List of publications on a keyword: «Arts»

Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования

Publication date: 04.03.2025
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Волкова Ольга Владимировна , старший методист
MAOUDO "DDIuT" , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия

«Technology of creative workshop in additional education»

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The article examines the pedagogical technology "Creative Workshop" as an effective tool for independent research and creative activity in additional education when studying the basics of arts and crafts.


Publication date: 28.02.2021
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Tat'iana V. Parii
Tatiana V. Kozlova
MAOU "SOSh 81" , Кемеровская обл

«Technological map of the lesson in the Russian language»

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This article describes the content of the technological map of the Russian language lesson in the 4th grade under the program "School of Russia", taking into account the use of predicted results. The materials of the article may be useful for specialists in the field of pedagogy

Publication date: 03.08.2020
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Zoia N. Leonova , teacher, teacher of additional education
Iuliia S. Khodosovskaia , teacher
SBEI “School Maryina Roshcha named after V.F. Orlov”, , Москва г

«Online Classes for Children With Special Educational Needs. Creative Workshop “Skazka”»

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The article highlights the problem of distance learning for children with special educational needs during the period of self-isolation. The article presents the online project Creative Workshop “Skazka”, developed and implemented in children's groups in the period of coronavirus pandemic.

Дополнительное (внешкольное) образование детей

Publication date: 07.05.2018
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Natalia I. Kozhevnikova , member of the Union of Artists of Russia , преподаватель художественных дисциплин, член Союза художников России
MBU DO "Detskaia khudozhestvennaia shkola" , Челябинская обл

«Акварель в развитии колористического видения на начальном этапе обучения живописи»

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This article examines the methodological aspects of the development of color vision at the initial stage of painting education. Various ways of solving this problem are proposed, namely, the implementation of the process of developing a color vision from various points of view, theoretical, practical and methodical. The article describes a set of exercises using the example of watercolor technique, with the help of which color problems of different levels of complexity are solved and stage by stage lead to the expected result.

Парадигмы современной науки

Publication date: 23.03.2018
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Sergei N. Krylov , degree-seeking student
FSBEI of HE “Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A.L. Stieglitz”, , Санкт-Петербург г

«Spetsifika formirovaniia khudozhestvennoi shkoly na kafedre monumental'no-dekorativnoi zhivopisi SPGKhPA im. A.L. Shtiglitsa»

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The article deals with the review of the first years of the Department of Monumental and Decorative Painting of «St.Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art’s and Design» (Mukhina Leningrad Higher Arts and Crafts College). Education, realized projects of teachers, masters and technologists, who were invited to work first at the department, are studied. The origins of features formation in the approach to the muralists training at the department as a model of the original «school» are being considered.


Publication date: 14.03.2018
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Ekaterina O. Kuniaeva , postgraduate
Samara State Institute of Culture , Самарская обл

«Current issues of decorative and applied arts studio heads preparation for their professional work»

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The article deals with current issues related to the readiness of future heads of the decorative and applied arts studio in the context of modern professional education. Leading approaches of research are the ideas of integration, system, competence, personal and activity approaches, theoretical positions and scientific provisions on professional activities. The idea of ​​creating a system of readiness formation for professional activity, which is capable of improving the educational process in higher educational institutions, is being put forward.

Этнография и историческая антропология

Publication date: 20.03.2018
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Kseniia I. Arefeva , postgraduate student
FGBOU VO "Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. A.N. Kosygina (Tekhnologii. Dizain. Iskusstvo)" , Москва г

«Studies of the Tatar ornament based on publications»

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The article is a review of literary sources that determine various approaches to studying Tatar folk ornament in historical retrospective to determine its current state and the range of problems in this field.


Publication date: 14.08.2017
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Daria V. Bogdevich
MBOU "Vyezdnovskaia SSh" , Нижегородская обл

«Преимущества интеграции исторических и лингвострановедческих знаний в процесс обучения английскому языку»

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This article examines the advantages of teaching English using the content of the history educational process in order to strengthen intersubject connections in the minds of students and their sociocultural competence.

Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность

Publication date: 08.08.2017
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Evgenii N. Sadovnikov
Карельская региональная общественная организация «Федерация самбо и дзюдо» , Карелия Респ

«Инновационные решения для спортивных единоборств»

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Based on the results of patent search, patented innovative solutions in the field of combat sports are presented. Innovative solutions can find application in the training and training processes of sambo wrestlers and judoists.

