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Парадигмы современной науки (различные направления)

Publication date: 27.07.2017
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Olga P. Zaitseva , doctor of economic sciences
PEI of HPE of Russian Central Union "Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation" , Новосибирская обл
Medegma A. Montoeva
FSBEI OF Higher Education «Novosibirsk State University Of Architecture And Civil Engineering(SIBSTRIN)» , Новосибирская обл

«Obosnovanie metodicheskogo podkhoda k otsenke konkurentosposobnosti kompanii»

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The monograph is devoted to the problem of objective assessment of the company competitiveness for strategic decisions choice. Various approaches to its measurement, not always expedient in concrete business conditions, are offered in theory and practice. Key features of the telecommunication companies’ activity, influencing its competitiveness, are systematized in the research. Analytical tools of its assessment, including the matrix analysis and method of the analysis of hierarchies, are proved, adapted and applied. The existing and potential competitive positions of PJSC MegaFon are specified. Viable investments are proved, taking into account a condition of various segments of the company business. The recommendations about improvement of an assessment technique and mobilization technique of competitive advantages of the telecommunication companies are offered.

Publication date: 15.06.2017
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Mikhail S. Batanov , candidate of engineering sciences , доцент
FSFEI of HE "Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)” , Москва г

«Extensions of the Einstein field equations and their solutions»

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According to the researcher one of the aims of geometrodynamics is to eliminate the concept of mass as a fundamental property. The author presents a promising approach to achieving this end. In order to do this, the researcher considers the interface between different solutions of the Einstein field equations, and constructs an extension of these equations and their solutions. This forms the basis of a metric-dynamic model of particles of varying sizes, including virtually all elementary particles that are part of the Standard Model.

Publication date: 02.08.2017
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Oleg R. Kirishchiev , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Don State Technical University" , Ростовская обл

«Osnovy uchiota spetsial'nykh faktorov pri formirovanii mashinno-apparatnogo kompleksa predpriiatiia»

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The monograph states that one of the stages of machine-hardware complex development at the enterprise as a set of technical objects is the design of process scheme, selection and justification of the applied equipment. One of criteria of efficiency of the project is the total cost of equipment and operations including, as a special factor, the associated costs for its creation. Associated costs are calculated as a percentage of the cost of the new equipment, calculated on the basis of the empirical power function model with adequate for further use accuracy.

Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)

Publication date: 02.08.2017
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Oleg E. Osovsky , doctor of philological sciences
Vera P. Kirzhaeva , doctor of pedagogic sciences, associate professor
FGBOU VO "Mordovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. N.P. Ogareva" , Мордовия Респ

«N.A. Gants i pedagogicheskaia zhurnalistika russkoi emigratsii 1920-1930-kh godov»

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The monograph deals with the crucial problem of the Russian emigre education theory and history. Russian émigré pedagogical journalism is an important part of the educational legacy of Russia abroad. N.A. Hans’ publications in the émigré periodicals is a vivid example of the new reception of the theory and history of education problems, innovative approaches to the foreign experiments in the school practice contemporary school policy.

Publication date: 31.07.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Oksana N. Iarosh
Elena N. Lebedeva
MBDOU TsRR - D/S 5 "Mir detstva" , Тульская обл

«Ekokvantorium dlia doshkol'nika: sovremennost' i budushchee!". Strategiia innovatsionnogo proekta»

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This article considers the problem of systemic greening of the educational environment where the multifunctional center – ecoquantorium – plays a strategic role with its project socio-ecological-educational activity on preschoolers’ ecological culture development.

Publication date: 28.07.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 4)
Natalia A. Senognoeva , doctor of pedagogic sciences
FSAEI of HE "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University" , Свердловская обл

«Realizatsiia ball'no-reitingovoi sistemy na primere sozdaniia FOSa po distsipline "Pedagogicheskoe testirovanie»

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The article considers the implementation of grade-rating system based on the example of Rating Tools Fund development on the discipline “Pedagogical testing”. The regulation on grade-rating system has been developed at the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. It provides for the maximum quantity of rating points which can be earned by the student during the semester. The Rating Tools Fund has maximum quantity of rating points for each test (exam) that is presented as a rating tool.

Publication date: 26.07.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 1 (Всего: 1)
Vladinir V. Kovrov , candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor , доцент
Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Inclusive Education of Humanities-Pedagogical Academy (Brunch) FSAEI of HE "V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University" , Крым Респ

«Tekhnologiia ball'no-reitingovoi otsenki uchebnogo zaniatiia v vuze»

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The article deals with issues related to ensuring the quality of the educational process in the system of higher professional education. The methodology and technology of a point-rating evaluation of the training session with students at the university is substantiated in the process of organizational and methodical activities for the control of the educational process at the faculty of the university. The article presents the “Technological map of the analysis of the training session” and justifies the technology of the score-rating evaluation of the training session in the system of higher professional education.

Publication date: 09.08.2017
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Oksana I. Radina , doctor of economic sciences, professor , professor
Novoshakhtinsk Branch of FSAEI of HE "Southern Federal University" , Ростовская обл
Viktor A. Osovtsev , doctor of economic sciences
FSFEI of HE "Rostov State University of Economics" , Ростовская обл
Regina I. Serdiuk , candidate of economic sciences
Institute of Service and Entrepreneurship (a branch of) FSFEI of HE "Don State Technical University" , Ростовская обл

«Микромоделирование познания и развития концепции маркетинга отношений в системе высшего образования»

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The paper delivers the comparative analysis of the synthetic process of the relationship marketing development models. It is proved that in spite of difficulties in its structure the system models encourage a better understanding of the structure, functions and interconnections of the relationship marketing in the services sector of higher education institutions. The research insights showed that the modern conception of the institutional relationship marketing imposes the set of commercial, state and noncommercial marketing instruments. These instruments build the socioeconomic managing system of balanced cooperation of the subjects of higher education institutions’ services sector by the in-house marketing for the purpose of making ultimate solutions of internal and external problems in the higher education institutions turned to the satisfying the requirements of the target market.

Publication date: 04.08.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Marina G. Golubchikova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Tamara P. Mironova
FSBEI of HE "Irkutsk State University" , Иркутская обл

«Razvitie lichnostno-professional'nykh kachestv budushchikh pedagogov posredstvom kvaziprofessional'noi deiatel'nosti»

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The problem of development of personal and professional qualities of students in the process of professional training was described in the article. Criteria and indicators of the development of personality-professional qualities were determined, the parameters of their manifestations as well. The examples show the relationship of personal and professional qualities and the requirements of the Professional Standard. The features of the case-method as a form of quasi-professional activity were considered. A correlation was found between official diagnoses and the use of cases as assessment tools.