List of publications on a keyword: «harm»


Publication date: 09.11.2023
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Ekaterina V. Shevchenko
Tatiana V. Sergeeva
Inna V. Mishurova
Anastasiia V. Golovko
MBDOU "D/S 8" , Белгородская обл

«Psychological conditions for the harmonious development of the child's personality in the family»

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Interpersonal relationships in the family and their influence on the formation of personality and behavior of children is as follows: a very important factor of emotional balance and mental health of the child is the stability of the family environment


Publication date: 29.05.2023
Evaluate the material Average score: 2 (Всего: 1)
Barno U. Bekmukhumedova , degree-seeking student , senior teacher
Akhadbek Odilbekov
Gulistan State University , Uzbekistan


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The article refers to the fact that, in order to mitigate the negative effects of the global crisis on the social and economic development of republic, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On the first priority measures to mitigate the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic and global crisis on economic sectors» and «Cornovirus pandemic» «On additional measures to support the population, economic sectors and business entities» was adopted and is being put into practice.

Тема номера

Publication date: 24.12.2021
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Irina V. Dubatova , candidate of medical sciences , associate professor
Lema A. Antsyborov , pediatrician
Artur F. Kheigetian
FSFEI of HE “Rostov State Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Ростовская обл
Andrey V. Antsyborov , graduate student
Mental Health Clinic «Psyche» , Ростовская обл

«“Golden Shot” in the Treatment and Diagnosis of Schizophrenia: Psychiatrists or Neuroscientists?»

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The available published data indicate that antagonism towards D2 receptors of dopamine is a «necessary condition» in the process of effective treatment of schizophrenia, but at the same time, this antagonism is insufficient to achieve a state of complete remission. These data serve as a powerful stimulus for the process of searching new treatments and synthesizing new drugs. The current status of the theory of neural networks demonstrates to the professional community that in order to effectively change the functioning of basic biological systems, a number of subtle changes in the central nervous system are required, which are possible with the use of certain substances. The influence of modulation of glutamate on these processes is currently a very «popular» direction both in neurobiology and in clinical psychiatry. At the same time, the role of the latter in the pathogenesis of a number of mental disorders remains unproven. In parallel with this direction, the mechanisms of serotonergic and cholinergic effects on the main components of the pathogenesis of mental disorders are being studied and used in the development of new antipsychotic drugs. Most antipsychotic drugs which belong to «new wave» exhibit an affinity for different types of receptors, which mediate the effect on several therapeutic targets. In practice, a large number of patients take certain drugs not only as monotherapy, but often combine them with other drugs. At the same time, the effectiveness of such therapeutical regimens is low. Therefore, in most modern protocols, monotherapy is still recommended. In recent years, there has been a growing body of research on pharmacotherapy augmentation strategies. The results of these studies demonstrate that augmentation preparations belonging to different pharmacological classes can be generally effective, not only in certain diseases, but also in certain types of patients. In attempts to create a model of «rational polypharmacy», it is very important to accurately define and target the therapy to «problematic symptoms», and it is also necessary to develop an optimal withdrawal strategy from the active therapy regimen. To date, the only existing «lifeline» is Clozapine, which, despite its many disadvantages, remains an effective therapeutic agent for resistant forms of schizophrenic spectrum disorders. New methods of drug synthesis, including «individual drug affinity» analysis and strategies based on the study of gene polymorphism, look promising in the context of antipsychotic drug development. It is unlikely that there will be a «golden shot» for the schizophrenic spectrum disorders in the coming decades, both in terms of diagnostics and treatment. There is a hope that some of the strategies currently being developed (polypharmacy, augmentation), along with new antipsychotic drugs entering the pharmaceutical market, will ultimately become the «shot» that the professional community, patients and their families are looking forward to.

Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность

Publication date: 03.09.2021
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Inna S. Krasnozhon
MBEI "SOSh №6" , Кемеровская обл

«The role of parents in the physical education of a child»

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For the harmonious upbringing of a child, it is necessary to know about methods and means. It is no secret that outdoor games and physical exercises are important for the full development of a child. Physical exercises develop independence, self-control, attention and the ability to concentrate, resourcefulness and courage, endurance.


