List of publications on a keyword: «teaching»


Publication date: 20.06.2024
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Chao Han , candidate of economic sciences , senior lecturer
Zhoukou Normal University , The People's Republic of China

«Study of the reform of teaching the course “Principles of Economics” based on the OBE concept»

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The article suggests that as part of the global transformation of the higher education industry, there is a gradual transition from the use of traditional teaching methods to student-centered teaching strategies focused on achieving educational outcomes. These principles are implemented within the framework of the OBE concept. The purpose of the study is to analyze the possibilities and methodology for reforming the “Principles of Economics” curriculum based on the OBE concept. It is shown that within the framework of the concept, teachers should clearly focus on developing in students the competencies they need 5 years after graduation. The conceptual core of EBE consists of such key advantages as clarity of goal setting, flexibility of methodological tools, the possibility of comparative analysis of educational achievements and involvement of subjects of the educational process. OVE creates conditions for comparing educational achievements both at the individual and institutional l


Publication date: 03.04.2024
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Volha A. Hurskaya , bachelor , graduate student
San Diego University for Integrative Studies , USA

«Current trends and directions in teaching English as a foreign language online»

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In today's fast-paced and globalized world, communicating effectively in English has become essential for individuals and businesses. However, learning a new language can be challenging for non-native speakers. But with the development of Internet technologies, learning English has become more accessible and conven-ient. Recent years have seen the potential to revolutionize the education system by introducing new teaching, learning and collaboration methods. The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in 2020, has accelerated the introduction of the online format in teaching English as a foreign language, which has become an important aspect of providing methodological support to students and teachers for a more effective and efficient learning process. The study's purpose is to, through theoretical analysis, determine current trends and directions in teaching English as a foreign language online. The methodology is based on analyzing the online platforms «Universari-um» and «Miro.” As a result of the study, data was obtained that with the help of these innovative technologies, teaching English as a foreign language in an online format is facilitated. The study's author concluded that distance learning is the most current trend in modern education. Distance learning technologies such as the Universarium platform and the Miro virtual board are among the effective methods for teaching English as a foreign language. The effectiveness of learning on the Universarium platform is ensured by the student communicating with the teacher, both orally and in writing. All homework is checked. After completing each block, the stu-dent is tested. The virtual whiteboard «Miro» is an integrated digital tool that al-lows teachers and students to work together.

Publication date: 28.11.2023
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Anastasiia A. Pozdniakova
Tatiana D. Pustoutova
MDOU "D/S 5" , Белгородская обл

«Rules of the road for the youngest»

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Teaching children the rules of road safety remains one of the most important tasks of preschool education. Therefore, both we, teachers and parents, need daily work with children to form ideas about the importance of observing traffic rules.

Publication date: 07.08.2023
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Alla S. Stepanova , candidate of philological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Volga Region State University of Water Transport" , Нижегородская обл

«A discussion as a teaching method»

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The article attempts to characterize a method of discussion in interactive learning. The author analyzes the place that this method occupies in the educational process, indicates the forms and criteria of effective application of the method of discussion in interactive learning.

Publication date: 07.08.2023
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Alla S. Stepanova , candidate of philological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Volga Region State University of Water Transport" , Нижегородская обл

«A debate as a teaching method»

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The article characterizes a debate as a discussion method of interactive learning. The author studies the key features of this teaching method, reveals the forms and criteria of effective application of the debate in teaching process.

Общая педагогика

Publication date: 06.03.2023
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Abobakr Mokhamed Abbakar Khussein , doctoral candidate
Daria D. Spasskaia
FSBEI of HE "Bauman Moscow State Technical University" , Москва г

«Deweyan Paragmatism and Engineering Education»

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In education, pragmatism is an approach to learning and teaching that focuses on keeping things practical. Its key theorist is John Dewey. It has four principles: Unity, Interest, Experience, and Integration. Proponents of this approach among teachers, use active project-based learning and problem- based strategies in the classroom and focus on topics relevant to students’ lives. This paper starts by shedding light on Join Dewey’s educational philosophy and its implication on Engineering education. It further discusses how the basic principles of pragmatism can be applied in learning thereby making the process of teaching-learning more effective in the Additional and Upskilling courses we achitectured at the Institute of Contemporary Educational Technologies of the Bauman Moscow State University.


Publication date: 27.07.2022
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Iuliia L. Iagodiak
MOBUG 2 im. I.S.Kolesnikova , Краснодарский край

«The development of creative abilities of students by the use of the elements of project technology in foreign language teaching at secondary school»

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Among the variety of pedagogical technologies used for developing personality, a special interest is focused on project work. The article is devoted to basic concepts of project learning the English language at secondary school/ it also gives the comparative analysis of traditional and project teaching technologies. As a kind of cooperative pedagogic, project work implies quite deferent roles for a teacher and students. The author describes the demands, forms and kinds of projects.

