List of publications on a keyword: «pedagogy»

Естественные науки (физические и химические науки)

Publication date: 30.01.2024
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Marat A. Avdyev , postgraduate student , head
“Siberian Center for Mediation” Union , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Fermat's Last Theorem and ABC-Conjecture in the School of the XXI Century»

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In 1637, Pierre de Fermat wrote at the margins of Diophantus’ Arithmetica that he had found a truly wonderful proof of the insolvability of the Diophantine equation a^n + b^n = c^n, where n > 2, but the narrow margins of the books did not allow him to give the full proof. Is there a short and easy way to prove Fermat's Last Theorem? The following ABC conjecture states that for three co-prime numbers A, B, and C which satisfy A + B = C, the product of the prime factors of ABC is usually not much less than C. Both theorems are formulated very simply, but are extremely difficult to prove. Hundreds of pages have been spent by eminent mathematicians of Western world searching for proofs, and the search for proofs continues. The author found new methods of proof that are generally understandable, even to schoolchildren on the basis of a synthesis of several sciences, including physics. Number theory plays an interesting role in pedagogy.

Publication date: 30.01.2024
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Marat A. Avdyev , postgraduate student , head
“Siberian Center for Mediation” Union , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Fermat's Last Theorem and ABC-Conjecture in the School of the XXI Century»

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In 1637, Pierre de Fermat wrote at the margins of Diophantus’ Arithmetica that he had found a truly wonderful proof of the insolvability of the Diophantine equation a^n + b^n = c^n, where n > 2, but the narrow margins of the books did not allow him to give the full proof. Is there a short and easy way to prove Fermat's Last Theorem? The following ABC conjecture states that for three co-prime numbers A, B, and C which satisfy A + B = C, the product of the prime factors of ABC is usually not much less than C. Both theorems are formulated very simply, but are extremely difficult to prove. Hundreds of pages have been spent by eminent mathematicians of Western world searching for proofs, and the search for proofs continues. The author found new methods of proof that are generally understandable, even to schoolchildren on the basis of a synthesis of several sciences, including physics. Number theory plays an interesting role in pedagogy.

Publication date: 30.01.2024
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Marat A. Avdyev , postgraduate student , head
“Siberian Center for Mediation” Union , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Fermat's Last Theorem and ABC-Conjecture in the School of the XXI Century»

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In 1637, Pierre de Fermat wrote at the margins of Diophantus’ Arithmetica that he had found a truly wonderful proof of the insolvability of the Diophantine equation a^n + b^n = c^n, where n > 2, but the narrow margins of the books did not allow him to give the full proof. Is there a short and easy way to prove Fermat's Last Theorem? The following ABC conjecture states that for three co-prime numbers A, B, and C which satisfy A + B = C, the product of the prime factors of ABC is usually not much less than C. Both theorems are formulated very simply, but are extremely difficult to prove. Hundreds of pages have been spent by eminent mathematicians of Western world searching for proofs, and the search for proofs continues. The author found new methods of proof that are generally understandable, even to schoolchildren on the basis of a synthesis of several sciences, including physics. Number theory plays an interesting role in pedagogy.

Publication date: 17.11.2023
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Marat A. Avdyev , postgraduate student , head
“Siberian Center for Mediation” Union , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Why does a schoolboy need a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem?»

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In this publication, the author proposes to find an elementary proof of Fermat's Last Theorem from the point of view of an engineering approach. As a model, a construction of three concentrically nested n-cubes or spheres with a common centre and integer edges or radii, a, b, c, is studied, provided that each point/unit cube of a small sphere corresponds to another point/unit cube of this subset of layers between the middle and the large sphere enclosed spheres. An insoluble conflict between the symmetric form and the content of the construction is studied for the case when n is greater than two. The proposed proof forces us to make broader generalisations concerning the necessity of the asymmetry of the universe as a condition for the emergence of matter and the origin of life. The proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, known as the "mathematical pearl", has an important symbolic, historical and educational significance.

Инклюзивное образование

Publication date: 12.12.2023
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Galina A. Loseva
MAOU "SOSh 3 im. I.I. Rynkovogo" , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Ребёнок с РАС: опыт исследования и помощи»

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This paper summarizes the long-term experience of a speech pathologist with children with ASD. Long-term observations, research, selection of methods, diagnostics, step-by-step, painstaking work with a positive result.

Коррекционная педагогика, дефектология

Publication date: 24.01.2020
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Elena A. Tyrnova
MBDOU g. Astrakhani "D/S KV 130 "Krepysh" , Астраханская обл

«Speech therapy games and exercises for the development of speech and physiological respiration in preschoolers with severe speech disorders»

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The article describes various speech therapy games and exercises for the development of strong and smooth exhalation and deep inhalation in children with severe speech disorders. The games described in this article are available, useful, and interesting. They can be successfully used by both pre-school teachers and parents.


