List of publications on a keyword: «family»
Система образования
Р. Ф. Гатауллина , candidate of pedagogic sciences , доцент
Nizhnekamskii filial ChOU VO "Kazanskii innovatsionnyi universitet im. V.G. Timiriasova (IEUP)" , Татарстан Респ
«Forming a safe lifestyle in pre-school children in the family»
The article raises the question of the need to study the problem of the formation of a safe lifestyle in children of preschool age in the family. It is emphasized that the formation of a safe way of life in preschool children is especially important, as the knowledge gained at this age is preserved for life.
Дошкольная педагогика
Elena I. Nilova
MBDOU "D/S 65" , Вологодская обл
«Osobennosti raboty s roditeliami pri organizatsii semeinogo kluba»
Филология и лингвистика
Filial FGBOU VO "Stavropol'skii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii institut" v g. Budennovske , Ставропольский край
«Tema detstva v tvorchestve F.M. Dostoevskogo»
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs , Владимирская обл
«The concept of marriage, the conditions and procedure for its conclusion»
Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense of the Ministry of Defence of the Russain Federation , Ярославская обл
«Ways of image formation of family as family of healthy lifestyle: technologies and mechanisms»
This article reveals features of image formation of family as family of a healthy lifestyle. The image is created through the communication of this family members with third parties. Stories about sport trainings, discussion of life in the key to promote healthy lifestyle inevitably forms the corresponding views of other people. In the work the definition of image, factors of image formation are given, the specific features of their influence on the image of family as family of healthy lifestyle are represented and recommendations on this process are provided.
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs , Владимирская обл
«Legal regulation of the rights and duties of spouses in the legislation of the Russian Federation and developed countries in the foreign legal order»
Медицинские науки
NP "Natsional'nyi Tsentr sanitarnogo prosveshcheniia naseleniia "SANPROSVET" , Москва г
Aleksandr N. Razumov , doctor of medical sciences, professor
GAUZ g. Moskvy "Moskovskii nauchno-prakticheskii tsentr meditsinskoi reabilitatsii, vosstanovitel'noi i sportivnoi meditsiny Departamenta zdravookhraneniia g. Moskvy" , Москва г
Valeriy D. Volodin , doctor of medical sciences
Sergei A. Medvedev , candidate of economic sciences
NP "Natsional'nyi Tsentr sanitarnogo prosveshcheniia naseleniia "SANPROSVET" , Москва г
«The innovative potential of medical science – health care of the Russian Far East»
The article provides the content-analysis of publications of the Far-Eastern medical journal (2007–2016) regarding innovative processes perfecting the work of general practitioners: intellectualization, medical insurance, primary medical assistance on principle of a general practitioner (family doctor), medical prophylaxis and interpretation of medical activity. It has been observed that vector of the scientific researches reflected in the journal publications is mainly presented by the intellectualization. The findings demonstrate that journal publications do not transfer the innovations of medical activity under health insurance regulations to the doctors that provide innovative perfection of their work on medical insurance, further development of primary medical assistance provided by the general practitioner (family doctor), medical prophylaxis, interpretation of medical activity, that restrains the improvement of medical assistance to the population, the solution to the current problems of the health care of the Russian Far East. The diversification of scientific researches is needed on medical insurance, further development of primary medical assistance provided by the general practitioner (family doctor), medical prophylaxis, interpretation of medical activity. Optimal mosaic innovations should solve the medico-social aspects of demographic crisis in the region.
Ekaterina A. Gavrilova
Volga Region Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin (branch) of FSBEI of HE “The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration” , Саратовская обл
«Проблемы институциализации системы ювенальной юстиции»
The aspects of social policy related to the correction of socialization processes in dysfunctional families are considered. Analyzes professional judgments of law enforcement officers about the task and problems of juvenile justice. The limits of applicability of juvenile justice tools are justified.
История и политология (археология, этнография, этнология и антропология, историография и др.)
FSBEI of HE "Vyatka State University" , Кировская обл
«Императорская семья Романовых и образование Императорского Православого Палестинского общества (конец XIX в.)»
The article considers the contribution of the Romanov’s family to the creation of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society. Pilgrimage trips to the Holy Land, which were carried out by representatives of the Romanov’s family, were associated with tribute to the memory of deceased relatives. This was the occasion to provide a patronage in the activities of society in Palestine and the Russian Empire.
