List of publications on a keyword: «preschool age»


Publication date: 09.03.2017
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Mariia S. Taiurskaia
FSBEI of HE "Irkutsk State University" , Иркутская обл

«Уровни развития творческих способностей старших дошкольников в сюжетном рисовании»

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This article discusses the problem of development of creative abilities of children of the sixth year of life. We have analyzed the concept of children's creativity and creativity of the criteria of different authors. The nature and content of work on parenting with the plot of the picture. Criteria creativity to draw a scene, which highlighted the levels of development of the plot of figure children.

[13.00.00] Педагогические науки

Publication date: 24.01.2017
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Natalia V. Polyashova , candidate of biological sciences
Alina Y. Kvashnina
FSAEI of HE "Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov" , Архангельская обл

«Non-traditional techniques of drawing as a mean of creative imagination development of elder preschoolers»

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This article is devoted to necessity of using non-traditional art techniques for the purpose of creative imagination development of elder preschoolers. The work also suggests some techniques of non-traditional drawing, their role in psychological development of children and the results of the program implementation, which is aimed to the creative imagination development of preschoolers through the creative drawing and a non-traditional drawing technique.

Publication date: 12.10.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 5)
Ekaterina S. Levanova
MAPEI of Saransk "K/g №80 of a combined type" , Мордовия Респ

«Features of psycho-pedagogical support of preschool children with an expressed mental retardation»

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The issue of implementation of inclusive education is very important. The author shows the results of the ascertaining experiment, conducted on the basis of MSCEI “Kindergarten of a combined type №80 of Saransk” to find optimal conditions contributing to the effective implementation of psycho-pedagogical support of preschool children with severe mental retardation.

Специальное и коррекционное образование в ДОУ

Publication date: 21.01.2017
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Viktoriia I. Lapina
Karina E. Panasenko , candidate of psychological sciences
FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл

«Особенности функционального базиса письма старших дошкольников с общим недоразвитием речи»

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This article reveals special features of development of the functional basis of the letter of the senior preschool children with General underdevelopment of speech. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature showed that the basis of the functional basis of the letter lay not only language but also non-speech background of the letter. Describes the results of the experimental study of the formation of the functional basis of the letter of the senior preschool children

Содержание образования и развитие детей дошкольного возраста

Publication date: 05.09.2016
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Evgeniya O. Igumnova
MAPEI "CSD №378" , Челябинская обл

«Didactic game in sensory education of preschool children»

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This article deals with the problem of sensory education, which occupies a central place in pre-school pedagogy. Particular importance for different forms of arbitrary behavior development among children has a didactic game. It develops voluntary attention and memory, develops subordination motives and targeted action. Didactic game is a valuable means of sensory activity of children, through which children readily learn to compare, classify, clarify their knowledge. Work on designated problem shows that the didactic game is the basis of world perception for younger preschoolers.

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 20.07.2016
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Anna Y. Prokopchuk
Evgenia Y. Dubovik , candidate of psychological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev" , Красноярский край

«Psycho-pedagogical diagnosis of anxiety among preschool age boys»

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The article deals with features of anxiety, its causes and consequences. With the help of psycho-pedagogical diagnostics it became possible to identify the most accurate statistics of anxious boys. The impact on the problem and reducing of the of anxiety level is expected through recommendations to parents and teachers of anxious children.


Publication date: 12.04.2016
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Olesya S. Ermakova
Institute of Continuous Pedagogical Education of FSFEI of HPE "Katanov State University of Khakassia" , Хакасия Респ
Olesia F. Gorbunova , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor
FSFEI of HE "Katanov Khakass State University" , Хакасия Респ

«Gender features of education of children of the advanced preschool age means of game activity»

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In article need of a subject role-playing game for gender education of children of the advanced preschool age is considered. The paper includes conclusions, which are interesting for educational specialists.

Publication date: 04.04.2016
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Viktorina A. Goncharova
FBPEI K/g №62 of Primorsky district , Санкт-Петербург г

«Сюжетно-ролевая игра как ведущая деятельность дошкольника (из практики организации развивающей предметно-пространственной среды ДОО в соответствии с ФГОС ДО)»

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The article discusses the development of subject-space environment of the OED, games activities preschool age children as main activity in accordance with GEF TO.

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 24.03.2016
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Yulia V. Ahtyrskaya , старший воспитатель
Iuliia M. Korshunenko
Natalia I. Semenova
FBPEI K/g №62 of Primorsky district , Санкт-Петербург г

«Сюжетно-ролевая игра в контексте развивающей предметно-пространственной среды ДОО в соответствии с ФГОС ДО»

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The article deals with the organization of play activities of preschool children as a main activity in accordance with GEF TO. The developmental organization of subject-spatial environment in DRO that meets the requirements of the standard as part of maintaining emotional and psychological health of children.

Publication date: 29.02.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Tatiana B. Frolova
МАДОУ «Д/С КВ «Радуга» , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Конспект итоговой непосредственной образовательной деятельности по формированию элементарных математических представлений в старшей группе на тему «Игра-путешествие в страну Математики»»

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This summary is designed for children of preschool age is devoted the consolidation of the knowledge of numerical series, subsequent numbers and previous knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to focus on the plane of the sheet.

Общее направление

Publication date: 29.02.2024
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Natalia V. Filimonova
MOBU "Sen'kinskaia SOSh" , Марий Эл Респ

«Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler»

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Fiction is an important means for expanding the all-round development of a preschooler. It develops speech, thinking, enriches his emotions and moral qualities. Its educational, aesthetic, and cognitive significance is very important, since by enriching the idea of ​​the surrounding reality, the child develops as a person. Children of preschool age, with the help of teachers, acquire good feelings, assessments and standards of moral behavior. The article touches upon the influence of fiction on the comprehensive development of a preschooler. Key words: fiction, preschool age, comprehensive development, familiarization, book.