List of publications on a keyword: «ERP»


Publication date: 14.11.2018
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Nikolai A. Sokolov , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences , Ведущий научный сотрудник
Sergei N. Larin , candidate of engineering sciences , старший научный сотрудник
Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences “Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS” , Москва г

«Impact of sanctions restrictions on the competitiveness of enterprises»

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Sanctions restrictions had a negative impact on the competitiveness of domestic enterprises, because they put them in obviously unfavorable conditions. Therefore, the concept of competitiveness has acquired a new economic essence in relation to the conduct by Russian enterprises of competitive struggle in international markets. As a result of the study, the notion of enterprise competitiveness in the context of sanctions restrictions was clarified, and the expediency of taking into account their impact on the competitiveness of individual enterprises in the context of their implementation of plans and development programs as part of their import substitution strategies was justified.

Publication date: 13.11.2018
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Aleksandra N. Znamenskaia
Sergei N. Larin , candidate of engineering sciences , старший научный сотрудник
Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences “Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS” , Москва г

«Marketing tools for developing strategies for enterprise development»

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The impact of sanctions restrictions on the development of the country's economy, as well as the problems encountered in the activities of industrial enterprises. Recommendations on the adaptation of economic entities to new economic conditions that can be used in the development of a development strategy based on the use of marketing tools are presented.

Publication date: 13.11.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Sergei N. Larin , candidate of engineering sciences , старший научный сотрудник
Aleksandra N. Znamenskaia
Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences “Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS” , Москва г

«Problems and forecasts of the strategic development of enterprises in the context of sanctions restrictions»

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A brief analysis of the impact of sanctions restrictions on the development of industrial enterprises has been carried out. Sources of intra-corporate strategic development of industrial enterprises as independent economic entities are proposed, taking into account the peculiarities of the impact of sanctions restrictions and other factors of external instability.

Технические науки

Publication date: 10.12.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 7)
Gleb D. Biryuk
FSAEI of HE "Far Eastern Federal University" , Приморский край

«Pairing methods of implementing regulatory requirements as a scientific problem»

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He article deals with the problems of practical implementation of the requirements of the current legislation in the field of industrial safety and labor protection in respect of heat facilities (hereinafter – boilers). A number of boiler houses are classified as hazardous production facilities of hazard class III because they use equipment operating under pressure exceeding 0.07 MPa. A dangerous factor in the workplace staff is the increased noise level. Measures to neutralize this factor are in conflict with the requirements of industrial and fire safety. The lack of engineering tools to ensure compliance with hygienic standards without violating the requirements of industrial and fire safety, creates a problem that requires a scientific approach in the search for possible solutions.

Психолого-педагогические аспекты воспитания и обучения

Publication date: 31.05.2018
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Lidiia A. Stepanova , candidate of pedagogic sciences , доцент
Путяшева Екатерина Валентиновна П. Путяшева Екатерина Валентиновна
FGBOU VO "Kemerovskii gosudarstvennyi sel'skokhoziaistvennyi institut" , Кемеровская обл

«Osobennosti sotsiokul'turnoi tolerantnosti obuchaiushchegosia srednego professional'nogo obrazovaniia»

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This article presents psychological and pedagogical approaches to the concept of "tolerance". In our opinion, the psychological qualities that ensure tolerance are all kinds of forms of self-expression of people that allow or limit parity manifestations of social differences (whether it is done freely or not). Education is the most effective means of preventing intolerance. In the purposeful educational activity of the educational institution should take into account the features of socio-cultural tolerance of students, identified by a set of tests and questionnaires

Технические науки

Publication date: 04.05.2018
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Iuliia S. Iagodina , студентка
FGBOU VO "Penzenskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnologicheskii universitet" , Пензенская обл

«Chto takoe 1S. Instrumenty dlia razvitiia predpriiatiia»

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В статье обозревается инструмент «1C: Enterprise Development Tools» нового поколения для разработчиков бизнес-приложений 1C: Enterprise. По мнению автора, преимуществами данного инструмента являются интегрированная среда разработки (соответствующая последним требованиям и требованиям), а также возможности быстрого развития и расширения среды разработки.

Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами

Publication date: 07.03.2018
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Anastasia V. Shemeneva , student
Olga A. Tikhonova
Sevastopol Brunch of Lomonosov Moscow State University , Севастополь г

«Особенности купли-продажи предприятий на территории Крыма и г. Севастополя»

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One of the most important elements of the process of integration of the Crimea and Sevastopol in the legal field of the Russian Federation is the formation of a uniform judicial practice in disputes arising in connection with the specifics of land, property, criminal, administrative and other types of legal relations in new entities.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 02.04.2018
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Ilya R. Shegelman , doctor of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ
David B. Odlis , candidate of economic sciences
FSAEI of HE «National Nuclear Research University MEPhI» , Москва г


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The necessity of methodological bases for justifying the directions of innovative development of machine-building enterprises in Russia is shown. This is the most important way of reproducing their life cycles.

