List of publications on a keyword: «ICT»

Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами

Publication date: 26.06.2017
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Ilya R. Shegelman , doctor of engineering sciences
Ialmar M. Kester , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ
David B. Odlis , candidate of economic sciences
FSAEI of HE «National Nuclear Research University MEPhI» , Москва г

«Актуальные аспекты формирования интегрированных структур»

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It is shown that integration processes in industry and economy contribute to the creation of structures that carry out coordinated interrelated activities and to eliminate many market contradictions.

Общие вопросы исторических наук

Publication date: 25.12.2017
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Irina Y. Novikova , master of historical sciences
MBOU SOSh 6 , Ставропольский край

«The reform of 1861 in Stavropol»

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This article is devoted to analysis of the socioeconomic features of the peasant reform in the Stavropol region, the main of which was sufficiently low density settlement in the region and the number of serfs. The work includes consideration of the provisions of one of the earliest projects of emancipation of the serfs, created by the largest landowners of the County Pyatigorsk by the Kalantarovs’ brothers. The materials in this article are used from the State archive of the Stavropol territory.

Всеобщая история

Publication date: 19.12.2017
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Artyom V. Gofman
FSBEI of HE "Kursk State University" , Курская обл

«The Oslo accords as an attempt to settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: the historiographical aspect»

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The article aims at studying the historiography of the Russian scholars' researches on the Oslo Accords. The key issue is about the role of these Accords in the conflict's settling. This subject includes the problem of territory, the status of Jerusalem, condition and status of the Palestinian refugees, acts of terrorism and political sphere. At the end, author deduces that there is not unified opinion about the Oslo Accords in the Russian historical science. Overall, lots of scientists consider these Accords as controversial and affectless.

[22.00.00] Социологические науки

Publication date: 13.06.2017
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Olga V. Makashova
Institute of Humanities of FSAEI HE "Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University" , Калининградская обл

«People with chemical addiction and the features of their life orientations»

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According to the author, modern rehabilitation facilities do not have psychological tool that helps people with chemical addictions to optimize their life orientations. The research methods: analysis of psychological literature on this subject; testing; method of mathematical data processing (Mann-Whitney U test, correlation analyses of data). Dependent persons have lowered indicators of reason to live and meaningful orientations. Their personal development is hampered because of a lower level of perception of the integral time of their life. They have higher level of such destructive orientations as confrontational coping, running away from a problem and higher level of constructive orientations – orientation on the solution of the problem, acceptance of responsibility and a positive reassessment of the situation. Sometimes constructive coping is associated with indicators related to the difficulties of personal development. Addicted persons’ tendency toward prosocial behavior is high. At the same time, the helping behavior is more pronounced, when the respondents believe in themselves and in people less. Based on the findings, the Program of Measures, accompanying the rehabilitation of dependent persons, has been compiled.

[10.00.00] Филологические науки

Publication date: 13.06.2017
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Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«The sound source as an indicator of sound verbs’ semantic behavior during the synthesis process»

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The article examines the predictability of Russian verbal modifications during the process of word formation synthesis. The main reasons for modifiers’ combinatorial irregularity with respect to semantically connected sound verbs are identified. For the first time ever, the sound source, as the primary factor in determining the word formation synthesis’ results, is described from three perspectives: semantic, lexicographic, and denotative. Using various parameters relevant for both sound source and semantic modifiers, the sound verbs are subjected to combinatorial testing. The nature of dynamic dependency between the results of word formation synthesis, the distinguishing characteristics of modifiers, and the semantic range of verbs is analyzed.

Publication date: 07.06.2017
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Lyudmila V. Zhukova
FSBEI of HE "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University" , Новосибирская обл

«The reasons associated with the loss of certain facts of language and culture while translating fiction from Russian into English based on the novel “War and peace” by Leo Tolstoy»

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The article deals with the reasons for the loss of certain facts of language and culture while translating fiction from Russian into English based on the novel «War and peace» by Leo Tolstoy.


