List of publications on a keyword: «health»
Социологические науки
Rostov State Transport University , Ростовская обл
«Физкультура глазами студента с ограничениями по здоровью»
[08.00.00] Экономические науки
FSBEI of HE "Ural State University of Economics" , Свердловская обл
Mikhail Y. Klyuchnikov
LLC "Ural Clinical Treatment and Rehabilitation Center" , Свердловская обл
Olga V. Alenicheva
Territorial Fund of Complete Medical Insurance , Свердловская обл
«Economic aspects of the use of innovative methods of stationary medical services payment in obligatory health insurance system»
The article considers the payment of medical services experience in a hospital with clinical and statistical groups, formed in the system of obligatory medical insurance of the Sverdlovsk region. Based on the analysis of statistical data shows that the use of this method of payment meets the challenges of the single-channel financing, allowing to influence the structure of hospitalization, the use of new medical technologies, the increase in operational activity and contributes to more optimal allocation of limited financial resources in the system of obligatory medical insurance.
Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности
Svetlana O. Berdnikova
МАОУ «СОШ №6 им. Героя России С.Л. Яшкина» , Пермский край
«Электронные сигареты – новое молодежное течение»
Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations FBEI of HE "Moscow City Pedagogical University" , Москва г
Vladimir I. Levashov , doctor of sociological sciences
ANEI of HE "Odintsovo State Humanitarian University" , Московская обл
«Health of Russian people. Challenges and problems»
Сельское хозяйство
Sergey V. Zaharov
FSBEI of HE “Irkutsk National Research Technical University” , Иркутская обл
«Organizing safe working process on an eco-farm»
The article analyzes current trends in the development of eco-farms and extrapolates the experimental methods of occupational health according to the specifics of agriculture. The authors develop a security system of rules and norms of behavior in the eco-farm, allowing not only to protect the staff from work-related injuries, but also to positively effect on business development.
Natalya A. Romanova
MEI "Gymnasium №31" , Саратовская обл
«Learner-centered developing education of junior school pupils while implementing Federal State Education Standards»
The work system allows keeping careful attitude towards the child’s inner world and the wideness of their individuality, as well as agreement between external and internal factors of their personality development. The teacher aligns the pupil’s zone of proximal development and advance in the topic. Structure of education process principally affects the pupil’s position. The pupil actively participates in every step of education, and freedom of choice makes education conscious, productive and more effective. Results of such changes in the pupils’ activities are as follows: the motivation becomes higher and results in higher quality of knowledge; high level of cognitive independence; proactive attitude to all spheres of social school life; well-formed communicative competences; successful formation of personality qualities; 100% proficiency during the whole period; participation and wins in city, regional, and national school competitions and in regional and national intellectual marathons.
Биологические науки
Evgeniia B. Tiutiunnikova , candidate of agricultural sciences
FSBEI of HE "Aramvir State Pedagogical University" , Краснодарский край
«Влияние рационального питания и витаминов на здоровье организма человека»
In the article raises pressing questions: "Why do body condition deteriorates How does a balanced diet and taking vitamins on human health?" We have considered a balanced organization of the daily menu. The method of questioning learned that students are eating and whether or not they take the vitamins.
Естественные науки (физические и химические науки)
FSFEI of HE "Bryansk State University named after Academician Ivan Georgiyevich Petrovsky" , Брянская обл
«Chizhevsky's chandelier is the way to long life»
Article is devoted to research of the great Russian biophysicist A. L. Chizhevsky. Based on the analysis identified the key steps of the invention device, methods of physical effects on living organisms and the experiments that prove the effectiveness of the device; aeroionotherapy selection as an effective method of prevention and treatment of human diseases identify the scientist's contribution to modern science.
MBGI "Secondary General School №2" , Кемеровская обл
Anna M. Barzunova
MBOU "OOSh 20" , Кемеровская обл
«Health promotion activity according to FSES requirements during computer classes»
Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность
Sergtei Y. Vitko
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г
«Global trends of health-forming lifestyle in educational institutions system»
The article analyzes the formation of readiness of students to health-lifestyle. In the twenty-first century educational organizations of different countries, regions and territories are becoming increasingly interconnected, so the learning environment requires a global approach. It is the "willingness" of educational process may make the integration factor of the organizational-didactic component of the educational process.