Publication date: 30.03.2018
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Ilya R. Shegelman , doctor of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ
David B. Odlis , candidate of economic sciences
FSAEI of HE «National Nuclear Research University MEPhI» , Москва г


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The necessity of formulating methodological bases for justifying the directions of innovative development of machine-building enterprises in Russia is shown. This is the most important way of reproducing their life cycles.


Publication date: 14.02.2018
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Sofia S. Lukianova
Galina B. Shpak , candidate of economic sciences
FSFEI of HE "Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law" , Хабаровский край

«Metody otsenki investitsionnoi privlekatel'nosti predpriiatiia»

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В данной статье рассматриваются различные подходы к оценке инвестиционной привлекательности предприятия. Обосновывается выбор адекватной современным условиям методики.

Publication date: 12.10.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Oksana I. Skorobogatova , master
Институт транспорта и связи , Latvia

«Factors in choosing a strategy for promoting a new project»

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Every day more and more new companies emerge in the market, which try to compete with other firms in a similar sector, or take their own new niche. The goal of any company is to make profit and each of them does it their own way. In the already established market, it is not so easy to get a stake, but when there is no specific segment of the market, the company has to form it individually. This task requires sound decisions from owners and management.

[08.00.00] Экономические науки

Publication date: 12.07.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 1)
Dmitrii I. Iakushkov , Студент
FSBEI of HPE "Perm State National Research University" , Пермский край

«Enterprise competitiveness growth»

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The definitions of enterprise competitiveness are analyzed in the article. Factors defining it are revealed. For defining the ways of enterprise competitive growth SWOT-analysis was held in terms of the leader food and beverage company in Russia. All possible solutions for the effective enterprise are given.

Тема номера

Publication date: 31.10.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 2)
Elena A. Vasina , candidate of psychological sciences
, Санкт-Петербург г

«The study of life strategies with the help of the method «Proverbs»»

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The article presents the method «Proverbs» in the author's modification as a diagnostic tool for studying the life strategies of the personality. A behavioral typology of life strategies is proposed in accordance with the theoretical model of K. Thomas method. The theoretical justification and description of the methodology is given, the results of its approbation on the youth sample are briefly examined, the prospects for further research are determined.

География и геология

Publication date: 31.10.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 2)
Valentina N. Burova , candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences , leading researcher
FSBIS Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS , Москва г

«The patterns of development of hazardous natural processes in the context of climate change in Russia»

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This article discusses the current state of the climate and its possible impact on the manifestation of natural phenomena. A database on the consequences of dangerous natural processes on the territory of Russia is presented. The principles of its preparation and use for various purposes are substantiated. On the basis of statistical analysis of data on the consequences of manifestations of dangerous natural processes revealed patterns of their manifestations in space and time. The periods of time of increase of total number of events and emergency are allocated.


Publication date: 31.10.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 2 (Всего: 1)
Elizaveta A. Bukhreeva
Olga V. Kuzmina , candidate of culturology
FSFEI of HE "Kemerovo State Institute of Culture" , Кемеровская обл

«Analysis overview of interpretation of literary works in the creation of scripts for the episode on the basis of artistic material»

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The scientific article reveals the practical significance of the screenwriting mastery and the interpretation of a literary work as one of the creative methods for creating a script of festive cultural forms. a brief analysis of the principles of work with the interpretation of a literary text is given.

Технические науки

Publication date: 04.07.2018
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Denis A. Dukhnovskiy , student
Denis S. Shavelkin , assistant
FSFEI of HE "Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)” , Москва г

«About the role of interaction of developer and user of CALS subsystems»

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The article is devoted to the consideration of the mutual influence of the customer’s competences and the developer of the CALS software complexes on the effectiveness of their application in the work of the enterprise. Ways to improve the efficiency of CALS-technologies are proposed.

Тема номера

Publication date: 31.05.2018
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Valentina N. Burova , candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences , leading researcher
FSBIS Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS , Москва г

«Assessing the vulnerability of buildings to landslides according to the simulation results»

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This article describes the principles of assessing the vulnerability of buildings from landslides based on simulation. Approaches to the interpretation of the results of such modeling for vulnerability assessments are substantiated. The analysis of simulation results for different variants of landslides impact on buildings of different structures is carried out. Curves of vulnerability of buildings from landslides of different sizes are constructed. Vulnerability values can be used in risk assessments as part of engineering-geological surveys and other types of work.

Технические науки

Publication date: 11.04.2018
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Anna A. Fat'yanova , candidate of economic sciences , доцент
Saratov Social and Economic Institute (branch) of FSBEI of HPE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Саратовская обл

«Construction of the automated system on the basis of the platform 1С: enterprise using the JSON format»

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Options of JSON format using to apply it to integrate with third-party applications is discussed in the article. It is offered to use automated systems on platform 1C Enterprise in a parallel mode.


