List of publications on a keyword: «verb»


Publication date: 14.06.2023
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Anna A. Kudriavtseva
ФГБОУ ВО «Костромской государственный университет» , Костромская обл


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The article discusses the features of the development of speech communication in children with ASD, supported by practical examples, such as delay or lack of speech; echolalia; stereotypical or repetitive use of language; problems with the social context and understanding of figurative meaning; insufficient use of communicative intentions, which is important for creating individual approaches to the development of effective strategies that contribute to the communicative development of children with ASD.

Коррекционная педагогика, дефектология

Publication date: 07.06.2023
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Elizaveta D. Ledovskikh
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State University of Psychology and Education" , Москва г

«Comparative analysis of the specifics of the development of speech and sensory communication in the norm and in autism spectrum disorders in ontogeny»

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This article reveals key points in the formation of two main types of communication: speech and sensory. The process of development of the communicative sphere is considered both in ontogenesis and in dysontogenesis - in autism spectrum disorders.

Тема номера

Publication date: 19.07.2023
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Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA


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The purpose of this study is to develop the description principles for lexicographic terminology in word-formation (WF) synthesis of Russian verbs. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the terminological system for WF synthesis of verbs is presented as the object of lexicographic description and enhanced with inter-active web-based elements. As a result, it has been proven that this terminological dictionary can serve not only as an informational and methodological instrument, but it also can become an effective teaching tool for studying Russian verb synthesis. The main macro-structure of the designed dictionary features the departure from the traditional alphabetic organization of the material, utilizing instead the principle of zoning by synthesis levels (the root and the word formation levels). Each lexicographic entry is augmented with interactive links to digital Russian explanatory dictionaries and to the Russian National Corpus (RNC) database.


Publication date: 28.06.2022
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 4)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA


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The purpose of the study is to present the terminology of word-formation synthesis as an organized system and identify the stages of development of its relevant terms. The scientific novelty of the study resides in the fact that a structured corpus of word-formation synthesis terms with elements of definitional analysis is introduced into scientific usage. As a result, it has been proven that the terminology of word-formation synthesis is a multilevel, hierarchically organized system, and the inventory of units within it changes at different stages of research. The system of modification synthesis terms is examined and tested with and through several proprietary novel web scraping algorithms that allow extracting the verbs of sound from digital databases of contemporary dictionaries and the National Corpus of the Russian language.

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Publication date: 13.07.2021
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 3)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«Potential Units of Verb Synthesis: Properties and Possibilities (on the Material of the Russian Verbs of Sound)»

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The study identifies features of potential modifications and lacuna-forming modifiers involved in word-formation synthesis in the process of generating new verbs. The scientific novelty of this study is in the differentiated representation of lexical-semantic and morphological means (verbal modifiers) that are capable, on the one hand, of synthesizing a desired meaning (verbal modification) and, on the other hand, of producing lexical gaps (lacunae). As a result of analyzing the specific modifiers and modifications with respect to the lexical-semantic group of verbs of sound, the new products of synthesis (potential modifications) have been identified. The conditions for the appearance of lacunae and the role of the lacunae-forming modifiers are demonstrated. Through a special project at the Missouri S&T (USA) using the data from the Russian National Corpus, for the first time in lexicographic practice, novel modifications, previously considered non-existent, are introduced.


Publication date: 04.08.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«Semantic Peculiarities of Lacunae – Modifications. The Concept of Lacunae Dictionary Creation (A Case Study of Russian Verbs of Sound)»

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The article examines the insufficiently explored phenomenon in word-formation synthesis – the intra-linguistic affixal lacunae i.e. lexical gaps. The nature of lacunar units is described as a unique type of semantic modifications that display a similar structure, semantics, and characteristics. From the standpoint of derivative codification, the major lacunae groups are identified, analyzed, and mapped out based on their lexicographic properties. The glossary selection criteria for the experimental Lacunae – Modifications Dictionary are determined. Relying on the data from the Russian National Corpus, nearly 5,000 lacunae and sound verb modifications, combined, were researched using a web-scraping algorithm from a special project at Missouri S&T. The results of this study may serve as a foundational platform for this novel dictionary of affixal lexical gaps in the Russian language.


