List of publications on a keyword: «development»


Publication date: 11.10.2022
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Veronika N. Serebriakova
FSBEI of HE "Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev" , Красноярский край

«Developmental features of monological coherent speech of primary school age children with general speech underdevelopment of the 3rd level»

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The development of monological coherent speech of primary school children with general speech underdevelopment of the 3rd level is characterized by the fact that individual disorders and deviations leading to abnormal development of speech interaction with others can be difficult from the point of view of identifying the stability of problems, which indicates the hidden nature of individual pathologies. Accordingly, the features of this development of monological speech are characterized by the degree of correctness of the diagnosis of the identified violations.

Все направления

Publication date: 29.05.2022
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Nikolai A. Savotkin , Honorary Worker of Education
нет , Мурманская обл

«Conditions, Problems of Human Development, His Health»

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The paper deals with the development and health of a person as part of a living world and on the basis of its laws. Dependences of the level of development on the intensity and variety of activities are considered. The concepts of the environment, morality, and others are introduced, which make it possible to determine the role of morality in the development of man and mankind. It is shown that health is determined by the necessary and sufficient compliance with the environment. It is possible to save it with changes in the environment if the intensity of activity for the present time corresponds to the predicted rigidity of the environment of the future. The conditions for full health and life expectancy are determined. One of the conditions is the activity in the development zone. The connection between the development of mankind and its morality is established. The death of mankind during the development of a capitalist society, a consumer society, has been proven.


Publication date: 13.04.2022
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Angelina V. Koval
MDOU "D/S OV 27" , Белгородская обл
Olga N. Bykanova , candidate of sociological sciences
FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл

«Coherent monologic speech development of preschool children with the general underdevelopment of speech»

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This article presents the results of an experimental study of coherent monologic speech of preschool children with the general underdevelopment of speech. The peculiarities of mastering the monologic statement of children of this category.

Коррекционная педагогика, дефектология

Publication date: 09.12.2022
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Galina V. Mishurova
Irina V. Evdokimova
Alina P. Alina pogorelenko
Margarita K. Gladkikh
MBDOU "D/S 19" , Белгородская обл

«Neuropsychological approach in the diagnosis and correction of general underdevelopment of children's speech as one of the conditions for successful adaptation and socialization»

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The article presents a brief review of the literature on the problem of studying the diagnosis and correction of general speech underdevelopment from the perspective of a neuropsychological approac


Publication date: 21.02.2022
Evaluate the material Average score: 1 (Всего: 2)
Vladislav V. Uskov , candidate of economic sciences
Saint-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering , Санкт-Петербург г

«Architectural features of planning and development of data processing soft-ware for the sequencing process»

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At the present stage of development of new technologies and development of specialized software, the author-developer meets with a large number of difficulties related to the protection of intellectual property. The article considers the process of sequencing itself, as it is seen by the software developer, the difficulties arising in front of him, raises issues of planning and measures of impact of the developer on the protection of intellectual property. Special attention is paid to the processing of results and databases. It is suggested that planning can be used as a software protection tool and recommendations to future developers how to use this tool to protect their intellectual property rights.

Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования

Publication date: 10.02.2022
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, Honorary Worker of Education and Enlightenment of the Russian Federation, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«The system of patriotic education of Russian schoolchildren: value orientations and educational tasks»

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The formation of the personality of a modern schoolboy presupposes the assimilation of a system of values that together allow you to form an attitude towards society, yourself, people, culture, and the world as a whole. The value (everything that can be of some importance to people), assimilated by a person, form the basis of the content of education. The task of education is to form the appropriate value orientations – the value relations of the subject to the objects and phenomena of reality. Any value acquires true meaning if it is included in a certain educational system.

Теория и методика профессионального образования

Publication date: 18.02.2022
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, Honorary Worker of Education and Enlightenment of the Russian Federation, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«The concept of the development of methodological work at the Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations of the FSAOU in SevSU»

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The main task of methodological work at the university is to link into a single methodological block the entire system of scientific-methodological and organizational-methodological support of training areas at the Institute, and not just individual disciplines, to significantly improve the quality of bachelor's and master's training on this basis. The educational and methodological work provides for improving the quality of methodological training of the teaching staff, the development of thematic plans, methodological manuals and other methodological materials. The university should carry out systematic work on methodological support not only for individual academic disciplines, but also for educational processes that ensure the preparation of bachelor's and master's degrees.

