List of publications on a keyword: «система»
Тема номера
Lomonosov Moscow State University , Москва г
«From soldier to marshal: the origin of the ranks of the French army»
This article discusses one of the fragments of the lexical system of the French language – the origin of terms denoting military ranks in the armed forces of France. The etymological analysis is carried out in close connection with the concrete historical situation which gave rise to the need of such language units. The author outlines the practical basis of the comparative study of the ways of lexical designation of ranks in the major European languages, including Russian.
Технические науки
Dmitry A. Shestakov
Institute of Informational Technologies and Telecommunications FSAEI of HE “Northern-Caucasus Federal University” , Ставропольский край
Igor V. Svistunov , candidate of engineering sciences
FSAEI of HE "North-Caucasus Federal University" , Ставропольский край
«Comparison of current CASE-tools»
Modern CASE-tools cover a wide area of multiple systems support of design technologies – from simple analysis tools and documentation to the full automation equipment, covering the entire life cycle. All pieces of work on the topic mainly describe how to evaluate and the choice of thematic instruments, but they do not evaluate the CASE-tools, which are currently available on the market. This study aims to give an initial idea of the current CASE-tools on the market to have a better understanding of which product to choose, depending on the needs of the organization.
Sergey V. Grigoriev , candidate of engineering sciences
FSFEI of HE “National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” , Москва г
«Evaluating the effectiveness of single-well heat exchanger energy recovery system for its long-term operation»
The paper deals with the effectiveness of the single well heat exchanger for extraction of deep heat energy of the bowels of the Earth. The classification of renewable sources of energy is presented. The authors describe the subsurface temperature regime on the territory of Russia and give definition to the concept of temperature reduction because of the use of the single well heat exchanger. The results of computational and parametric study of the single well heat exchanger are presented.
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg Mining University" , Санкт-Петербург г
«The results of experimental-industrial works on the redevelopment at the Zhaman-Aibat field (Republic of Kazakhstan)»
This article describes the features of the transition to the redevelopment of the Zhaman-Aibat field. The author presents the results of experimental-industrial works for the redevelopment of the field, shows the various schemes of interchamber and barrier pillars, adopted in the experimental-industrial development. The conclusions are the following: there is a need for further survey work, using computer modeling, to determine the optimal options for redevelopment.
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg Mining University" , Санкт-Петербург г
«Optical checking of geometrical dimensions of current-carrying anode pins on soderberg electrolysers»
This work addresses to the problem of wear-out of current-carrying anode pins of Soderberg electrolysers with an upper current supply. A task of automated checking of geometry of the current-carrying anode pin is analyzed. A possible method of checking of geometrical pin parameters is determined and described.
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg Mining University" , Санкт-Петербург г
«Experience of panel-and-pillar development system application at the Zhaman-Aibat field (Republic of Kazakhstan)»
The article summarizes the experience of previously adopted and applied parameters of the settings panel-and-pillar development system at the Zhaman-Aibat field. It shows the results of the analysis of geomechanical monitoring of structural elements of panel-and-pillar development system at the field during 2008–2010. The dependence of rock spalling from the roof has been withdrawn. The graphs on the fact of destruction of the pillars have been shown. The author concluded that there is a need to continue the research works in this direction.
Tatiana L. Fomicheva , candidate of economic sciences , associate professor
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г
«Information technology as an innovation in the management system»
Тема номера
, Крым Респ
«Physical findings. Matter is one of the states of radiated energy»
According to the author “atom” is a microsystem. The ability of photons (γνc – “nucleon”) to rotate at the speed of light in the microsystem (atom) ring – through – ring reveals the cause of inorganic matter formation. Gravity is a total apogee of the rotation of nucleons γνc in the microsystems (atoms). The article shows the new energy technologies instead of nuclear power and hydrocarbons, and their main aim which is the hydrogen energy radiation. The researcher notes that the speed of space journey can become relatively similar to the speed of light.
Культурология и искусствоведение
FSFEI of HE "Kuban State University" , Краснодарский край
«Ethnical consciousness and the government»
Institute of Economics and Finance FSFEI of HE "Chechen State University" , Чеченская Респ
«Assessment of the impact of innovation processes: methodological approaches»
In the article the prospects of development of innovative processes at a regional level the system of indicators of assessment effective components of innovation potential of the region. A conclusion about the predominance in the economy of the regions under study investment options for updating technology has been made based on the calculation and analysis of indicators of innovation investment in the fixed capital.
EI "Belarus State Pedagogical University Named After Maxim Tank" , Belarus
«Readiness to self-dependent work as one of the basic competence of future teachers»
Технические науки
FSBIS Institute of Management Problems named after V.A. Trapeznikov RAS , Москва г
«The role of information technology in the control of complex system»
Information technology in modern world play a considerable and maybe a major role in the control of complex systems. Information technology provide the possibility of active human participation in the development of important physical processes, phenomenon, events, which allow to use them in control theory of complex systems.