Publication date: 26.02.2021
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Vladimir G. Zaika , doctor of medical sciences , professor, head of chair
Irina V. Dubatova , candidate of medical sciences , associate professor
FSFEI of HE “Rostov State Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Ростовская обл
Andrey V. Antsyborov , graduate student
Mental Health Clinic «Psyche» , Ростовская обл

«Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy of ADHD»

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a widespread, severe neurobiological disorder that occurs in childhood and adolescence and has a negative impact on social functioning in adulthood. Currently, there are several strategies for the treatment of ADHD including pharmacotherapy and psychotherapeutic interventions. Due to the expansion of the range of available drugs, for practical doctors to choose the tactics of therapy and to set priorities in the treatment process becomes more challenging. The aim of this review is to systematize the evidence-based literature on the treatment of ADHD, based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. The review considers the main mechanisms of action of the drugs used, the role of non-drug methods of treatment, as well as drugs that are not widely used. The most relevant treatment approaches, which have been proven to be effective and safe, are discussed.

Тема номера

Publication date: 18.12.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 2)
Anton A. Chizhov
MBEI “Gymnasium” , Красноярский край
Marina A. Chizhova , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor
Lesosibirsk branch of FSBEI of HE “Reshtnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology” , Красноярский край

«Bionics as the New Required Vector of Development»

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The article analyzes and summarizes the principles of architectural bionics applied to various construction and technical structures. The analysis was carried out in the course of studying the scientific literature on the topic “Bionics. Architectural structures». The purpose of this work is to study the principles of architectural bionics, to study the possibility and effectiveness of their application for solving engineering and technical problems. The main task of the work was to study the directions and principles of development of architectural bionics, to assess the effectiveness of their application for solving technical problems, to find the correspondence of biological systems to construction and technical structures and facilities, to analyze known architectural structures from the point of view of architectural bionics.


Publication date: 06.12.2019
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Vasile S. Rusu , postgraduate student
Free International University of Moldova , Moldova

«Operational Strategy in the Strategic Management of Companies in the Pharmaceutical Industry Under Conditions of Uncertainty»

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The operational strategies of pharmaceutical enterprises change every decade, in line with changes in production management, focusing primarily on productivity and economies of scale, the quality of the economy, ensuring the flexibility of production in the production planning account, customer orientation, and then-at the speed economy, innovation and knowledge, skills and cooperation. The problem of use and full development of productive potential occurs frequently in management activities. The emphasis in this article is on the strategic component of operational activities and not only on ensuring the current economic outcomes.


Publication date: 29.11.2019
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Danil S. Tsygankov , cadet
Vadim N. Buriakov , lecturer
FSOMEI of HE "Novosibirsk Military Institute of Internal Military Forces named after I.K. Yakovlev of Russian MIA" , Новосибирская обл

«Russia in the Modern World. The Importance of the Federal National Guard Service in Maintaining Peace and Security»

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The article deals with the Russian normative orientation towards maintaining international peace and security, formation of a multipolar world model, cooperation and joint planning of strategic stability, and the forms of ensuring public security and public order by Rosgvardiya.

Медицинские науки

Publication date: 23.07.2019
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Ilya R. Shegelman , doctor of engineering sciences
Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
Pavel V. Budnik , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ


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Based on the analysis of the patents of the Russian Federation, a knowledge base has been formed in the field of methods and formulations for using the birch fungus chaga in obtaining new products and formulations for the pharmaceutical industry, medicine and the cosmetic industry.


Publication date: 09.11.2017
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Tatiana V. Katkova , candidate of economic sciences
Valentina N. Solomonova , candidate of economic sciences
Olga V. Tuzlukova
FSBEI of HE «Russian State Hydrometeorological University» , Санкт-Петербург г

«Проблемы и перспективы повышения конкурентоспособности аптечной сети на территории Санкт-Петербурга»

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Analysis of problems and prospects of improving the competitiveness of the pharmacy network on the territory of St. Petersburg. For this purpose a comparative analysis of the pharmacy "rainbow" with competitors, which are "Petersburg drugstores"

Культурология и искусствоведение

Publication date: 10.01.2018
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Natalia V. Kramskaia , candidate of sociological sciences
Ekaterina V. Kronevald
FSBEI of HE "The Tyumen State Institute of Culture" , Тюменская обл

«Promotion of healthy food by means of design»

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This article briefly considered the problem of healthy food, culture of food and influence of design as a culture on the positive perception of useful products. The comparative analysis of the American fast food and the Japanese sushi (the most common forms of fast food in our country) are carried out for identification of design means at the expense of which the attractive image of food is formed and the visual harmony is reached. Several versions of the approved design decisions for achievement of desirable taste perception are also offered.