Publication date: 12.01.2018
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Mikhail V. Borisenko
Andrey M. Kalyak , candidate of juridical sciences
Siberian Institute of Management (branch) of FSBEI of HE "Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration" , Новосибирская обл

«Improving the system of measures to reduce drug abuse and crimes in the field of illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances»

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The article describes current drug situation in Russia, the forecast for its development in Russia, the system of measures of drug control and the reduction of the number of drug-dependent persons, as well as the reduction of crimes in the field of illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

География и геология

Publication date: 13.11.2017
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Alina Z. Galeeva
Ekaterina A. Sliva
FSBEI of HE "Nizhnevartovsk State University" , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Historical and mapping research of Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district – Yugra»

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The object of the research is the borders of the territory of Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district – Yugra in relation to historical maps of the Russian Empire of various years. The article describes the stages of geographic information systems development and their use in different spheres of person’s activities.


Publication date: 19.09.2017
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Elena V. Ushakova
FSBEI of HE "Voronezh State University" , Воронежская обл

«Verbalization of the “threat” concept in the Russian language»

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The author examines the “threat” concept in the Russian language, as well as provides the main goal of the work – to describe the “threat” concept as one of the types of a conflict manifestation.


Publication date: 25.08.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 2)
Valentina A. Danilenkova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HPE "Kaliningrad State Technical University" , Калининградская обл

«Trends and driving forces of ecological training and education in the context of ecological education environment of the technical university»

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Common patterns of ecological training and education in the technical university are analyzed in this article, their descriptions are defined. Driving forces of ecological training and education in the context of ecological education environment are discovered and proved. According to conducted research the author makes a proposition to point out at ecological risks as driving forces, searching for which improves the efficiency and effectiveness of ecological education environment. The researcher gives a definition of ecological risks, formulates general characteristics, explores their influence on conflicts, resilience and students’ adaptation during getting education in the technical university.

Publication date: 28.06.2017
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Marina I. Palchikova
Lyceum №7 , Воронежская обл

«To the question of creating programs for the prevention of internet addiction»

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The article examines the problem of the effectiveness of preventing Internet addiction and analyzes possible options for preventing Internet addiction among younger schoolchildren. The author suggests addressing the problem in a comprehensive manner, developing social and pedagogical prevention programs using the potential of the educational environment and taking into account the specific interests and needs of specific students.

Publication date: 16.05.2017
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Maria K. Getmanskaya
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia , Санкт-Петербург г
Nina V. Bagramova , doctor of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г

«The principles of foreign language learning as a leading factor of a learning process»

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The article is devoted to one of the most important components of learning process – learning principles. Learning principles is a set of rules that allows to make an educational process more efficient. The article covers some traditional and modern classifications of principles. The analysis of modern principles of teaching foreign languages has been done here. A number of social contradictions relevant to the modern educational process are mentioned (for example, the increasing amount of digestible information and a limited number of hours allocated for acquisition). The article is addressed to students of linguistic universities and faculties of foreign languages, graduate students, methodologists, teachers of foreign languages, specialists in the field of linguistics, and anyone interested in problems of teaching foreign languages.


Publication date: 16.05.2017
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Yulia I. Kildyaeva
FSBEI of HE "Ogarev Mordovia National Research State University" , Мордовия Респ

«The poetics of comic in the «The Twelve Chairs» novel (to the problem of a funny word)»

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The article deals with the role of a funny word in the comic structure of «The Twelve Chairs» by I. Ilf and E. Petrov. The researcher reveals its different functions taking into account authors’ strategy, directed to the creation of a special type of comic.


Publication date: 05.04.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 1)
Andrey V. Antsyborov , graduate student
Mental Health Clinic «Psyche» , Ростовская обл
Vladimir V. Mrykhin , candidate of medical sciences
FSFEI of HE “Rostov State Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Ростовская обл

«Synthetic cannabinoid: prevalence, mechanisms of addiction development, mental disorders associated with the use of synthetic cannabinoid»

