List of publications on a keyword: «skills»


Publication date: 11.04.2018
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Svetlana V. Loseva , candidate of philological sciences
BSAEI "Regional Educational Center" , Хабаровский край

«From formative assessment to education quality assessment»

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Controlled knowledge and skills are the subject of consideration. In order to find a universal method of evaluation, elements of formative assessment, assessment using a skill test, and an open type task as a component of the student's overall learning system were analyzed on the basis of Russian language lessons. As a result, several tasks were formulated for formative evaluation, test, open-type tasks and criteria were developed. Such system of work can be used in school in Russian language lessons.


Publication date: 14.02.2018
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Daria M. Ivanova , student
Ekaterina I. Bondareva , student
Elena N. Dorofeeva , associate professor
South-Russian Institute of Management (branch) of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration , Ростовская обл

«Individual choice of the physical exercise program»

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The article studies the individual choice of physical exercise program; describes the variety of different methods and ways to find the best physical exercise program for a particular person and what can help in choosing it. The paper also touches upon the issue of ecology related to human health; examines various studies and statistics.

Педагогика профессиональной школы и СПО

Publication date: 25.12.2017
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Lena N. Alekseeva
Matrena N. Buskarova
Kolledzh infrastrukturnykh tekhnologii FGAOU VO "Severo-Vostochnyi federal'nyi universitet im. M.K. Ammosova" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Реализация деятельностного подхода для формирования профессиональных компетенций IT-специалистов среднего звена»

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В данной статье авторами освещен вопрос особенностей деятельностного подхода при обучении студентов по УГС «Информатика и ВТ» в Колледже инфраструктурных технологий СВФУ.

Система образования

Publication date: 19.12.2017
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Nadezhda I. Voronina , заведующая лабораторией
FSAEI of HE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ
Andrei A. Fedorov , старший мастер
Kolledzh infrastrukturnykh tekhnologii FGAOU VO "Severo-Vostochnyi federal'nyi universitet im. M.K. Ammosova" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Роль национальной культуры в развитии образования в Якутии»

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В каждой национальной Республике РФ есть свои национальные культуры прошлых лет и настоящего времени, которые успешно используются в развитии образования на примере выдающихся людей.

Общая педагогика

Publication date: 06.12.2017
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Sharipa K. Kadyrova
Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabayev , Kyrgyzstan

«The role of the native language in learning English»

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This article is devoted to the using the first language in learning English. In the article, the author suggests two principles that should be considered whenever teachers face a problem in teaching English. The first principle is that, as a matter of professional pride, teachers should try to solve classroom problems through the application of pedagogical skills rather than through administrative or disciplinary procedures. The second principle is that most problems have a variety of causes, which to some degree reflect the variety of individuals in a class. There is, thus, likely to be a variety of solutions, and so a teacher may need to put together a package of complementary solutions rather than just try one possible solution.

Педагогика профессиональной школы и СПО

Publication date: 16.08.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Marat V. Mardanov , candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor
GAPOU "Kazanskii avtotransportnyi tekhnikum im. A.P. Obydennova" , Татарстан Респ

«Опыт внедрения в содержание профессиональной подготовки студентов требований стандартов WorldSkills»

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В статье представлен опыт внедрения стандартов WorldSkills в содержание профессиональной подготовки студентов 3 курса специальности 09.02.03 «Программирование в компьютерных системах» по компетенции «Программные решения для бизнеса».

Коррекционная педагогика, дефектология

Publication date: 25.07.2017
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Marina A. Barkhatova
School №4 , Хабаровский край
Natalia A. Kalugina , doctor of pedagogic sciences
FSEI of HE “Pacific State University” , Хабаровский край

«The questions of enhancing communicative skills of elementary school children with mental retardation»

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Communicative skill is the key life competence that manifests itself in a person's ability to communicate in a voice, during which the perception, evaluation and understanding of another person and the key to the successful activity and well-being of the child's future life occur. The development of life skills in junior schoolchildren with a delay in mental development is the key to their successful mastering of the basic general education program.

Система образования

Publication date: 28.06.2017
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Marina S. Bulygina
Svetlana V. Podshivalova
Surgut Medical College , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Роль чемпионата WorldSkills Russia в подготовке средних медицинских работников в ХМАО – Югре»

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В данной статье раскрываются аспекты движения WorldSkills в России. Проанализирована необходимость интеграции исследуемого движения в образовательные программы профессиональных модулей среднего профессионального образования. Обобщен практический опыт участия колледжа в подготовке и проведении II Регионального чемпионата WorldSkills Russia в Югре.

