List of publications on a keyword: «art»


Publication date: 01.02.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 9)
Tatyana I. Baklanova , doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
Culture and Arts Institute of SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г

«Педагогика народного художественного творчества как отрасль педагогической науки и учебная дисциплина»

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The article is devoted to the history of the development and present state of the pedagogy of folk art as one of the branches of pedagogical science and teaching discipline. The article provides a new definition of the subject of pedagogics of national art creativity, provides information about the reflection problems of pedagogics of national art creativity and its preceding pedagogy of Amateur in University syllabi, textbooks, manuals, scientific articles and monographs T. I. Baklanova since t

Publication date: 02.02.2016
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Tatyana I. Baklanova , doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
Culture and Arts Institute of SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г

«О введении в научный оборот и современных определениях понятий «этнохудожественное образование» и «этнокультурное образование»»

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The article discusses the history of the introduction into scientific circulation of the concepts of "ethno-art education" and "ethno cultural education" and its more modern definition. These concepts were formulated and first introduced in the scientific circulation in several publications T. I. Baklanova, from the mid 1990-ies, to which it refers. The article also traces the history of the use of these concepts in later works of the author, including dedicated to the founding and development o

Социология (гендерная социология, экосоциология и др.)

Publication date: 29.01.2016
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Aleksandr I. Muratov
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Некоторые направления организационно-экономических исследований на кафедре технологии и организации лесного комплекса Петрозаводского государственного университета»

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It shows that among the areas of organizational and economic research at the Department of Technology and Organization of forest complex of Petrozavodsk State University occupy an important place of research in the study of conditions and directions of development of timber industry complex of Russia, analysis and recommendations on the development of the border region, the development of the theory and practice of innovation (changes), the development of domestic engineering.


Publication date: 08.01.2016
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Sergey S. Solovyov , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor, professor, full member (academician) and Vice-President of the International Public Academy of Environmental Security and Management
FSBEI of HE "Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy" , Москва г

«Формирование экологической культуры у студентов в интересах устойчивого развития»

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In article formation questions экологчической cultures at students in interests of a sustainable development are considered

Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Publication date: 23.11.2015
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Anna A. Zakharova
Aitalina I. Petrova
Pedagogical Institute of FSAEI of HPE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Мотивация студентов к изучению иностранных языков посредством изготовления сувенирных кукол народов мира»

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Annotation. The article deals with the preparation of the future teachers of technology, which aims to increase motivation to learn foreign languages through the arts - arts and crafts


Publication date: 13.11.2015
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Anna A. Zakharova
Aitalina I. Petrova
Pedagogical Institute of FSAEI of HPE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Методика проведения кружковых занятий по технологии»

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The article deals with the methods used in the course of circle activity

Система образования

Publication date: 09.12.2015
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 6)
Olga D. Kuleshova
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State University of Education" , Москва г
Svetlana K. Tkalich , doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
Institute of Fine Arts FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Pedagogical University" , Москва г

«Организация образовательной среды средствами мультимедиа»

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Профессиональный интерес к теме, затрагиваемой в статье, связан с развитием медиаобразования в учебных заведениях России. Атворы видят необходимость структурировать инструментальные и научно-методические представления о фракталах квалификационной подготовки студентов обусловлена стремлением создать устойчивую педагогическую платформу медиаобразования. Важно сформировать культуру преподавания учебных заданий по теме «продукт мультимедиа»


Publication date: 14.12.2015
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Fedor N. Vinokurov , candidate of psychological sciences
Lomonosov Moscow State University , Москва г

«Социально-психологические исследования с использованием мобильных устройств»

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Research conducted using mobile questionnaire has shown that mobile surveys exhibit external validity issues when compared to traditional telephone interviews in case of identical survey design and sampling technique.

Содержание образования и развитие детей дошкольного возраста

Publication date: 08.10.2015
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Elena A. Pryskina , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education" , Самарская обл

«Роль декоративно-прикладного искусства в развитии художественно-творческих способностей дошкольников»

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The problem of development of abilities of preschool children is of great interest of the people at all times. Decorative Folk Art - one of the important means of artistic education of children of preschool age.

