List of publications on a keyword: «order»

Система дошкольного, школьного и внешкольного (дополнительного) образования

Publication date: 03.07.2018
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Lidiia L. Vasileva , руководитель
Тренинговый центр "Международная школа васильевой Л.Л. , Свердловская обл

«Prevention of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children through speed reading»

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In recent years, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has become not only a problem in the organization of the educational process, but it is also becoming a public problem, since children of school and preschool age hardly learn and retain information. The volume of information has increased many times. Our ability to work with it, translate into a practical plane, remains at the same level. The intensive development of information technologies in conjunction with the development of scientific progress leads to the need to improve the learning mechanism. Adaptive technologies of intellectual abilities development of a person take into account the natural interests of people of different age groups, allow to optimize intellectual processes, the recoding of information teaches a person to think. The better the brain encodes information, the better it remembers. The main characteristics of adaptive technologies for the development of a person's intellectual abilities through a single path – speed reading – are considered in the context of practical and applied recommendations that allow the learner to master various types of reading.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 18.04.2017
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Anton S. Kovshov , candidate of juridical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Анализ направлений исследований особенностей приграничного региона – Республики Карелии»

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A brief analysis of the directions of research of the features of the economic, industrial and social sphere of the northern border region - the Republic of Karelia, is given.

[22.00.00] Социологические науки

Publication date: 28.03.2017
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Dina Veksler
Women's League Community Residence , USA
Saif A. Afridi
Institute of Space Technology , Pakistan

«A Creative Approach to Development of Special Children»

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This article introduces Thematic Photobooks system as a mean of special children's' development. According to the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky and Activity Theory by A. Leontiev and S. Rubinstein, the development of a child’s intellectual activity highly depends on the presence of mediating agents in children’s interaction with the environment and highlights the presence of a social medium for children’s development. The process of creating Thematic Рhotobooks about a child and his/her life as a creative collaboration of an adult and a child serves as a mediating agent between a child and his surrounding. The benefits from photography and photo stories for the child's development is described. Creating Photobooks is a goal and a process at the same time. It helps a child to develop important life skills and acquiring knowledge. The structure, application and advantages of this system are presented along with a real life example of a special child as a case study.


Publication date: 28.07.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 4)
Andrey V. Antsyborov , graduate student
Mental Health Clinic «Psyche» , Ростовская обл
Azat R. Asadulin , candidate of medical sciences
FSBEI HE "Bashkir State Medical University" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation , Башкортостан Респ

«Psychoactive effects and toxic reactions associated with the use of mephedrone and methylone (review)»

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One of the most common classes among new psychoactive substances are substituted cathinones. The most popular substances among consumers, representatives of this class, are mephedrone and methylone. In this review, the accumulated scientific data on clinical effects, side effects, mechanisms of action associated with the use of methylone and mephedrone are systematized. When writing the review, two representative databases were used to find the scientific sources of PubMed and Google Scholar. The authors also used data from the site Erowid Center (non-profit educational organization in the United States, which provides information on psychoactive plants and chemicals). The literature search was conducted between 2005 and 2015.

Publication date: 19.07.2017
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Aleksandr I. Tyukavin , doctor of medical sciences, professor
Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre of the Russian Ministry of Health , Санкт-Петербург г

«The main aspects of local pathogenetic disorders caused by skin burns»

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Microvascular disorders constitute one of the important mechanisms in the pathophysiology of burns. In case of thermal skin burns, especially dermal burns (IIIA degree), it is important to pay attention to the prevalence and the severity of the inflammatory reaction in the wound that may affect the viability of survived sebaceous and sweat glands, their epithelial cells can serve as a substrate for self-epithelialization of the skin. Local microvascular abnormalities in the damaged dermis are due to changes in the walls of blood vessels and the structure of the cellular elements of the blood, which form a clear correlation with secondary damage to the dermis.