Publication date: 16.03.2020
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Wen Qiu , master's degree student
Dalian University of Foreign Languages , The People's Republic of China

«Some Features of Teaching Chinese to Russian Students. The Verb-Classifier Complement»

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The problem of verb-classifier complement in teaching Chinese as a foreign language is very difficult to solve. Its difficulty of learning is that the Chinese complement itself is very complex. This paper studies the main grammatical features of this kind of complement, provides an analysis of possible mistakes and reasons when using it, and the tactics of teaching the complement in Chinese as a foreign language classes, as well as a lot of examples.


Publication date: 07.08.2019
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Aleksandr I. Ohrimenko , master's student
Ekaterina V. Dvorak , candidate of pedagogic sciences , assistant professor
FSBEI of HE “Irkutsk National Research Technical University” , Иркутская обл

«Comparative semantic analysis of Russian and English sayings and proverbs»

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The authors of the article present a brief comparative semantic analysis to define the similarities and differences between Russian and English proverbs and sayings, studying not only their semantic meaning, but also literary perception and understanding. The authors emphasize the subjectivity of perception and pay attention to the individual association of images common to two different cultures. The originality of this work is not only in the comparative assessment of Russian and English proverbs and sayings, but also in the definition of similarities and differences in the perception of the worldview of the two cultures, in an attempt to understand the reasons for this difference, as well as the causes and consequences of different approaches to the understanding of life facts. The authors point out the connection of the unknown with the already known, and this unknown is precisely a metaphysical approach to the already known stylistic techniques. A classification of folk sayings is built on the specific examples and the hypothesis about interaction of the national mentality and cultural-historical development is put forward. The authors emphasize that proverbs and sayings are not only a cultural achievement, but also a means of comparative cultural and linguistic analysis.


Publication date: 13.06.2019
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«The role of implicit semantic components during the synthesis of russian verbal modifications (a case study for the verbs of mechanical phonation)»

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The article examines the implicit components in the meaning of semantically modified derivatives. Using the methods of componential analysis of definitions from various Russian explanatory and aspectual dictionaries, the implicit components in the sound verbs’ meanings are inventoried. The impact of the relevant implicit components on the synthesis process is examined; the dichotomy of the implicit components of meaning and corresponding synthesizing prefixes is identified. The productivity and typical colloquial usage of synthesized derivatives is demonstrated using data from the Russian National Corpus.


Publication date: 25.01.2019
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Olga A. Dychinskaia , student
Natalia A. Segal , candidate of philological sciences , lecturer
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University , Крым Респ

«Features of the implementation of set expressions with integral component-toponym in mass media sports focus»

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This article discusses set expressions with a component-toponym used in media texts of sports topics. The source for the analysis was the mass-media Russian-language text on sports taken from the National Corps of the Russian Language.


Publication date: 27.12.2018
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Zoia G. Zamkina
MKOU Novoberezovskoi SOSh , Красноярский край

«Features of verbal and logical thinking in primary school-aged children with mild mental disabilities»

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The main task of the research is the study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature on the problem of research. Determining of the development’s features of verbal-logical thinking in primary school-aged children with mild mental disabilities

Иностранный язык

Publication date: 03.12.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 1)
Maksim V. Chusovlianov
Larisa A. Pelevina
MBOU g. Novosibirska "Litsei Informatsionnykh Tekhnologii" , Новосибирская обл

«Changes in English grammar on example of using irregular verbs forms»

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The paper deals with the changes in grammar that reveal the usage of irregular verbs in regular form. The goal of the study is to trace the applying of regular form for several irregular verbs in popular newspapers.

