List of publications on a keyword: «training»
FSBEI of HE "Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod" , Нижегородская обл
«Development of youth public diplomacy»
Medical university - Pleven , Bulgaria
«Interaction among lecturers and students within the frame of Bulgarian language blended learning for foreigners»
The use of electronic platforms and applications to continue audience training in Bulgarian language for foreigners is reviewed as modern form of University education. Blended learning is flexible technology to acquire knowledge about foreign languages-content, structure, language norm and implementation of pedagogic interaction in electronic educating environment, where cooperative activities and individual learning are taking place, employing educational resources preliminary prepared by lecturer.
State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow «Pushkin School №1500» , Москва г
«The integrated approach to teaching programming in secondary school»
The article considers an integrated approach to teaching programming with the use of technologies of computer modeling and 3D-graphics, allowing to improve the quality of education. It is shown that this method will allow you to systematize knowledge, improve the level of motivation through the inclusion of relevant technologies, to develop skills of project activities, to strengthen interdisciplinary connections, and promotes professional and personal self-determination of students of secondary school.
Система дошкольного, школьного и внешкольного (дополнительного) образования
Тренинговый центр "Международная школа васильевой Л.Л. , Свердловская обл
«Prevention of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children through speed reading»
In recent years, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has become not only a problem in the organization of the educational process, but it is also becoming a public problem, since children of school and preschool age hardly learn and retain information. The volume of information has increased many times. Our ability to work with it, translate into a practical plane, remains at the same level. The intensive development of information technologies in conjunction with the development of scientific progress leads to the need to improve the learning mechanism. Adaptive technologies of intellectual abilities development of a person take into account the natural interests of people of different age groups, allow to optimize intellectual processes, the recoding of information teaches a person to think. The better the brain encodes information, the better it remembers. The main characteristics of adaptive technologies for the development of a person's intellectual abilities through a single path – speed reading – are considered in the context of practical and applied recommendations that allow the learner to master various types of reading.
Педагогика профессиональной школы: среднего профессионального и высшего образования
Natal'ya A. Kuznetsova , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences , associate professor
The State University of Land Use Planning , Москва г
«Graph theory application to the development of training process models»
On the basis of analysis of federal state educational standards and studies on the design, optimality and efficiency of the learning process, a basic model of the educational process is proposed in the article, based on the block-modular approach and the mathematical graph theory. It is shown that during the process design and depending on the filling of modules and their meaning, this model can be transformed and useful not only in the development and analysis of work programs, but also reflect the development of the personality, including taking into account negative factors. The boundaries of the proposed model usage are determined. The question of introducing qualitative and quantitative grades of this model on the basis of graph theory for controlling bodies is considered. Advantages of the block-modular approach application to the creation of educational programs in conjunction with the application of the model of the proposed species are highlighted.
Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы
FSOMEI of HE "Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation , Москва г
«Informatsionnaia tekhnologiia provedeniia zaniatii metodom mozgovogo shturma»
The article on the basis of modern scientific research in the field of pedagogy and the requirements of Russian educational standards on the use of interactive forms of education addresses the issues of brainstorming using information technologies. The author proposes a computer-aided implementation of the brainstorming process in the Microsoft Office Excel environment using a local network.
FSEI of HE "Saint Petersburg University of RF Ministry of Internal Affairs" , Санкт-Петербург г
«Improvement of professional training in educational institutions»
FSEI of HE "Saint Petersburg University of RF Ministry of Internal Affairs" , Санкт-Петербург г
«Professional training of Russian police officers»
In the article the issues of personnel training for the divisions of safety of road traffic, assessment of professional training and advanced training of police officers. The author notes that continuing professional education is an essential segment of the training system, highlighted a number of problems specific to the educational process at the modern stage.
Теория и методика профессионального образования
FSEI of HE "Orenburg State Pedagogical University" , Оренбургская обл
«Razvitie informatsionnoi kompetentnosti budushchego menedzhera (napravlenie 44.04.01 "Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie") pri realizatsii setevoi obrazovatel'noi programmy»
Abstract: The article reveals the content of the information competence of the future manager as a significant result of professional training by the means of the network educational program. Based on the analysis of normative documents that are the sources of the content of the future manager's professional activities, the main requirements in the field of work with information and application of information and communication technologies were analyzed. The main indicators of development of the information competence of the future manager are determined and the results of the diagnosis of the level of its development for the 1st year undergraduates of Orenburg State Pedagogical University are presented.
Образовательная среда высшего учебного заведения
Anna I. Kliopova
Сахалинский институт железнодорожного транспорта (филиал) ФГБОУ ВО «Дальневосточный государственный университет путей сообщения» , Сахалинская обл
«Организация самостоятельной работы студентов при изучении дисциплины «Налоги и налогообложение»»
In article the organization of independent work of students when studying discipline is described "Taxes and the taxation". Independent work of students is an essential part of teaching and educational process at the higher school. She is intended not only for mastering concrete discipline, but also for formation of independence as one of the main qualities of the modern expert.
