List of publications on a keyword: «method»

Экономические науки

Publication date: 28.07.2016
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Gor A. Abramyan
FSAEI of HE "Southern Federal University" , Ростовская обл

«Actual methods of financial forecasting in a corporation»

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In accordance with macroeconomic instability, constantly changing market tendencies and political uncertainty sufficient and complex financial forecasting in a corporation is very important. The issue also marks the possibility of successful operating of a modern corporation using the most efficient and actual methods of financial planning and forecasting.


Publication date: 13.05.2016
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Valeriy N. Grigoryev , candidate of economic sciences , старший преподаватель
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«Некоторые подходы к формированию и охране интеллектуальной собственности в Петрозаводском университете»

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Creation and intellectual property protection to actively promote the use of methods of analysis and synthesis of patentable intellectual property rights, the implementation of major research projects and search and patent research.


Publication date: 19.05.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Igor N. Ivanenko , candidate of juridical sciences
Andrei A. Bobrovskii
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«К вопросу о противодействии коррупции на государственной службе Российской Федерации»

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For reforms in the public service for many years carried out in Russia. One of the main objectives of these reforms, including the fight against corruption in all its forms and manifestations. In this direction taken various programs, decrees, under investigation, litigation on the particular facts of corruption, however, reduce its level is not possible.

Физико-математические науки

Publication date: 27.04.2016
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Anzhela O. Ermolaeva
Институт математики и механики им. Н.И. Лобачевского ФГАОУ ВПО «Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет» , Татарстан Респ
Anis F. Galimianov , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
FSAEI of HE "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ

«Исследование средствами символьной математики сходимости метода коллокации для дробно-интегрального уравнения»

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We consider the collocation method for fractional integral equation with a fractional integral of Riemann-Liouville. The numerical experiment. The convergence of the described method.

Publication date: 27.04.2016
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Mariia G. Feoktistova
Институт математики и механики им. Н.И. Лобачевского ФГАОУ ВПО «Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет» , Татарстан Респ
Anis F. Galimianov , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
FSAEI of HE "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ

«Моделирование средствами символьной математики решения дробного интегро-дифференциального уравнения прямыми методами»

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Presents the collocation method for the approximate solution of fractional differential equation. The numerical experiment. The convergence of the collocations.

Юридические науки

Publication date: 26.04.2016
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Evgeniia S. Tiazhkikh
FGBOU VO "Ul'ianovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Ульяновская обл

«К вопросам стадии возбуждения уголовного дела»

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This article describes some of the controversial issues of pre-trial criminal proceedings. We study the provisions of the criminal procedure law, dedicated to a stage of excitation of criminal case, as well as analysis of theoretical views on the positive and negative aspects of this stage.

Publication date: 21.04.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Ekaterina V. Iakubina
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Морское пиратство в современном мире и пути его решения»

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This article deals with the concept of maritime piracy, its legislative consolidation. The analysis of the effectiveness of existing methods and ways to combat this type of crime.

Технические науки

Publication date: 26.03.2016
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Pavel O. Shchukin , candidate of engineering sciences
Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
Ialmar M. Kester , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ

«О переходе от заготовки пневого осмола взрывом к механизированной заготовке»

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The features of the transition from the workpiece Pneumatic shalt explosion to mechanized harvesting in 70 years. It is shown that in this period the Karelian Research Institute of the timber industry was established manipulator Rooter stumps with vibration winch head.


Publication date: 29.03.2016
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Nikolay V. Ageev
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Понятие криминалистической методики расследования преступлений»

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The author gives the concept of forensic methods and its relationship with the concept of an investigation.


Publication date: 24.01.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 2)
Lyudmila A. Lyzentsova
Gulnara R. Krasnova
MBEI «School №86 with advanced study of individual subjects» , Татарстан Респ

«Innovative technologies in primary school»

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This article describes innovative technologies during the classes in elementary school. The author has noted that the introduction of new technology promotes the development of education and the student's desire to learn and fosters independence, initiative and tolerance.

Publication date: 23.01.2017
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Irina V. Koshienko , candidate of pedagogic sciences
ANO of HE "Moscow University for the Humanities" , Москва г

«The implementation of the content of labor education in the practice of modern pre-school educational institutions»

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The article is devoted to the revival of labor education in the modern preschool educational institutions. Based on the researches of leading educators, psychologists, practitioners and on the basis of a brief analysis of the content of labor education in preschool educational institutions in previous years the author suggests to revive many popular forms of work on labor education of preschool children using modern pedagogical technologies.


Publication date: 27.01.2017
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Eleonora I. Pogorelova
Aleksandr A. Sergeev , candidate of economic sciences
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«The quality of tourist service in hotels, as a factor to attract tourists»

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In condition of fierce competition, those hospitality businesses win that primarily seek to satisfy the needs of consumers. Successful hotels, seeking their own economic benefits, provide social needs and satisfy the desires of customers. To achieve these goals, they introduce new technology, develop new methods of personnel management and new range of services in the hotel business. Practical experience shows that the service is an important element of management. The article describes practical methods of assessing the quality of customer service.


Publication date: 08.12.2016
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Anastasia I. Astashenko
FSBEI of HE "G.I. Nosov Magnitogorsk State technical University" , Челябинская обл
Lyubov V. Pavlova , doctor of pedagogic sciences
Institut gumanitarnogo obrazovaniia FGBOU VO "Magnitogorskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnicheskii universitet im. G.I. Nosova" , Челябинская обл

«The peculiarities of speaking teaching using case methods in English classes»

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The article presents the method of case-study. The use of this method, could have a positive effect on speech training of students, due to the consideration of real-life situations. According to the authors the main goal of this method is to receive knowledge and to improve them during practice.


