List of publications on a keyword: «Net»

Технические науки

Publication date: 17.11.2017
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Artem I. Savitskii
Timofei D. Smirnov
Vladimir G. Pluzhnikov
FSSFEI of HE "South Ural State University" (NRU) , Челябинская обл

«Integrated system of monitoring and control for heating system of industrial companies based «Intranet» technology»

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In this article economic efficiency of integrated system for monitoring and control the heating system of industrial companies based on the «Intranet» technology was considered.

Естественные науки

Publication date: 09.03.2018
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Евсейчик Полина Алексеевна , студентка
FSBEI of HE "Vologda State University" , Вологодская обл

«Рассмотрение сервисов по предоставлению RTK-поправок на территории Вологодской области»

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В статье рассмотрено современное состояние сети референцных станций на территории Вологодской области, а также различных проектов и компаний, предоставляющих услуги подключения к базовым станциям данной сети. Автор приходит к выводу, что наибольшее количество базовых станций по всей территории России принадлежит проекту HIVE.


Publication date: 14.03.2018
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Timurbek A. Sattarov
Lenara V. Gataullina
Marina A. Mefodeva
FSAEI of HE "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ

«How to survive in the alcohol industry or advertising technologies of alcohol brands»

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This article considers the technologies of the alcohol brand formation. The advertising campaigns of the leading brands are analyzed. The peculiarities of using advertising methods, concepts and technologies are revealed. Based on the study, several specific advertising technologies are published, which are most effective in practical application.

Науки о Земле (геодезия, геофизика, страноведение и др.)

Publication date: 27.02.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Евсейчик Полина Алексеевна , студентка
FSBEI of HE "Vologda State University" , Вологодская обл

«Выбор оптимального проекта для подключения к сети базовых станций на территории Вологодской области в целях кадастра»

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В статье рассмотрено современное состояние сети референцных станций на территории Вологодской области, а также различных проектов и компаний, предоставляющих услуги подключения к базовым станциям данной сети. Автором также проведен сравнительный анализ компаний по нескольким параметрам и в заключение сделаны выводы.

Технические науки

Publication date: 28.12.2018
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Lev B. Velgas , inventor-innovator, research expert
, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г

«Once again in detail about where does solar energy come from»

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In the concept presented in this article, the authors try to prove that all the planets revolve around their axes due to the impact of their satellites. The rotation of the Joint Force is similar for all planets and for the Sun. The sun and each planet can have several satellites. Joint Force of Graviation each pair – the satellite of the planet and the planet itself, the satellite of the Sun and the Sun itself, if it is, the Joint Force of Graviation, moves because of the satellite's orbit, rotates the planet or the Sun. The work recalls that the Joint Force of the Moon and the Earth holds the Moon so that the side of the moon with a larger mass is located in the direction of the Earth. All satellites (there are more than 150 of them) are in a rigid stable position – depending on their planets. And all planets-satellites in the solar system in rotation around their axes depend on their satellites. Earth and the Moon in this matter are not original. Researchers provide evidence of the absence of a thermonuclear reaction on the stars and argue that the energy of so-lar radiation is electrical energy, not thermonuclear. The authors remind that the Thermonuclear Reaction to the Sun does not go, as R. Davis proved: there is no, a very few, not enough for the existence of a Thermonuclear reaction solar neutrinos. And this means, most likely, there is another source of solar energy. And he really is. The article explains the mechanism of the method of F. Arago.

Publication date: 24.08.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Lev B. Velgas , inventor-innovator, research expert
, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г

«Five main categories of bodies in the solar system»

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In their concept the authors try to prove that all planets rotate around their axes because of the impact of their satellites. Rotation of the Joint Gravity Force is similar for all planets and for the Sun. The Sun and each Planet can have several satellites. The joint force of gravity of each pair – the satellite of the planet and the planet itself, the satellite of the Sun and the Sun itself, if the Joint Gravitation Force moves due to the motion of the satellite in orbit, rotates the planet or the Sun. However, there are difficulties due to the existing classification. The terminology of some basic bodies in the space of the Universe is very unclear, namely of planets and asteroids. With a clear classification, it is easier to identify the laws for each category. The authors give such definitions for bodies, so that it is easy to fix the basic properties of the body in the category.