Теория и методика профессионального образования

Publication date: 18.02.2022
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, Honorary Worker of Education and Enlightenment of the Russian Federation, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«The concept of the development of methodological work at the Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations of the FSAOU in SevSU»

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The main task of methodological work at the university is to link into a single methodological block the entire system of scientific-methodological and organizational-methodological support of training areas at the Institute, and not just individual disciplines, to significantly improve the quality of bachelor's and master's training on this basis. The educational and methodological work provides for improving the quality of methodological training of the teaching staff, the development of thematic plans, methodological manuals and other methodological materials. The university should carry out systematic work on methodological support not only for individual academic disciplines, but also for educational processes that ensure the preparation of bachelor's and master's degrees.


Publication date: 14.02.2022
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Yuriy V. Anosov , candidate of engineering sciences
SEI of HE of MR "State University of Humanities and Technology" , Московская обл
Viktoriia I. Razboeva aleksandrova , degree-seeking student
MKOU Filippovskaia SOSh , Владимирская обл

«Some approaches to solving the problems of teaching the disciplines of the natural science cycle and computer science in rural small schools»

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The article deals with the problems and peculiarities of teaching science and IT in small rural schools. Moreover, it looks upon incomplete classes and forming shared classes filled with student of different levels of education. To underline the importance of the given problem the authors of the article pro-vide the readers with statistics of the percentage of rural schools and of num-ber of students studying there. The article also contains various solutions of the objective problem of teaching science and IT in such schools.

Система образования

Publication date: 04.02.2022
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, Honorary Worker of Education and Enlightenment of the Russian Federation, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«Educational innovative project "Professional subscriptions for teaching staff»

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The transition to a cumulative system of professional development of teaching staff is one of the key factors in the modernization of the Russian education system at the present stage. Monitoring of existing models of accumulative systems, including their regulatory regulation at the level of regional educational systems and educational organizations implementing professional development programs, shows that the reasons for introducing this organizational model are the peculiarities of education development in the conditions of the formation of the information society, the implementation of the National Project "Education", the implementation of the competence model of education, professional standards, the involvement of teachers with basic non-pedagogical (university) education in school. An important circumstance is also the upcoming renewal of the mechanisms for financing educational services related to the allocation of funds for professional development.


Publication date: 17.01.2022
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Iuliia V. Shtogrina
Larisa V. Rakhmanova
Inna A. Savchuk
MBOU "SOSh 13" , Астраханская обл

«Organization of project activities within the framework of integrated lessons (from work experience)»

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This article discusses examples of the integration of computer science, biology and mathematics subjects with the use of project activities. The preparation for the lesson, the division of students into microgroups and their work within the framework of their assignment, as well as the results of the students' work are described in stages. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the opportunities that the educational project gives to students and teachers.

Система образования

Publication date: 06.08.2021
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Konstantin A. Popov , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University , Волгоградская обл

«Mass online course in mathematics for school students: the problem of content organization»

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The article summarizes the experience of forming the content of online courses in mathematics for school students. The main approaches to the organization and presentation of materials and tasks are studied.

Технические средства обучения

Publication date: 22.12.2020
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Olga A. Batueva , master of engineering sciences
GBPOU "Permskii politekhnicheskii kolledzh im. N.G. Slavianova" , Пермский край

«The Role of Learning Technology During the Coronavirus Pandemic»

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The material of this article contains a classification of technical means of study, the problems encountered by colleges of the country in connection with the transition of work to a new format, the influence of technical means of education on the educational process are considered.


Publication date: 13.07.2020
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Elena G. Tovbaz , candidate of psychological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Komsomolsk-Na-Amure State Technical University" , Хабаровский край

«An Approach to Developing a LitRPG Psychology Teaching Guide in Undergraduate Education»

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The given article deals with aspects of studying psychology in the modern world and reasons for developing a teaching guide (course) with Literary RPG elements. The article focuses on a connection between psychology and literature as sources of psychological knowledge. The article defines components of the teaching model which embodies psychological cognition methods with elements typical for LitRPG game mechanics: plot, quest solving, immersion, character’s role in the learning game environment, based on the realia of the target discipline.

Publication date: 16.03.2020
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Wen Qiu , master's degree student
Dalian University of Foreign Languages , The People's Republic of China

«Some Features of Teaching Chinese to Russian Students. The Verb-Classifier Complement»

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The problem of verb-classifier complement in teaching Chinese as a foreign language is very difficult to solve. Its difficulty of learning is that the Chinese complement itself is very complex. This paper studies the main grammatical features of this kind of complement, provides an analysis of possible mistakes and reasons when using it, and the tactics of teaching the complement in Chinese as a foreign language classes, as well as a lot of examples.

Publication date: 15.05.2020
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Zhargalma B. Tubaeva
FSBEI of HE "Buryatia State university" , Бурятия Респ

«Teaching the Holocaust»

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This article presents an analysis of teaching the topic as a result of the formation of national relations.