История и политология
Kazan research Technological University (KNITU) , Татарстан Респ
«Механизмы реализации государственной политики в области музыкального образования в Республике Татарстан в «Стратегии – 2030»»
Общая педагогика
Training center (education of junior specialist of armored service) , Челябинская обл
Andrei A. Petrov
FSBEI of HE "South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University" , Челябинская обл
Sergei A. Volkov
Aleksandr V. Gusev
Aleksandr V. Sapronov
FGKVOU VO "Voennaia akademiia material'no-tekhnicheskogo obespecheniia im. generala armii A.V. Khruleva" Minoborony Rossii , Санкт-Петербург г
«Opredelenie kachestva podgotovki mladshikh spetsialistov v uchebnykh voinskikh chastiakh Vooruzhennykh Sil Rossiiskoi Federatsii»
The assessment of the student's adaptation to departure to the military unit for the performance of tasks by designation is the most important indicator of the effectiveness of the work of all the personnel of the training units (training centers). For a more accurate determination of readiness for actions in the military specialty profession, it is necessary to determine the criteria and indicators for which this assessment is carried out.
Inna I. Lebedenko , candidate of pedagogic sciences , доцент
FSBEI of HE "Aramvir State Pedagogical University" , Краснодарский край
«Особенности обучения аутичных детей»
Современные педагогические технологии
Belgorod Engineering Youth Boarding School , Белгородская обл
«Игры на уроках истории и обществознания как один из способов повышения мотивации школьников к изучаемому предмету (из опыта работы)»
As noted in the philosophical encyclopedia, the game is a kind of meaningful, unproductive activity, where the motive lies not in its result, but in the process itself. Also, the term "game" is used to refer to a set of items or programs intended for such activities. The essence of the game lies in the fact that it is not the result, but the process itself, the process of experiences associated with gaming actions that is important.
Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования
MBOU Gimnaziia 2 g.o. Krasnoznamensk Moskovskoi oblasti , Московская обл
«Влияние образовательных проектов Дж. Дьюи и С.Т. Шацкого на современную теорию и практику образования»
The article analyzes the influence of the educational projects of the outstanding teachers of the past J. Dewey and S.T. Shatsky on the modern theory and practice of education, on the development of technology for modern project training, in particular, on the formation of key cognitive and communicative competencies of students of 8-9 grades in the process of implementing the federal state educational standard of basic general education. The author considers the aspect of the formation of these
Elena M. Tolstykh , candidate of medical sciences
Mariia A. Zolotareva , candidate of medical sciences
FSBEI of HE «Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko» of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation , Воронежская обл
«Особенности применения различных видов обучения студентов на клинических кафедрах»
The main task of the higher medical school is the preparation of students capable for raising the theoretical and professional levels, as well as actively participating in medical and scientific work. A systematic approach is needed with the inclusion in the educational process of new pedagogical technologies, including self-study and research work of students.
Система образования
Карельская региональная общественная организация «Федерация самбо и дзюдо» , Карелия Респ
«Краткий обзор работ в области трансформации учебной программы в школах Финляндии»
Institut fizicheskoi kul'tury i sporta FGAOU VO "Severo-Vostochnyi federal'nyi universitet im. M.K. Ammosova" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ
«Обучение технике подачи волейболистов и ее совершенствование с помощью подвижных игр»
Abstract: A filing is a technical technique, a way of introducing a ball into the game. Feeding in volleyball takes a special place, the game begins with it, the serve immediately brings a point. If the opponent is mistaken when receiving, then the point is awarded to the serving team, if the error in the submission is to the opposing team; The submission can seriously impede the players of the opposing team from receiving and carrying out their tactical plans.
Карельская региональная общественная организация «Федерация самбо и дзюдо» , Карелия Респ
«О методике физической подготовки юных дзюдоистов и самбистов»
FGBOU DPO "Rossiiskaia meditsinskaia akademiia nepreryvnogo professional'nogo obrazovaniia" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia Rossiiskoi Federatsii , Москва г
«Реализация программы обучения врачей и психологов по специальности «Медико-психолого-социальная реабилитация»»
FGBOU DPO "Rossiiskaia meditsinskaia akademiia nepreryvnogo professional'nogo obrazovaniia" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia Rossiiskoi Federatsii , Москва г
«Направления подготовки стандартизированных пациентов для симуляционных центров, обучающих и оценивающих медицинских работников»
Moscow Technological University , Москва г
«К вопросу о формировании профессионального правосознания юристов-магистров посредством компетенций ОК-1 и ОК-2 в образовательном процессе»
MOU "Litsei 7 Dzerzhinskogo raiona g. Volgograda" , Волгоградская обл
«Развитие профессионального самоопределения учащихся на примере обучения курсам предпрофильной подготовки по информатике»
The article presents the experience of the organization of elective courses for preprofile preparation of pupils, which allows you to consciously choose the future professional area. The implementation of these courses is built through the organization of training based on project and research activities, and specialized orientation of the training material in demand in the future professional activity.
Педагогические науки
Center for career guidance and planning , Красноярский край
Sergey A. Shikunov , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev" , Красноярский край
«The development of students' technical and technological skills at the pre-university stage of training aerospace industry specialists»
In the article the problem of training of modern engineers aerospace profile in the framework of lifelong education, the role and place of further education in the training process, identified the necessary technical and technological skills of future engineers and rocket scientists presented the results of the experiment on formation of data technological skills within the information competence of the applicant.
Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)
FSFEI of HE "Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University" , Краснодарский край
«Comprehensive approach to the educational process modernization at the stage of basic training of maritime specialists»
In the monograph an integrated approach to the learning process in higher education and designing an information model of general scientific discipline is revealed; pedagogical conditions for the use of innovative pedagogical technologies and electronic learning tools are considered at the stage of basic training of marine transport specialists.