Publication date: 07.06.2017
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Anquan Feng , doctor of economic sciences
Heilongjiang Academy of Social Sciences , The People's Republic of China

«A Blueprint for the Construction of a Sino-Russian Free Trade Area in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative»

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According to the author, the geographically adjacent countries of China and Russia have strongly complementary economic structures and have seen rapid development of economic and trade cooperation in recent years, but overall trade between them is relatively low in volume and lacks variety in structure. The Belt and Road initiative has provided new opportunities to deepen Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation. The two countries should take this opportunity to strengthen infrastructure interconnection, improve the existing economic cooperation mechanism and trade structure, and promote the construction of a Sino-Russian free trade area.


Publication date: 20.02.2017
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Anna S. Avdeenkova
Sergey F. Afanasev , doctor of juridical sciences
Northern-Caucasus Branch FSBEI of HE “Russian State University of Justice” , Краснодарский край

«The characteristics of divorce proceedings»

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The article is devoted to the peculiarities of divorce proceedings. The authors highlighted the need for continuous monitoring of the legislation combined with scientific theoretical researchers on this topic, that will allow to change the provisions of the Russian Federation Civil Procedural Code and the Russian Federation Family Code into line with needs of society.

[05.00.00] Технические науки

Publication date: 22.02.2017
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Ivan N. Zalesov
SPEAI of the Amur Region «Amur College of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities» , Амурская обл

«The role of architectural full order in architecture»

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This article is about the role of full architecture order in the field of architecture. The main types of this order as well as its basic components have been studied. The author also tries to find out the influence of this order on the development and modern tendencies in the modern world of architecture and construction.


Publication date: 10.02.2017
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Sergei I. Anulev
FSFEI of HE "Kemerovo State Institute of Culture" , Кемеровская обл

«Формирование социального заказа в сфере праздничной культуры как форма самостоятельной работы студентов»

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In this paper, the author examines the current issues of the functioning of the concept of "social order" in the field of education as the realization of creative potential of students in training as in the work with the teacher or in independent work (CPC); which should help them to realize mastered competencies in future professional activities. The author proposes the development of technology to work with the social order, by connecting through practice and independent work of students.


Publication date: 02.02.2017
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Sergey P. Kulikov , candidate of sociological sciences
Ruslan R. Makhmutov
FSFEI of HE "Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)” , Москва г

«Public request as a key factor to plan activities of youth policy, supplementary education and a healthy lifestyle»

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Article is devoted to the analysis of a role of public inquiry in the sphere of youth policy, additional education and formation of a healthy lifestyle, in it the structure of public inquiry is revealed, subjects of the social order in the sphere of youth policy are revealed, mechanisms of broadcast of public inquiry in youth community are defined.

[19.00.00] Психологические науки

Publication date: 01.02.2017
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Irina S. Voskanova
Pedagogical Institute FSAEI of HE “Belgorod State National Research University” , Белгородская обл
Elena N. Shutenko , candidate of psychological sciences
FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл

«Adaptation to frustration situations by young schoolchildren with musculoskeletal disorders»

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The article deals with the results of research of frustration, happened to young schoolchildren with musculoskeletal disorders, their main ways to respond to difficult situations in life, their adaptation in society, the relations between anxiety and frustration, and the comparison of research findings between normal children frustration and frustration of children with musculoskeletal disorders.

Publication date: 31.01.2017
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Natalia G. Nasonova
Rehabilitation Center for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders “Our sunny world” (Non-government, non-profit organization) , Москва г

«The peculiarities of imagination of children on the autism spectrum disorders»

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The author of this article has studied the peculiarities of imagination of preschoolers and younger school children on the autism spectrum. The paper has shown the results of an experimental study with a group of children on the autism spectrum disorder and the conclusions on work accomplished.

