List of publications on a keyword: «Russia»

Пищевая промышленность

Publication date: 18.04.2018
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Ilya R. Shegelman , doctor of engineering sciences
Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ


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In Russia, there are more territorial differences in the provision of food and security in various Russian regions. The problems of Russia's food security should be addressed at the national, ethnic and regional levels.

Система образования

Publication date: 04.04.2018
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Mikhail V. Griadunov , candidate of sociological sciences
Natalia A. Griadunova , candidate of sociological sciences
Elena A. Poletaeva
GBPOU "Pervyi Moskovskii obrazovatel'nyi kompleks" , Москва г

«Demonstratsionnyi ekzamen kak innovatsionnyi sposob formirovaniia i otsenivaniia professional'nykh kompetentsii i sostavnaia chast' gosudarstvennoi itogovoi attestatsii vypusknikov rossiiskikh kolledzhei»

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В статье говорится, что развитие образовательного стандарта предполагает, что демонстрационный экзамен моделирует реальные производственные условия для решения выпускниками СПО практических задач профессиональной деятельности в течение определенного времени на экзамене. Данный экзамен проводится по стандартам WorldSkills Russia в качестве государственной итоговой аттестации по образовательным программам СПО.


Publication date: 09.03.2018
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Mikhail A. Zabolotnii , postgraduate student
FGBOU VO "Vserossiiskii gosudarstvennyi universitet iustitsii (RPA Miniusta Rossii)" , Москва г

«Ministry of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector of the Russian Federation as a subject of administrative law»

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The article examines the powers of the Ministry of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector of the Russian Federation, specifics of its functioning within the system of executive bodies of Russia; There is being researched the activity of this Ministry, aimed at the development of urban planning, architecture and housing and communal services in Russia. The research of the history of the emergence of a separate and special body that manages the construction, urban planning, territory improvement, and аuthor's analysis of modern Russian legislation allows the author to identify the features of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation as a subject of administrative law. In addition, after carrying out such a study, conclusions are drawn about the significance of the existence of this ministry in the system of Russian government bodies.

Пищевая промышленность

Publication date: 23.02.2018
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Kseniia A. Petrova
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Анализ посевной площади Северо-Западного федерального округа России»

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In the framework of justifying the end-to-end technology for the production of functional food products to ensure food safety in the northern territories of the Russian Federation, an analysis of the sown area of the North-West Federal District of Russia is given.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 26.02.2018
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Ilya R. Shegelman , doctor of engineering sciences
Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
Vladimir V. Vapirov , doctor of engineering sciences, doctor of chemical sciences, professor
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Methodology of research of problems of food safety in the conditions of the North of Russia»

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The methodology of research on food security in the North of Russia should take into account the problems of food security in the country, innovative foreign experience, the specific nutrition of the indigenous population, large-scale migration flows, the fact that the population of these territories should be provided not only with the required physical volumes of food, but also with quality food.


Publication date: 20.02.2018
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Oksana O. Zhukva
Yulia N. Nikulina , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Orenburg State University" , Оренбургская обл

«Realizatsiia podkhodov k sisteme razvitiia personala: opyt rossiiskikh kompanii»

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The article considers main tendencies of development of system of personnel training in modern conditions. The authors present the results of a survey of Russian companies in respect of evaluation of training and staff development. In conclusion, we formulated conclusions regarding the actual problems and perspective directions of development of system of personnel training at the modern stage

Publication date: 16.02.2018
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Ilya R. Shegelman , doctor of engineering sciences
Pavel O. Shchukin , candidate of engineering sciences
Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Направления исследований по разработке сквозных технологий производства функциональных продуктов, повышающих продовольственную безопасность северных регионов России»

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The directions of research carried out by Petrozavodsk University on the development of end-to-end technologies for the production of functional products that enhance food security in the Northern regions of Russia.

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 07.02.2018
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Natalia V. Danilova
MBDOU "D/S 65" , Вологодская обл

«Rol' igr-poteshek v rechevom razvitii rebionka»

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This article describes about the specifics of the small folklore forms – poteshki. The author gives advice on how to effectively organize the work with the text of the nursery rhymes in the game with young children. Poteshka as one of the active forms of stimulation of speech.


Publication date: 31.01.2018
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Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
Irina V. Peshkova , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Наукометрические показатели ученых Петрозаводского университета, сгруппированных по различным тематикам»

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According to the Russian index of scientific citation given the data on the values of the Hirsch index among the scientists of Petrozavodsk State University, grouped according to different topics according to the results of 2017.


Publication date: 31.01.2018
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Ekaterina S. Belokon
Konstantin N. Kulenko
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«О некоторых проблемах института административной ответственности»

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In this article, the author discusses the features and specifics of administrative-legal relations that rise and examines the controversial issues of administrative responsibility, and also ways of solving problems of this kind of legal liability.


