List of publications on a keyword: «дар»


Publication date: 09.10.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 7)
Juliana A. Kitsai , candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor
FSAEI of HE "Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University" , Калининградская обл

«Denationalization of social sphere: theory and practice»

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A comparative analysis of economic and legal approaches to the process of denationalization is carried out in this article. A systematic approach was used to identify the main actors involved in the process of reforming the social sphere to identify the consequences of political and legal decisions.


Publication date: 11.09.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Akbar S. Guseinov
Baku State University , Azerbaijan

«Corporate financial policy and financial rules»

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The implementation of a corporate financial policy in order to establish the fiscal discipline and fiscal responsibility ethos, to maintain macroeconomic stability, to provide a confidence environment and predictability in the economy, to achieve a balanced generation distribution of financial burdens and benefits and to realize the sustainability of public finance from on a long-term basis has become increasingly widespread in developing countries. In the widespread implementation of the institutional fiscal policy, public deficits resulting from prosperity / monetary policy, played a major role in the financing of tax and non-tax resources, and the impact and consequences of this explicit financing. In this study basic literature, theoretical, philosophical and intellectual background of budgetary policies has been summarized. The article has also studied and examined financial rule applications.


Publication date: 04.10.2017
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Juliana A. Kitsai , candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor
FSAEI of HE "Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University" , Калининградская обл

«The features of implementing the concept of entrepreneurial university in Russia»

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According to the author, changes in higher education are focused on the implementation of the concept of entrepreneurial university. This concept involves the changes of the basic approaches to both the organization of internal activities of higher education institutions and to interaction with other actors (the state, regional authorities, business, foreign partners). The concept of an entrepreneurial university (University 3.0.) is associated with a general reform of the social sphere, oriented toward the process of its denationalization.

Тема номера

Publication date: 31.07.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Natalia V. Mordvinova
Novokubansk Agricultural and Polytechnic Technical College , Краснодарский край

«The system of revealing and developing the creative, scientific and professional potential of students of a professional educational institution»

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One of the main tasks of the educational process is not only to educate already known facts of science, but also to create all the conditions for realizing one's own potential by each student. Given the historical features of Russia's development, it is fair to note that professional education is at the same level of importance with higher education, and therefore there should be no less work to develop talented and gifted youth.


Publication date: 16.05.2017
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Sergey A. Stepasyuk
FSBEI of HE "State University of Management" , Москва г

«Government regulation of gambling business»

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The article deals with the problems of modern gambling business in the Russian Federation, political and legal, civil and economic aspects of state politics development in the field of activities regulation. The Federal Law regulating the activity of gambling business has been analyzed. The author has offered some developments of gambling business in the Russian Federation in order to increase the revenues to the budgets of the regions; to increase the attractiveness of the Russian resorts; to create more job opportunities and to eradicate unemployment.


Publication date: 17.04.2017
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Olga V. Pirogova , doctor of pedagogic sciences
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Organization of international practical training of students at the tourism university»

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The article deals with organization of international practical training of students at the tourism university, provides a brief analysis of researchers on students’ practical training, makes the case for international practical training of students, gives classification of international practical training, shows advantages and disadvantages of students’ practical training abroad and the benefits of tourism university graduates as well who has experience in international practical training.

Publication date: 10.04.2017
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Olga V. Pirogova , doctor of pedagogic sciences
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Practical-oriented training of students at the tourism universities»

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The article describes practical-oriented learning, gives the opinios of different authors on practical-oriented learning, shows the possibility of organizing practical-oriented education at a tourist university, gives the examples of the organization of practical education for students and shown the subjects which can be tied to practical education.


Publication date: 10.04.2017
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Elena A. Chumachenko , candidate of economic sciences
FSFEI of HE "Rostov State University of Economics" , Ростовская обл

«Ways to increase the effectiveness of financial management of the commercial organization in the conditions of the Russian economy»

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This paper investigates the effective use of the tools of financial management in conditions of risk and uncertainty of the Russian economy. Based on the analysis of the economic situation the author identifies the need to improve financial management of the Russian business aimed at the identification and analysis of crisis signals in the organization, and ensure the solvency and financial stability to keep it from bankruptcy.