Система образования

Publication date: 07.02.2022
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, Honorary Worker of Education and Enlightenment of the Russian Federation, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«Sevastopol Scientific Center of RAO - innovative platform of RAO»

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The activities of SevNC RAO are aimed at ensuring the innovative development of the educational system of the city of Sevastopol as an environment of educational opportunities designed to ensure the advanced development of pedagogical education and society as a whole, solving the tasks set in the National Project "Education". The provision of the federal and regional education development program and its effective functioning is aimed at meeting the needs of the region's education system in teaching staff, managers, persons providing the educational process, other consumers in continuing education, teaching staff in obtaining pedagogical professional training required for teacher professional, career and personal growth, in improving professional competence.


Publication date: 15.12.2021
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Kseniia I. Podlatova
Elena E. Panfilova , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "State University of Management" , Москва г


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The article is devoted to the issues of working-out and adjustment of the development strategy in PJSC "Gazprom". The results of the strategic analysis of the macro- and microenvironment in the organization are presented. Key problems in the company's activities are identified. An approach to the implementation of multi-criteria assessment and the choice of the basic competition strategy of the organization is proposed.


Publication date: 09.07.2021
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, Honorary Worker of Education and Enlightenment of the Russian Federation, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«Staffing of educational and scientific organizations in the Russian Federation in 2014-2019: results and prospects»

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Currently, a number of measures are being implemented at the federal and regional levels aimed at developing scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel and providing targeted support to individual groups of researchers, research teams, young scientists and students. The existing mechanisms for the development of the personnel potential of the scientific and scientific-educational sphere need to be supplemented with new mechanisms for supporting the effective reproduction of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.

Publication date: 13.05.2021
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Sofya V. Kobzeva , student
FSBEI of HE "M.E. Evsevev Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute" , Мордовия Респ

«Theoretical Aspects of the Formation of Dialogical Speech of Preschoolers with General Speech Underdevelopment»

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This article is devoted to the consideration of the theoretical aspects of the formation of dialogical speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. The article examines the essence of dialogic speech, describes the features of the dialogic speech of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment, offers ideas of activity based on fairy tales for the formation of dialogic speech among preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment.

Физическая культура и спорт

Publication date: 14.05.2021
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Ekaterina S. Bryleva , coach
SBE ORS №1 Saint-Petersbrug's Nevsky District , Санкт-Петербург г

«Application of Circuit Training Method for Development of Special Endurance in 15–16-Year-Old Girls»

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The present article raises the question of the development of special endurance in girl sprinters. For the purpose of more detailed examination of the question raised, the object, the subject and the aim of the study are clarified in the article. Practical guidelines are also present in the article.


Publication date: 30.04.2021
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Aleksandra V. Kulakova , master's degree student
FSBEI of HE “The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration” , Москва г

«Financial Forecasting in Financial Management Strategy: Goals, Objectives, Methods»

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The activity of the enterprise is inseparable from the adoption of managerial decisions. Forecasting is one of the tools that helps management to assess the future performance. Financial forecasting plays a key role in the development of a company's strategy and is an integral part of financial management. This article discusses the tasks and methods of financial forecasting, as well as the factors on the basis of which the choice of forecasting methodology is made for a successful assessment of the financial position of an enterprise and making the right management decisions.

Publication date: 29.04.2021
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Elena E. Panfilova , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "State University of Management" , Москва г


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The article is devoted to the consideration of the principles, methods and mechanisms of state support for industry in "points of growth" - special economic zones. The issues of state innovation policy in relation to small and medium-sized businesses are considered, key features of state support for resident companies are highlighted.

Коррекционная педагогика, дефектология

Publication date: 31.03.2021
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Tatiana V. Zerkalii , master
KBOU "Shkola distantsionnogo obrazovaniia" , Красноярский край
Oksana A. Sidorenko , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev" , Красноярский край

«Features of the development of coherent speech in primary school children with mental retardation»

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The article presents the results of studying the coherent speech of primary school children with mental retardation. The difficulties that children with mental retardation have to face on the way to mastering coherent speech are described.

Коррекционная педагогика

Publication date: 28.05.2021
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Aleksandra S. Panicheva
Marina Y. Dobrya , candidate of philological sciences
FSFEI of HE "Katanov Khakass State University" , Хакасия Респ

«Didactic exercises as a means of correcting the grammatical structure of speech in primary school children with general speech underdevelopment of level 3»

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The article presents a survey of the state of grammatical structure of speech in primary school children with general speech underdevelopment of level 3 in the Municipal budget Educational Institution of the city of Abakan "Secondary School No. 7".


Publication date: 16.04.2021
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Svetlana I. Sergeeva , master’s degree student
Olesia F. Gorbunova , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor
FSFEI of HE "Katanov Khakass State University" , Хакасия Респ

«Formation of Sound Producing in Children of Senior Preschool Age with General Speech Underdevelopment of Third Level with the Use of Sensorimotor Games and Exercises»

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The article provides the results of empirical research and experimentative work on the usage of sensorimotor games and exercises for the development of sound producing in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment of 3rd level.

