List of publications on a keyword: «logical»


Publication date: 13.07.2020
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Elena G. Tovbaz , candidate of psychological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Komsomolsk-Na-Amure State Technical University" , Хабаровский край

«An Approach to Developing a LitRPG Psychology Teaching Guide in Undergraduate Education»

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The given article deals with aspects of studying psychology in the modern world and reasons for developing a teaching guide (course) with Literary RPG elements. The article focuses on a connection between psychology and literature as sources of psychological knowledge. The article defines components of the teaching model which embodies psychological cognition methods with elements typical for LitRPG game mechanics: plot, quest solving, immersion, character’s role in the learning game environment, based on the realia of the target discipline.

Publication date: 17.06.2020
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Aleksandr B. Pertsev , candidate of political sciences , head of faculty
FGMEI "Far East Higher Combined Command Military School named after Soviet Union Marshal K.K. Rokossovsky" , Амурская обл

«Professional-Oriented Training of Military Personnel»

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The most common concept of military specialists training is the concept of improving the professional continuous training of officers. The essence of this concept is that throughout their service, the officers go through a multi-level system of training and re-training, which allows them not only to preserve the knowledge and skills they obtained at the initial stage, but also to develop and improve them. This article reveals both positive aspects and contradictions and shortcomings in the modern system of training military specialists.

Publication date: 14.05.2020
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Wei Yao , candidate of pedagogic sciences , lecturer
Taizhou University , The People's Republic of China

«Ideological and Political Education in All Disciplines as a Pedagogical Problem in Higher Education in China»

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Ideological and political studies in higher education in China are present in all disciplines, many universities have included relevant requirements in the curriculum. Universities in China have actively pursued research projects and pedagogical tests and gained significant experience. Despite the fact that this idea is already five years old, some factors that impede its effective practical application are still present. This article discusses these factors and analyzes their share in education.


Publication date: 15.06.2020
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Andrei M. Krupko , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ


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The view was expressed that there was insufficient attention in known studies to logistics issues relevant to the production of functional food products, linking the territories - producers of raw materials and the territories - producers of final products. The need to develop research taking into account the peculiarities of the territories of the North and the Arctic is shown.

Publication date: 18.06.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Minel A. Aldzhabari
Nikita S. Semushkin
Ul'ianovskii filial FGBOU VO "Rossiiskaia akademiia narodnogo khoziaistva i gosudarstvennoi sluzhby pri Prezidente RF" , Ульяновская обл


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The article considers such a phenomenon as investments, their impact on the socio-economic development of both the country as a whole and a single region. The innovation cluster “Technological Valley” is considered, the implementation of which is carried out in the Ulyanovsk region. Its influence on the socio-economic development of the Ulyanovsk region is determined.


Publication date: 28.12.2020
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Viktoriia V. Aksionova
Nina V. Dankova
MBOU "SOSh 46" g. Belgoroda , Белгородская обл

«theoretical bases of development of skills of culture of oral and written speech of primary school students in linguistic literature»

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This article reveals the methodological foundations of the formation of speech culture of primary school children

Publication date: 30.01.2020
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 1)
Mariia A. Zotina
MOBU "SOSh 2" , Красноярский край
Olesia F. Gorbunova , candidate of pedagogic sciences , associate professor
FSFEI of HE "Katanov Khakass State University" , Хакасия Респ

«Features of Attitude Towards Nature in Young School-Age Children With Mild Intellectual Disability»

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In this article, the results of a study concerning the features of attitude towards nature in young school-aged children diagnosed with mild mental disability are presented. In conclusion, the authors note an insufficient development of the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components of attitude towards nature in this category of children.

География и геология

Publication date: 28.10.2019
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Valentina N. Burova , candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences , leading researcher
FSBIS Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS , Москва г

«Main Approaches to Damage Assesment from Hazardous Processes (On the Example of the Central Federal District)»

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This article discusses the manifestation of dangerous hydrometeorological processes in the Central Federal district. The analysis of manifestation dynamics of these dangers is carried out. The dependences of the hazardous processes cases number in general and by categories of on the temperature regime consequences are considered in the article. It was found out that within areas where average annual temperature exceeds annual temperature in the Central Federal district the number of hurricanes and heavy rains exceeds the average value, and the number of cases leading to negative consequences associated with blizzards and snowfall well below their average long-term manifestations, but the number of floods above their average values. The algorithm of calculation of forecast economic damages from manifestation of hydrometeorological dangers is offered.