Publication date: 11.04.2017
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Darya A. Sviridenko
FSBEI of HE “Samara State Technical University” , Самарская обл

«The role of the state in the greening of the Russian economy»

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The article raises the problem of the greening in Russia. The main goal of the work is to determine the place of the state in carrying out greening in the country. The concept of «greening» is revealed, the topicality and necessity of its carrying out in the country is justified. The role of the state in the field of environmental protection is disclosed through administrative and financial measures. The conclusion is made on the priority of administrative measures on the part of the state. It explains why the state plays the main role in carrying out the greening with the help of administrative measures. The scheme of the national plan of the greening in Russia is proposed, all its elements are revealed. The article uses official statistical information.


Publication date: 13.03.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Vyacheslav A. Ermakov , candidate of philosophical sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г
Andrey A. Androsov , candidate of historical sciences
ANO of PE “College of Economics, Insurance and Information Technology” , Москва г

«Historical stages of «Masonic conspiracy» formation in Russia, second half of the XVIII century – early XX centuries»

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The author typologizes historiographical works on the history of Freemasonry, which studies the problems of version formation of «Masonic conspiracy» in Russia. The article shows the cultural and historical specificity of «Masonic conspiracy» in European and Russian policy, ztructures chronology of activities of Masonic organizations aimed at the formation of a political conspiracy against the Russian Orthodox monarchy. The author investigates the activities of prominent representatives of Russian culture and the Russian government, the participants of Masonic organizations and issue of taking control of the Russian state authorities Masonic lodges in Russia and also the differences in the activity of Masonic and paramasonskih societies. The relationship of Masonry and the «liberation movement» has been analyzed. As a result, the author concluded that the «Masonic conspiracy» in Russia had been presented as the highest form of organization of anti-government forces, which under the cover of political liberalism and cultural and educational activities pursued the goal of political upheaval and the elimination of autocracy.


Publication date: 10.03.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Lyubov N. Samborskaya
The Moscow Department of Education , Москва г
Nadezhda S. Vinogradova , candidate of political sciences
Vladimir G. Ponomarev
FSBEI of HE "Razumovskiy Moscow State University of Technology and Management" , Москва г

«The main problems in the process of identifying individual educational trajectories of student and their decision by means of electronic services and the «Digital profile» model»

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The authors describe the specifics of the transition to student-centered learning standards, the main issues arising in the framework of the process of identifying an individual trajectory of student learning and methods of their solutions through the use of the «digital profile» model. The researchers present the organization scheme of school education in the framework of construction of individual educational trajectory of a student, describe the main barriers to the implementation of the scheme. Prospects of application of the «big data» technology in the construction of individual educational trajectory are considered.

Publication date: 13.03.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Lyubov N. Samborskaya
Lyudmila A. Myasnikova
The Moscow Department of Education , Москва г

«Main methods of construction of the «Digital profile» model on the example of schools in Moscow»

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The article presents the basic principles of construction of models of digital profiles of the student, class, school and teacher. The initial data, presented in the impersonal form, consist of students’ grades from three Moscow schools. The data have been obtained from the «electronic diary» and handed over to the Department of Education of Moscow to work on it.


Publication date: 14.03.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 1)
Elena K. Smirnova
MSBMEI of HE “Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia” , Московская обл

«The main aspects of methodology of quality management system»

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This article describes the formation and development of quality management as an integrated system. The author considers the theory and methodology of quality management since the early XXth century to the present day and describes the main problems encountered in the process of quality management system, as well as the ways to overcome them.


Publication date: 16.02.2017
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«I.V. Stalin's activities on consolidation of the new Russian statehood (from May 1918 till March 1921)»

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The author considers, that the Central activities of the Bolsheviks study convincingly leads to the conclusion that the banner of United Russia was raised by Stalin to solve the specific geopolitical problems of the new Russia-related foreign intervention and Civil war, as well as awareness of the separatist processes disutility for the stable new Russian statehood development.

Культурология и искусствоведение

Publication date: 16.02.2017
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Vladimir N. Kurilov
SBEI of HE “Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts” , Новосибирская обл

«Novosibirsk architectural landscape in a graphic design in the end of the XX century – beginning of the XXI century based on own developments»

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The article describes the author's creative method, working in the field of graphic design and applied graphics. The basis of his work – the architectural landscape of Novosibirsk. An educated architect, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, the author has always worked at the intersection of three powerful spheres of influence: architecture, design, easel graphics. His task was to achieve harmony trinity incarnation in his art.


Publication date: 16.02.2017
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Sardana N. Osipova , High achiever of culture of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
SFEI of HE "V.A. Bosikov Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Higher Music School" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«The project activities during the work with gifted children»

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In this article the author presents an educational work with gifted children in collaboration with social partners. The article focuses on such pedagogical method of child development as an art project, which gives more opportunity for every child to realize their potential, talents, and ideas in art both individually and in a group.