Publication date: 09.02.2021
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Daria A. Lisovichenko , master's degree student
FSBEI of HE "Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev" , Красноярский край

«Role of Didactic Games in Correction of Phonetic-Phonematic Speech Underdevelopment in Senior Preschool Children»

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The article examines didactic game as the logopedic tool of speech correction, the concept of didactic game is revealed as well as its benefits; the characteristics of manifestation of incomplete sound producing in speech underdevelopment are given, the examples of view of a problem of famous authors and researchers are shown.

Publication date: 15.01.2021
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Anzhelika G. Stetsiuk , kindergarten teacher
Irina G. Suraeva , kindergarten teacher
Irina M. Ulitina , kindergarten teacher
ANO DO “Planet of childhood “Lada” , Самарская обл

«Creating Conditions for the Development of Coherent Speech of Senior Preschool Children»

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The authors of this article reveal the issues of development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age in the conditions of a preschool educational organization. They present the author's experience of working on the speech creativity of children by means of modern educational technologies, describe specific methods, techniques and tools in this area of children's activity. They share the forms of work on enriching the developing subject-spatial environment for activating children's coherent speech and working with parents. Present the results of their work on this issue.


Publication date: 15.01.2021
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Violetta S. Garbuzova , student
Olga V. Belous , candidate of psychological sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Aramvir State Pedagogical University" , Краснодарский край

«Psychological Health»

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The article highlights the foundations of the psychological health of a person. The genesis of human psychological health in the process of ontogenesis is considered.

Publication date: 18.01.2021
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Marina A. Anpilova , student
Olga V. Belous , candidate of psychological sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Aramvir State Pedagogical University" , Краснодарский край

«Psychological Service in Education»

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Teaching and learning an academic discipline aimed at training and development of students, mastering a system of ideas about the content and structure of the psychological service in the education system, the legal basis for activities of the service, the main types and directions of pedagogic and psychological practical and typical issues within the competence of his work. The study of the discipline by students will contribute to the formation of their General and professional worldview, professionally important personal properties and qualities. The academic discipline contributes to the deepening and expansion of the basic professional training of students, as well as takes into account their educational needs.


Publication date: 12.11.2020
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Aiana M. Dapyian , master
Institute of Continuing Pedagogical Education of FSBEI of HE “Katanov Khakass State University” , Хакасия Респ
Marina Y. Dobrya , candidate of philological sciences
FSFEI of HE "Katanov Khakass State University" , Хакасия Респ

«Application of a Correctional and Developmental Program for the Formation of Cognitive Interest in Younger Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Russian Language Lessons»

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The article is devoted to the issue of forming cognitive interest in younger students with intellectual disability. The issue is present not only among children with intellectual disability, but it is with them that it is most difficult to form it, since in primary school age these children still have a predominant play activity, as a result of which children with intellectual disability have distorted conception about the world around them. Intellectually disabled students tend to have a superficial acquaintance with any subject, as a result of which it is quite difficult for them to analyze and synthesize, so their perception and understanding also suffers. The correctional program presented in the article has a mission to eliminate these problems and help children in the formation of correct cognition.

Теория и методика дошкольного образования

Publication date: 04.12.2020
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Ekaterina V. Grigoreva
Natal'ia S. Bolkhovitina
МБДОУ д/с №56 г. Белгород , Белгородская обл

«Interaction of a teacher-psychologist and a music director through psycho-gymnastics in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO»

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Specificity of conducting psycho-gymnastics in musical lessons with preschool children with the participation of a teacher-psychologist.

Педагогическая и коррекционная психология

Publication date: 08.12.2020
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Natalia S. Bolkhovitina
Olga I. Androsova
МБДОУ д/с №56 г. Белгород , Белгородская обл

«From work experience: psychological and pedagogical support of children with speech impairments through game technologies V.V. Voskobovich»

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As practice shows, the use of V. Voskobovich's didactic games in corrective work with children with OHP is an effective means of forming and correcting the components of the child's cognitive sphere.


Publication date: 02.10.2020
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Aleksey M. Khorev , student
Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade of FSBEI of HE “Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University” , Санкт-Петербург г

«The Northern Sea Route: The Need and Prospects for Transit of Raw Materials»

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The prospects and problems of using the Northern sea route for transportation of raw materials are examined. The author makes an attempt to study the current state of the Northern sea route as the most important transport corridor of the Arctic region, and analyzes the existing problems that reduce the economic efficiency of cargo transit along the NSR. The ways to improve the efficiency of transportation of raw materials along the Northern sea route are reviewed. The author assesses the importance of the Arctic region for the Russian Federation as a whole, as well as he points out the need for its development in the near future.