Publication date: 09.07.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 1 (Всего: 1)
Lev B. Velgas , inventor-innovator, research expert
, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г

«Supposed concept: rotation – the method of the universe existence»

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In this concept, authors seek to prove that all planets revolve around their axes because of the impact of their satellites. The rotation of the joint gravitational force is similar for all planets and for the Sun. The Sun and each planet can have several satellites. The joint gravitational force of each pair – the satellite of the planet and the planet itself, the satellite of the Sun and the Sun itself, if the joint force of gravity, moves due to the motion of the satellite in orbit, rotates the planet or the Sun. The article proves that the joint gravity of the Moon and the Earth, which moves around the Earth due to the Moon's rotation around the Earth, rotates the Earth around its axis. And that the joint gravity of the Moon and Earth holds the Moon so that the side of the Moon with a larger mass is located in the direction of Earth. All satellites (there are more than 150 of them) are in the same rigid stable position – depending on their planets. And all the satellite planets in the solar system in rotation around their axes depend on their satellites. The Earth and the Moon in this matter are not original. Researchers provide evidence of the absence of a thermonuclear reaction on stars and the fact that the energy of solar radiation is electrical energy, not thermonuclear. In addition, the existence of dark matter is questioned in the work. The authors also prove that it is necessary to exclude the term "synchronization", which has no right to exist due to the absence of satellites rotation of the planets around their axes.

Publication date: 01.06.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Andrei A. Pechnikov , doctor of engineering sciences, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences , главный научный сотрудник
Institute of Applied Mathematical Research of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Карелия Респ
Aleksei N. Ermolaev , bachelor of physical and mathematical sciences , бакалавр
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Software for the study of small communities VKontakte and some of the results»

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Authors focused on study of small communities of the social network Vkontakte. For this purpose, specialized program for collecting open data from such communities was developed, which is available in the public domain. The program is easy to use and allows you to collect data about the participants and calculate basic metrics of small communities. The output format is organized in a such way that it can be used without any additional processing in the program for analysis and visualization of networks – Gephi, which significantly enhances the capabilities of researchers. Numerical simulations were made to demonstrate features of the program.

Publication date: 06.06.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 2)
Lev B. Velgas , inventor-innovator, research expert
, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г

«Three step proofs of theory: the rotation is the method of the universe existence. Spots on the sun – are not magnetic fields»

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In their conception the authors seek to prove that all planets revolve around their axes because of their satellites influence. In the article, in detail, gradually by the points (by logical steps), it is proved that the Moon rotates the Earth around its own axis, and that the Earth keeps the Moon strictly in such state, not allowing it to turn to us by other side (All satellites, more than 150, are in the same rigid stable state – are dependent on their planets.) And all the satellites in the Solar System are spinning around their axes from their satellites. The Earth and the Moon in this matter are not original. Researchers give evidence of a lack of a thermonuclear reaction to the stars. And they prove that the energy of solar radiation is electrical energy, not thermonuclear. And sunspots are not magnetic fields.


Publication date: 06.06.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 2 (Всего: 2)
Artem S. Glukhovskii , bachelor of physical and mathematical sciences , Магистрант
Inna V. Drozhzhina , candidate of economic sciences , доцент
FSFEI of HE “Siberian Transport University” , Новосибирская обл

«Methodology of analyzing the effectiveness of investment projects using the discounting system»

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The evaluation of investment projects effectiveness plays a key role in supporting the adoption and justification of decisions on investing funds. One of the key methods for evaluating investment decisions is the analysis based on the discounting of cash flows. This technique has a number of features associated with its design, which must be taken into account to obtain a reliable result. By analyzing the formulas for calculating the net present value, the pros and cons of the discount method, as well as the possible weaknesses of this approach to the analysis of investments were found.

Технические науки

Publication date: 16.05.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Veronika I. Nikulina , студент
Stanislav V. Savitskii , студент
Kirill S. Sidorov , студент
FSFEI of HE “Volgograd State Technical University” , Волгоградская обл

«Analysis of possibility of placing the parking of cars on free city spaces on the example of the central region of the city of Volgograd»

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The paper presents an analysis of the motorization level in the Volga-Grad region. The lack of places for temporary storage of cars in Volgograd was confirmed and influence degree of parking insufficiency on the deterioration of traffic conditions and the risks of the occurrence of road accidents were assessed. Theoretically were justified and proposed options for the organization of temporary storage of vehicles on the example of the Central District of Volgograd.