Теория и методика дошкольного образования
FSBEI of HE "Irkutsk State University" , Иркутская обл
«Детский сад и семья: эффективное взаимодействие в процессе организации совместной проектной деятельности»
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край
«Правовые последствия отмены усыновления (удочерения) детей»
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край
«Роль органов опеки и попечительства в процессе усыновления (удочерения) детей иностранными гражданами»
Психолого-педагогические аспекты образования
FSBEI of HE "Irkutsk State University" , Иркутская обл
«Влияние стиля семейного воспитания на формирование ответственности у детей младшего школьного возраста»
Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)
FGBOU VO "Ul'ianovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Ульяновская обл
«Об институте ограничения родительских прав»
[13.00.00] Педагогические науки
Tatyana P. Eroshkina , candidate of philosophical sciences
PI of HE "Samara Insitute of Management" , Самарская обл
«Socio-cultural and ethno-educational values of rural national families in the Samara region (according to the results of sociological research)»
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia , Санкт-Петербург г
«Foreign vocabulary development based on derivational analysis in English classes at the elementary school»
The paper tells why derivational skills are important in teaching English vocabulary to young learners. The author of the paper focuses the readers’ attention on the following topics: why derivational analysis and knowledge of derivational patterns are important for a young learner in mastering the English language; what is a word family and how it can help young learners of English to enlarge their vocabulary. The author describes the three stages that young learners should go through to develop their derivational skills and the criteria that should be applied to in choosing tasks and exercises for each stage.
Сельское хозяйство
Fatmakhanum K. Nabieva , candidate of agricultural sciences
Institut bioresursov Nakhchyvanskogo otdeleniia NAN Azerbaidzhana , Azerbaijan
«New species of birch and a new location of Betula pendula on the territory of the Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic»
For the first time the authors have revealed a cultural species Betula raddeana Trautv. of the genus Betula L. (Betulaceae Dumort.), for the flora of the Nakhchivan AR collected 02.12.2018 in the city of Nakhchivan. New locations of Betula pendula Roth. were also revealed Ordubad district – Paragachay, Agdara, between the villages of Mazra and Urmys, in the vicinity of the settlements of Bilav, Paraga and Bilav-Tivi 1600–2600 m above sea level. The birch species are of national economic and medical importance.
Darina I. Zakharova
Marina V. Danilova
FSAEI of HE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ
«Attitude to family values»
Family is a system of a person’s social functioning. The article consists of the survey that was conducted April, 7–11, 2017, among students from NEFU: “Attitudes of teenagers to family values”. The study involved 150 students from NEFU. The aim of the research is to determine the level of teenagers’ readiness for family life and the factors affecting the creation of a new family. This analysis showed that most students are not ready to marry and have a wrong idea of creating a family.
Institute of Law FSBEI of HE “Samara State University of Economics” , Самарская обл
Elena B. Kalashnikova , candidate of historical sciences
FSBEI of HE “Samara State University of Economics” , Самарская обл
«Marriage and family relations in Ancient Greece»
The proposed article is a brief insight into the regulation of marriage and family relations in the early stages of the formation of state and law in Ancient Greece. On the basis of special sources marriage and family relations in the ancient Greek civilization have been analyzed. In ancient Greek law, marriage was based to a large extent on the basis of the sacred laws and racial lifestyle. The law, which regulated marriage and family relations in Ancient Greece, had been strengthening the institution of marriage, as evidenced by the strength of family relationships of the ancient Greek civilization.
FSBEI of HE "Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev" , Красноярский край
«Understanding of parental role by primary schoolchildren»
The article deals with the way in which a strong family unit is formed according to understanding of primary schoolchildren. Analysis of the concepts of present-day primary schoolchildren about parental roles is the main subject of the research. Characteristic features of these concepts depending on the sex have been described and pointed out here.
Osh State University , Kyrgyzstan
«Changes in family relations in the process of transition to a market way of life in Kyrgyzstan»
Sergey F. Afanasev , doctor of juridical sciences
Northern-Caucasus Branch FSBEI of HE “Russian State University of Justice” , Краснодарский край
«The characteristics of divorce proceedings»
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of divorce proceedings. The authors highlighted the need for continuous monitoring of the legislation combined with scientific theoretical researchers on this topic, that will allow to change the provisions of the Russian Federation Civil Procedural Code and the Russian Federation Family Code into line with needs of society.
Этнокультурное образование и воспитание детей в условиях дошкольного, общего и дополнительного образования
Nadezhda M. Fedorova
МДОУ «Д/С №26 «Подсолнушек» , Марий Эл Респ
«Система работы МДОУ по формированию этнокультурной компетенции у детей старшего дошкольного возраста»
Tatiana A. Logunkova
Galina M. Ganyushkina
MPEI K/g of a Combined Type №8 “Teremok” , Московская обл
«How do mothers and fathers appear»
Aigul B. Tulebaeva , candidate of psychological sciences
Karaganda State University named Y.A. Buketov , Kazakhstan
«Research of the base conditions in the families with the phenomenon of co-addiction»
The article addresses the problem of co-dependence, namely, the psychological state of the family with co-dependence in the frame of different approaches. Also, the authors explain the results of research that was aimed at studying the base conditions in the families with the phenomena of addictive behaviors. The results of current research can be used for development of effective psychological assistance in the families that have problems connected with alcoholism and drug addiction.