List of publications on a keyword: «partnership»
Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики

Nataliia L. Antonova
MBOU "Batyrevskaia SOSh 1" , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия
«Organization of mentoring through social partnership with a public organization»

The article is devoted to the process of supporting young teachers in educational activities through the cooperation of the school with the social partners of the "Maritime Brotherhood". In the article, the author tries to answer the question: how and how to attract social partners, how to organize cooperation. The experience of the MAOU "Batyrevskaya Secondary School No. 1" on the model of individualized mentoring is presented.

GBOU "SOSh 260" , Санкт-Петербург г
«A cardinal renewal of the process of teaching schoolchildren in the lessons of a foreign (English) language»
Теория и методика общего образования

MAOU "SOSh 132" , Пермский край
«Iz opyta raboty po formirovaniiu ekologicheskogo soznaniia uchashchikhsia»

This article examines the experience of the school on the use of extracurricular activities in order to form children's ecological consciousness of a synergetic (nature-centric) type. The author reveals the technology of creating a multicomponent educational space through the integration of secondary schools and institutions of additional education, higher educational institutions, industrial enterprises, public organizations.

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova , Moldova
«Peculiarities of formation of public-private partnership in the Republic of Moldova»

The article investigates the need to implement innovative management methods for the development of public-private partnership in the Republic of Moldova, as well as examines the establishment and development of an economic, organizational and legal mechanism that would ensure the interest of private investors using systems analysis methods. For the Republic of Moldova, the success of PPP development as a factor of modernization and tool for the country's official goals and objectives implementation is linked to the need for conceptual changes in the governance model.
Юриспруденция (теория и история права и государства, гражданское, уголовное, международное право и др.)

FSBEI of HE "Aramvir State Pedagogical University" , Краснодарский край
«Компания LLC (Limited Liability Company)»
Социологические науки

FSBEI of HE "Kursk State University" , Курская обл
«Социальное партнерство как принцип взаимодействия гражданского общества и государства»

The article deals with the process of interaction between public authorities and public institutions. The author analyzes the possibilities of improving the system of relations between authorities and the public, and also analyses formation of new approaches to cooperation between the state and civil society.
Технические науки

Kazan research Technological University (KNITU) , Татарстан Респ
«Роль технологической модернизации в повышении конкурентоспособности предприятий легкой промышленности России: современные тенденции и перспективы развития»
Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

SEI of HE "Moscow Region State University" , Московская обл
Dmitrij N. Ermakov , Honorary employee of the higher professional education of the Russian Federation, Honorary worker of science and technology of Russia, doctor of economic sciences, doctor of political sciences, candidate of historical sciences, professor, academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences , профессор
Russian University of Transport , Москва г
«State social policy of the Russian Federation in the context of studying the activities of regional tripartite commissions on the regulation of social and labor relations»

Identification of best practices and development of recommendations for improving the activities of regional commissions on the regulation of social and labor relations. The purpose of the article was to provide information on the development of improvement of the regional commissions on the regulation of social and labor relations, taking into account the analysis of the effectiveness of the commissions and identify best practices. The materials contained in the work can be used by the representatives of regional Executive bodies, employers ' and trade unions, who are members of the regional trilateral commissions, in the preparation of trilateral agreements and monitoring their implementation.

Ozersk Technological Institute (Brunch) FSIEE of HE “National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” , Челябинская обл
«Social partnership as the factor of professional becoming and adaptation of students at the universities»

According to the author, the social partnership is considered as the factor of professional becoming and adaptation of students at the universities from the point of view of three-level model at stages of educational order development, employment and competitiveness of young experts. All this demands creation of the special structure uniting all components of vocational counselling.

Ozersk Technological Institute (Brunch) FSIEE of HE “National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” , Челябинская обл
«The realization of organizational-methodical support for professional development of university graduates’»

In this article the realization of organizational-methodical support of professional development of a person at a stage «the entrant – the student – the expert » is considered from the point of view of existing experience of vocational guidance bases development which should be generalized and led to uniform system to increase the efficiency, taking into account social partnership of school, university and employer.

FSBEI of HE "Orenburg State University" , Оренбургская обл
Tatiana I. Ishteryakova
OK Introduction to cultural and ecological education Университетский колледж ФГБОУ ВО «Оренбургский государственный университет» University college FSBEI of HE “Orenburg State University” , Оренбургская обл
«Partnership of the college and employers in the training of qualified personnel»

In this article, the ways of interaction between college and employers are considered, examples of domestic and foreign experience are given. The main characteristics of the systems of state-public management of education, the target model for the training of qualified personnel and partnership are analyzed. According to the authors, for effective development of the college it is important to use different models of integration of educational organizations with the labor market.

Bakdoolot Z. Bakirov
Melis K. Asanaliev , doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor, academician of the International Science Academy of Pedagogical Education of the Russian Federation
Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov , Kyrgyzstan
«Реализация технологии дуального обучения в образовательном учреждении среднего профессионального образования»

The article is devoted to research in the field of vocational training. The generalized results of scientific research in the field of the dual training system. It is proposed to strengthen social partnership and mentoring institutions in order to improve the effectiveness of vocational education. In conclusion, the conclusion about the need to bridge the gap between the social partners in the implementation of educational programs.