Теория и методика общего образования

Publication date: 04.08.2017
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Olga V. Shatunova , candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor , доцент
Elabuga Institute FAEI of HE "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ

«Категория «Arts» в STEAM-образовании»

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В статье выявлены основные тенденции развития STEAM-образования школьников в разных станах. Раскрыта роль категории «Arts» (искусства) как одной из необходимых составляющих в содержании STEAM-образования.


Publication date: 14.06.2017
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Sergei A. Koroliov , candidate of pedagogic sciences, professor
Elena G. Masko
Ekaterina N. Nesterova
Sevastopol'skoe prezidentskoe kadetskoe uchilishche (filial) FGKOU "Nakhimovskoe voenno-morskoe uchilishche MO RF" , Севастополь г

«Мастер-класс «Монотипия»»

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The pupils of Nakhimov Naval School Branch in Sevastopol learn different painting techniques at Art lessons. Nakhimovites do research work and select portraits for creative work. Implementation of the idea mobilizes nakhimovites, showing their artistic and creative potential. Using monotyping technique, which combines both printmaking and painting qualities, nakhimovites prepare creative works for the “Newsreel of the war-time” student projects exhibition.

[08.00.00] Экономические науки

Publication date: 21.11.2017
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Fares N. Abu abed , candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Tver State Technological University" , Тверская обл

«Economic methods of optimization of the composition supplying systems of the objects of oil and gas industry»

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Preventing possible refusals of oil and gas production facilities is an important task in the development of new fields and requires a number of measures to ensure their reliability and resiliency. Applying neural technology, the author has developed the classifier revealing possible deviations and anomalies at drilling of oil and gas wells, algorithm for determining the structure and composition of a set of spare assets and supplies for the restoration of the operability of the rig for drilling oil and gas wells after the failure of individual components.


Publication date: 26.04.2017
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Natalya B. Efimochkina , candidate of sociological sciences
FSBEI of HE “National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” , Москва г

«Organizational design: meaning, essential characteristic»

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The article analyses the implementation of scientific and organizational methods of organizational design of management system . The author elaborately examines the stepwise algorithm of organizational design and shows the real mechanisms of implementation of innovative pilot projects and assessment of their efficiency.


Publication date: 13.03.2017
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Vadim V. Prozersky
Institute of Philosophy FSBEI of HE "Saint-Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Classification system of arts in Nelson Goodman aesthetics and the problem of the unity of the art world»

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The article deals with the classification system of arts by American analytical philosopher Nelson Goodman. His concept of the dividing of the art-world into two types of art: «allographic» and «autographic» arts is strongly problematic. The author proves that an empirical distinction between the types of art does not negate the profound unity of the artistic world. In the arts, a variety of the material embodiment of artistic images, does not deny their common genetic code of the creative process.

Общие концептуальные основы и фундаментальные исследования этнокультурной деятельности

Publication date: 31.03.2017
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Tatyana I. Baklanova , doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
Culture and Arts Institute of SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г

«Разработка и концептуальное обоснование государственной программы «Народная художественная культура и этнокультурное образование» как актуальная научно-практическая задача»

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In the article the necessity of development and conceptual justification of the state program aimed at introducing children and adolescents to the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, to various types of folk art in order to Patriotic, spiritual, moral and cultural education. The relevance of such programs due to a number listed in article of the public documents that define the modern Russian educational and cultural policy. Now developed important practical and scientific background for

Этнокультурное образование и воспитание детей в условиях дошкольного, общего и дополнительного образования

Publication date: 30.03.2017
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Князькина Наталья Борисовна , старший воспитатель
Nadezhda M. Fedorova
МДОУ «Д/С №26 «Подсолнушек» , Марий Эл Респ

«Система работы МДОУ по формированию этнокультурной компетенции у детей старшего дошкольного возраста»

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According to GEF TO the work of MDOU stands out the specifics of national and socio-cultural conditions, which must be carried out educational activities. Also disclosed ethno-cultural orientation activities MDOU

Современные учебники, пособия и программы по народной культуре и этнокультурному образованию

Publication date: 30.03.2017
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Natal'ia A. Shirokova
MOU "Oktiabr'skaia SOSh im. Iu. Chumaka" , Белгородская обл

«Методические рекомендации для педагогов дополнительного образования по организации учебного процесса декоративно-прикладной направленности с национально-региональными особенностями»

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A source of practical experience, forms the basis of the recommendations is the experience of the teacher of additional education of children's creativity Center in Belgorod district of the Belgorod region shirokovoy Natalia Alexandrovna, who for 17 years and is the head of the children's Association of decorative focus, considers it necessary to draw on the knowledge of the traditional crafts of his native land, the history of their homeland, traditions and rituals of Belgorod region.