Филология и лингвистика

Publication date: 27.04.2018
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Svetlana V. Tuganova , candidate of philological sciences
Kazanskii filial FGBOU VO "Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi universitet pravosudiia" , Татарстан Респ


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The paper presents the results of the study in the predicative relationship of the lexeme “вор/thief” within the body of superstitious beliefs in the Russian and English languages. The author analyses universal-value fragments of Russian and English national cultures, such as the guilt culture and its understanding. The paper also provides an analysis of the predicative relationship in verb groups with the semantics of exposure, repentance, and punishment.

Тема номера

Publication date: 31.10.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 2)
Elena A. Vasina , candidate of psychological sciences
, Санкт-Петербург г

«The study of life strategies with the help of the method «Proverbs»»

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The article presents the method «Proverbs» in the author's modification as a diagnostic tool for studying the life strategies of the personality. A behavioral typology of life strategies is proposed in accordance with the theoretical model of K. Thomas method. The theoretical justification and description of the methodology is given, the results of its approbation on the youth sample are briefly examined, the prospects for further research are determined.


Publication date: 08.06.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 7)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«Russian zoophonic verbs modifications’ domain. Peculiarity of synthesis»

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The article examines capabilities of Russian zoophonic verbs (those describing sounds produced by animals) to create semantic modifications. Using the appending inventory of zoophonic verbal modifications from novel sources, previously unused in lexicographic practices, the open (infinite) nature of semantic modifications’ domain, its composition and the fluidity of its lacuna zones are shown. The structure of zoophonic verbal modifications is examined; verbal modifiers, non-typical for this lexical-semantic group of verbs, are inventoried. The obstacles to successful production of semantically modified derivatives during different stages of synthesis are classified by several criteria: denotative, semantic, and distributive. The research findings demonstrate the peculiarities of Russian zoophonic verbs’ behavior as well as map out their modification capabilities during the process of synthesis.

Publication date: 08.05.2018
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Maria A. Angaleva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
FSOMEI of HE "Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation , Москва г

«The communicative world image as a basis of actualisation of implicit theories of a person (on the example of english language)»

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The article is devoted to the cognitive aspect of verbal actualization of implicit theories of a person in a dialogue, to the definition of a concept as a fragment of ethno-cultural background in the mental world of a person, to the analysis of a speech-making process that accompanies the verbal implementation of implicit theories of a person. The article contains the examples taken from the English and American literature that support the ideas put forward in the article.


Publication date: 11.04.2018
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Svetlana V. Loseva , candidate of philological sciences
BSAEI "Regional Educational Center" , Хабаровский край

«From formative assessment to education quality assessment»

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Controlled knowledge and skills are the subject of consideration. In order to find a universal method of evaluation, elements of formative assessment, assessment using a skill test, and an open type task as a component of the student's overall learning system were analyzed on the basis of Russian language lessons. As a result, several tasks were formulated for formative evaluation, test, open-type tasks and criteria were developed. Such system of work can be used in school in Russian language lessons.


Publication date: 09.04.2018
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Irina V. Sanaeva , candidate of philological sciences
Liliia I. Prihozhaya , candidate of philological sciences , доцент
FSAEI of HE "Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University" , Калининградская обл

«Speech etiquette in the sphere of cross-cultural communication»

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Speech etiquette as the main component of cross-cultural communication is studied by the authors, most common speech norms used in communication for the beginning of the conversation and during the conversation in the foreign language are analyzed. The authors compare the rules of verbal behaviour in the English and German languages, identify the rules of verbal behaviour which help to get communicative aim.

Филология и лингвистика

Publication date: 27.12.2017
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Боктаева Валентина Лиджиевна , candidate of pedagogic sciences , доцент
Надбитов Алдар Владимирович , магистрант
FSBEI of HE "Kalmyk State University named after B. B. Gorodovikov" , Калмыкия Респ

«Отражение отношения народа к государственной службе в русских пословицах и поговорках»

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This article discusses the attitude of the people to public service, its representatives through the prism of Russian proverbs and sayings. Positive and negative attitude to the officials and the law is found out.