Publication date: 17.05.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 2)
Andrei M. Golikov
Tatiana V. Markova , candidate of philosophical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev" , Нижегородская обл

«The influence of computer games on the development and degradation of society»

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The article is devoted to the study of the influence of game industry products, both on the individual and on society. For a full analysis origin of such phenomena as computer games is represented. After that, the growth rate of the "players" is seen. Revealing the most popular game theme, the thesis about the harm of computer games for a number of reasons. The relevance of studying the harm resulting from the products of the gaming industry is argued. Having reviewed the positive effects of the games on the person, the presence of the good sides of this action is claimed. In conclusion, the question is raised about the true impact of the products of the gaming industry on society, as well as the consequences of this influence.

Publication date: 17.05.2018
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Tatiana V. Markova , candidate of philosophical sciences
Evgenii S. Martianov
FSBEI of HE "Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev" , Нижегородская обл

«Virtual reality as a social phenomenon»

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The article is devoted to the study of virtual reality as a social phenomenon. Through an appeal to the past, its genesis is analyzed, as well as its significance in modern realities. The latter is viewed from both a social and a personal point of view. Comparing the number of supporters of virtual communication with the number of people of conservative views, conclusions are drawn about the tendency to depart from the usual communication. It allows to assert that the problem of the termination of live communication is relevant to this day. Inferences allow us to assert that the problem of replacing real communication is different. After looking at the positive consequences, the introduction of the mind into virtual reality, it is affirmed that there are good sides to this action. Through analysis, the causes of entering the World Wide Web are generated. In conclusion, the question is raised about the need for virtual reality in everyday life, its problems, as well as the prospects for development.

Publication date: 09.04.2018
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Tatiana V. Markova , candidate of philosophical sciences
Denis A. Shcherbatykh
FSBEI of HE "Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev" , Нижегородская обл

«Philosophy of social networking»

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The article is devoted to the study of social networks impact on an individual, which are an important part of a modern society. Through reflections the reasons of the popularity of the phenomenon of virtual communication in the 21st century are determined: what drives a person when he / she registers on the sites for communication, premises for his / her actions and consequences. The latter is viewed from both a social and a personal point of view. After analyzing the charts of social networks popularity, the authors come to the conclusion that there is an increase in the population of the virtual communication supporters. It allows to assert that the problem of the termination of live communication is relevant to this day. Dualism of social networks influence on the consciousness of an individual is stated: together with negative consequences positive aspects are considered. By analyzing social media researches, as well as by the means of a survey, the dominant reason for the world wide web entering is identified. After that, it is clearly shown what a typical site for communication is; as a result, the pros and cons of such time spending are specified. The conclusion states the predominance of the Internet dependence over the other types of dependencies, also forecasts are made for the future of both social networks and the people caught in their web.

Технические науки

Publication date: 14.02.2018
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Natalia A. Bychkova , candidate of engineering sciences , head of the Scientific and Industrial Foresight Department
Southwest State University , Курская обл
Natalia V. Eliseeva , candidate of engineering sciences , deputy head of the Scientific and Industrial Foresight Department
FSBEI of HPE "Stankin Moscow State Technological University" , Москва г

«The model of information system supporting Russian international scientific and educational communications with the countries of Latin America»

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The article presents the concept and principles of creating a system of international scientific and educational cooperation between Russia and Latin America, as a common information space for professional communication and search for partners. This system will become a single information space for universities, scientific organizations, enterprises, venture and investment funds for the exchange of scientific and educational information, promising scientific research, technological solutions and training programs.

Педагогика профессиональной школы: среднего профессионального и высшего образования

Publication date: 13.07.2018
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Galina A. Sokolova , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Linguistic University" , Москва г

«The role of the game element in the introductory-phonetic course in the study of foreign languages»

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This article discusses some aspects of teaching a foreign language at initial stages, the importance of using the game element when working on the introductory-phonetic course is emphasized.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 23.06.2017
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Dmitrii S. Shatokhin
Maksim K. Dankov
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г

«Internet advertising and promotion of B2B projects»

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Internet advertising in Russia has been developing rapidly in past 5–10 years. The most active in advertising are the companies that produce and sell goods to the end user. This article explores if there is a need to promote B2B projects online.

