List of publications on a keyword: «integration»


Publication date: 23.01.2025
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, Honorary Worker of Education and Enlightenment of the Russian Federation, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г


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What is the «world economy», «world economy» and «world community»? We will not be able to understand their essence if we adhere to the so-called «universal» or, say, «pan-European» point of view. L.N. Gumilev very correctly emphasizes: «what is usually called «world history» is a way of presenting material when a point of reference is arbitrarily chosen» - chosen on the basis of a certain value systems that the ethnic group had chosen long before. The research methodology is always derived from ingrained ethnic stereotypes, from the psychological dominant behavior chosen by the ethnic group, an individualistic ethnic stereotype, or, conversely, communal, collectivistic behavior aimed at achieving the common good, at participating in a common cause.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 02.07.2024
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Chao Han , candidate of economic sciences , senior lecturer
Junju Bai
Siyuan Zou
Zhoukou Normal University , The People's Republic of China


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The purpose of the study is to analyse the impact of digital trade on economic growth and development strategies of the countries along the "Belt and Road". The article identifies the provisions of the Development Strategies of the SCO member states in the field of cross-border electronic interaction, aimed at increasing the share of GDP and improving the levels of competitiveness of national economies of the SCO countries, strengthening the social protection of citizens and reducing poverty. The analysis of the dynamics of the e-commerce market volumes of the SCO member states (cross-border trade + local segment of online sales) was carried out, and a significant increase in the growth of national economies of the SCO countries during the implementation of the "One Belt, One Road" project, achieved on the basis of strengthening cross-border electronic interaction with the People's Republic of China, was proved. It is concluded that the creation of detailed plans, "road maps" and mecha

Технические науки

Publication date: 04.06.2024
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Andrei A. Kelas'ev
FGBOU VO "Penzenskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnologicheskii universitet" , Пензенская обл

«Integration and Optimization of Heterogeneous Energy Resource Accounting Systems in Multi-Storey Buildings: Benefits and Challenges»

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The article discusses the main aspects of integrating and optimizing heterogeneous energy resource accounting systems in multi-storey buildings. It describes benefits such as improved data accuracy and reduced operational costs, as well as challenges related to technical complexity and the need for standardization. Special attention is given to the analysis of methods for integrating various types of measuring instruments and software, which improves energy consumption management and ensures reliable data collection. Examples of successful implementations in various residential complexes are provided, illustrating real-world results and the economic efficiency of such approaches. The main technical and organizational challenges, including compatibility issues, data security problems, and the need to adapt existing systems, are also discussed. Recommendations for further development in this area are proposed, aimed at overcoming existing barriers and enhancing the interaction between different components of the energy resource accounting system.

Publication date: 04.06.2024
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Andrei A. Kelas'ev
FGBOU VO "Penzenskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnologicheskii universitet" , Пензенская обл

«Modern Technologies and Approaches to Optimizing Heterogeneous Energy Resource Accounting Systems in Residential Complexes»

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The article discusses modern technologies and approaches to the integration and optimization of heterogeneous energy resource accounting systems in residential complexes. It describes benefits such as improved data accuracy and reduced operational costs, as well as challenges related to technical complexity and the need for standardization. Special attention is given to the analysis of methods for integrating various types of measuring instruments and software, which improves energy consumption management and ensures reliable data collection. Examples of successful implementations in various residential complexes are provided, illustrating real-world results and the economic efficiency of such approaches. The main technical and organizational challenges, including compatibility issues, data security problems, and the need to adapt existing systems, are also discussed. Recommendations for further development in this area are proposed, aimed at overcoming existing barriers and enhancing the interaction between different components of the energy resource accounting system.

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 22.01.2024
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Nataliia G. Shabashova
Irina V. Ruzavina
MBOU "SOSh 10" , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия
Mikhail A. Shabashov
MAOU "SOSh 61" , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия

«Experience of teaching a child with hearing loss integrated in a public school»

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This work is a study of the possibility of teaching English to a child with hearing loss integrated into a comprehensive school. Description of methods and techniques used for successful mastery of a foreign language; difficulties we encountered during training and ways to solve them. This work was carried out within the framework of innovative research.