Педагогика профессиональной школы и среднего ПО

Publication date: 23.05.2017
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Nadezhda A. Barmina , candidate of pedagogic sciences
GBPOU "Pervyi Moskovskii obrazovatel'nyi kompleks" , Москва г

«Проблемы качества подготовки специалистов среднего звена творческой направленности»

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В статье рассматриваются пути решения задач качества подготовки специалистов в системе среднего профессионального образования в условиях компетентностного подхода Федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов творческих специальностей, а также необходимость популяризации престижа среднего профессионального образования и приоритетность рабочих профессий в современных социально-экономических условиях.

Инновационные подходы организации учебной деятельности

Publication date: 23.05.2017
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Valeria E. Fedotova
FSAEI of HE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ
Nadezhda V. Belotserkovskaya , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor
Institute of Foreign Philology and Regional Studies of FSAEI of HPE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«The implementation of interactive technologies during students' listening skills development at the trade and economic college»

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The article is devoted to the problem of developing listening skills in educational institutions of secondary vocational education. Listening is the most difficult kind of speech activities. This topic is becoming relevant due to the active development of the international movement WorldSkills Russia, where participants need an appropriate level of foreign language skills to communicate with clients and colleagues in various situations. In this case, developing listening skills becomes particula

Педагогические науки

Publication date: 28.06.2017
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Aleksandr B. Merkulov , master of pedagogic sciences
Center for career guidance and planning , Красноярский край
Sergey A. Shikunov , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev" , Красноярский край

«The development of students' technical and technological skills at the pre-university stage of training aerospace industry specialists»

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In the article the problem of training of modern engineers aerospace profile in the framework of lifelong education, the role and place of further education in the training process, identified the necessary technical and technological skills of future engineers and rocket scientists presented the results of the experiment on formation of data technological skills within the information competence of the applicant.

Publication date: 05.04.2017
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Elena S. Fenkina
Inna P. Mironenko
KGKP "Vostochno-Kazakhstanskii gumanitarnyi kolledzh" , Kazakhstan

«Использование игровых приемов при изучении темы «Имя прилагательное» в начальных классах»

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Annotation: The relevance of the theme of the work is predetermined by the development trends of the modern Kazakh school - ensuring the development of individual and creative abilities of each student. The choice of the game as an object of consideration and practical development is dictated by the fact that it can strengthen cognitive interest, facilitate the process of teaching, accelerate the development of a junior pupil. Incorporating into the situation of the didactic game.


Publication date: 26.09.2017
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Diliara F. Sadykova
Ramilia D. Nugmanova
MBPEI №68 of Sovetskiy District of Kazan , Татарстан Респ

«Multicultural activity for the development of preschooler's language personality in three languages – Russian, Tatar and English»

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The article describes educational activity, provides an important goal to create a unified educational environment for children. The authors suggest an innovational approach to organization of work with preschoolers during the process of teaching two national languages and English.


Publication date: 10.04.2017
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Ilia V. Artsimovich
Marat S. Asadulaev
Evgeny V. Zinoviev , doctor of medical sciences
FSFEI of HE “Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Санкт-Петербург г

«Overview of models of microsurgical operations for processing manual skills of surgeons»

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The article is devoted to the review of models about the most well-known and generally accepted techniques for practicing techniques and manual skills in the field of microsurgical practice. The technical aspects of model implementation are discussed in detail, as well as recommendations for their implementation. It is shown that the development of manual skills on such models contributes to a faster and more accurate development of microsurgical techniques and avoids a large number of errors, as in the presented models we use tissue models and laboratory animals whose vessels practically do not differ from human vessels.


Publication date: 05.04.2017
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Irina P. Shelukhina
Natalia V. Timoshik
Child Development Center – Kindergarten №15 , Челябинская обл

«Teachers’ self-education in kindergarten №15 as a condition for the realization of Federal state standard of preschool education»

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This scientific paper is useful for principles and vice principals of pre-school educational institutions. The article presents the system of work in skills enhancement of teachers.

Publication date: 16.02.2017
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Sevda M. Maksimova
FGBOU VO "Moskovskii pedagogicheskii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Москва г

«The development of communication skills in preschoolers in the process of theatrical activities»

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In the article, the author discussed the development of communication skills in preschoolers in the process of theatrical activities in terms of preschool educational establishment. On the basis of theoretical analysis results, previously performed by several authors of research works, the author justifies the importance of this work to implement good practice in preschool educational establishment, aimed at the formation of important child’s communicative abilities in this age. Analysis of the current modern conditions of activity of the preschool educational establishment and the failure of elaboration of thistopic determined the purpose of this study, which is based on formation of communicative abilities in children of preschool age through theatrical activities. The need for decisions formulated by the author of the study, determined the course of the experimental part of the work aimed at the identification of pedagogical conditions and the development of methods of learning, including theatrical activities and promoting the effective development of communication skills. In this paper the technique is presented quite briefly, however, the author reveals the main stages of its implementation in the activities of the preschool educational establishment. The result of logical and scientific experimental part of the study, the author confirms the effectiveness of the developed methodology for lessons, aimed at formation of high-level communicative abilities in preschoolers.

Теория и методика дополнительного образования детей

Publication date: 24.03.2017
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Iuliia V. Zvagolskaia
FSBEI of HE "Nizhnevartovsk State University" , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Диагностика чувства ритма как способ контроля учебно-воспитательного процесса»

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Abstract: this article is devoted to questions of diagnostics of musical abilities, namely the diagnosis of a sense of rhythm in children of Junior classes additional pre-service education. Due to the fact that the problem of diagnostics of musical abilities in our time is relevant in this article deals with the concept of “diagnosis”, what does diagnostic, diagnostic tasks. So we are talking about the diagnosis as a way of monitoring in the educational process.


Publication date: 28.01.2017
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Natalia V. Vstavskaia
Evgeniia V. Lisichnikova
GBPOU Irkutskoi oblasti "Ul'kanskii mezhotraslevoi tekhnikum" , Иркутская обл

«Стандарты WorldSkills Russia как инструмент повышения качества среднего профессионального образования»

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В статье обоснована необходимость внедрения в деятельность профессиональных образовательных организаций стандартов WorldSkills Russia. На конкретном примере рассмотрен процесс внедрения данных стандартов.

[13.00.00] Педагогические науки

Publication date: 31.01.2017
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Svetlana A. Sorokina
Elena V. Maksimova
ANO of PE “Planet of childhood “Lada” – Kindergarten №63 “Vesnyanochka” , Самарская обл

«Children aesthetic development and education in kindergarten according to FSES of preschool education»

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This article describes the problem of aesthetic development and education of preschoolers be means of graphic arts. The authors note that it is important to create a full sociocultural creative environment in kindergarten, helping children to develop their artistic taste.


Publication date: 08.12.2016
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Anastasia I. Astashenko
FSBEI of HE "G.I. Nosov Magnitogorsk State technical University" , Челябинская обл
Lyubov V. Pavlova , doctor of pedagogic sciences
Institut gumanitarnogo obrazovaniia FGBOU VO "Magnitogorskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnicheskii universitet im. G.I. Nosova" , Челябинская обл

«The peculiarities of speaking teaching using case methods in English classes»

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The article presents the method of case-study. The use of this method, could have a positive effect on speech training of students, due to the consideration of real-life situations. According to the authors the main goal of this method is to receive knowledge and to improve them during practice.

Publication date: 04.08.2016
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Dilfusa N. Ashurova
Navoiy State Pedagogical Institute , Uzbekistan
Zyavidin K. Yuldashev , doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Uzbekistan national university named after M. Ulugbek , Uzbekistan

«Problems of the education system associated with its informatization and support tasks methods»

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In this paper, the researchers analyzed various problematic issues existing in the education system. The paper discusses in detail the principles of supporting tasks methodics, the authors used in practice.

Publication date: 09.06.2016
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Ekaterina V. Zayceva
FSAEI of HE "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University" , Свердловская обл

«Organization of student self-governance in a vocational pedagogical university»

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The article describes a functional model of student self-governance by the example of Russian state vocational pedagogical university. The model bases on vocationally-orientated education and students’ citizenship development. The author thinks that this might well enhance the procedure of implementing formal and informal types of education in an integrated educational system and improve the conditions required for forming this model.

Теория и методика профессионального образования

Publication date: 17.01.2017
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Natalia A. Vorobeva , candidate of pedagogic sciences
K.D. Ushinsky Institute of Secondary Vocational Education SAEI of HE "Moscow City Pedagogical University" , Москва г

«The improved quality of teachers training through the competitions of WorldSkills professional excellence»

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В статье рассматривается технология проведения квалификационного экзамена по стандартам WorldSkills, специфика его организации по педагогическим специальностям.

Педагогическая и коррекционная психология

Publication date: 18.01.2017
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Irma V. Greychene
Sharunas Shniras , doctor of pedagogic sciences
Lithuanian Sports University , Lithuania

«Evaluation of social skills of the upper class secondary school students»

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It is specified in the article that a lack of situational social skills in daily life situations imply a significant problem for school-age students. Therefore, this paper is intended to evaluate how situational social skills of upper class secondary school students are evaluated.

Образовательная среда высшего учебного заведения

Publication date: 06.01.2017
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Mariia V. Sinitsyna , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Nizhnetagil'skii tekhnologicheskii institut (filial) FGAOU VO "Ural'skii federal'nyi universitet im. pervogo Prezidenta Rossii B.N. El'tsina" , Свердловская обл

«Some technologies of teaching a foreign language to non-linguistic students»

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The article shares personal experience in teaching a foreign language to non-linguistic students. The author reveals the problems facing professors and gives recommendations on how to develop the language skills. Working with electronic means of information transmission has proved to be highly effective.