List of publications on a keyword: «communication skills»

Institute of Psychology and Education of FSAEI of HE «Kazan (Volga region) Federal University» , Татарстан Респ
«Assessment of Communication Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders by the method of A.V. Khaustov»
Коррекционная педагогика, дефектология

FSBEI of HE "Moscow State University of Psychology and Education" , Москва г
«Comparative analysis of the specifics of the development of speech and sensory communication in the norm and in autism spectrum disorders in ontogeny»

FSAEI of HE "Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov" , Архангельская обл
«SMI kak otrazhenie sovremennykh trebovanii obshchestva k universal'nym kompetentsiiam vypusknikov universitetov»

The article examines the modern requirements of society to the universal competencies of university graduates through the prism of publications in the leading media. Employers expect professionals from universities with a set of necessary professional and supra-professional competencies. Modern Russian media reflect discussions in academic, scientific, and professional circles that affect the requirements of employers and society for professional knowledge and universal core competencies imposed on young employees.

Irina G. Suraeva , kindergarten teacher
Irina M. Ulitina , kindergarten teacher
ANO DO “Planet of childhood “Lada” , Самарская обл
«Creating Conditions for the Development of Coherent Speech of Senior Preschool Children»

The authors of this article reveal the issues of development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age in the conditions of a preschool educational organization. They present the author's experience of working on the speech creativity of children by means of modern educational technologies, describe specific methods, techniques and tools in this area of children's activity. They share the forms of work on enriching the developing subject-spatial environment for activating children's coherent speech and working with parents. Present the results of their work on this issue.

FSBEI of HE "Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev" , Красноярский край
«Features of Communication Skills Development in a Group of Primary School Students (First Graders)»

Lithuanian Sports University , Lithuania

Dance is related to the peculiarities of communication between teenagers, because the essence of these dances is the performance of dance in a couple, During dance classes, adolescents have the opportunity to acquire excellent communication skills, to consciously discover and improve their weak points, to raise their communication level to a higher, more enjoyable level, There is lack of literature on communication between dancers of all ages and skill levels, There is a significant lack of scientific data on the impact of dance on adolescent communication.
Дошкольная педагогика

Elena V. Rakina
Antonina V. Nemtseva
Iana G. Kharchenko
МБДОУ «Д/С КВ №67» , Белгородская обл
«Pedagogicheskie usloviia razvitiia kommunikativnykh umenii u detei starshego doshkol'nogo vozrasta s uchetom gendernykh razlichii»

This article describes the conditions that need to be created in the DOW for more successful development of communication skills. This process will be more effective if teachers take into account the gender differences between boys and girls. Given their psychophysiological characteristics, it is necessary to build the process of communication with adults and peers. These conditions include: - subject developing environment; – role-playing games; -didactic game; -individual work; - organization of special classes and clubs; - modeling of communicative situations. Each of these conditions, created in the framework of the development of communication skills, must meet the requirement of gender sensitivity of children.

FGBOU VO "Moskovskii pedagogicheskii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Москва г
«The development of communication skills in preschoolers in the process of theatrical activities»

In the article, the author discussed the development of communication skills in preschoolers in the process of theatrical activities in terms of preschool educational establishment. On the basis of theoretical analysis results, previously performed by several authors of research works, the author justifies the importance of this work to implement good practice in preschool educational establishment, aimed at the formation of important child’s communicative abilities in this age. Analysis of the current modern conditions of activity of the preschool educational establishment and the failure of elaboration of thistopic determined the purpose of this study, which is based on formation of communicative abilities in children of preschool age through theatrical activities. The need for decisions formulated by the author of the study, determined the course of the experimental part of the work aimed at the identification of pedagogical conditions and the development of methods of learning, including theatrical activities and promoting the effective development of communication skills. In this paper the technique is presented quite briefly, however, the author reveals the main stages of its implementation in the activities of the preschool educational establishment. The result of logical and scientific experimental part of the study, the author confirms the effectiveness of the developed methodology for lessons, aimed at formation of high-level communicative abilities in preschoolers.

FSBEI of HE "G.I. Nosov Magnitogorsk State technical University" , Челябинская обл
Lyubov V. Pavlova , doctor of pedagogic sciences
Institut gumanitarnogo obrazovaniia FGBOU VO "Magnitogorskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnicheskii universitet im. G.I. Nosova" , Челябинская обл
«The peculiarities of speaking teaching using case methods in English classes»
Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology FSAEI of HE "Siberian Federal University" , Красноярский край
Daria I. Hvashaevskaya
FSAEI of HE "Siberian Federal University" , Красноярский край
«Communicative abilities development among students-future teachers, while learning the subject "Russian language and culture of speech»

This article is devoted to the description of classes on discipline "Russian language and culture of speech" that are based on a variety of pedagogical techniques, promoting the development of communicative abilities of students who are future teachers: gaming, information-related and project technologies and also case-based technologies.
Филология и лингвистика (русская литература, фольклористика, журналистика, языкознание, прикладная лингвистика и др)

EI "Gomel State University named after F. Skorina" , Belarus
«Использование информационных технологий в обучении ИТ-студентов английскому языку»

The article focuses on the use of computer and projector in teaching IT-students English with the help of multimedia presentations and educational videos. The principles of organization and use of educational material in various stages of the presentation are described. Some aspects of learning grammar and speech by the example of educational videos are presented, sample assignments are offered and the appropriate conclusions about the benefits of advisable application of ICT are drawn.
Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

МКОУ «Детский дом-школа №95» , Кемеровская обл