Publication date: 05.06.2017
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Yana V. Sokolenko , History and Social Studies teacher
Academy of Pedagogy and Psychology of FSAEI of HE "Southern Federal University" , Ростовская обл

«Methods and forms of educational work in the system of secondary vocational education»

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The article considers the methods and forms of educational activities. The author has provided and analyzed methods of persuasion, exercises, encouragement and punishment. The most popular methods of education have been identified. The researcher has also reviewed and analyzed the classification of types of educational forms and made conclusions on the integrated effectiveness of methods and forms of educational work.

[10.00.00] Филологические науки

Publication date: 13.06.2017
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Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«The sound source as an indicator of sound verbs’ semantic behavior during the synthesis process»

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The article examines the predictability of Russian verbal modifications during the process of word formation synthesis. The main reasons for modifiers’ combinatorial irregularity with respect to semantically connected sound verbs are identified. For the first time ever, the sound source, as the primary factor in determining the word formation synthesis’ results, is described from three perspectives: semantic, lexicographic, and denotative. Using various parameters relevant for both sound source and semantic modifiers, the sound verbs are subjected to combinatorial testing. The nature of dynamic dependency between the results of word formation synthesis, the distinguishing characteristics of modifiers, and the semantic range of verbs is analyzed.


Publication date: 29.12.2017
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Raikhan B. Bekenova
AO "Kazakhstansko-Britanskii tekhnicheskii universitet" , Kazakhstan

«The use of valency grammar and apparatus of case grammar to characterize the semantics of a derivative word»

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The article discusses the valence concept as a phenomenon at an intersection of syntax and lexical semantics. The author also provides the types of valence and directions that help to study the valence theory in parallel with case grammar. The study aims to look into the reasons why the derivative word may be the reflection of underlying grammatical case meanings.

Publication date: 27.10.2017
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Maria A. Angaleva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
FSOMEI of HE "Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation , Москва г

«Implicit theories of a person and dialog integrity as a social formation»

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the role and significance of the image of a person, in a form of implicit theories to form the integrity of a dialogue as a social formation, to the analysis of a dialogue as a part of the social situation that presupposes setting various objects and tasks, to the analysis of the verbal integrity of a discourse in the light of the speaker’s conception of a person, i.e. proceeding from his implicit theories of a person that emerge in his ordinary consciousness. The organization of a dialogic discourse is directly connected with implicit theories of a person, which in their turn are a complex of the speaker’s images associated with his interlocutor. The unity and diversity of communicative senses dictate the verbal choice corresponding to the conceptions and images of interlocutors. Within the limits of the common informational field «I» and «you» of interlocutors enter into irreconcilable contradictions, at the same time the two-way character of speech intercourse within the limits of language communication is another factor of the social integrity of a dialogue, the variety of communicative senses is unified by informational, social, conceptual fields. The article analyzes literary examples and extracts from pre-election debates in USA both in Russian and in English.

Publication date: 26.09.2017
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Nataliia A. Chebotariova
Aliona A. Aleksandrova
Sevastopol Brunch of Lomonosov Moscow State University , Севастополь г

«Cross-cultural features of gestures in non-verbal communication»

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This article is devoted to analysis of the concept of non-verbal communication and ways of expressing it. Gesticulation is studied in detail as it is the main element of non-verbal communication and has different characteristics in various countries of the world.

Publication date: 10.03.2017
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Natalia N. Kirillova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev" , Нижегородская обл

«Estimation criteria of the rhetorical ideal: from classics to current time»

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The article is devoted to searching the rhetorical ideal of current time. It is proposed to compare the criteria of the rhetorical ideal of antiquity, Russian eloquence and historical changes in the understanding and the assessment of this category. The research is based on the analysis of students’ works of the State Technical University. In conclusion, it is stated that it is necessary to make changes in the rhetorical education in current time.