Гуманитарно-техническая академия , Kazakhstan
«Conceptual approaches to the concept of social partnership»

According to the author in the scientific literature there are many opinions about the nature of social partnership nowadays. Some are reduced to the view that this concept is more about the relationship of employer and employee. Others believe that the social partnership also covers state agencies. Still others say that it is the concept of a political rather than social. The article analyzes the different views about the nature of social partnership, generalized approaches to the content of the concept.
Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г
«Государственно-частное партнерство в Российской Федерации как эффективный механизм взаимодействия государства и предприятий в условиях экономических санкций»

Данная статья посвящена рассмотрению и выявлению взаимосвязи между финансовыми политиками частного и государственного секторов экономики, а также выявлению путей повышения её эффективности посредством развития и оптимизации механизмов государственно-частного партнерства. Актуальность темы обусловлена необходимостью расширения возможностей законодательной базы в области ГЧП и перспективами развития данного вида сотрудничества бизнеса и государства, а также неблагоприятными экономическими условиями, вызванные введением санкций Еврозоной и США. Для оптимизации указанных бизнес-процессов в статье была выявлена и проанализирована проблематика развития ГЧП в рамках практики российского бизнеса, на основании которой были предложены иные формы взаимодействия государства и компаний.

Rostov State Transport University , Ростовская обл
«Nizhne-Kurmoiarskaya loan-saving partnership in the credit and financial system of the Province of the Don Cossack Host»

The article analyzes the work of Nizhne-Kurmoiarskaya loan-saving partnership in the early 20th century. This credit institution activity is examined by means of considering the documents of Inspection of small loan of Rostov office of State Bank in 1912–1917. In order to understand the features of this partnership, the author takes into account some historical facts about small credit institutions. In conclusion the researcher outlines the significance and the basic operations of Nizhne-Kurmoiarskaya loan-saving partnership in the Province of the Don Cossacks Host.
Социально-экономическое развитие России в XVII – начале XXI вв.

NCEI of HPE "St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences" , Санкт-Петербург г
«Профсоюзы и Советское государство в годы новой экономической политики: опыт социального партнерства (1921–1928 гг.)»

The article is devoted to activity of trade unions of the Soviet Russia during carrying out of new economic policy (1921-1928гг.). In work experience of the Russian trade unions on reorganization of the organizational structure and work on protection of the rights and interests of workers, in conditions of transition to market economy is considered. The author of article shows origin and development of the Soviet model of social partnership, opening features «a new rate in trade-union movement».

MBEI "GES of Tarasa" , Иркутская обл
«Social partnership in development personal and professional rural school students»

In this article we consider the possibilities of social partnership of rural school and the agricultural enterprises, farms, job center in development personal and professional self-determination of rural school students, and also organizational and pedagogical actions are presented to realization of social tests.
Наука и инновации в современном мире и изменения социальных ценностей

Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of FSAEI of HPE "Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ
Takhir G. Davletshin
ЗАО «Волжский мельник» , Татарстан Респ
«Инвестиционные проекты глубокой переработки зерна»

This paper analyzes the investment projects of grain deep processing. Deep processing of grain is the allocation and use of grain components. In the United States 36 percent of grain crop is exposed to deep processing. For Russia, the deep processing of grain is a relatively new concept. Its development in the Russian Federation will allow to produce high-tech products, which are in strong demand on the world market. Deep processing of grain is an integral part of import substitution. Despite the fact that the grain processing plants pay off just in 5 years, no plant has been built until recently. After joining the WTO alcohol production will be unprofitable without the production of grain processing products. The authors explore the market of wheat gluten, the starch market, the market of glucose-fructose syrup and the public-private partnership.
Дошкольная педагогика

Insitute "Higher School of Education" of FSBEI of HPE "Moscow State University of Education" , Москва г
«Развитие сетевого взаимодействия в дошкольном образовании»

In this article the author reveals the reformation processes in the pre-school sector, the introduction of forms and methods of updating the educational and educational process of preschool education, the emergence of new requirements for the training of professional qualified staff working with preschool children, carried out jointly with the parents of pupils and sotsstrukturami socialization of a preschool child.

FSBEI of HE "Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy" , Москва г
«Формирование экологической культуры у студентов в интересах устойчивого развития»
Общее направление

Aida Kurmanbek kyzy
Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov , Kyrgyzstan
«Формирование ПК бакалавров ПО»

This article analyzes the reasoning of scientists and teachers on the creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competencies of university graduates. Some pedagogical conditions that are compatible with the existing educational environment at KSTU named after Iskhak Razzakov for the formation of professional competencies of bachelors in the direction of 550800 Vocational Training are determined. The sequence of fulfillment of pedagogical conditions to achieve the greatest efficiency of the educational process is established.
Инвестиционный потенциал

FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г
«Collective investment as a driver for public-private partnership development»

This article examines the investment mechanism as a driver for developing public-private partnership, analyzes the main ways of developing public-private partnerships, including legal, economic, organizational measures aimed at developing mutually beneficial cooperation between the state and business in providing economic support to the enterprise operating in the innovation spheres.
Управление инновациями и инновационной деятельностью

MBOU "Shkola 16 im. Geroia Sovetskogo Soiuza I.A. Lapenkova" , Красноярский край
«Formation of financial literacy: meaningful and managerial changes in the organization of the educational process in school»

The problem of organizing the educational process and its management is actualized by the conditions of innovation, sent down "from above". The aim of the article is to present the experience of creating organizational and pedagogical conditions contributing to the formation of subjective activity of teachers, their versatile development and expansion of activity; going beyond the usual school formats; a variety of activities. The leading methods of research are systematization, specification, interpretation of individual provisions, experimental work In the process of transformation of the process of formation of financial literacy there is an effective practice with its own substantive and managerial model. The conclusion is that it is necessary to create and develop a transformable educational space. Effective management of development in today's reality is possible through matrices and various variations of vertical structures in the school management structure.