Publication date: 29.05.2023
Evaluate the material 1 2 3 4 5 Average score: 2 (Всего: 1)
Barno U. Bekmukhumedova , degree-seeking student , senior teacher
Akhadbek Odilbekov
Gulistan State University , Uzbekistan


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The article refers to the fact that, in order to mitigate the negative effects of the global crisis on the social and economic development of republic, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On the first priority measures to mitigate the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic and global crisis on economic sectors» and «Cornovirus pandemic» «On additional measures to support the population, economic sectors and business entities» was adopted and is being put into practice.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 05.04.2022
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Aleksandra D. Chertina
Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University , Волгоградская обл

«The use of audit in order to improve the strategy of the organization as a factor in increasing the level of management efficiency»

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The article analyzes the role of audit in improving the organization's strategy. The technologies for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the existing strategy and performance management system in the organization (as an indicator of management quality) are considered. Ways are proposed to improve the audit system and business strategy to ensure an increase in the efficiency of company management.


Publication date: 17.01.2022
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Iuliia V. Shtogrina
Larisa V. Rakhmanova
Inna A. Savchuk
MBOU "SOSh 13" , Астраханская обл

«Organization of project activities within the framework of integrated lessons (from work experience)»

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This article discusses examples of the integration of computer science, biology and mathematics subjects with the use of project activities. The preparation for the lesson, the division of students into microgroups and their work within the framework of their assignment, as well as the results of the students' work are described in stages. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the opportunities that the educational project gives to students and teachers.

Общая педагогика

Publication date: 12.01.2021
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Anna A. Kostina
MBOU "SOSh 11" , Ростовская обл

«Constructive Principles of Pedagogical Support for the Formation of a Reflexive Position of Students of Early Adolescence»

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The article based on analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature to identify early adolescence as a sensitive period for the development of basic sociogenic potencies of human. The results of ascertaining stage of the experiment to determine the level of reflection of first-year students. The author proves the necessity of pedagogical support of first-year students based Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and empirical material. The author offers constructive principles for effective pedagogical support of the forming reflexive position of first-year students


Publication date: 21.02.2020
Evaluate the material 1 2 3 4 5 Average score: 4 (Всего: 9)
Elena E. Panfilova , candidate of economic sciences
Mariia S. Eroshina
FSBEI of HE "State University of Management" , Москва г


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The article discusses the creation of reference models of digital platforms for intersectoral interaction of agents in the digital economy. The problems of conducting transactions for innovative business participants on integrated platforms are identified. The relationship between the profitability of the organization operating within a digital platform and the structure of digital counterparts of products designed and manufactured on the basis of additive technologies is revealed.

Социология (гендерная социология, экосоциология и др.)

Publication date: 23.01.2020
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Lev S. Yakovlev , doctor of sociological sciences
Ekaterina S. Dmitrieva
Volga Region Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin (branch) of FSBEI of HE “The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration” , Саратовская обл

«Problems of correction of sociocultural deprivation in the processes of youth socialization»

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Clarifies the problematization of socio-cultural deprivation in relation to the processes of socialization. The structure of sociocultural deprivation is analyzed. The generation gap is conceptualized in the paradigm of cultural deprivation. The necessity of discontinuing the cultural tradition is articulated as giving rise to the possibility, but not the necessity, of conflicts. The material of the case-study highlights the types of sociocultural deprivation of adolescents. Prospects for optimizing the processes of cultural integration in work with young people are being designed.


Publication date: 05.12.2018
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Olga B. Mikhailenko , candidate of pedagogic sciences
GBPOU "Kropotkinskii meditsinskii kolledzh" , Краснодарский край

«Integration is a complex multivariate process»

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This article is devoted to the process of integration, which allows the process of formation of multicultural space on its basis, forms the process of" gathering " of multicultural content on the basis of regional differences, picking up and combining disparate elements of content and trends in the development of culture.

Коррекционная педагогика, дефектология

Publication date: 04.07.2018
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Marina S. Chijova , библиотекарь
Elena V. Kukushkina , логопед
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State University of Psychology and Education" , Москва г

«A storytelling exercise or a Library activity with a correction component»

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The article reveals the methods of preparing and conducting classes on telling fairy tales to children of five to seven years with ASD, visiting the Federal Resource Center for Organization of Comprehensive Support to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: principles of literary material selection, work with the text, preparation of demonstration material. The content of the lesson is aimed at developing the child's mental functions, expanding his ideas about the world around him.

Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами

Publication date: 07.03.2018
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Anastasia V. Shemeneva , student
Olga A. Tikhonova
Sevastopol Brunch of Lomonosov Moscow State University , Севастополь г

«Особенности купли-продажи предприятий на территории Крыма и г. Севастополя»

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One of the most important elements of the process of integration of the Crimea and Sevastopol in the legal field of the Russian Federation is the formation of a uniform judicial practice in disputes arising in connection with the specifics of land, property, criminal, administrative and other types of legal relations in new entities.