Publication date: 15.02.2018
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Aleksei M. Kunitsyn , bachelor of engineering sciences , graduate student
Institute of Economics and Law of Moscow Technological University (MIREA) , Москва г

«The impact assessment of the quality management system in leading organization of MIC (military-industrial complex) integrated structure»

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The article has discussed the problem concerning the absence of a unified method in the impact assessment of the quality management system. The author has indicated the documents that allow defining the impact assessment of the quality management system. The paper contains the hierarchical criteria structure on effectiveness of the quality management system.

Технические науки (электромеханика, приборостроение, машиностроение, металлургия и др.)

Publication date: 06.06.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Viktoriia S. Zarubina
Balashov Institute (a branch) of FSBEI of HE "N.G. Chernyshevsky National Research Saratov State University" , Саратовская обл

«Разработка автоматизированной информационной системы для регистратуры стоматологической поликлиники»

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The article gives a technical description of a web application that automates the work of the registry of a dental clinic. The presented application works on client-server technology, where the server part is provided by the MySQL DBMS, and the client part is implemented using JSP (Java Server Pages) technology. The article shows the codes of jsp-pages, as well as the result of their work.

Publication date: 09.03.2017
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Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
Mikhail V. Ivashnev , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«К вопросу выбора энергетических баз машин для защиты линейных объектов от древесно-кустарниковой растительности»

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The basic indicators that characterize the energy base of forest machines. Particular attention is paid to such databases for continuous cutting of trees and bushes.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 19.01.2018
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Irina A. Merenkova
Tatiana A. Shabalina , candidate of pedagogic sciences , доцент
FSBEI of HE "Bunin Yelets State University" , Липецкая обл

«Теоретические аспекты инновационной деятельности современного предприятия»

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This article is dedicated to the study of the significance of innovation for the successful functioning of enterprises in modern market conditions. A classification of innovations in various areas of enterprise activity. The factors influencing the susceptibility to innovations, and identifies conditions contributing to the search for new ways of development.

Медицинские науки

Publication date: 30.11.2017
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Nikolai N. Kostrodymov , candidate of medical sciences
NP "Natsional'nyi Tsentr sanitarnogo prosveshcheniia naseleniia "SANPROSVET" , Москва г
Aleksandr N. Razumov , doctor of medical sciences, professor
GAUZ g. Moskvy "Moskovskii nauchno-prakticheskii tsentr meditsinskoi reabilitatsii, vosstanovitel'noi i sportivnoi meditsiny Departamenta zdravookhraneniia g. Moskvy" , Москва г
Valeriy D. Volodin , doctor of medical sciences
Sergei A. Medvedev , candidate of economic sciences
NP "Natsional'nyi Tsentr sanitarnogo prosveshcheniia naseleniia "SANPROSVET" , Москва г

«The innovative potential of medical science – health care of the Russian Far East»

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The article provides the content-analysis of publications of the Far-Eastern medical journal (2007–2016) regarding innovative processes perfecting the work of general practitioners: intellectualization, medical insurance, primary medical assistance on principle of a general practitioner (family doctor), medical prophylaxis and interpretation of medical activity. It has been observed that vector of the scientific researches reflected in the journal publications is mainly presented by the intellectualization. The findings demonstrate that journal publications do not transfer the innovations of medical activity under health insurance regulations to the doctors that provide innovative perfection of their work on medical insurance, further development of primary medical assistance provided by the general practitioner (family doctor), medical prophylaxis, interpretation of medical activity, that restrains the improvement of medical assistance to the population, the solution to the current problems of the health care of the Russian Far East. The diversification of scientific researches is needed on medical insurance, further development of primary medical assistance provided by the general practitioner (family doctor), medical prophylaxis, interpretation of medical activity. Optimal mosaic innovations should solve the medico-social aspects of demographic crisis in the region.


Publication date: 10.08.2017
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Iana N. Mironenko
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Превентивные меры внутреннего контроля расчетов с контрагентами»

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The article is devoted to the necessity to show "due diligence" when selecting potential contractors in order to avoid a dispute with the IRS.


Publication date: 27.07.2017
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Natalia A. Senognoeva , doctor of pedagogic sciences
FSAEI of HE "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University" , Свердловская обл

«Тесты учебной деятельности как средство формирования профессиональной компетенции студентов»

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In this article we suggest an approach, by which testing becomes the mean of estimation of an educational activity allowing implementing “soft” educational model. Attractiveness of this mean of education results’ control is provided with the dimension which allows delivering objective quantitative and qualitative information about progress of education, to diagnose gaps and to predict success. In the process of testing the interaction between teacher’s and student’s activities is provided with the way of creating of the test on the one part, and its fulfillment and the interpretation of the results on the other.