Географические науки

Publication date: 21.01.2016
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Boris A. Titov
FSBEI of HE "Volga Region State University of Technology" , Марий Эл Респ

«Факторный анализ земельных участков»

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We consider the factor analysis of cadastral quarter, the order of execution, its positive aspects

Педагогические науки

Publication date: 05.10.2015
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Nadezhda V. Orzhekhovskaia
Omsk State Pedagogical University , Омская обл

«Возможности использования интерактивной доски SMART board в образовательной деятельности детского сада»

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В данной статье дается описание возможностей использования интерактивной доски в образовательной деятельности детского сада. В работе предлагаются игровые упражнения для занятий с детьми на интерактивной доске.

Общая педагогика

Publication date: 08.10.2015
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Olga V. Litvinova
FSBEI of HE "Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education" , Самарская обл

«Архитектурное пространство города как художественная образовательная среда для детей дошкольного возраста»

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Architectural environment of the modern city is the subject of the article. Scientists in the field of education learn the city as a learning environment. This article discusses the artistic and aesthetic education of children of preschool age in the conditions of the objective environment of the city.

Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)

Publication date: 12.10.2015
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Grigorii S. Semenov
FSBEI of HE "Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" , Москва г

«К вопросу о понятии оружия и его видов в законодательстве стран СНГ»

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The article analyzes the norms of the legislation of the countries - participants of the CIS about the weapons. Examined the definition of arms and its species in the context of the legal division of the signs. To develop proposals based on the positive foreign experience in the Russian Federation

Publication date: 28.11.2015
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Nikolay V. Ageev
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Влияние политики импортозамещения на рост экономических преступлений в АПК»

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The author considers as already known issues affecting the growth of economic crime, so new at the impact of policy.

Современные педагогические технологии

Publication date: 26.08.2015
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Nataliia B. Cherkasskaia
ГБОУ «СОШ №1173 ЮОУ» , Москва г

«Работа учащихся со SMART-доской на уроках биологии»

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В статье автор рассматривает эффективную организацию работы учащихся в среднем общеобразовательном учреждении. Предложено использование приема обучения на уроках биологии с применением программы SMART.

Общая педагогика

Publication date: 06.08.2015
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Tatyana I. Baklanova , doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
Culture and Arts Institute of SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г

«Образовательная система «Музыкальный мир» для дошкольного и начального общего образования»

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The article reveals the history of creation, structure and basic content of successive two-level educational system "Music world", which includes a training set T. I. Baklanova, and G. P. Novikova "Music world" for children 3-7 years (a series of "Paths") and a training set T. I. Baklanova "Music" for grades 1-4 ("planet of knowledge"). They share a common conceptual framework, continuity of goals, objectives, themes, contents and expected results musical and educational activities. The basis of

Теория и методика профессионального образования

Publication date: 09.06.2015
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Nurulla A. Kulibekov , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
FGBOU VO "Dagestanskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii universitet im. R. Gamzatova" , Дагестан Респ
Rimma D. Kulibekova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
GAOU VO "Dagestanskii gosudarstvennyi universitet narodnogo khoziaistva" , Дагестан Респ

«Совершенствование математической подготовки будущих учителей гуманитарного профиля посредством Smart-технологий»

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В представленной работе рассматриваются механизмы применения Smart-технологий, призванных совершенствовать математическую подготовку будущих учителей гуманитарного профиля. Авторы приходят к выводу о целесообразности применения Smart-обучения, позволяющего качественно повышать уровень системы непрерывного образования, а также способствующего созданию условий профессионального и научно-исследовательского роста преподавателей.

Парадигмы современной науки (различные направления)

Publication date: 28.01.2016
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Valerii G. Shabaev , candidate of philological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Novosibirsk State Technical University" , Новосибирская обл

«Концептуализация и типология русских глагольных приставок совершенного вида»

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Using cognitive-conceptual analysis, the conceptual notions of the Russian verbal perfective prefixes (prefix за- as a sample), being the typological correlations to the English postpositions of the phrasal verbs and the German separable verbal prefixes, are analyzed. Notional (conceptual) proximity of word-forming and word-chanching processes in the languages mentioned is considered.

Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)

Publication date: 24.08.2015
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Larisa A. Satarova , doctor of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Astrakhan State University" , Астраханская обл

«Обучение школьников основам изобразительной речи на занятиях искусством»

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In the monograph it addresses the issue of pictorial speech, which should possess a spectator, to engage in thoughtful dialogue with a picture, behind which stands learn the secrets of art, philosophically perceive set out therein the thought. Thus, to replace the traditional perception finished thoughts – the story of the picture –comes the ability to yourself interpret works of art. Understanding the structure of the picture, knowledge of the language of art, polysemy image provide freedom in the way application of effort. That is what allows of painting allows wealth to nourish sense and feelings man – spectator, perceiving the picture.