Publication date: 02.04.2019
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Tatiana A. Kobiakova
MBDOU g. Astrakhani "D/S 90" , Астраханская обл

«Interaction of kindergarten teachers and parents on physical development of preschool children»

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The article is devoted to the interaction of preschool and family in the education and development of physical qualities of the child. Options of successful interaction for achievement of the uniform purpose – to bring up harmoniously developed personality are considered

Дошкольная педагогика

Publication date: 27.03.2019
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Galina A. Efimova
MBDOU g. Astrakhani "D/S 90" , Астраханская обл

«Обучению пересказу детей дошкольного возраста в ДОУ»

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The article deals with the classical method of teaching retelling preschool children in preschool. Preschoolers often do not know how to Express their thoughts, do not know how to correctly build sentences. Improving the skill of retelling, preschoolers are preparing for school, comprehend the skills of socialization. Therefore, the topic is relevant for teachers working with preschoolers, parents.

Парадигмы современной науки

Publication date: 11.05.2018
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Iurii A. Sleptsov , лаборант-исследователь
FGBUN "Institut gumanitarnykh issledovanii i problem malochislennykh narodov Severa SO RAN" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Национальные игры в кочевом лагере»

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The article deals with the application of the Even national games in nomadic camp for children of indigenous minorities of the North. Nomad camp – is a form of organizing a temporary children's collective in the summer time for education and upbringing of children. Creation of nomadic conditions, in-depth study of the native language and traditional kinds of management in the natural living conditions, in the process of labor and traditional way of life, familiarization with folk traditions, customs and rites, translation of ethnic culture values – all this constitutes a substantial system of pedagogical conditions, purpose and objectives of nomad camp activities.


Publication date: 06.07.2018
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Aleksej I. Tankaian , graduate student
Lyudmila I. Krasnoplakhtova , candidate of psychological sciences , professor
FSBEI of HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin" , Краснодарский край

«Information technologies in pedagogy and education»

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Information technologies are considered as a way of more effective learning and skills acquisition in this article. The authors come to the conclusion that the introduction of information technologies in the process of learning contributes to more effective knowledge acquisition and consolidation of the material, in particular, because multimedia tools affect not only one perception channel, but several ones.

Специализированные отрасли педагогики. Дефектология. Специальные (коррекционные) школы

Publication date: 25.04.2018
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Ruslan R. Prudkij , education psychologists
MBOU "OSh 4" , Сахалинская обл
Elena H. Semshchikova , headmaster
General education institution school №4 , Сахалинская обл

«The use of the electronic designer «Expert» for basic training activities development for students with intellectual disabilities»

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The article refers to the use of the electronic designer «Expert» for basic training activities development for students with intellectual disabilities. Integration of people with special needs into society can be considered as one of the most important tasks facing modern education. Its solution requires, among other things, the creation of special conditions in all spheres of life, the realization of assistance in overcoming the specific characteristics of personal development. it is necessary for opportunities ability disclosure that affects effective functioning of a person in society. Therefore, today one of the goals of modern education is «to provide all students with equal access to a quality general education, taking into account individual educational needs».

Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины

Publication date: 16.03.2018
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Evgeniia V. Starina , педагог дополнительного образования
FBPEI K/g №62 of Primorsky district , Санкт-Петербург г

«Puppet theater. History and modern times»

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The author of the article makes an attempt to follow the stages of puppet theater development in the context of history, and on the basis of personal work experience with children. Also, he tries to highlight its educational significance in the field of modern pre-school pedagogy. This work may be of pre-school educators interest, engaged in theatrical activities of children, teachers of additional education, as well as directors of theater studios.

Инновационные подходы организации учебной деятельности

Publication date: 04.01.2018
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Svetlana N. Zhdanova , doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
FSBEI of HE "Gzhel State University" , Московская обл
Aleksandra A. Chirkova
FSEI of HE "Orenburg State Pedagogical University" , Оренбургская обл

«Роль интерактивных игр в развитии созидательной деятельности подростка»

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The article examines the phenomenon of interactive games in development of the creative activity of teenagers. The philosophical and pedagogical view on the transformation of the game as an interactive tool in the information society, emphasizing its relevance. In the analysis of interconnected concepts, the essence and content of creative activity are revealed, deriving the concept of the "creative position of a teenager".

Дополнительное (внешкольное) образование детей

Publication date: 11.08.2017
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Anastasia A. Starunskaya
Belgorod Engineering Youth Boarding School , Белгородская обл

«Сценарий классного часа в 10 классе «Я и моя будущая профессия»»

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Choosing a profession is a conscious definition of a person by the field of activity, which he intends to master and engage in for a long time. Choosing a profession, a person takes into account its social importance, prestige, weighs its abilities, assesses the opportunity to succeed, optimally self-express. The goal of a class hour is the teacher's help in choosing the students of their future profession, in understanding its importance.


Publication date: 28.07.2017
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Tatiana A. Kobiakova
MBDOU g. Astrakhani "D/S 90" , Астраханская обл

«Нравственно-патриотическое воспитание детей дошкольного возраста»

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The article is devoted to the problem of moral-Patriotic education of children of preschool age teachers kindergarten .