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According to the authors among the new psychoactive substances, the number of which is growing every year, despite the measures aimed at the obstacles to their dissemination there discovered the most frequent violations of psychotic conditions associated with use of synthetic cannabinoid in clinical practice. On the black market, they are distributed through online shops, under the guise of herbal mixtures for Smoking. When ingested, this group of drugs at the peak of intoxication raises a number of mental (different according to the depth of impaired consciousness, auditory and visual hallucinations, panic attacks, acute psychotic paranoid disorders, catatonic stupor, polar affective disorders, acute polythematic delusional symptoms) and somatic disorders (disorders of heart rhythm and conduction, acute ischemic disorders, hypertension, depression of respiratory activity, violation of thermoregulation, development of acute renal failure, vomiting, expressed cephalgia, clinic of hypokalemia). In the reviewed literature and authors own observations there have been discovered some cases of mental addiction development to synthetic cannabinoids. The analysis of new literature data and own clinical observations helped the authors to compare the psychotropic effects caused by this group of drugs, relative to other known surfactants. The toxic effects of CSC on the body greatly exceeds the use of plant cannabinoids, and it has almost the same effects as the synthetic cathinone’s. The speed of formation of psychological dependence is lower compared to synthetic cathinone. Developing current strategies for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients who use synthetic cannabinoids remains an important task for practical healthcare.


Publication date: 08.04.2017
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Maria A. Odinokaya , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Svetlana L. Nesvetova
High School of Foreign Languages of Humanities Institute FSAEI of HE “Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University” , Санкт-Петербург г

«The podcasts system in the learning process of foreign languages of students in technical universities»

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This paper reviews the main issues of using podcasts during teaching process of foreign languages in technical university to develop skills of speaking and listening. The article defines the concept of a podcast. It describes the main advantages of using this technology. The guidelines on the subject matter, content and grouping learning materials in podcasts are given in this article. The authors provide a scheme of working with podcasts during independent study of a foreign language.


Publication date: 10.04.2017
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Ekaterina A. Kudasova
Larisa V. Skitnevskaya , candidate of psychological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University" , Нижегородская обл

«Characteristic of psychological particularities of «victim» phenomenon»

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The article is devoted to analysis of the main psychological characteristics of the phenomenon of victims in the schools. The researchers discuss the types of victims: passive and aggressive. Passive victims have a negative attitude towards violence and prevent the use of aggressive means. The aggressive behavior of the victims is an attack on the tortfeasor. The study was conducted in the framework of the project RHSF №15–06–10575 «The study of environmental and personal factors of adolescent bullying».


Publication date: 12.04.2017
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Elena V. Levina , candidate of sociological sciences
“Non-profit partnership of higher education “Institute of International Social Humanitarian Relations” , Москва г

«Features of application of test techniques in selection and certification of personnel»

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This article investigates the problem of use of test techniques in the course of selection and certification of personnel, and also for detection of features of formation of social and psychological climate in small groups and labor collectives. The group dynamics including individual preferences of players in the choice of strategy of behavior in a conflict situation in definition of the most acceptable social role, in identification of the most constructive and effective type of the administrative decision has the special importance. The author of the article offers a set of the test methods allowing to define social and psychological type of the individual at a stage of staff recruitment and to reveal its individual behavioral preferences that can structurally influence on team work.


Publication date: 13.04.2017
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Valentin V. Kopylov
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«The problems of eviction of citizens from living quarters»

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The article is devoted to the consideration of issues related to the eviction of citizens from living quarters. It outlines the main problems. The necessity of improving the legislation in the field of housing legal relations by making adjustments and changes to the current regulatory and legal acts has been argued.

Publication date: 06.04.2017
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Yulia S. Koroleva
Yulia N. Lebedeva , candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor
FSFEI of HE "Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law" , Хабаровский край

«Restriction on the electoral rights»

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The author deals with restrictions on the electoral rights. The researcher of this article gives detailed information on the essence of electoral rights and the goals of current legal restrictions on the electoral rights.


