List of publications on a keyword: «grammar»

Авторская монография

Publication date: 04.07.2023
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Irina N. Sereda
GBOU "SOSh 260" , Санкт-Петербург г

«“My funny ABC”»

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The manual is intended for elementary school students and teachers. It will help them in a playful way to learn phonetic, lexical and grammatical material when learning English.

Коррекционная педагогика

Publication date: 28.05.2021
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Aleksandra S. Panicheva
Marina Y. Dobrya , candidate of philological sciences
FGBOU VO "Khakasskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. N.F. Katanova" , Хакасия Респ

«Didactic exercises as a means of correcting the grammatical structure of speech in primary school children with general speech underdevelopment of level 3»

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The article presents a survey of the state of grammatical structure of speech in primary school children with general speech underdevelopment of level 3 in the Municipal budget Educational Institution of the city of Abakan "Secondary School No. 7".


Publication date: 16.03.2020
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Wen Qiu , master's degree student
Dalian University of Foreign Languages , The People's Republic of China

«Some Features of Teaching Chinese to Russian Students. The Verb-Classifier Complement»

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The problem of verb-classifier complement in teaching Chinese as a foreign language is very difficult to solve. Its difficulty of learning is that the Chinese complement itself is very complex. This paper studies the main grammatical features of this kind of complement, provides an analysis of possible mistakes and reasons when using it, and the tactics of teaching the complement in Chinese as a foreign language classes, as well as a lot of examples.

Иностранный язык

Publication date: 03.12.2018
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Maksim V. Chusovlianov
Larisa A. Pelevina
MBOU g. Novosibirska "Litsei Informatsionnykh Tekhnologii" , Новосибирская обл

«Changes in English grammar on example of using irregular verbs forms»

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The paper deals with the changes in grammar that reveal the usage of irregular verbs in regular form. The goal of the study is to trace the applying of regular form for several irregular verbs in popular newspapers.

Технические науки

Publication date: 24.05.2017
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Aleksandr S. Vendin
Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics of FSBEI of HE "National Research University "High School of Economics" , Москва г

«Теоретические основы, используемые для построения инструментов анализа языков программирования на примере языка Perl»

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In this work are considered a theoretical basis, which can help approach the implementation of the tool for analyze the source code of the program in Perl.


Publication date: 29.12.2017
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Raikhan B. Bekenova
AO "Kazakhstansko-Britanskii tekhnicheskii universitet" , Kazakhstan

«The use of valency grammar and apparatus of case grammar to characterize the semantics of a derivative word»

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The article discusses the valence concept as a phenomenon at an intersection of syntax and lexical semantics. The author also provides the types of valence and directions that help to study the valence theory in parallel with case grammar. The study aims to look into the reasons why the derivative word may be the reflection of underlying grammatical case meanings.


Publication date: 18.08.2016
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Ildar I. Ibragimov , candidate of philological sciences
Andrej A. Karasev , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Oral speech teaching to students of mathematic specialties: a grammatical aspect»

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The paper considers teaching features of English speech grammar aspects. The case studies include undergraduates of mathematical specialties. The content of students’ educational activity at the final stage of language teaching is pointed out. Besides the structure of grammar section, a special didactic training unit in which framework mastering grammar phenomena used in oral speech takes place is described.

Publication date: 26.09.2016
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Elena V. Batalova
FBEI of HE "Tumen State Medical University" of Public Healthcare Service of Russia , Тюменская обл

«Taking into account age characteristics of students during the elective and special courses on Latin language in lyceum classes of medical profile»

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In connection with humanization of education, that has recently become widespread Latin is now studied not only in universities, but also in a number of secondary schools. Organization of educational process in the lyceum and gymnasium classes should be appropriate to the age of students. Practice shows that Latin teaching in school runs efficiently in the form of a story, or with the use of interactive productive technologies.

Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Publication date: 20.07.2016
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Lyudmila A. Antonova , candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
Irina A. Bahmetjeva , candidate of philological sciences
Natalia F. Hrenova , candidate of philological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Voronezh State Pedagogical University" , Воронежская обл

«Correction of grammatical errors while communication-oriented teaching of English grammar at the Pedagogical University»

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The present article looks at error correction in close relationship with other aspects of communicative grammar teaching. There are the two methods of correction marked in the work: deferred and communicative. The concrete examples of the application of communicative correction are offered.

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 19.07.2016
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Tatyana A. Fomina
FSAEI of HE "Moscow State Institute of International Relations (university) of MFA of Russia" , Москва г

«Explanatory potential of the cognitive-communicative grammar at English lesson (at Present Perfect Example)»

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The article describes the problem of modern methodologies in teaching English grammar associated with the disadvantages of the structural-semantic approach, which proposes as an alternative a concept of developing cognitive-communicative grammar. The author reveals the basic principles of new paradigm and demonstrates the practicality of its application by the example of the "problem" forms of Present Perfect

Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Publication date: 04.05.2016
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Konstantin G. Tarasov , candidate of philological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«The analysis of academic papers dedicated to teaching Rusian in Sweden»

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We reviewed some of the work dedicated to training phonetics, phonology, pronunciation, grammar and morphology of Russian language in Sweden.

Филология и литература

Publication date: 09.06.2016
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Natalia A. Novikova
Humanities and Education Science Academy (a branch) FSAEI of HE "V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University", Yalta , Крым Респ
Andrej A. Beresnev , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Institute of Philology, History and Arts of Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (branch) FSAEI of HE "Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky " , Крым Респ

«Reorganization of the grammatical structure of the authentic text as a result of adaptation by the example of the novel by Maugham «The Painted Veil»»

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The article describes the main features of the grammatical adaptation of the original text on the example of a particular work of art. This article also identifies the most frequently exposed to simplification the grammatical phenomenon and the analysis of the above mentioned changes.