico-semantic sub-categories “Emotionality”, “Fearfulness and diffidence” and “Dreaminess” play a significant role, representing the corresponding stereotypes.
FSBI “Saint-Petersburg V.M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute” , Санкт-Петербург г
Sergey P. Shklyaruk , candidate of medical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г
«The influence of creativity on the process of adaptation in the period of teenagers’ crisis»
This paper studies the influence of regular pictorial creativity class and the environment of creative groups on overcoming the adolescent crisis. Each of 60 students was given a battery of tests. Psychological adaptation, self-esteem and level of aspiration, identity, the subjective sense of loneliness and school anxiety have been studied. The data of descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U criterion for nonparametric tests for two independent samples has been processed. It is concluded that adolescents in non-permanent creative groups have a reduced level of neuropsychic adaptation and self-esteem and also high levels of subjective loneliness and frustration in achieving success, compared with adolescents from the constant creative and uncreative groups.
Исторические науки
Nadezhda F. Belyaeva , doctor of historical sciences
FSBEI of HE "M.E. Evsevev Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute" , Мордовия Респ
«Modern institutes of ethnic culture broadcast of Mordva»
The article deals with the problems of preservation and development of ethnic culture Mordovians, characterized by ideological basis of ethnicity to mobilize for the return of ethnic and cultural heritage, analyzed the practical experience of ethnic socialization, it shows the role of modern institutions of ethnic culture translations.
Olga D. Biserova
Volga Region Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin (branch) of FSBEI of HE “The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration” , Саратовская обл
«Socio-cultural context of reviewing the gender contract»
The article is devoted to the problem of gender inequality in Russian community. The authors describe gender structure of Russian people on the basis of analysis of gender construction practice, investigate self-presentations in the Internet, perspectives of gender contract changes. The research also covers the relation of young generation to their gender roles.
Культурология и искусствоведение
FSBEI of HPE "South Russian State Polytechnical University named after M. I. Platov" , Ростовская обл
«Graphic design of Japanese university symbols»
История и политология
Linkoping University , Sweden
«Creation of the «Other» as a Way to Solidify European Identity»
Филология и лингвистика (русская литература, фольклористика, журналистика, языкознание, прикладная лингвистика и др)
FSBMEI of HE "Military Academy of Army Air Defence of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky" of the Russian Defense Ministry , Смоленская обл
«The concept of "linguistic identity": the history of the origin, significance, typology»
The article considers the problem of "linguistic identity" interpretation in the historical retrospect. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of existing classifications of the phenomenon under study. The conclusion about the need of further systematization of knowledge on the subject is made.
Larisa V. Lejnina , doctor of psychological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Mari State University" , Марий Эл Респ
«On the question of educational and professional motivation of military cadets»
This article examines the role of educational and professional motivation of students of military schools in adolescence. The authors emphasize that formed at the future officers sustained educational and professional motivation becomes the basis for the development of an urgent desire to improve professional skills and personality traits in the course of military service.
FBPEI K/g №7 of Primorye District , Санкт-Петербург г
«Gender approach in preschool children upbringing in the conditions of preschool institution»
This article describes the challenges faced by teachers while implementation of gender education in a preschool institution. The authors note targets for the successful development of boys and girls, that in the future makes a significant impact on personal development and enable them to be successful in today's society.
Филология и лингвистика (русская литература, фольклористика, журналистика, языкознание, прикладная лингвистика и др)
FSBEI of HE "Cherepovets State University" , Вологодская обл
«Auto-document as a way of verbal existence of the author (based on notebooks of V. Nijinsky and M. Kuzmin's "Diary of 1934")»
FSBEI of HE "Ivanovo State University" , Ивановская обл
«Specificity of the Soviet time language situation»
FSBEI of HE "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University" , Новосибирская обл