Publication date: 17.02.2017
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Muratbek M. Matkarimov
K. Karasaev Bishkek Humanitarian University , Kyrgyzstan

«Characteristics of social policy in Kyrgyzstan»

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The article analyzes the social consequences of the extreme economic reforms, conducted in sovereign Kyrgyzstan and the processes of social transformations, helping to overcome these consequences. An accent is made on deepening of poverty as a mass phenomenon in Kyrgyzstan on the basis of sociological researches.


Publication date: 17.02.2017
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Elena I. Kubrakova
Svetlana V. Khashaeva , candidate of sociological sciences
FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл

«Sociological analysis of appeal of small business in modern conditions»

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Current economic situation doubts all universal approaches to investment attractiveness rating of small business in large cities of the Russian Federation. This problem starts to appear in small cities too. According to the authors, there appears necessity in determining citizen attitude to entrepreneurs and business generally.

Publication date: 17.02.2017
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Nargiza K. Lukhutashvili
Donbass Academy of Law , Ukraine

«Educational policy as a component of social policy of the state»

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The article deals with the priority of social policy of the democratic state, in particular it deals with the education system, which actively influences the functioning and development of society.


Publication date: 17.02.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Anastasia V. Kanaeva
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г
Tatiana B. Turischeva , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г

«Features of the organization of the accounting in the state unitary organizations (case study Government institution – the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation)»

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This article studies characteristics of the organization and staging of accountancy in the state unitary organization with specific reference. It describes the tasks of accounting, accounting functions and duties of the chief accountant. The paper explores the structure of accounting in general. А special attention is paid to one of the accounting departments – Department for settlements with individuals and payments to the budget. The functions and duties of ordinary accountant of the Department are described in detail.

Филология и лингвистика

Publication date: 07.11.2016
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Marina A. Pliushchova
ОБПОУ «Железногорский политехнический колледж» , Курская обл

«Формирование мотивации к изучению языка посредством деловых игр»

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Как отмечает автор данной статьи, одна из задач обучения английскому языку в колледже – профессиональное устное общение, т.е. общение на темы, связанные с будущей профессией и изучаемые в рамках профильно-ориентированного курса иностранного языка. Деловая игра как активный метод обучения интенсифицирует учебный процесс, приближает его к условиям профессиональной деятельности будущих специалистов и способствует формированию навыка работы в команде и соответственно формирует мотивацию у студентов к изучению иностранного языка.


Publication date: 10.11.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 1)
Kseniia A. Gladkikh
NAN PEI of HE "Academy of Marketing and Social Technologies - IMSIT" , Краснодарский край

«Факторы, влияющие на формирование региональной политики»

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Целью данной статьи является исследование основных направлений развития региональной политики как составной части государственного регулирования, комплекса законодательных, административных и экономических мероприятий, способствующих наиболее рациональному размещению производительных сил и выравниванию уровня жизни.

Publication date: 10.11.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 2)
Elena V. Kiseleva
Alla B. Aldakusheva , candidate of economic sciences
NAN PEI of HE "Academy of Marketing and Social Technologies - IMSIT" , Краснодарский край

«Основные направления устойчивого развития сельского хозяйства в экономике Краснодарского края»

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Агропромышленный комплекс в Российской Федерации был и остается наиболее проблемным сектором экономики. Различные преобразования, изменение мировоззрения по вопросам землепользования привели к негативным последствиям. Результат: отрасль в глубоком кризисе. Одной из причин авторы отмечают неэффективность системы управления отраслью. В Краснодарском крае разрабатывается долгосрочная антикризисная программа устойчивого развития аграрного сектора экономики. Ввод различных мероприятий позволит к 2020 г. повысить как экономику АПК, так и экономику края в целом.

Проблемы Отечественной истории

Publication date: 30.12.2016
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Olga S. Tiutina , postgraduate student
Natalia S. Mikheeva
FSBEI of HE "Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University" , Нижегородская обл

«Личность Ярослава Мудрого по данным современной отечественной историографии»

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В данной статье рассматривается личность Ярослава Мудрого в постсоветской историографии, изменение подходов и трансформация оценок личности князя Ярослава Владимировича и итогов его правления.

Publication date: 05.01.2017
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«Геополитическая мысль России: история и современность»

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What is common in the public consciousness of different periods of our history, why is the restoration of the interrupted continuity in the perception of our complex, but a great last?! Memories of the historical past are forced to think seriously about the greatness of Russia.