FSAEI of HE "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University" , Свердловская обл
Galina P. Klimova , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Ural State University of Architecture and Art" , Свердловская обл
«The taste in a polyparadigmal system»
Modern spiritual situation is determined as a transfer from a united cultural paradigm to a poliparadigmal cultural space. It is characterized by an unlimited diversity of unlinked spiritual structures, ideas, theories, styles and direction. Polyphony, eclecticism, subjective assembling, inlaid, and omnivorous are perceived as a norm today. Total impact of cultural specimen, intensified by an industry of informational technologies deform valuable aesthetic orientations of a personality, including taste. Individual experience in the taste becomes unified and social. Tastes differentiated before (aesthetic, artistic, mass, elite, etc.) became homogenous. Cultural reflection may be a purposeful preservation of elite valuable cultural orientation.
Lomonosov Moscow State University , Москва г
«The doctrine of penal law of Germany about the system of the special part of the German criminal code, special part»
The article aims to analyze the approaches of the German legislator and the criminal law doctrine on the system of the Special part of the Criminal code of Germany. The author considers different points of view of representatives of the German criminal law according to the doctrine on this issue. In conclusion, the Special part of penal law of Germany as a science and a branch of the law should be primarily based on existing legislation, i. e. the criminal code of Germany, including the rules of the Special part.
Navoiy State Pedagogical Institute , Uzbekistan
Zyavidin K. Yuldashev , doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Uzbekistan national university named after M. Ulugbek , Uzbekistan
«Problems of the education system associated with its informatization and support tasks methods»
Технические науки
Ministry of transportation and road network of Samara region , Самарская обл
«Development of urban transport system of U.D. Samara»
In the article some problems related to development processes of urban transport system in general and in U.D. Samara are discussed. Problems arising during development process of urban transport system are presented. Main principles of development of Samara urban transport system are expounded. Development concepts of the road network of the urban district Samara are formulated.
Tatyana M. Isachenko , doctor of economic sciences
FSAEI of HE "Moscow State Institute of International Relations (university) of MFA of Russia" , Москва г
«The establishment of WTO as a new stage of the multilateral trading system development»
SEI of HPE "Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin" , Kyrgyzstan
«Economic security: approaches to defining the term»
FSBEI of HE "Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy" , Москва г
Fajzali S. Komilov , doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Tajik national university , Tajikistan
Saidalo H. Mirzoev , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Dushanbe branch of FSEI of HE "Lomonosov Moscow State University" , Tajikistan
Fotekh Akobirzoda
Tajik national university , Tajikistan
«Development of a fishpond ecosystem’s conceptual model and its quality stability research»
Tatyana N. Ishchenko , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Olga S. Muhametrahimova
FSBEI of HE "Siberian State Technological University" , Красноярский край
«Students’ brain building as a means of safe behavior»
Intellectual activity in the process of perception and gaining knowledge defines not only the qualitative results of learning, but also affects the formation of personality and the formation of safe behavior in social and private life. The authors made an attempt to establish connection between the development of students’ intellectual activity and the formation of their safe behavior.
FSBEI of HE “Samara State Technical University” , Самарская обл
«The priorities of Russian migration policy in terms of external labor migration management»
The article deals with purposes facing to Russian legislation in the field of regulation of international labor migration. The current state of legislation is briefly described, the positive and negative aspects are considered. The authors compared two migrant flow control systems and outlined their features.
Естественные науки (физические и химические науки)
Guldana E. Gilimova
Igor F. Spivak-Lavrov , doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov , Kazakhstan
«Расчет электрических и магнитных полей, сводимых к двумерным»
В статье рассмотрены электрические и магнитные поля, уравнения для потенциалов которых с помощью замены переменных сводятся к двумерному уравнению Лапласа. Эти решения являются гармоническими функциями декартовых координат, и для их расчета можно использовать мощный аппарат теории функций комплексной переменной (ТФКП). Развитый метод позволил выполнить расчет потенциалов конических полей, обладающих средней плоскостью.
Svetlana I. Astafurova
TOGAPOU "Pedagogicheskii kolledzh g. Tambova" , Тамбовская обл
«Особенности системы оценки достижения требований Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования к результатам освоения учебных дисциплин»
Технические науки
Anzhelika A. Borovkova
Olesia V. Chubarova , candidate of engineering sciences
Institut kosmicheskikh i informatsionnykh tekhnologii FGAOU VO "Sibirskii federal'nyi universitet" , Красноярский край
«Командная строка, её назначение и функционал»
Dmitry A. Shestakov
Institute of Informational Technologies and Telecommunications FSAEI of HE “Northern-Caucasus Federal University” , Ставропольский край