Технические науки

Publication date: 21.10.2019
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Vladimir A. Eliseev , doctor of engineering sciences , professor, chief research scientist
CJSC "Institute of Innovation and Technology Management" , Москва г
Iurii I. Degtiariov , doctor of engineering sciences , professor, chief research scientist
FGBNU "Ekspertno-analiticheskii tsentr" , Москва г

«Functional Variability of Technological Platforms in Innovation Infrastructure»

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The subject of the work is innovative development, the theme is the role and specificity of «platform» management in the infrastructure of innovative development, and the purpose is to display the multi-functional variability of the participation of technological platforms in the innovation and infrastructure management practice of the EU, Russia and EurAsEC. The methodology of the work consists in the application of elements of system analysis (accepted and expected state decisions) in the innovative sphere of scientific and technological development, concerning: comparative characteristics of approaches to the creation of platforms in the EU and the Russian Federation, comparative characteristics of platforms and clusters, the order of formation of the list of platforms, proposals for regulation and requirements for the form of content and illustrative examples of functional and consolidated variability of platforms in the innovation infrastructure of domestic platforms, orientation and implementation of EurAsEC platforms. The research is based on the general scientific method (problem statement, information-analytical generalizations, classification and analogies, analysis and synthesis, inductive-deductive approach). The results of the work are that on the basis of the organizational and managerial Genesis of the EU technological platforms, the mission of the platforms in the innovation infrastructure of the Russian Federation and EurAsEC is outlined. The field of application of the results is the formation, implementation and expected prospects of domestic technological platforms. Summary. The functional variability of domestic technological platforms, which are communication tools of innovative development, is characterized by participation in the implementation of National priorities of this development, development Strategies of the Russian Federation, National projects, National technological initiatives, State and Federal target programs, Programs of measures to support promising industries, in the planned creation of the first technological valley, in clusters and technological engineering, in the formation of Eurasian platforms. Based on consideration of the mission platforms in the innovation infra-structure, contribution of organizational management Genesis platforms of the EU and the functional variability of the implementation of domestic platforms, it can be considered that the Russian Federation defined the role of the state as regulator of the platforms (not the participant or the mediator controls). The practice of formation and implementation of platforms of the Russian Federation is not without infrastructural management problems: there is still insufficient interest of big business in the activities of platforms and, as a consequence, extra – budgetary underfunding of projects and programs; «vagueness» of responsibility for the development of technologies (in the conditions of formation of " top «with the initiative of» bottom»); non-obvious coordination of interaction between platform participants and inter-budgetary regional relations; dependence and strengthening of external risks of the Russian Federation on participation/import of foreign capital and technologies; uncertainty of control procedures; lack of criteria/indicators of expected efficiency. Not all platforms of the Russian Federation and EurAsEC are guaranteed to be effective, but the success of any of them will form a new market of innovative products with the expected prospect of long-term development.

Тема номера

Publication date: 09.10.2019
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Vladimir A. Eliseev , doctor of engineering sciences , professor, chief research scientist
CJSC "Institute of Innovation and Technology Management" , Москва г

«Scientific and technological determinants of innovation development strategy»

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The subject content of the work is domestic innovative development, the theme – scientific and technological aspects, and purpose – consideration of the determinants of the current Strategy until 2020 and prospective one – anticipated Strategy until 2030. The Methodology of work is the application of elements of system analysis (taken and expected government decisions) in the field of innovation research and technological development relating to directions, outcomes, determinants, indicators, challenges and priorities. The research is based on the general scientific method (problem statement, information-analytical generalizations, classification and analogies, analysis and synthesis, inductive-deductive approach). The results of the work consist in the formulation of scientific and technological determinants of innovative development. The application scope of the results is the strategy of innovative development until 2030. Conclusion. The strategy of innovative development until 2020 takes into account the bases of strategic planning and scientific and technological development of the country, the selected model and the tempos of innovative development take into account the world experience and domestic characteristics, aimed at parity-adapted integration into the world economy, contribute to reducing the retardation from developed countries. Step-by-step formulation of scientific and technological determinants of innovation Strategy until 2030 can be expected from the discussed draft Program «Scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation for 2019–2030». For comparative and analytical clarification of the development model (within the framework of the Strategy until 2030), it is important to display its innovative characteristics (scientific and technical novelty, satisfaction of market demand, tradability) against the background of global trends and projected features of the «road map» of the new technological mode. At the same time, the scientific and technological determinants of innovative development will definitely remain trans-parently oriented priority areas for the development of science, technology and technology, critical technologies and technological platforms. In addition, due to the multiplicative role of attracted investments in the growth of national income and employment, it seems promising to continue to remove obstacles to the development of public-private partnerships; although, in order to increase the level of technological development of the private sector and change for the better the unsatisfactory financing of R&D by business, in the foreseeable future, limited state protectionism is intended to initiate demand for innovations.