Образовательная реформа современной России: социальные ожидания

Publication date: 28.01.2016
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Elena A. Sysoeva , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Shukshin Altai State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University" , Алтайский край

«Обучение художников декоративно-прикладного искусства проектированию объектов керамики в образовательных учреждениях Сибири ХХI века»

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The authors analyzed the current state of training for artists of arts and crafts in the context of the transition to a new generation of standards. The study uses a systematic approach. Research topic discussed in the context of historical and sociocultural processes based on the principle of interdisciplinary. Comparison of methodical system of training of artists of arts and crafts in educational establishments of Siberia in the early twenty-first century. Go higher and secondary specialized education to the standards of the new generation led to a quantitative reduction in the volume of classroom hours of professional development courses and special cycles that actively influence to reduce the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods. In this regard, the implementation of training areas «Decorative arts and crafts» requires new approaches that contribute to the preservation and development of artistic ceramics Siberia.

Наука и инновации в современном мире и изменения социальных ценностей

Publication date: 28.01.2016
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Mahail B. Zykov , doctor of economic sciences, doctor of philosophical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Bunin Yelets State University" , Липецкая обл

«Обоснование, теория и практика Третьей мировой революции в философской трилогии Льва Толстого»

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Three kinds of life – biological, social and spiritual, – the basic items of the Author’s doctrine of human life – are considered in connection with the problem of the efficient governing by the behavior of social entities and of the human beings, using spiritual values. It’s shown that the first fundamental ideas in the field were put forward by Russian writer, philosopher and scientist Leo Tolstoy who predicted the Third World Revolution to implement the spiritual values to the humankind’s life.

Парадигмы современной науки (различные направления)

Publication date: 30.10.2015
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Valerii G. Shabaev , candidate of philological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Novosibirsk State Technical University" , Новосибирская обл

«Английские послелоги и русские глагольные приставки как словообразовательные и грамматические компоненты-концепты (в типологическом сопоставлении)»

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Using cognitive-conceptual analysis, the variants of contensive correlation in verb formation of the English phrasal verbs and Russian synthetic perfective verbs with prefixes are considered. Notional (conceptual) synonymity of the role of the corresponding English postpositions and Russian prefixes in this process of per-fective verb formation is analyzed.

Publication date: 28.10.2015
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Olga V. Kapustina , candidate of historical sciences
Управление Пенсионного фонда РФ (ГУ) , Владимирская обл

«Ленинская страховая программа: воплощение в СССР»

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The article analyzes the principles of the Soviet system of social insurance of workers and an attempt was made to establish how these principles correspond to the ideals of «Lenin's insurance program».

Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)

Publication date: 13.11.2015
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Svetlana N. Zhdanova , doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
FSBEI of HE "Gzhel State University" , Московская обл
Valentina M. Dolgova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
МОБУ «Лицей №5» , Оренбургская обл

«Гендерный подход в социальном и музыкальном воспитании мальчиков и девочек»

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The article deals with the main idea, basic definitions, foundations and technologic components of the gender in social and music education, the adaptation of boys and girls. The gender differences of boys and girls are proved on the conceptual, research and methodology level. The author comes to the conclusion about the opposing one another perception and absorption algorithms of boys (from the sense bearing to the emotional) and of girls (from the emotional to the sense bearing). The subject matter of the gender differentiation method is considered as an innovative method; research and methodology tips are given.

Publication date: 10.11.2015
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Nadezhda I. Sofronova
Gennadii A. Sofronov , associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Vyatka State University" , Кировская обл

«Изучения головы человека при обучении студентов академическому рисунку и скульптуре»

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The article examines the motivational commitment to educational and creative activity of students in drawing. Draws attention to the importance of assignments for the study of the human head. Stages are drawing the human skull and plaster heads. The paper is characterized by the importance of the implementation of the sculptural modeling of the human head, becoming the main goals and objectives, focusing on knowledge of plastic anatomy, finding a proportional relationship of all parts and elements of the head, on a phased maintenance work on the study of the sculptural volume plastics, transmission and creation of a professional artistic image.