Publication date: 13.09.2016
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Vyacheslav A. Ermakov , candidate of philosophical sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г
Gennady T. Juravlev , doctor of economic sciences, doctor of philosophical sciences
ANBI of HE "Russian Business Academy" , Москва г
Elena V. Kovalevskaya , candidate of sociological sciences
FSBEI of HE “Moscow State university of Railway Engineering”, Russia, Mos-cow. , Москва г

«Analyses of students' activity in the Internet social networks»

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The article focuses on the empirical study of students' behavior in social networks; the study was conducted by statistical data analysis methods obtained by interviewing students.


Publication date: 25.07.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Eduard G. Dadyan , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Concerning one method of final grade giving to undergraduate students»

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This paper proposes methods to increase the objectivity of assessment of graduation examination and the graduation qualifying work of bachelor, realized by using a special information system developed by author as an application of the system “1C: Enterprise”.

Publication date: 26.07.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Ekaterina I. Skomorokhova
, Владимирская обл
Vladimir I. Ruzin
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs , Владимирская обл

«Methods of teaching the technique of engraving on plastics to secondary school agepupils»

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The article is devoted to the development of exercises promoting the mastering the engraving on plastics technique and methods of teaching this art to pupils of secondary school age.

Publication date: 26.07.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 3)
Victorya V. Semina
, Владимирская обл
Vladimir I. Ruzin
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs , Владимирская обл

«Development of graphic skills in the process of doing the prints on plastic at lessons in the field of supplementary education»

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The authors of the follwing paper mark that students have great difficulties in creating the prints on plastic in case they don’t master the basic skills. Without obtaining the techniques, it is difficult for children to recognise this techniques themselves so it is very important to perform exercises.

Publication date: 04.08.2016
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Dilfusa N. Ashurova
Navoiy State Pedagogical Institute , Uzbekistan
Zyavidin K. Yuldashev , doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Uzbekistan national university named after M. Ulugbek , Uzbekistan

«Problems of the education system associated with its informatization and support tasks methods»

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In this paper, the researchers analyzed various problematic issues existing in the education system. The paper discusses in detail the principles of supporting tasks methodics, the authors used in practice.

Технические науки

Publication date: 08.08.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 2)
Larisa V. Lebedeva , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
FSAEI of HE "Lobachevsky State Research University of Nizhniy Novgorod" , Нижегородская обл

«About educational tasks development of the subject «Transportation problem of linear programming»»

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The research offers a variant of closed transportation task of linear programming options choice, which optimal solution is defined by a standard method of potentials involving small quantity of steps.


Publication date: 04.07.2016
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Marina G. Golubeva , candidate of psychological sciences
Larisa V. Burmistrova
FSBEI of HE "Astrakhan State University" , Астраханская обл

«Proverb at English lesson as a basis for creating a model of the personal compromise of non-linguistic students»

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The article discovers the features of the method of proverbs at English lessons of the students of nonlinguistic specialties. The authors outline the aspects of psychological effect of proverbs being the basis for creating a model of the personal compromise. What is more, the results of this research might well be applied at interactive English lessons.


Publication date: 05.07.2016
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Marina A. Medvedeva , candidate of philological sciences
Alena A. Kyzlasova
FSFEI of HE "Katanov Khakass State University" , Хакасия Респ

«The history of studying compound words of the Khakas language»

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The article is devoted to studying the history of compound words in the Khakas language. The authors consider the Khakas linguistics to be poor in studies of compound words, including the history of studying. The results of the research can be used when studying morphology and syntax of the Turkic languages, particularly, the Khakass language.


Publication date: 26.05.2016
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Marina S. Smirnova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г

«Textbook as a means of developing future elementary school teacher’s way of thinking in terms of methodic»

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The article presents а new textbook for the discipline “Methods of Teaching “The world around us” is presented. The author shows some relevant differences between this textbook and the other ones. The new textbook contributes to the development of methodical thinking of the future elementary school teachers (case-technology, game design, project activity of students).


Publication date: 03.06.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Aleksandra Y. Kasaeva
Evgeniya A. Kuznecova , candidate of philosophical sciences
FSAEI of HE «Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia» , Москва г

«PR methods and tools for the formation of a company popularity»

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Nowadays the problems concerning the formation of a firm reputation are gaining a greater topicality. The developed means of communication strategy play the most important role in this process. The PR means are especially significant, and they are considered as public relations. Not to be expelled by competitors, each company must maintain its popularity and be flexible, that is a sign of dynamically developed economy.

Publication date: 27.05.2016
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Anna A. Volodkina
Zhanna V. Domozhilkina , candidate of economic sciences
Institute of Economics and Management of Structural subdivision of FAEI HE “V.I. Vernadskiy Crimean Federal University” , Крым Респ

«Competitiveness regulation of dairy products production in the Crimea»

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The article outlines the results of studying the major problems concerning supporting competitiveness and quality of dairy products in the Crimea. The researchers compared the level of competitiveness of the dairy enterprise ltd. «Бег» with other brands of milk and suggested measures to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of competitiveness management of dairy products in this region.

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 19.12.2016
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Aleksandra V. Kornilova
Larisa P. Nepomniashchikh
ГОУ школа-интернат «Забайкальская краевая гимназия-интернат» , Забайкальский край

«Наглядное представление результатов учебы школьника для родителей в начальной школе»

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It seems the experience of using graphical methods to display the results of progress elementary school, represent parents in the assessment process of learning during parent meetings.