Senognoeva Natalia Anatolyevna

Place of work

FSAEI of HE "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University"
doctor of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(9)

Тесты учебной деятельности как средство формирования профессиональной компетенции студентов



In this article we suggest an approach, by which testing becomes the mean of estimation of an educational activity allowing implementing “soft” educational model. Attractiveness of this mean of education results’ control is provided with the dimension which allows delivering objective quantitative and qualitative information about progress of education, to diagnose gaps and to predict success. In the process of testing the interaction between teacher’s and student’s activities is provided with the way of creating of the test on the one part, and its fulfillment and the interpretation of the re...

Realizatsiia ball'no-reitingovoi sistemy na primere sozdaniia FOSa po distsipline "Pedagogicheskoe testirovanie"



the article considers the implementation of grade-rating system based on the example of Rating Tools Fund development on the discipline “Pedagogical testing”. The regulation on grade-rating system has been developed at the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. It provides for the maximum quantity of rating points which can be earned by the student during the semester. The Rating Tools Fund has maximum quantity of rating points for each test (exam) that is presented as a rating tool.

the score-rating system in the context of competency-based approach at the university



the article examines the advantages of the score-rating system. The author proposes group study in the form of seminars-disputes, round tables, discussions, training and theoretical conferences, etc. as a scoring tool in addition to traditional lectures and seminars. The principles of the scoring system development have been considered with regard to students’ ability to build their integral cognitive process by themselves. The ways to check and evaluate students’ performance are offered by taking into account students’ individual and personal qualities describing the rules to calculate rating...

The advantages of learning activities tests as a means of improving the studied material



в представленной статье вместо привычных тестов, носящих контролирующий характер, рассматриваются тесты учебной деятельности. С их помощью осуществляется контроль планомерного формирования учебной деятельности. Рассматривается одна из разновидностей тестов учебной деятельности – тесты учебной деятельности как средство закрепления изученного материала. Отмечаются их достоинства и недостатки.

Test of educational activities in the process of theorem proving



The monograph describes the tests of education activity instead of regular controlling tests. They help to monitor systematically build education activity. It also provides the definition, qualitative features, measured parameters and structure of these tests; discusses the tests of educational activity in the process of proving theorems. The monograph is aimed at everybody who is interested in the theory of pedagogical testing. The materials of the monograph can be used in the work with bachelors in the area of psychological and pedagogical education, specialized field of “Pedagogical testing...

Содержание и структура тестов учебной деятельности как основа их конструирования



в данной статье рассмотрена проблема тестирования. Автором представлены структура теста учебной деятельности и конструирование содержания тестов учебной деятельности.