Publication date: 01.10.2019
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Chimnaz K. Mirzazade , candidate of philological sciences , professor
Baku State University , Azerbaijan

«Proverbs in dictionary «Divanu-l-Lugat al-Turk» by Mahmud Al-Kashgari»

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The article is devoted to one of acute problems of studying the classical cultural heritage of the East, that is the problem of proverbs. The author took as a basis bilingual (Turkish-Arabic) dictionary «Divanu-l-lugat al-Turk» of outstanding scientist-encyclopedist of the XIth century Mahmud al-Kashgari, which gains special interest in this sense. The author outlines that, up until now, proverbs from the «Divan» have been considered separately from the paremiological text and in her opinion, this approach had a significant drawback. The purpose of the research is, firstly, to analyze each paremiological text and secondly, to identify the reasons for the recurrence of some proverbs in different contexts.

Коррекционная педагогика, дефектология

Publication date: 26.11.2019
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Ekaterina V. Shvetsova , bachelor of pedagogic sciences
MADOU "D/S 396" , Пермский край
Ol'ga R. Voroshnina
FSBEI of HPE "Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University" , Пермский край

«Model' psikhologo-pedagogicheskogo soprovozhdeniia detei starshego doshkol'nogo vozrasta s ZPR v usloviiakh gruppy kombinirovannoi (inkliuzivnoi) napravlennosti»

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This article discusses the problems of insufficient practical elaboration of the model of psychological and pedagogical support of children with impaired mental function in an inclusive group. The necessity of developing a model of psychological and pedagogical support and its use in the preparation of an adapted educational program for an older preschool child with impaired mental function in an inclusive group has been identified and justified.

Publication date: 27.11.2019
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Olga N. Tokareva
KOU "Adaptivnaia shkola 12" , Омская обл
Natalia N. Shereshik , candidate of psychological sciences
Omsk State Pedagogical University , Омская обл

«Основное содержание работы клубов психолого-педагогического сопровождения родителей, воспитывающих детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья»

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This article substantiates the idea of creating psychological clubs for parents raising children with disabilities who need psychological and pedagogical assistance. Considerable attention is paid to increasing parental competence in the matters of upbringing, development, and social adaptation of “special” children, through psychological and pedagogical education; attracting parents to cooperation, in terms of common approaches to raising and educating the child.

Пищевая промышленность

Publication date: 07.11.2019
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Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
Valentina M. Kirilina , candidate of biological sciences
Ol'ga I. Gavrilova , doctor of agricultural sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ


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Issues of creation of technology of production of functional food products with balanced composition to ensure food security of the northern territories of the Russian Federation are considered.

Технические науки

Publication date: 11.11.2019
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Dmitrii A. Burov
Tatiana L. Fomicheva , candidate of economic sciences , associate professor
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Technical progress is the key to the cure»

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The article discusses the application and development of information technology in the field of medicine. In this paper, the stages of the introduction of computer technology in the healthcare industry are reviewed and analyzed.


Publication date: 07.11.2019
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Ilya R. Shegelman , doctor of engineering sciences
Aleksei S. Shtykov , candidate of engineering sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ


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Within the framework of the project carried out by Petrozavsk State University together with the trade house "Fair," the importance of research into the end-to-end technology of production of functional food products to ensure food security of the northern territories of Russia was considered.


