Baklanova Tatyana Ivanovna

Place of work

Culture and Arts Institute of SAEI of HE "Moscow City University"
doctor of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(16)

Образовательная система «Музыкальный мир» для дошкольного и начального общего образования



the article reveals the history of creation, structure and basic content of successive two-level educational system "Music world", which includes a training set T. I. Baklanova, and G. P. Novikova "Music world" for children 3-7 years (a series of "Paths") and a training set T. I. Baklanova "Music" for grades 1-4 ("planet of knowledge"). They share a common conceptual framework, continuity of goals, objectives, themes, contents and expected results musical and educational activities. The basis of

Аксиологический подход к организации праздников на основе традиций русской культуры в детской библиотеке



the article describes the main aspects of the dissertation research E. M. Zhukova entitled "the Axiological approach to the organization of holidays based on the traditions of Russian culture in the children's library" and its theoretical bases presented in the researches of the doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor T. I. Baklanova. The research is aimed at solving urgent problems of spiritual and moral, Patriotic education of children and adolescents of Russia based on materials

О введении в научный оборот и современных определениях понятий «этнохудожественное образование» и «этнокультурное образование»



the article discusses the history of the introduction into scientific circulation of the concepts of "ethno-art education" and "ethno cultural education" and its more modern definition. These concepts were formulated and first introduced in the scientific circulation in several publications T. I. Baklanova, from the mid 1990-ies, to which it refers. The article also traces the history of the use of these concepts in later works of the author, including dedicated to the founding and development o

Педагогика народного художественного творчества как отрасль педагогической науки и учебная дисциплина



the article is devoted to the history of the development and present state of the pedagogy of folk art as one of the branches of pedagogical science and teaching discipline. The article provides a new definition of the subject of pedagogics of national art creativity, provides information about the reflection problems of pedagogics of national art creativity and its preceding pedagogy of Amateur in University syllabi, textbooks, manuals, scientific articles and monographs T. I. Baklanova since t

Аксиологическая модель развивающей художественно-образной среды дошкольной образовательной организации



the article presents a theoretical model of developing artistically-shaped environment of preschool educational organizations, the development of which was applied axiological campaign. The contents of each of the components of this model reflects the traditional Russian spiritual and moral values and ideals as the basis of spiritually-moral education of children in modern socio-cultural conditions. In connection with the approval in 2015, the state "Strategy of development of education in the R

Этнокультурный подход к интеграции уроков музыки и внеурочной деятельности школьников (на основе учебников «Музыка» инновационной образовательной системы «Планета знаний»)



the article is devoted to one of the most pressing problems of the theory and methodology of general musical education. The need to integrate music lessons and after-hour activity of younger schoolboys due to the requirements of the new exemplary operating program of the subject "Music" (2014.), And about the basic educational programs of primary general education (2015.). According to these documents, the author of the article processed music content of textbooks for grades 1-4.

Подготовка педагогических кадров к этнокультурному дополнительному образованию детей



the article presents the main aspects of the research focused on conceptual and scientific-methodological support of preparation of teachers for ethnocultural additional education of children. In the process of research will develop and test in the Moscow city pedagogical University additional professional training program "ethno-cultural additional education of children" and other teaching materials.

О реализации требований новой Примерной основной образовательной программы начального общего образования в учебниках музыки комплекта «Планета знаний»



the article is devoted to one of the most pressing problems of theory and methodology of General music education related to the task of updating the content of textbooks and programs of the subject "Music" in accordance with the requirements of the new regulations: Approximate basic educational programs of primary General education (2015). Exemplary and working curricula of the subject music (2014). The author is the author of music textbooks for grades 1-4 CMD "planet of knowledge", published i

Система проектной деятельности в учебниках музыки комплекта «Планета знаний»



the article is devoted to some aspects of the technology project activities through the integration of music with other arts and traditional folk culture. This system, developed by the author, reflected in the books of music T. I. Baklanova primary education. It includes several types and forms of project activities, which can be implemented by students independently or with the help of adults, music lessons and in the process of extracurricular activities.

Разработка и концептуальное обоснование государственной программы «Народная художественная культура и этнокультурное образование» как актуальная научно-практическая задача



in the article the necessity of development and conceptual justification of the state program aimed at introducing children and adolescents to the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, to various types of folk art in order to Patriotic, spiritual, moral and cultural education. The relevance of such programs due to a number listed in article of the public documents that define the modern Russian educational and cultural policy. Now developed important practical and scientific background for

Исследования актуальных проблем этнокультурной деятельности в российской научной школе «Теория, история и методика преподавания народной художественной культуры»



The article describes the main aspects of ethno-cultural researches of the Russian scientific school "Theory, history and methods of teaching folk arts and culture", whose founder is the author of this publication. Representatives of the scientific school developed several concepts for the development of ethno-cultural education, published many monographs, textbooks and manuals, protected more than 30 doctoral and master's theses. Scientific school develops based on interaction with representati

Проблема повышения роли российских этнокультурных традиций и духовно-нравственных ценностей в содержании современного молодежного досуга



the article reflects some results of research aimed at enhancing the role of socio-cultural activities in the implementation of tasks of the modern state youth policy of the Russian Federation on formation of the youth value system taking into account the multinational foundations of our nation, on youth involvement in the implementation of programs for the preservation of Russian culture, historical heritage of the peoples of Russia.

Теоретические и научно-методические основы этнокультурной деятельности библиотеки на основе русской традиционной культуры



the article discusses the features of the cultural activities of the library experimental education program ethno-cultural one of the Moscow libraries, developed on the basis of scientific and educational-methodical papers of the Department of socio-cultural activities of the Institute of culture and arts REALIZED IN the city of Moscow "Moscow city pedagogical University".

Учебники, учебно-методические пособия и программы для преемственной системы этнокультурного образования «Детские сады – школы – вузы»



the publication contains a brief overview of the textbooks, manuals and programs developed from 1990-ies up to the present time the author of this article independently or as part of various teams, based on the researches of Russian scientific school "Theory, history and methods of teaching folk art and culture."

О необходимости подготовки в педагогических вузах России педагогов общего и дополнительного этнокультурного образования детей



цель статьи – привлечь внимание органов управления образованием, руководителей образовательных организаций, ученых и практиков к проблеме подготовки педагогических кадров для этнокультурного общего и дополнительного образования детей в рамках направления высшего образования «Педагогическое образование». В статье основана необходимость системного подхода к решению данной проблемы с учетом этнокультурных особенностей российских регионов.

The alphabet of folk culture. Russian culture for compatriots



This book is a study guide for children introduction to the Russian traditional culture. It`s content was developed on the basis of "The concepts of ethnocultural education in the Russian Federation" (T.I. Baklanova, L.V. Ershova, T.Ya. Shpikalova, 2005) and "The concepts of social realization and ethnocultural integration of migrant children in Moscow schools on the basis of a Russian culture" (T.I. Baklanova, 2014). The author's innovative educational system, using a unique didactic kit "The class of folk crafts" of the project "The alphabet of folk culture", created in the Association "Nati...