List of publications on a keyword: «General education»

FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл
«The article discusses topical issues of formation and origin of the concept of "image" in the paradigm of the general education organization»
Психологические аспекты педагогической деятельности

MBOU "SOSh 37" g. Kalugi , Калужская обл
«Mediation is an innovative technology of prevention of deviant behavior in a General education organization»

Various forms of deviant behavior of adolescents are now a major problem. It can be expressed in a variety of ways, from a teenager running away from home to robbery or murder. Analysis of research is clearly insufficient to effectively address deviant behavior. It is necessary to minimize conflicts and reduce aggressiveness of parties to conflict in educational institutions. The modern school is filled with various kinds of conflict interactions. It is therefore becoming increasingly clear that effective conflict resolution techniques are required. One such modern method, in our opinion, is mediation.
Общая педагогика

Liubov N. Pigareva
Natalia A. Lebedianskaia
MBOU "Gimnaziia 1" , Астраханская обл
«Proektnye zadachi v nachal'noi shkole - shag k proektnoi deiatel'nosti v podrostkovoi shkole: iz opyta raboty MBOU g. Astrakhani "Gimnaziia 1»

Annotation. The implementation of the educational standards have called for systemic changes in the educational environment of the gymnasium at the primary level of General education. The changes affected all components of the environment: from the goal to the results of education. The article considers new forms of educational process organization. The authors tell about the organization of educational events of activity orientation, in which primary school students solve different project tasks - subject, interdisciplinary, over-subject, of different ages ones. Their role in providing metasubject educational results is emphasized, for example, the control –and- assessment independence of younger schoolboys is becoming a component of "ability to study".

Andrej A. Salin , учитель географии и ОБЖ
MBOU SOSh 1 g. Pushkino , Московская обл
«Opportunities of general education organizations in the formation of a youth "Arctic brotherhood»

The opportunities of general education organizations in the formation of a youth "Arctic brotherhood" are considered in the work. Researchers came to the conclusion that it would be the right decision to hold regular All-Russian Arctic Conference of Schoolchildren and Students on issues of functional competence and educational continuity.

NIO ANIU IDSNIA "MAPI" im. akademika A.K. Pavlova , Карелия Респ
«New ways of the structural analysis of the lesson in the conditions of implementation of FSES of the secondary (full) general education»

MBEI School №1 , Архангельская обл
«Perfection of methodical work at school»
Современные учебники, пособия и программы по народной культуре и этнокультурному образованию

Culture and Arts Institute of SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г
«Учебники, учебно-методические пособия и программы для преемственной системы этнокультурного образования «Детские сады – школы – вузы»»

The publication contains a brief overview of the textbooks, manuals and programs developed from 1990-ies up to the present time the author of this article independently or as part of various teams, based on the researches of Russian scientific school "Theory, history and methods of teaching folk art and culture."
[13.00.00] Педагогические науки

SBEI lyceum №393 of Kirov district of St. Petersburg , Санкт-Петербург г
«Socio-cultural factors of updating the content of school education»

This article examines the phenomenon of socio-cultural conditionality of updating the content of school education in Russia. Socio-cultural factors of updating the content of education have been identified on the basis of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and educational research results and evidence of educational practice. The author shows the relationship between selected factors – the development of society, the state policy in the field of education, development of culture and science, development of pedagogical science and practice – and the specificity of their influence on the formation and implementation of the content of school education.
Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность

Yugra State University , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО
«Динамика частоты сердечных сокращений как показатель утомления обучающихся младшего звена общеобразовательной школы»
Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

I.I. Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences FSAEI of HE “Southern Federal University” , Ростовская обл
«Подготовка будущих педагогов к организации самостоятельной учебной деятельности обучающихся»

This article deals with the task of preparing future teachers to meet the requirements of the Federal educational standard of basic general education for organization of independent educational activity of students. The contents of theoretical and practical training of students for solving the above problem.
Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Larisa P. Nepomniashchikh
ГОУ школа-интернат «Забайкальская краевая гимназия-интернат» , Забайкальский край
«Наглядное представление результатов учебы школьника для родителей в начальной школе»

FSBEI of HE "Bunin Yelets State University" , Липецкая обл
«Механизмы формирования кадрового резерва системы общего образования РФ»

This article analyzes the problem of the definition of effective mechanisms for implementation of the technology of forming a personnel reserve in the general education system of the Russian Federation. As a result of the study it was found that the formation of personnel reserve of the general education system of the Russian Federation is focused mainly on the management personnel, that is insufficient. The study substantiates the need to expand the technology of formation of personnel reserve.
Общее направление

KOGOAU DPO "Institut razvitiia obrazovaniia" , Кировская обл