Технические науки

Publication date: 19.04.2018
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Ilya R. Shegelman , doctor of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ
David B. Odlis , candidate of economic sciences
FSAEI of HE «National Nuclear Research University MEPhI» , Москва г


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Given analys of features and contradictions of integration development of forest machine-building complex of the Republic of Karelia in pre-reform economy of the USSR.

Технические науки (электромеханика, приборостроение, машиностроение, металлургия и др.)

Publication date: 09.03.2017
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Pavel O. Shchukin , candidate of engineering sciences
Elena E. Kameneva , candidate of engineering sciences
Vladimir N. Aminov , doctor of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«К вопросу исследования процесса дезинтеграции горных пород»

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It shows the need for the development of mathematical models to predict the feasibility of indicators and substantiation of optimal combination of technical solutions for the disintegration of rocks in order to minimize the energy consumption for the realization of a given process.

Publication date: 09.03.2017
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Pavel O. Shchukin , candidate of engineering sciences
Oleg N. Galaktionov , doctor of engineering sciences
Iurii V. Sukhanov , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«К вопросу имитационного моделирования процесса дезинтеграции горных пород»

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Simulation based on the probabilistic nature of the properties of rocks allows us to describe the crushing and technological system and the interaction of its elements in a wide range of conditions.

Современные подходы в дошкольном образовании и подготовка кадров

Publication date: 16.08.2017
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Mariia V. Artamonova , master of pedagogic sciences
ANO DO "Planeta detstva "Lada" , Самарская обл

«Интегрированные формы работы по приобщению детей 6–7 лет к чтению художественной литературы»

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Abstract in the article are integrated in the initiation of children 6 – 7 years to the reading of literature The article focuses on the integration of educational areas, as a form of familiarizing of preschool children to reading fiction. The author describes the types of integrated forms of interaction between teacher and children.


Publication date: 14.08.2017
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Daria V. Bogdevich
MBOU "Vyezdnovskaia SSh" , Нижегородская обл

«Преимущества интеграции исторических и лингвострановедческих знаний в процесс обучения английскому языку»

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This article examines the advantages of teaching English using the content of the history educational process in order to strengthen intersubject connections in the minds of students and their sociocultural competence.

Технические науки

Publication date: 30.05.2017
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Aleksandr S. Stariokv
Anton I. Teterichev
Egor N. Uspensky
FSAEI of HE «National Nuclear Research University MEPhI» , Москва г

«Oracle Siebel CRM in a bank»

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По мнению авторов, для повышения лояльности клиентов банка и увеличения их количества необходимо повышать качество их обслуживания. Одним из таких способ является внедрение CRM систем в контакт-центр банка. Результатом такого внедрения будет являться расширение возможностей и повышение качества обслуживания контакт центра.

Publication date: 21.04.2017
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Pavel O. Shchukin , candidate of engineering sciences
Oleg N. Galaktionov , doctor of engineering sciences
Iurii V. Sukhanov , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Некоторые подходы к решению задач повышения эффективности технологических процессов дезинтеграции материалов»

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It is shown the need to develop an intelligent system for controlling the operation of disintegration facilities by computer analysis of graphical data on the incoming feed stream and the outflow of the result of disintegration.

Publication date: 11.02.2017
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Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
Pavel O. Shchukin , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Снижение энергоемкости дезинтеграции горных пород»

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Offered new and patented intellectual property in the design of jaw crusher to reduce the energy intensity of the disintegration of rocks.

Publication date: 02.02.2017
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Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
Igor A. Voronin
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Методология совершенствования щековых дробилок для дезинтеграции горных пород»

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The example jaw crushers, the necessity of finding new technical and technological solutions, the success of which is largely determined by the ability to ignore the typical and traditional solutions.

Publication date: 02.02.2017
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Pavel O. Shchukin , candidate of engineering sciences
Elena E. Kameneva , candidate of engineering sciences
Igor A. Voronin
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«К вопросу оценки показателей, характеризующих структуру горных пород, для совершенствования процессов производства щебня»

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It shows the need for a particular type of rock to identify characteristics that predict size distribution of the crushed product, depending on its strength characteristics, size and disintegration parameters.

Технические науки (электромеханика, приборостроение, машиностроение, металлургия и др.)

Publication date: 28.12.2016
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Pavel O. Shchukin , candidate of engineering sciences
Elena E. Kameneva , candidate of engineering sciences
Vladimir N. Aminov , doctor of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Некоторые пути повышения эффективности процессов дезинтеграции горных пород»

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Shows the main directions of improving the efficiency of these processes: the development of the theoretical foundations of disintegration; development of new methods of disintegration, based on the use of different energy effects on the rocks for preliminary softening structural links, and development on their basis of new designs of crushing equipment.