List of publications on a keyword: «learning»

Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)

Publication date: 21.08.2015
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Liubov N. Builova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Zoia A. Kargina , candidate of pedagogic sciences
SAEI of HE "Moscow Institute of Open Education" , Москва г

«Методология и методологические подходы к исследованию проблемы развития дополнительного образования детей»

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This paper considers the modern methodology and analyzes the methodological approaches of research sphere of additional education for children, clarified the interpretation of the pedagogical phenomenon, compared definitions given by theorists and practitioners, refined understanding of the new roles of additional education of children in modern Russian education system.

Publication date: 12.11.2015
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Tatiana N. Popova , doctor of pedagogic sciences, professor
Diana I. Maslennikova
FGBOU VO "Kerchenskii gosudarstvennyi morskoi tekhnologicheskii universitet" , Крым Респ

«Развитие физических знаний школьников: современный аспект»

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The students’ skills to use them on practice are formed and developed simultaneously with the system of physical knowledge. It is estimated as their own knowledge, and as a result of students` development while studying physics. This work presents the theoretical, psychological and pedagogical, methodical study of developmental education; its role, importance and influence on the development of physical knowledge of students is established; A refinement of the definition of «physical knowledge», which gives the opportunity of choice of the latest methods, tools, methods and forms of physical knowledge of students.

Publication date: 16.10.2015
Evaluate the material Average score: 1 (Всего: 1)
Liudmila A. Karimova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
ОГБПОУ «Димитровградский технический колледж» , Ульяновская обл

«Дискурс как фактор личностно-ориентированного обучения иностранным языкам в условиях модернизации высшей профессиональной школы»

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In the monograph the author draws her attention to the methodology of systematic approach of the organization of discourse, consisting in the integrity of all elements of the discourse; substantiates the role of motivation in holding discourse. The author gives the definition of personality-oriented learning. The author be-lieves that traditional methods should not be opposed to live communication.

Общее направление

Publication date: 10.04.2024
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Aleksandra P. Syrtseva
Vladimir S. Popov
MBOU "SOSh 2" , Белгородская обл

«Electronic educational resources in education»

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The article is devoted to the problem of using electronic educational resources in teaching. According to the authors, during e-learning schoolchildren lose motivation in studying various subjects without electronic resources. But with the proper use of digital technologies, students begin to become more interested in the subjects they study, and motivation in learning increases rapidly.

Publication date: 09.01.2019
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Elena V. Sebeldina , postgraduate student
KOGOAU DPO "Institut razvitiia obrazovaniia" , Кировская обл

«The process approach to managing the adolescents’ projects activities»

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The article describes implementation of the process approach to managing the adolescents’ projects activities. The Author emphasises functions of managing the process approach, and also shows the interrelation between preparation stages of a projects and functions of the process approach and the standard learning actions of adolescents formed by process of project activities in General education

Педагогика и психология

Publication date: 04.06.2024
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Nurzirek Zhusup kyzy
Osh State University , Kyrgyzstan

«Needs of the «digital» generation: reverse learning technology»

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The article examines current approaches and methods of reverse learning in the digitalization of education as an inevitable process for the system of higher professional education. Reverse learning assumes that, using the capabilities of information and communication technologies in the educational process, it is possible to combine traditional and distance learning without reducing academic hours. Thus, by transferring some of the material into the digital environment, during classroom lessons more attention is paid to the formation and development of practical skills in all types of activities in a foreign language.

Мировая экономика

Publication date: 17.05.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 4)
Nadezhda S. Shalimova , 1
FGBOU VO "Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi ekonomicheskii universitet" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Features of the concept of education in Scandinavian countries»

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This article reflects the characteristics of the economy of the Scandinavian countries, features of the concept of training Scandinavian countries and the possibility of applying the experience of Scandinavia in Russia.