Технические науки

Publication date: 09.08.2016
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Vladimir E. Volodin
FSAEI of HE "National Research University of Electronic Technology" , Москва г

«Floating-point numbers as tools in designing digital equipment»

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The article substantiates the use of floating point numbers in digital devices design. The paper describes this representation of numbers. The urgency of the use of this presentation is due to the fact that in modern computing systems occur computational operations over a very large and very small numbers. Since there is a need in the presentation and conducting operations on a finite set of zeros and ones, as a compromise between speed, size and accuracy of representations, scientists have proposed to use the format of floating point numbers.

Психологические науки

Publication date: 21.06.2016
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Dariya S. Lysikova
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Adolescent dysmorphophobia»

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Статья представляет собой обзор литературы. В статье поднимается проблема переживания подростков по поводу внешности в аспекте нормы и патологии. Кратко представлена информация о психическом заболевании под названием «дисморфофобия». Приведены данные современных исследований по этой теме.

Педагогические науки

Publication date: 12.05.2016
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Mariia I. Lipatova
Liudmila E. Tomme , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Omsk State Pedagogical University , Омская обл

«Анализ проблемы формирования орфографических умений у младших школьников с ТНР»

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В данной статье рассмотрены главные трудности, возникающие при формировании орфографических умений у младших школьников. Авторами проанализирована программа всеохватывающего изучения посылов и ведущих устройств формирования метаязыковой возможности становления у младших подростков с ТНР орфографических умений.


Publication date: 07.12.2016
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Guli M. Saatova , doctor of medical sciences , профессор, заведующий отделом ревматологии и неревматических болезней сердца, ведущий научный сотрудник
Alla B. Furtikova , candidate of medical sciences
National Center for Maternity and Childhood Protection , Kyrgyzstan
Baktygul T. Zhanturaeva
Osh Interregional Children's Hospital , Kyrgyzstan

«The risk of children’s congenital heart disorder development in Kyrgyzstan»

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This article defines the factors forecasting significancy, affecting development, birth and survival rate of the children with congenital heart disorder. The families with children with congenital heart disorder and without it and 105 children with congenital heart disorder are studied. The authors use such research methods as polling and complex clinical and functional examination of children with congenital heart disorder. More important factors, indicating the high risk of the baby with congenital heart disorder impregnation, baby’s formed congenital heart disorder probability, characteristics, designating the chance of live birth with congenital heart disorder are considered.

Publication date: 06.12.2016
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Anna V. Sablina
Saint Petersburg SFHI “Children’s Municipal Clinic №68” , Санкт-Петербург г
Galia F. Kutusheva , doctor of medical sciences
FSFEI of HE “Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Санкт-Петербург г
Olga V. Lavrova , doctor of medical sciences
Research Institute of Pulmonology SFEI of HE “I.P. Pavlov First Saint Peters-burg State Medical University” , Санкт-Петербург г

«Hypertensive disorders and preeclampsia in pregnant women with bronchial asthma»

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The article describes extragenital diseases of the mother disrupts fetal development which can lead to disease or even death. It is noted that 70% of pregnant women have chronic somatic pathology, exacerbation of various diseases – asthma, anemia, pyelonephritis, and others are occurred in 76% during pregnancy. Bronchial asthma is not a contraindication to pregnancy, but the exacerbation of the disease during pregnancy, lack of proper control can lead to negative consequences for both the mother and the child. A number of studies, made by the authors, has shown that patients with severe or uncontrolled course of BA have a higher risk of a number of complications of pregnancy and childbirth. One of the most common complications of the second half of pregnancy was hypertensive disorders and preeclampsia.


Publication date: 08.08.2016
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Alexandra E. Kornilova
FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия

«Court order: improvement of legislation and law-enforcement practice»

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The article analyses the possibilities of direction and execution of court orders and enquiries while legal investigation in arbitration and regular courts.

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 28.07.2016
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Elena V. Tupitsina
MAPEI "K/g №39" MI "LMR" , Пермский край

«Valeological theater in work with children with speech disorders»

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This article studies the role of valeological theatre in growth of children with speech disorders. The paper shows the peculiarities of using theater while work of a teacher with children.