Publication date: 31.01.2020
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Andrei A. Vasilev , teacher
MBOU "Emetskaia sredniaia shkola imeni N.M. Rubtsova" , Архангельская обл

«Theoretical Bases of Motivational Readiness for Pedagogical Creativity»

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In this article, a theoretical analysis of bases of motivational readiness for creativity in pedagogues is presented. The levels and components of the motivational readiness have been studied.

Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Publication date: 16.12.2019
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Nikolai N. Klimov , candidate of agricultural sciences
UO "Grodnenskii gosudarstvennyi agrarnyi universitet" , Belarus


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Information concerning the use of information and educational technologies in the training of specialists at the first stage of higher education of agricultural profile was presented.


Publication date: 14.06.2019
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Aleksandr V. Sergeev , senior lecturer
ANO of HE "Russian New University" , Москва г

«About problems of teaching discipline «Health and Safety» in terms of realization of transfer to the FSES of HVE 3++ education standard»

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The article briefly represents the role of «Health and safety» discipline in the process of solving problems of identity, society and state safety. Methodical problems, arising during the «Health and safety» teaching course in academies in terms of realization of transfer on a FSES of HVE 3++, and main ways of guiding effective tuition of students for better subject mastering are showcased in this article. All of the above mentioned is based on federal standarts.

Publication date: 11.06.2019
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Yulia S. Vasileva , candidate of historical sciences , assistant professor
FSBEI of HE “Samara State Technical University” , Самарская обл

««Documental» methods of teaching history in school (historical survey)»

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This article is abour practical methods of teaching history that were used in pre-revolutionary Russian secondary education. These methods have proven themselves in the past and can be used in the present day history lessons, whether it’s 5-6th grade or high school. Methods used during the course of research are comparative and analytical. Practical recommendations on the use of such methods of teaching are given on the basis of research.

Publication date: 17.05.2019
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Tatiana A. Voskresenskaia
Institute of Humanities of FSAEI HE "Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University" , Калининградская обл

«Methodical recommendations on the use of computer game sims for the development of foreign language lexical skills»

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This article deals with the problems of teaching modern English to younger schoolchildren, who are also called «digital natives». Children born with «gadgets in their hands» require the use of new means of teaching a foreign language. Using the video game SIMs as an example, the possibility of involving students in the school curriculum, which helps to increase motivation, interest, and increase the authority of a teacher during lessons, is shown. Of course, this requires specific equipment, and most importantly, the teacher's desire to be on the same wavelength with the students.

Publication date: 16.05.2019
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Anna E. Starostina
Anisiia I. Sivtseva
FSAEI of HE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ
Nina V. Argunova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Valentin P. Efremov , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Institute of Mathematics and Information Science FSAEI of HE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Methods of teaching by means of informational techonology for geometry lessons in 10th grade»

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This article is about teaching methods by means of IT. The given examples are all about different teaching methods of incorporating IT in the process of studying geometry in 10th grade. In the final part the authors came to the conclusion made on the basis of showcased material.

Современный урок в контексте реализации ФГОС

Publication date: 18.04.2019
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Larisa B. Aiupova
MBOU "SSh 8" , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Implementation of a system-activity approach in the teaching of mathematics in the conditions of transition to GEF LLC»

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The article "Implementation of the system-activity approach in teaching mathematics in the conditions of transition to the Federal State Educational Standards LLC" reveals the features of the system-activity approach and ways to implement it in line with the use of technology for the development of critical thinking. The focus is on methodological techniques: cluster, insert, sinwain, etc.

Психологические аспекты педагогической деятельности

Publication date: 22.01.2019
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Edvin V. Nersesian
Institute of Informational Technologies and Telecommunications FSAEI of HE “Northern-Caucasus Federal University” , Ставропольский край
Alina D. Kravtsova
FSAEI of HE "North-Caucasus Federal University" , Ставропольский край


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In this article the matter of receiving new knowledge and perception are observed; some results of experiments of researches in psychology for the subject are given and analyzed.

Философские науки

Publication date: 25.05.2018
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Iana I. Krensler , студентка
Liudmila V. Kriukova , candidate of historical sciences , доцент
Institute for Service, Tourism & Design (branch) of FSAEI of HPE "North-Caucasus Federal University" , Ставропольский край

«Wheel of Sansara as the meaning of life»

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The article is devoted to the philosophical understanding of the Sansara cycle. The authors do not just talk about the oldest world religion - Buddhism and study the "Wheel of Sansara" - a phenomenon that represents an endless cycle of soul rebirths, but also affect eternal problems. For example, the problems of reincarnation, life after death, being, and many others. All these problems are directly related to the Wheel of Samsara. Therefore, the authors study and describe the origin of the Wheel of Sansara, its classical and iconographic images, consider all twelve plots of the circle and the symbolism of each of them. Drawing conclusions, the authors show their views on the Wheel of Sansara and the path of Enlightenment.