Publication date: 16.02.2017
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Valeriy D. Volodin , doctor of medical sciences
NP "Natsional'nyi Tsentr sanitarnogo prosveshcheniia naseleniia "SANPROSVET" , Москва г
Vladimir V. Ageev
AO “Rafarma” , Москва г

«Legislative mass or suffering from import substitution»

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The authors of this article describe the role of the development of pharmaceutical companies, producing competitive products. The researchers focus on the need for rational and coordinated actions of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry and Trade, FAS and pharmaceutical producers.

[09.00.00] Философские науки

Publication date: 14.10.2016
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Oyuna B. Balchindorjieva , doctor of philosophical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Buryatia State university" , Бурятия Респ

«Ecological civilization and Chinese philosophy»

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The author raises the problem of the construction of ecological civilization in China in terms of the definition of «ecological civilization» in the context of traditional Chinese culture in its relationship with the traditional and the modern understanding of harmony and harmonious society, and the development of regulation in the sphere of environmental protection. In the article the analysis of philosophical aspects of this problem is given. The author demonstrates the approach developed by the Chinese scholars to understanding of the ecological civilization as a new stage in the human society’s development coming after industrial society. In conclusion the author proposes to consider this approach a necessary civilizational choice that is to be made by the Chinese society.


Publication date: 07.12.2016
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Rashid K. Musaybekov , master
Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University , Kazakhstan

«From the experience of universal learning actions usage during the class»

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The author describes some theoretical aspects of universal learning activities and they are shown in examples in this article. It describes the relationship between theoretical and practical materials.


Publication date: 09.04.2016
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Vitalii A. Maksimov , candidate of juridical sciences
SPb GB POU "Kolledzh "PetroStroiServis" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Особенности необходимой обороны как комплексного гражданско-правового института»

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In this article, the institute of necessary defence as a complex institute, has received fastening in the criminal and civil law. The author notes that the content of necessary defence in civil law is somewhat broader than in criminal law. Considered the views of specialists on the problem, identified and justified the need of improvements and modernization the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of necessary defence

Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Publication date: 23.03.2016
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Inna A. Kylosova , candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Elvina M. Sultanova
Asma Bukkhima
ГБОУ ВО «Пермская государственная фармацевтическая академия» Минздрава России , Пермский край

«Предпосылки создания терминологического словаря по дисциплине «Промышленная технология»»

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In article questions of development of pharmaceutical terminology, as necessary element of formation of the competent highly qualified specialist - the pharmacist are considered. One of versions of the solution of this problem on the example of introduction in educational process of terminological dictionaries on discipline industrial technology is described.

Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность

Publication date: 23.12.2015
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Valentin D. Ivanov , candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor , доцент
Mikhail E. Alekseev
FSBEI of HE «Chelyabinsk State University» , Челябинская обл

«Проблема использования анаболических стероидов в спорте: состояние, пути решения»

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Целью статьи является: рассмотрения сущности анаболических стероидов с точки зрения медицины и спорта, определения «плюсов» и «минусов» их применения, дать ответ на вопрос: «Стоит ли использовать фармакологические средства в спорте?». У людей, которые не имею к спорту отношения, слово стероиды вызывают негативные эмоции. Они считают, что анаболические стероиды приносят только вред, хотя имеют поверхностные знания о фармакологии. В статье приведены сведения об анаболических стероидах, их особенно

Проектная деятельность в школе

Publication date: 24.05.2016
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Ekaterina N. Maltseva
МБОУ «СОШ №38» , Иркутская обл
Olga V. Antipina , candidate of philological sciences
Eurasian Linguistic Institute (branch) of FSBEI of HPE "Moscow State Linguistic University" , Иркутская обл

«Роль пения в жизни человека»

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The article deals with the connection between singing and psycho-physiological state of people, as well as the reflection of this phenomenon in linguistic consciousness by means of the musical metaphor in English. Both the historical backgrounds of the problem and up-to-date researches have been taken into consideration.

Наука и инновации в современном мире и изменения социальных ценностей

Publication date: 12.11.2015
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Mahail B. Zykov , doctor of economic sciences, doctor of philosophical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Bunin Yelets State University" , Липецкая обл

«Современные тренды развития музеологии»

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Considered the history of appearing and development of museums and also the history of formation and enfoldment of the humankind and men. Revealed the museums’ role in humaneness’ formation. Distinguished two types of museums – Museums-Collections and the Human Capital Museums. Articulated the modern trends in museums development in the world and in Russia, and also of the Museum’s science as a science.