Publication date: 10.03.2017
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Bumki Be
FSBIS "Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS" , Москва г

«Foreign policy of leading countries from the viewpoint of realism and imperial policy»

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According to the author Imperial and imperialist policy led to war. The first and Second world wars led to the disappearance of the classical empires – Austro-Hungarian, British, French, German, Ottoman, Japanese. The post-Second world war bipolar world because of the logic of confrontation between two world systems largely continued to develop in international relations the logic of empires, the logic of the strict antagonism. The collapse of world socialist system led to the emergence of a unilateral world and the dominant role of one superpower, which is by the logic of Imperial policy pursued a policy of forced democratization. But such a condition could not last long, for neither the resources nor the capacity of this hegemony was not enough to ensure the peaceful development of mankind. More and more countries demanded a policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of other States, peaceful coexistence and cooperation within the framework of the cooperative strategy. Most people call it the multi-polar world. The transition from a unilateral to a multipolar world will require greater effort and resolution of international and inter-state matters on the basis of principles of equal security, compromises, and mutually beneficial cooperation.


Publication date: 13.03.2017
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Nataliya M. Merkuryeva , candidate of philological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г

«Difficulties of presentation composite antonyms in the explanatory dictionary of antonims compound words»

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The article is devoted to the problems of compound words codification in the dictionaries of antonyms. The variants of interpretation of composites, taking into account not only dictionary definitions, but also the nuances of a complex manifestation of compound words in language and speech – stylistic heterogeneity, asymmetry of the semantic components of the composite, antonyms for secondary meanings and nuances of word, imagery and terminology opposition are explored. Through the example of the construction of various types of entries it is concluded that a dictionary of antonyms compound words is relevant, it reflects not only the complex structure of each polisemic composite, but also demonstrates its paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations.


Publication date: 16.02.2017
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Vladimir V. Mrykhin , candidate of medical sciences
FSFEI of HE “Rostov State Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Ростовская обл
Andrey V. Antsyborov , graduate student
Mental Health Clinic «Psyche» , Ростовская обл

«Psychiatric aspects of designer drugs and new psychoactive substances consumption»

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According to the authors, appeared not long ago new psychoactive substances (designer drugs), including synthetic cannabinoids, derivatives of cathinone, phenethylamines, new stimulants, synthetic opioids, tryptamine derivatives, phencyclidine, piperazine, agonists of GABA (A/B) receptors have become a serious problem for both consumers and doctors. Consumers of these substances are attracted primarily by the intensity of psychoactive effects, as well as «legal purity», which is declared by shadow producers. This indicates that there are some significant difficulties of laboratory typing of new surfactants. Designer drugs when ingested, can affect a range of neurotransmitter pathways/receptors: dopamine, cannabinoid (CB1), GABA(A/B), 5-HT2A, glutamate, and k-opioid receptors (KOR), the imbalance of which leads to the development of polymorphic psychotic disorders.

Социологические науки

Publication date: 08.02.2017
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Zoia A. Khismatova
Sofia P. Khan
Anna S. Berezina
FGBOU VO "Kemerovskii gosudarstvennyi sel'skokhoziaistvennyi institut" , Кемеровская обл

«Исследование проблемы курения среди студентов сельскохозяйственного вуза»

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The statistical research of a problem of smoking among students оf Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute is conducted. On the basis of data of sociological poll the smoking reasons, influence of a tabakozavisimost of relatives on formation of a habit of smoking, influence of smoking on progress of students are analysed

Педагогические науки

Publication date: 16.12.2016
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Anastasiia I. Zhivogliadova
Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology FSAEI of HE "Siberian Federal University" , Красноярский край

«Тренинг по развитию конфликтной компетентности для детей разного возраста»

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Сonflicts of pupils is one of the most complex, common and painful processes in the society. Unfortunately, most schools do not carry out the necessary prevention and working with children. The article presents two trainings for different ages, which are aimed at the development of certain behavioral standards as well as ways to solve emerging conflicts.

Особенности социально-экономического развития регионов

Publication date: 06.10.2016
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Oksana V. Lomakina , candidate of economic sciences
Suren R. Zeitunian
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Методические подходы к оценке и дифференциации конкурентоспособности муниципальных районов Краснодарского края»

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The article discusses the assessment of the socio-economic competitiveness of the municipal districts of the Krasnodar region, based on data from the Integrated assessment of urban districts and municipal districts of Krasnodar region in 2013-2018 and the application of the method of weighted scores, highlighting key indicators