Коррекционная педагогика, дефектология

Publication date: 21.07.2016
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Marina S. Chijova , библиотекарь
Elena V. Kukushkina , логопед
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State University of Psychology and Education" , Москва г

«From common work experience of a librarian and a speech therapist in a short stay group for children with ASD»

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This article examines the collaboration of a librarian and a speech therapist in short stay groups for children with ASD. Work objectives are to introduce children to social and moral norms through telling fairy-tales together with solving the tasks of speech therapy. The authors described the preparation and training technology.

Менеджмент и его разновидности, диверсификация, маркетинг, ценообразование

Publication date: 14.01.2016
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Shiiui Chzhao
School of Economics and Management FSFEI of HE “Far Eastern Federal University” , Приморский край
Elena B. Kmet , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HPE "Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service" , Приморский край

«Перспективы выхода китайского предприятия интернет-торговли на российский рынок: возможности и проблемы»

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В статье представлены возможности и проблемы выхода китайского предприятия интернет-торговли на российский рынок. В статье не только проанализированы существующие проблемы, тормозящие развитие трансграничной электронной торговли Китая и России, в шести аспектах, но и сформулированы возможные пути их устранения.

История и политология

Publication date: 31.03.2016
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Irina I. Kozubenko , doctor of historical sciences, candidate of philological sciences
Sevastopol Brunch of Lomonosov Moscow State University , Севастополь г

«Взаимодействие ЕС и НАТО в решении проблемы миграционного кризиса»

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The article analyzes the process of EU and NATO co-ordination in the field of European security in the second half of 2015 - beginning of 2016, caused by the problem of illegal migration to Europe from Asia and the Middle East. Non-European nature of the crisis makes it impossible to solve it only in the framework of the EU and NATO.

Коррекционная педагогика, дефектология

Publication date: 26.11.2015
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Mariia A. Polshina , candidate of biological sciences
Natalia M. Suslova
FSEI of HE "Orenburg State Pedagogical University" , Оренбургская обл

«Диагностика общего недоразвития речи детей раннего возраста»

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The article considers the causes of the General underdevelopment of the speech of young children, the system of logopedic work on the prevention and elimination of these speech disorders. It is proposed to focus more on speech therapists the distinction such thing as the NRO.

Психологические науки

Publication date: 04.02.2016
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Anastasiia A. Levchenko
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of FSBEI of HPE "Orenburg State Pedagogical University" , Оренбургская обл

«Психолого-педагогическая поддержка. Сущность и содержание»

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The article reveals the peculiarities of psychological and pedagogical support, its nature and content, and demonstrates its necessity in a social environment for educational institutions.

Медицинские науки

Publication date: 07.12.2015
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Svetlana A. Gavrish
ООО «Центр Здоровья» , Курская обл
Aleksei A. Konoplia , doctor of medical sciences
Nadezhda A. Ponomareva , doctor of medical sciences
FGBOU VO "Kurskii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii universitet" Minzdrava Rossii , Курская обл

«Местные и системные иммунометаболические нарушения при хроническом эндометрите»

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В рамках данного исследования обследовано 38 пациенток репродуктивного возраста, всем пациенткам проводили комплексное клинико-инструментальное обследование по общепринятым стандартам, при этом во всех случаях имела место верификация диагноза хронический эндометрит в стадии неполной ремиссии (основная группа) и 18 здоровых женщин (контрольная группа). Все пациентки основной группы получали стандартную медикаментозную терапию. До лечения в плазме крови и вагинально-цервикальном смыве установлено повышение уровня провоспалительных и регуляторных цитокинов, активация системы комплемента и свободно‐радикального окисления, дисбаланс в содержании противовоспалительных цитокинов, регуляторов системы комплемента, различных классов иммуноглобулинов. В крови выявлено снижение активности и интенсивности фагоцитоза с одновременным повышением активности кислородзависимых систем нейтрофилов. После курса терапии определена недостаточная эффективность применения комплексного стандартного лечения в коррекции иммунометаболических нарушений