Технические науки (электромеханика, приборостроение, машиностроение, металлургия и др.)

Publication date: 14.04.2017
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Artem K. Avivov
Igor A. Oblomov , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия

«Реализация шаблона MVP для построения пользовательского интерфейса с использованием технологий Windows Forms»

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В статье рассмотрены особенности реализации шаблона построения пользовательских интерфейсов MVP (Model-View-Presenter) с использованием технологий Windows Forms. Показан подход построения приложений, облегчающий автоматическое модульное тестирование и обеспечивающий разделение ответственности в презентационной логике.

Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)

Publication date: 15.04.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Nikolay V. Ageev
Veronika S. Stodolya
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«The impact of social networks on adolescents»

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В статье говорится о вредных последствиях социальных сетей. Авторы представляют свое видение решения этой проблемы.

Технические науки

Publication date: 25.01.2018
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Evgenii V. Selivanov , candidate of engineering sciences
AO "SberTekh" , Рязанская обл

«The problems of neural networks»

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The article reviews some of the main problems of modern software implementations of artificial intelligence based on neural networks. We consider such problems as the need for large amounts of data for training, the instability of results on similar problems and opacity. Based on the analysis of this problems, a set of technical solutions is proposed to overcome them.


Publication date: 07.12.2017
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Viktoriia A. Ogai
Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University , Kazakhstan

«Using of Internet on the lessons of English language»

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Keywords: Internet, features of the Internet, information resources, didactic tasks, computer networks.

Пищевая промышленность

Publication date: 30.11.2017
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Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
Pavel O. Shchukin , candidate of engineering sciences
Vladimir V. Vapirov , doctor of engineering sciences, doctor of chemical sciences, professor
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Новые решения в области процессов экстракции с использованием электромагнитного поля в пищевой промышленности»

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On the basis of patent search, technological and technical solutions in the field of extraction processes using a magnetic field in the food industry are considered.

Проблемы повышения качества образования в современных условиях

Publication date: 10.01.2018
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Niiaz N. Nuryev , bachelor of physical and mathematical sciences
GAPOU "Kazanskii avtotransportnyi tekhnikum im. A.P. Obydennova" , Татарстан Респ

«Межпредметные связи в обучении физике»

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Работа посвящена осмыслению понятия «межпредметные связи» в педагогике и в образовании. Показано, что межпредметные связи активизируют познавательную деятельность учеников, побуждая мыслительную активность в процессе переноса знаний из разных предметов методом аналогий. В качестве ключевого доказательства приведены межпредметные связи на базе курса физики в связи с другими предметами. Главное достоинство данной темы – облегчает и позволяет совершенствовать содержание учебных методов, форм и материалов при организации обучения. Статья рекомендуется студентам и аспирантам педагогических вузов.

Теория и методика профессионального образования

Publication date: 03.01.2018
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Anastasiia P. Eriomina , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSEI of HE "Orenburg State Pedagogical University" , Оренбургская обл

«Razvitie informatsionnoi kompetentnosti budushchego menedzhera (napravlenie 44.04.01 "Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie") pri realizatsii setevoi obrazovatel'noi programmy»

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Abstract: The article reveals the content of the information competence of the future manager as a significant result of professional training by the means of the network educational program. Based on the analysis of normative documents that are the sources of the content of the future manager's professional activities, the main requirements in the field of work with information and application of information and communication technologies were analyzed. The main indicators of development of the information competence of the future manager are determined and the results of the diagnosis of the level of its development for the 1st year undergraduates of Orenburg State Pedagogical University are presented.


Publication date: 26.12.2017
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Ekaterina E. Mukhortikova
Viktoriia E. Sandrina , candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor
FGBOU VO "Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi ekonomicheskii universitet" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Instagram как эффективный инструмент продвижения бренда гостиницы (гостиничного предприятия) на российском и международном рынке»

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The report considers the promotion of the hotel brand through the social network Instagram. An analysis of the use of the Instagram platform as an instrument of promotion was conducted. For example, the St. Petersburg three-star hotel "Center hotel" is actively using this network.