Publication date: 28.12.2018
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Olesya V. Sushentseva , student
FSBEI of HE "Perm National Research Polytechnic University" , Пермский край

«Economic factors»

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Oil production has long been considered the major source of replenishment of the budget of the country and the starting point for the development of other industries so today the efficiency of the oil complex functioning of the Russian Federation and its investment attractiveness is a key problem for the state. In this article the author focuses attention on factors that one way or another form picture of development and on this foundation obtains data for the econometric model.


Publication date: 09.10.2018
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Irina A. Lanskaya , undergraduate
National Research University «Higher School of Economics» , Москва г

«Specificity of Russian corruption (based on sociological and social studies)»

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One of the main problems of Russia is a high level of corruption in almost all spheres of life and development of society. In this study, various statistical and qualitative data characterizing the development of corruption in Russia are presented and analyzed.

Культурология и искусствоведение

Publication date: 26.07.2018
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Olga M. Korzhenko , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor
Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture , Белгородская обл

«South Russian and North Russian tales as a reflection of regional peculiarities of traditional culture»

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This article attempts to analyze the similarities and differences of South Russian and North Russian folk tales. Attention is paid to how these tales reflected the regional features of the culture of the ethnic group, due to natural and social factors.


Publication date: 06.06.2018
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Konstantin S. Savin , candidate of economic sciences , старший преподаватель
Lomonosov Moscow State University , Москва г

«Formation of the polycultural educational environment (in the process of studying Russian language as foreign) with means of inter-ethnic and ethnocultural communication within economic discourse framework»

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The article actualizes the problem of increasing the effectiveness of training foreign students in the economic profile in the context of the subsequent provision of the labor market with highly qualified professionals that meet the growing demands of the current economic situation. The quality of students' training is considered from the point of view of the conditions for organizing a multicultural educational environment that meets the requirements of regional interaction and international cooperation. Aspects of the organization of the multicultural educational environment are considered on the basis of the multinational culture of the peoples of Russia, which is due to the economic discourse of the regions, appealing to the resources of interethnic adaptation during the training of students of economic specialties in higher education institutions, the factor of improving professional communication (as one of the most important competencies of the future specialist) interethnic and ethno-cultural dialogue in the process of education and the subsequent professional activities. The potential of the discipline «Russian as a foreign language» has been revealed in achieving the goals of organizing a multicultural environment through means of interethnic and ethno-cultural communication, taking into account its main components, among which special attention is given to discursive and strategic aspects. The main characteristics of skills and competences whose development is mediated by didactic-methodological means of the discipline «Russian as a foreign language» with a more profound mastery of the language of the specialty, taking into account the features of interethnic and ethno-cultural communication, are revealed. Their importance for successful professional socialization in conditions of interaction and cooperation of regions is shown.


Publication date: 08.06.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 7)
Irina V. Ivlieva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology , USA

«Russian zoophonic verbs modifications’ domain. Peculiarity of synthesis»

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The article examines capabilities of Russian zoophonic verbs (those describing sounds produced by animals) to create semantic modifications. Using the appending inventory of zoophonic verbal modifications from novel sources, previously unused in lexicographic practices, the open (infinite) nature of semantic modifications’ domain, its composition and the fluidity of its lacuna zones are shown. The structure of zoophonic verbal modifications is examined; verbal modifiers, non-typical for this lexical-semantic group of verbs, are inventoried. The obstacles to successful production of semantically modified derivatives during different stages of synthesis are classified by several criteria: denotative, semantic, and distributive. The research findings demonstrate the peculiarities of Russian zoophonic verbs’ behavior as well as map out their modification capabilities during the process of synthesis.


Publication date: 08.06.2018
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Roman O. Rashev , студент
FSBEI of HPE "Tyumen State University" , Тюменская обл

«Problems of PPI admission. Analysis of incoming foreign investments in Russia in the period 2009–2017»

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Foreign direct investment has a significant impact on the development of the Russian economy. It is necessary to pay more attention to attract foreign investment in Russia and remove all the difficulties on the way of their receipt. Investors have many problems with the implementation of investments in our country, so investment processes and this activity in general are constrained. Attracting PPI to the Russian economy has many advantages. Analysis of incoming foreign investments in Russia for 2009–2017 is given in the article. Main problems and recommendations are represented.