Publication date: 06.08.2019
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Viktoriya V. Serenej , master of pedagogic sciences , speech pathologist
SBEI of the Tyva Republic "Secondary school № 10 for children with disabilities" , Тыва Респ
Elena A. Kalyagina , candidate of psychological sciences , head of chair
FSFEI of HE "Katanov Khakass State University" , Хакасия Респ

«Psychological and pedagogical support of families raising children with disabilities»

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The article describes the main difficulties of child-parent relations in families where children with disabilities are raised, the content of psychological and pedagogical support of families raising children with disabilities is revealed. The purpose and main tasks of psychological and pedagogical support of families with children with disabilities are formulated. Stages of psychological and pedagogical support of the family raising children with disabilities, and also the main directions of work with a family within the Centers of early help and support are designated.


Publication date: 12.03.2019
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Elina V. Tretiak , candidate of psychological sciences , senior lecturer
FSBEI of HE "Moscow State University of Psychology and Education" , Москва г

«The project of comprehensive rehabilitation services to persons dependent on narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and alcohol»

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Issues related to the prevention of chemical dependence are presented in the article. This article provides the results of the development of the project on the organization of comprehensive rehabilitation services for chemically dependent people, which is based on a comprehensive program of medical, psycho-social assistance to people dependent on drugs, psychotropic substances and alcohol. The basic blocks of the program, including tasks and forms of work for each of the blocks are described.

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 25.09.2019
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Alla V. Lazebnaia
Antonina I. Malykhina
MBGEI “GES №36” , Белгородская обл

«Queen Math»

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This article describes the relevance of entertaining mathematics for the intellectual development of a child. A variety of didactic material contributes to the development of logical thinking, memory, attention, ingenuity.

Медицинские науки

Publication date: 09.09.2019
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Arina I. Zakharova
Anastasiia V. Svintitskaia
Kseniia S. Iurovskikh
Elena A. Vinokurova , doctor of medical sciences
FBEI of HE "Tumen State Medical University" of Public Healthcare Service of Russia , Тюменская обл

«On the issue of reproductive health of female students»

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One of the important problems now remains the preservation of reproductive health at a young age, as this age period is most prone to adverse factors that lead to an increase in gynecological diseases and, as a consequence, the deterioration of the demographic situation in the country.

Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Publication date: 12.07.2019
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Ilya R. Shegelman , doctor of engineering sciences
Aleksey S. Vasilyev , candidate of engineering sciences
Valentina M. Kirilina , candidate of biological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Petrozavodsk State University" , Карелия Респ


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The method of solving inventive problems implemented in Petrozavodsk State University is based on the use of functional and technological analysis and brainstorming. The methodology has been developed in the field of substantiating new equipment designs and functional food formulations.

Образовательная среда высшего учебного заведения

Publication date: 21.05.2019
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Nina G. Baianova
Larisa A. Korobova
FSBEI of HE "Don State Technical University" , Ростовская обл


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Currently, one of the urgent problems associated with the modernization of higher education is to ensure the safety of the educational environment of the University. In the article this phenomenon is considered in the perspective of professional training of specialists in physical culture.

Технические науки

Publication date: 14.02.2019
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Sergey V. Alekseenko
Pavel K. Ivanov , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor
Viktoriia V. Kovaleva , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor
University of Press and Media Industry FSBEI of HE «Moscow Polytechnic University» , Москва г

«Mathematical model of normative description of technological processes of electrographic and inkjet (extrusion) printing»

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In the presented article a problem was formulated that confronts the management of a printing company at all levels when introducing new technological solutions into the «classical» technological chains. The problem requires comprehensive consideration for solving the problems of integrating «old» and «new» technological processes, developing enterprise management methods in the context of a combination of technology and a quick change of machinery stock and technological methods of its operation.


Publication date: 25.01.2019
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Olga A. Dychinskaia , student
Natalia A. Segal , candidate of philological sciences , lecturer
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University , Крым Респ

«Features of the implementation of set expressions with integral component-toponym in mass media sports focus»

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This article discusses set expressions with a component-toponym used in media texts of sports topics. The source for the analysis was the mass-media Russian-language text on sports taken from the National Corps of the Russian Language.


Publication date: 01.04.2019
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Natalia V. Bliznets , master of pedagogic sciences
FSEI of HE "Orenburg State Pedagogical University" , Оренбургская обл

«Scientific and methodological support of teacher's self-education: basic aaspects»

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The article is devoted to the problem of self-education of the teacher. Here the specificity of scientific and methodological support of the teacher's activity is revealed. Scientific and methodological support of self-education is carried out to assist in the assimilation and implementation of new requirements by teachers in the context of changes in the modern education system.