Тема номера

Publication date: 08.08.2016
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Irina S. Glebova , candidate of political sciences
NEI of HE "M.A. Litovchin Humanitarian Institute of TV and broadcasting" , Москва г

«Development of screen arts and their impact on audiovisual education»

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The article deals with the stages of screen arts of the twentieth century development and their impact on employee training system for the production of film-TV-radio-video products. The author developed his own concept of stages of the media industry formation, taking into account the historical and technological pro-progress. He also analyzed many years of experience of training professionals to work in the audiovisual media on the example of american cinema schools.

Психолого-педагогические аспекты воспитания и обучения

Publication date: 11.11.2016
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Ulia F. Katahanova , doctor of pedagogic sciences
FGBOU VO "Moskovskii pedagogicheskii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Москва г
Natalia A. Fedotova
Institute of Arts of FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Pedagogical University" , Москва г

«The problems of children' artistic perception development in art»

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Annotation. The article highlights the problem of the formation of artistic perception of children of the senior preschool and younger school age in graphic activity


Publication date: 08.07.2016
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Tatyana I. Baklanova , doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
Culture and Arts Institute of SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г

«Подготовка педагогических кадров к этнокультурному дополнительному образованию детей»

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The article presents the main aspects of the research focused on conceptual and scientific-methodological support of preparation of teachers for ethnocultural additional education of children. In the process of research will develop and test in the Moscow city pedagogical University additional professional training program "ethno-cultural additional education of children" and other teaching materials.

Теория и методика общего образования

Publication date: 04.07.2016
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Olga V. Karavaeva
SBEI School №1329 , Москва г

«Electronic learning resources at the lessons of art in initial school»

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Annotation. The article shows the importance of the learning process of primary school pupils of electronic OV educational resources. The advantages of using these teaching aids, up to the training organization to the Internet.

Технические науки

Publication date: 04.05.2016
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Aleksandr V. Lebedev
Stefan I. Stefanov , candidate of engineering sciences
FSAEI of HE «Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia» , Москва г

«Evolvement of package, its design and augmented reality»

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Every product will be wrapped, transferred and then delivered to the points of sale for as long as the market exists. In order to accomplish these tasks, we must develop a plan, which includes the design of the package and using modern advertising technologies.

Культурология и искусствоведение

Publication date: 12.04.2016
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Elena V. Kalabuhova
SBEI of HE "Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute" , Ставропольский край

«Features of decorative art in the Stavropol region»

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The article considers the specifics of the decorative arts in the Stavropol region. The creative efforts of artists and arts collectives of the enterprises – folk traditions continue to evolve in a new form in modern products. Today the art and crafts presented by such products as Kislovodsk porcelain, rugs, carpets, embroidery, Souvenirs. A reflection of the continuous creative search and new discoveries of artist was the technique of enamel.


Publication date: 29.04.2016
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Natalia N. Mamas , candidate of biological sciences
Alina V. Gizetdinova
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Исследование береговой полосы реки Белой в городе Белореченске Краснодарского края»

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The study of the river was carried out when entering the route and in the comparison of the main argument for transparency, turbidity and the flushing of soil particles into the river.

Культурология и искусствоведение

Publication date: 16.03.2016
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Ayzhan K. Salaeva
The Puppet Theatre , Kazakhstan

«Puppet Theatre as a spatio-temporal art form»

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Modern theater is an effective tool of allegorical representation of surroundingand theatrical doll is one of the means of rethinking of existing reality and simulation of the simulacrum of reality, allowing doubling the life experience. Theatrical art has become the object of a comprehensive test of fantasy, imagination, consciousness itself. As a spatio-temporal form of art, modern theater is a tool of rethinking of the traditional spatial-temporal categories of discourse, the scope for modeling qualitatively new categories of theater art, characterized by high consistence, compression of space, forming a high intertextuality, deep undertones of the puppet performances.