Publication date: 14.03.2018
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Vyacheslav A. Ermakov , candidate of philosophical sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г

«Antimasonian activity of Russian monarchical emigration of «first wave» (1917–1940)»

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Summary: The work shows that in the modern domestic liberal historiography of Russian emigration, there is a tendency to conceal and hide political problems raised by Russian monarchists. And, on the contrary, in the works of representatives of the patriotic direction, a wide range of views of Russian monarchists, centered around the Masonic problem and the struggle against Bolshevism, are being explored. The system of estimations by Russian right-wing representatives of the «philosophical steamer» as «apologists of Freemasonry» and the bearers of the ideas of «Masonic democracy» and also as «reformers of Orthodoxy» was reconstructed. The specifics of the struggle of Russian patriotic circles of white emigration with the Russian Masonic lodges restored abroad are shown. The anti-Masonic activities of the Russian Church abroad are considered. As the highest achievement of anti-Masonic publicism is considered the religious and political philosophy of the history of Russian monarchists. The author believe that the main historiographic criterion for distinguishing the political activity of Russian emigration should be recognized as its pro-Masonic or anti-Masonic orientation. As a result of the research, the author come to the conclusion that the anti-Masonic activities of the Russian right largely objectively reflected the main contradiction of the Russian history of «post-October abroad» as the struggle of Russian patriotic monarchists and the Orthodox Church abroad with the Russophobic forces of the West, whose concentrated expression was Freemasonry.

Технические науки

Publication date: 14.02.2018
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Natalia A. Bychkova , candidate of engineering sciences , head of the Scientific and Industrial Foresight Department
Southwest State University , Курская обл
Natalia V. Eliseeva , candidate of engineering sciences , deputy head of the Scientific and Industrial Foresight Department
FSBEI of HPE "Stankin Moscow State Technological University" , Москва г

«The model of information system supporting Russian international scientific and educational communications with the countries of Latin America»

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The article presents the concept and principles of creating a system of international scientific and educational cooperation between Russia and Latin America, as a common information space for professional communication and search for partners. This system will become a single information space for universities, scientific organizations, enterprises, venture and investment funds for the exchange of scientific and educational information, promising scientific research, technological solutions and training programs.

Общие вопросы народного образования и педагогики

Publication date: 26.04.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 2)
Oleg P. Mulyukin , Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, doctor of engineering sciences, professor , professor
Samara State Transport University , Самарская обл

«On the causal connection between the state of domestic industry and the «brain drain» to the West»

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The article outlines the root cause of acute problems of Russian science and education – slowing down the pace of industry reconstruction destroyed by the USSR collapse and import substitution plans lagging, and, as a consequence, the outflow of Russian scientists and highly qualified personnel abroad. It is shown that the departure of our most creative part of society in the person of scientists and highly educated specialists for work and residence in industrially developed West countries is always a negative blow to the scientific, technical, economic, military potential of our country and the nation's genetic code deterioration.

Культурология и искусствоведение

Publication date: 20.10.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 5)
Igor V. Semenov , ученик 8 «А» класса
Kolledzh imeni Dvazhdy Geroia Sovetskogo Soiuza Marshala Sovetskogo Soiuza V.I. Chuikova , Москва г
Vera A. Pishkova , учитель краеведения
MEI "P.A. Stolypin School №21" , Саратовская обл

«Saratovskii tsirk imeni brat'ev Nikitinykh»

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The article considers the main milestones of the formation and development of the Saratov circus named after the Nikitin brothers.

Publication date: 08.12.2017
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Kirill K. Novikov
Tamara A. Alekhina
MBOU "SSh 25" , Смоленская обл

«Khram sviatykh Petra i Pavla v Smolenske»

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The article is devoted to the study and analysis of the history of a unique ancient church of the 12 th century - the Church of St. Pete and Paul in Smolensk. The author describes the 800 years of life of the church - a witness of the most important historical events of the city and the country.

Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)

Publication date: 26.07.2017
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Ekaterina V. Iakubina
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Мошенничество при продаже недвижимости в природоохранных зонах»

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The author has considered topical issues of fraud in the sale of real estate in environmental zones.

Publication date: 20.07.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Ekaterina V. Iakubina
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Влияние экологических преступлений в сфере агропромышленного комплекса России»

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The author examined the impact of environmental crimes in the sphere of the Russian agro-industrial complex.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 23.06.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 2 (Всего: 2)
Nataliia A. Im
FSAEI of HE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Валютный кризис 2014 года: причины, связь с санкциями, последствия, возможные пути выхода»

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This article considers the Currency Crisis in Russia in 2014. The causes and prerequisites of the crisis are revealed. The attitude of the anti-Russian sanctions to them is considered. The actions of the state aimed at overcoming the crisis, consequences are considered. Recommendations of actions for improvement of the further situation are revealed.

Экономические науки

Publication date: 09.08.2017
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Lana M. Vishneva
Natal'ya I. Sokolova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Economic resource of Russia in the period of changeover from crisis to sustainable development»

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The article describes the Russian Federation in the period of crisis. Some ways of getting over this situation, reasons that have led to it and disproportion in today`s economy are also illustrated.