List of publications on a keyword: «School»

[13.00.00] Педагогические науки

Publication date: 19.07.2017
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Svetlana V. Mitrokhina , doctor of pedagogic sciences
Alina G. Vetkova
FSBEI of HE "Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University" , Тульская обл

«The development of cognitive learning activities in elementary school students in the process of practical work on mathematics»

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The article deals with the problems of elementary school student’s development while teaching mathematics; justifies the choice of the subject “mathematics” to develop cognitive universal learning activities in elementary school students; defines practical work in math classes; provides the example of practical work on mathematics for students at elementary school and describes the stages of its implementation with the features of developed cognitive activities.

Publication date: 10.07.2017
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Margarita P. Noskova , candidate of medical sciences
Tatiana A. Vaschenko
FSBEI of HE "Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky" , Ярославская обл

«The study of the level of 4th grade students’ adaptation to the school workload»

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The article discusses the results of the survey conducted in the 4th grade of the secondary school №11 in the city of Yaroslavl in order to identify the extent of students’ employment, their lifestyle, fatigue, certain sanitary-and-hygienic indicators of the educational process. The authors have studied the illuminance level of the classroom, analyzed the school timetable, provided some recommendations.


Publication date: 28.06.2017
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Yana A. Kiryushkina
SBI Promotion Center for Family Education “Sinyaya Ptitsa” , Москва г

«Boarding school traditions as a means of orphan children social education»

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The article discusses the question of using establishment traditions as a means of social education; describes the objective, tasks, functions, forms of using traditions for pedagogical purposes. It also separately substantiates management, methodical and organizational blocks of using the institution's traditions for pedagogical purposes.

Publication date: 28.06.2017
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Marina I. Palchikova
Lyceum №7 , Воронежская обл

«To the question of creating programs for the prevention of internet addiction»

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The article examines the problem of the effectiveness of preventing Internet addiction and analyzes possible options for preventing Internet addiction among younger schoolchildren. The author suggests addressing the problem in a comprehensive manner, developing social and pedagogical prevention programs using the potential of the educational environment and taking into account the specific interests and needs of specific students.

Publication date: 14.06.2017
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Alina V. Kozhevnikova
NEI of HE "Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Humanitarian University" , Москва г

«Lexical work with the Orthodox culture words based on the example of modern teaching aids in the Russian language for elementary school (by L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina)»

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the educational and methodical complex «Perspective» of teaching aids in the Russian language by L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina. The work objective is to analyze the presence of the words of Orthodox culture and the form of lexical work with them. This article can be useful for improving lexical work in Russian language classes, which contributes to the formation of spiritual and moral guidelines of students.

Publication date: 12.05.2017
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Larisa V. Komarova
MAEI School №73 , Челябинская обл

«Mathematical capability development during extracurricular activities»

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In the article the author has built the program of the course of extracurricular work in mathematics for grades 5–7. The principle of program construction is considered. The article gives the details of the school curriculum.

Publication date: 26.04.2017
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Olga N. Protasevich
SBPEI Kindergarten №46 of Pushkinsky district , Санкт-Петербург г

«“Spring awakening” – the lesson plan for preschoolers»

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The author provides the article consisting of the lesson plan for preschoolers. This preschool education theme helps to improve preschoolers’ all-round development through getting acquainted with spring signs. This article has the examples of games, riddles and exercises for preschoolers.

Publication date: 08.04.2017
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Larisa V. Komarova
MAEI School №73 , Челябинская обл

«Development of competency-based approach in pedagogical science in the XX century»

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In the article the author conducted a study of the competency-based approach in education. Based on the results of the study, it was noted that the competence approach in pedagogical science develops throughout all the stages of the twentieth century.

Publication date: 05.04.2017
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Gulmira Z. Shamkanova
Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabayev , Kyrgyzstan

«Discussion of implementation of physical exercises from pedagogical point of view to develop the methods of hand to improve preschooler’s speech culture»

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This article discusses the issues of a comprehensive program of sensory-motor development aimed at the development of rhythm and hand movements by means of physical education and by creating a zone for the development of all aspects of the mind, speech and motor skills of the child.

Publication date: 12.04.2017
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Natalia L. Slobodina
Child Development Center – Kindergarten №15 , Челябинская обл

«Methodological association as a form to improve professional qualifications of kindergarten teachers»

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This article is useful for vice principals, senior kindergarten teachers. The article presents the working process system of “School of a young kindergarten teacher” methodological association.

Publication date: 10.03.2017
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Lyubov N. Samborskaya
The Moscow Department of Education , Москва г
Nadezhda S. Vinogradova , candidate of political sciences
Vladimir G. Ponomarev
FSBEI of HE "Razumovskiy Moscow State University of Technology and Management" , Москва г

«The main problems in the process of identifying individual educational trajectories of student and their decision by means of electronic services and the «Digital profile» model»

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The authors describe the specifics of the transition to student-centered learning standards, the main issues arising in the framework of the process of identifying an individual trajectory of student learning and methods of their solutions through the use of the «digital profile» model. The researchers present the organization scheme of school education in the framework of construction of individual educational trajectory of a student, describe the main barriers to the implementation of the scheme. Prospects of application of the «big data» technology in the construction of individual educational trajectory are considered.

Publication date: 13.03.2017
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Lyubov N. Samborskaya
Lyudmila A. Myasnikova
The Moscow Department of Education , Москва г

«Main methods of construction of the «Digital profile» model on the example of schools in Moscow»

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The article presents the basic principles of construction of models of digital profiles of the student, class, school and teacher. The initial data, presented in the impersonal form, consist of students’ grades from three Moscow schools. The data have been obtained from the «electronic diary» and handed over to the Department of Education of Moscow to work on it.


Publication date: 14.03.2017
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Tataiana G. Avdeeva , candidate of psychological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev" , Красноярский край

«Understanding of parental role by primary schoolchildren»

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The article deals with the way in which a strong family unit is formed according to understanding of primary schoolchildren. Analysis of the concepts of present-day primary schoolchildren about parental roles is the main subject of the research. Characteristic features of these concepts depending on the sex have been described and pointed out here.


Publication date: 16.02.2017
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Kamila K. Khalikova
SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г

«Lesson in the museum as a mean of universal cognitive competence development of elder preschoolers»

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This article deals with the implementation of educational technologies such as an activity in the museum for the purpose of forming cognitive competence of elder preschoolers. The projection of school educational technologies on pre-school children is also a mean of creating a succession of stages of education and school readiness, as well as the adaptation of future primary school children.

Publication date: 16.02.2017
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Sevda M. Maksimova
FGBOU VO "Moskovskii pedagogicheskii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Москва г

«The development of communication skills in preschoolers in the process of theatrical activities»

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In the article, the author discussed the development of communication skills in preschoolers in the process of theatrical activities in terms of preschool educational establishment. On the basis of theoretical analysis results, previously performed by several authors of research works, the author justifies the importance of this work to implement good practice in preschool educational establishment, aimed at the formation of important child’s communicative abilities in this age. