List of publications on a keyword: «рак»
Darina I. Zakharova
Marina V. Danilova
FSAEI of HE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ
«Attitude to family values»
Family is a system of a person’s social functioning. The article consists of the survey that was conducted April, 7–11, 2017, among students from NEFU: “Attitudes of teenagers to family values”. The study involved 150 students from NEFU. The aim of the research is to determine the level of teenagers’ readiness for family life and the factors affecting the creation of a new family. This analysis showed that most students are not ready to marry and have a wrong idea of creating a family.
Marat S. Asadulaev
Evgeny V. Zinoviev , doctor of medical sciences
FSFEI of HE “Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Санкт-Петербург г
«Overview of models of microsurgical operations for processing manual skills of surgeons»
The article is devoted to the review of models about the most well-known and generally accepted techniques for practicing techniques and manual skills in the field of microsurgical practice. The technical aspects of model implementation are discussed in detail, as well as recommendations for their implementation. It is shown that the development of manual skills on such models contributes to a faster and more accurate development of microsurgical techniques and avoids a large number of errors, as in the presented models we use tissue models and laboratory animals whose vessels practically do not differ from human vessels.
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г
«Organization of international practical training of students at the tourism university»
The article deals with organization of international practical training of students at the tourism university, provides a brief analysis of researchers on students’ practical training, makes the case for international practical training of students, gives classification of international practical training, shows advantages and disadvantages of students’ practical training abroad and the benefits of tourism university graduates as well who has experience in international practical training.
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г
«Practical-oriented training of students at the tourism universities»
The article describes practical-oriented learning, gives the opinios of different authors on practical-oriented learning, shows the possibility of organizing practical-oriented education at a tourist university, gives the examples of the organization of practical education for students and shown the subjects which can be tied to practical education.
Institute of Law FSBEI of HE “Samara State University of Economics” , Самарская обл
Elena B. Kalashnikova , candidate of historical sciences
FSBEI of HE “Samara State University of Economics” , Самарская обл
«Marriage and family relations in Ancient Greece»
The proposed article is a brief insight into the regulation of marriage and family relations in the early stages of the formation of state and law in Ancient Greece. On the basis of special sources marriage and family relations in the ancient Greek civilization have been analyzed. In ancient Greek law, marriage was based to a large extent on the basis of the sacred laws and racial lifestyle. The law, which regulated marriage and family relations in Ancient Greece, had been strengthening the institution of marriage, as evidenced by the strength of family relationships of the ancient Greek civilization.
Svetlana L. Nesvetova
High School of Foreign Languages of Humanities Institute FSAEI of HE “Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University” , Санкт-Петербург г
«To the question of the realization of practice-oriented approach at technical university»
The article deals with the practice-oriented approach during the teaching of Russian students of technical university. Relevance of the practice oriented approach in training of students of the technical higher education institution is proved in the article, the essence of this approach is defined. The possibilities of the educational process to realize the practice oriented approach are presented. The author focuses on the organization of practice for student which provides interrelation of theoretical and practical training of future professional staff; presents the statements which must be taken into consideration when determining the content of practical foreign lessons. The types of practical tasks are considered which are beneficial in realization of the practice oriented approach.
High School of Foreign Languages of Humanities Institute FSAEI of HE “Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University” , Санкт-Петербург г
«The possibilities of the dialogue technology in network neighborhood in foreign language teaching in technical university»
The article considers the possibilities of the organization of students training at technical university via the dialogue teaching. The author focuses on the analysis of many instances of using dialogue technology in the system of modern education and makes a conclusion that the dialogue technology contains enormous potential in its educational application at university. It requires further investigation, software design and methodological support.
High School of Foreign Languages of Humanities Institute FSAEI of HE “Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University” , Санкт-Петербург г
«About the effective usage of modern technologies of the creation of interactive web-documents»
K. Karasaev Bishkek Humanitarian University , Kyrgyzstan
«National traditions as a factor of formation of the social character of the Kyrgyz people»
This article reveals the influence of national traditions on the formation of the psychology of the Kyrgyz people. It also highlights the psychological significance of such traditions of the Kyrgyz people as at koyu (to give a name), beshik termetuu (to rock the cradle), tusho kesuu (the rite of circumcision), soyko saluu (to wear earrings), konok tosuu (to meet guests) and bata beruu (blessing).
Osh State University , Kyrgyzstan
«Changes in family relations in the process of transition to a market way of life in Kyrgyzstan»
FSFEI of HE “Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies” , Новосибирская обл
«“An effective contract” as a tool for exposure of a management personnel performance in commercial medical organizations»
The author of this paper examines the effectiveness of the relationship between company's goals and its employees’ goals, in particular management personnel. The researcher tries to explain the necessity of a motivation systems development using the balanced scorecard system to assess the performance of leaders. An effective contract as an important component of the assessment of the impact of commercial medical organizations of heads is offered.
Institute of Philosophy and Political and Legal Researches NAS of Kyrgyz Republic , Kyrgyzstan
«Legal status of women in the Kyrgyz traditional society»
Dildora U. Ismailova
Sadokat O. Matmuratova
Urgench Branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy , Uzbekistan
«Algorithm of survey of pregnant women with cervical pathology»
The results allow to include colposcopy-uterine cytology (by histological indications), bacteriological and direct microscopic studies (if indicated by PCR – polymerase chain reaction) in the observation of pregnant women with abnormal cervical pathology. The ultrasound reveals not only pregnancy but also the prevalence of associated cervical and endometrial pathology, ovarian and helps to estimate the condition of the endometium, myometrium, bacteriological examination, diagnostics and to make correction on time with subsequent follow-up observation of the patients prior to delivery.
Сельское хозяйство
Institute of Refrigeration and Biotechnologies FSAEI of HE «Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics» , Санкт-Петербург г
Sergey F. Demidov , candidate of engineering sciences
FGBOU VO "Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi ekonomicheskii universitet" , Санкт-Петербург г
Vladimir A. Saveliev
Institute of Refrigeration and Biotechnologies FSAEI of HE «Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics» , Санкт-Петербург г
Aleksandra P. Ivkina , master
FGBOU VO "Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi ekonomicheskii universitet" , Санкт-Петербург г
«Experimental study of the density distribution of the particles of the material in screw installation»
The experimental studies of density distribution of the particles of a mixture of wheat, oats, rye to feed pigs by infrared heating at the time of stay and temperature at the exit of the installation. The purpose of the work is to study the quality of treatment of the product with the settings with the screw and the screw with installed round jumper on the pen of the screw. Screw installations with infrared emitters of selected wavelength give the opportunity for intense and continuous heat treatment process. The authors used the optimal parameters of the process with the screw and the screw with installed round jumper on the pen of the screw. The parameters of screw installation during the study were the following: the number of revolutions of the screw was 10 rpm, density of heat flux was 12 kW/m2, output capacity – 250 kg/h.
Sergey F. Afanasev , doctor of juridical sciences
Northern-Caucasus Branch FSBEI of HE “Russian State University of Justice” , Краснодарский край
«The characteristics of divorce proceedings»
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of divorce proceedings. The authors highlighted the need for continuous monitoring of the legislation combined with scientific theoretical researchers on this topic, that will allow to change the provisions of the Russian Federation Civil Procedural Code and the Russian Federation Family Code into line with needs of society.
Технические науки
Natalia V. tatarinova , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Vyatka State University" , Кировская обл
«Problem solution of a long-term and medium-term optimization of TPP using proper mathematic models»
В статье представлена методика построения расчетных математических моделей теплофикационных паротурбинных установок, основанная на физических принципах и учитывающая как топологию тепловых схем, так и реальные верифицированные расходные и мощностные характеристики отсеков во всем возможном диапазоне стационарных переменных режимов. Рассмотрены примеры верификации разработанных моделей и их использование для решения задач долгосрочной и среднесрочной оптимизации работы ТЭЦ с учетом реальных граничных условий и критериев эффективности в рыночных условиях.
Проблемы Отечественной истории
Meidtsy Li
FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия
«Китайские исследователи о влиянии татаро-монгольского ига на русский характер»
В работе приведены точки зрения китайских ученых о последствиях татаро-монгольского ига, его влиянии на формирование черт русского характера. Приведен анализ работ русистов разных научных школ. Сделаны выводы, что татаро-монгольское иго нашло отражение и положительных, и отрицательных качеств русского человека.
Этнокультурное образование и воспитание детей в условиях дошкольного, общего и дополнительного образования
MBDOU "D/C 10" , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия
«Современные тенденции поликультурного воспитания дошкольников»
Целью данной статьи является раскрытие современных приемов поликультурного воспитания детей дошкольного возраста в условиях детского сада. Автором отмечена важность формирования у детей позитивного эмоционального отношения к национальному многообразию и многообразию человеческих языков при правильном воспитании этики межнационального общения.
Современные педагогические технологии этнокультурного образования
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Institute of Culture" , Москва г
«Проектная деятельность студентов вуза культуры как форма освоения традиционного народного костюма»
Institute of Arts of FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Pedagogical University" , Москва г
Svetlana K. Tkalich , doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
Institute of Fine Arts FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Pedagogical University" , Москва г
«Визуальные маркеры экспортной продукции на основе национально-культурного наследия»
Работа с компьютерной графикой является одним из самых популярных направлений использования персонального компьютера. Однако авторы видят проблему в профессиональной подготовке дизайнеров-графиков. Зону риска исследователи заметили в отсутствии тренингов по использованию природных и культурных ландшафтов России в художественном оформлении корпуса для многообразных технических устройств. Маркетинговая стратегия конкуренции на рынке экспортной продукции с национально-культурным компонентом требует специальных тренингов на этапе подготовки учебного проекта.
Коррекционная педагогика
MAOU "SOSh 14" , Вологодская обл
«Развитие коммуникативной компетенции на уроках русского языка в старших классах в специальной коррекционной школе»
Статья посвящена специфике речевого развития и овладения языком для детей с особенностями психофизического развития. В специальной коррекционной школе формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся является главной целью при обучении русскому языку. Важно, особенно в старших классах, на уроках русского языка не количество грамматических упражнений, а увеличение в процессе обучения речевых упражнений. Таким образом, при применении активной речевой практики на уроках русского языка ученики осмысливают значимость речи для понимания друг друга, для передачи информации, преодолевают речевую замкнутость, учатся выражать свои мысли, использовать речь как средство коммуникации.
FGBOU VO "Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi ekonomicheskii universitet" , Санкт-Петербург г
«Коррективный подход к формированию понимания системы видо-временных форм английского глагола»
Данная статья является обобщением опыта работы по коррекции неверно сформированного понимания принципов функционирования системы видо-временных форм английского глагола. В работе излагаются причины отсутствия ясного понимания структуры данной системы, а также приводятся методические рекомендации по развитию практических навыков использования ее в речевой практике.
Технические науки
Aleksei V. Kuznetsov , doctor of engineering sciences, associate professor
Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ
«Расширение функциональных и технологических возможностей лесных машин на базе гусеничных тракторов Онежец-350»
Aleksei V. Kuznetsov , doctor of engineering sciences, associate professor
Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ
«Потенциал отечественных лесных машин на базе гусеничных тракторов Онежец-350»
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