MEBI Comprehensive school №25 , Краснодарский край
«Individually-differentiable approach to work with students, exempt from physical stress on physical training lessons»
This article presentes individually differentiable approach to students, temporarily liberated from the physical activity at lessons of physical training, contributing to the formation of situational and physical skills, ability to analyze and evaluate their physical activity. The author reviewed the training material for physical education, which greatly improves both the physical, educational and awareness-the ability of the responsible students.
FSBEI of HPE "Stankin Moscow State Technological University" , Москва г
«Physical education as a means of personal formation of students in higher education»
This article describes an approach to the formation and development of personal qualities of students in higher education. The author defined personality, formed in the process of physical education, as well as provides results of testing carried out on the basis of the students of the second and third year.
Pavel V. Chistov
Anastasia Y. Tutukina
FSBEI of HE "Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy SFPS of EMERCOM of Russia" , Ивановская обл
«Effect of anabolics, steroids and doping and hormones on human health and the attitude of society towards him»
Institute of advanced training and retraining named after M.R. Rahimova of the Kyrgyz State University named after I.A. Arabaev , Kyrgyzstan
«Value orientations of the person as a basis for purposeful formation and physical education of children»
The article considers the essence of the concept of "value orientation", which is an important factor in the motivation of individual behavior, the basis of its social actions and influence on the process of personal choice. Value orientation not only determine the motives of the entity's activities, but also influence on the choice and course of the activity itself. Thus, they are the link between the person, his needs and the environment.
Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations FBEI of HE "Moscow City Pedagogical University" , Москва г
«Evaluation of state programs developing sports among pupils and students with the help of sociological methods»
Психологические аспекты педагогической деятельности
Surgut State University , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО
«Health saving concept within the scope of education system»
Even B.G. Ananiev noted negative effects of intellectual overload on the overall development [4]. Despite the passage of time, this issue has not lost its relevance. In today's world there is a tendency to complicate the educational process of the program, the intensification of training. This encourages specialists in various fields to seek an answer to the main question - how to optimize the load, keeping the personal integrity of the child? More often increasing workload substitutes the mental one causing irreparable harm to the child's personality.
Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность
Denis S. Aleksandrov
Daria V. Kusheva
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г
«The use of health innovation technologies in the process of physical education (on the example of high schools applying "smart bracelet onetrak»)»
MBOU "SOSh 4" Alekseevskogo gorodskogo okruga Belgorodskoi oblasti , Белгородская обл
«Rational nutrition as an important factor of pupil's illness prevention»
Медицинские науки
SBEI of HPE "I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University" of Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation , Москва г
«Adsorption capacity research and the possibility of "Magic Life" cocktails for healthy diet formulation enrichment»
Throughout the course of carried research the adsorption capacity indicator of cocktails for a healthy diet containing vegetable fibers was studied, and it was also found that the food formulation enrichment of studied objects by apple tree pulp fine powder increases the rate of adsorption capacity.
MBPEI "K/g №3" , Татарстан Респ
«Healthy and strong child upbringing»
Филиал ФГБОУ ВО «Ингушский государственный университет» в г. Магасе , Ингушетия Респ
«The problem of psychosomatic health of internally displaced»
Elizaveta D. Mironova
FSBEI of HE «Chelyabinsk State University» , Челябинская обл
«Роль физической культуры в формировании здорового образа жизни у студентов»
Naberezhnye Chelny Institute (branch) of FSAEI of HE "Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ
Valentina I. Nyatyunova
MBEI "Gymnasium №2 named after M. Vahitov" , Татарстан Респ
«Track-and-field athletics as an element of health protection technologies at school (through the example of senior classes)»
Using health protection technologies at schools helps to solve the problem of physical education of children, gives them knowledge and skills for leading a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, a lot of attention is paid to this element during the educational process. Implementing track-and-field athletics in schools might well solve the problem of children upbringing. Track-and-field athletics is a significant part of educational system.
Социологические науки
ГАУ «Институт дополнительного профессионального образования работников социальной сферы» , Москва г
«Социально-психологическое сопровождение семей, воспитывающих детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья»
In the framework of the National strategy of actions in interests of children on 2012-2017. approved by the decree of the RF President No. 761 from 01.06.2012, public policy aimed at encouraging citizens to family device of children-orphans and children left without parental care. The relevance of the article due to the lack of coordination between state agencies and, as a consequence, the lack of documentation for the provision of specialized assistance to foster families.
Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)
Tatiana A. Filippova , candidate of economic sciences
FSAEI of HE "North-Caucasus Federal University" , Ставропольский край