Современные подходы в дошкольном образовании и подготовка кадров

Publication date: 09.06.2017
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Ekaterina K. Muchkaeva
MSPEI "GES №22" , Калмыкия Респ

«Управление процессом формирования готовности педагогов ДОО к инновационной деятельности»

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For the modern teacher, it takes a very special team – a team that love their work of teachers-adherents. Teachers need to combine all the best human qualities – high moral and spiritual development, honesty, justice, skill of the teacher, deep understanding, and in addition always be prepared for the changing realities of this world.


Publication date: 12.05.2017
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Larisa V. Komarova
MAEI School №73 , Челябинская обл

«Mathematical capability development during extracurricular activities»

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In the article the author has built the program of the course of extracurricular work in mathematics for grades 5–7. The principle of program construction is considered. The article gives the details of the school curriculum.

Publication date: 08.04.2017
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Larisa V. Komarova
MAEI School №73 , Челябинская обл

«Development of competency-based approach in pedagogical science in the XX century»

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In the article the author conducted a study of the competency-based approach in education. Based on the results of the study, it was noted that the competence approach in pedagogical science develops throughout all the stages of the twentieth century.

[13.00.00] Педагогические науки

Publication date: 24.01.2017
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Elena V. Kazantseva , candidate of psychological sciences
Chekhov Taganrog Institute (Branch) of FSBEI of HE "Rostov State Economic University" , Ростовская обл

«Actualization of the ideas of narrative pedagogy in the conditions of personality-oriented education of higher school»

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The author has noted that the main goal of personally-oriented education is a holistic personality development and formation of personal self-reflection and process actualization of personal development. Formed theoretical and methodological grounds of the indicated project are not always supported by specific methods and strategies for their implementation in practice in terms of higher education. An effective tool in this situation can become narrative approach, which is being actively developed in foreign pedagogy. The narrative approach combines the ideas of social constructionism, phenomenological pedagogy and hermeneutics texts. A full assessment of the narrative approach is possible only in terms of its practical implementation.

[09.00.00] Философские науки

Publication date: 14.10.2016
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Rosa K. Tyrsyjanova , doctor of philosophical sciences
"Narkhoz" university , Kazakhstan

«Implementation of humanistic ideas in philosophy of Education in the beginning of XX century»

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In the beginning of the XX century European school-teaching practice needs radical changes, the traditional school of study has been heavily criticized, needed reforms. Philosophy of education of that time provided in this article by the creative work of prominent reformers – humanists had actual implementation in teaching practice in the form of school coomunity of John Dewey and Summerhill-school of Alexander Neill.


Publication date: 23.01.2017
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Aychurok Ergeshali kyzy
Misilimkan D. Aidarova
Batken State University , Kyrgyzstan

«The influences of folk pedagogics on teenagers’ multicultural education»

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This article analyzes some problems of multicultural education of teenagers through such types of national oral creativity as fairy tales, sayings and traditional holidays. The researchers have noted that multicultural education is important and useful in the process of foreign language teaching.

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 26.08.2016
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Irina V. Tregubova
MBEI "Novotroitsk comprehensive school" , Воронежская обл

«Creation of integrated model of educational process on the example of school theatre organization»

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In current stage of education development there is a need to integrate comprehensive subjects to give the educational process internal correlation, practical direction and motivation reinforcement to learn different subjects. It is also necessary to create new patterns of educational process organization contributing to solution of its internal integration tasks. The paper deals with algorithm of such pattern creation based on practical experience of creation and functionning of a school theatre as an integrated environment to create educational process giving good results in education efficiency increasing and continuous creative development of children.

Образование взрослых, самообразование

Publication date: 22.08.2016
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Elena V. Starikova
FBEI "Comprehensive school with DSSS №8" , Кемеровская обл

«Education of teachers as a tool to increase the advancement»

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The article describes the causes of the need for continuous training of teachers, the necessity of teachers' training throughout the professional activity, gives a brief excursion into the history of adult education, as well as demonstrates the features of teachers' education.

Технические средства обучения

Publication date: 28.07.2016
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Ekaterina A. Melnychuk
School of music for children named after U. A. Shaporin FBEI of HE "Schnittke Moscow state music insitute" , Москва г

«Modern audio and video technologies and their application working on art image with musician students»

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The article deals with the problem of art image reconstruction by musician students in conditions of active development and distribution of audio and video technologies. On basis of theoretical-methodological literature and pedagogic research materials investigation the author analysed the advantages and disadvantages of this method application while music-pedagogical process and offered appropriate methodic recommendations on application of this methods.


Publication date: 03.08.2016
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Taliya R. Shakirova
MBEI "MES №71" , Татарстан Респ

«The deal of my life..»

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The following article is devoted to the expansion of teacher's personal pedagogic experience. The paper analyzes principles and approaches of Maths teaching.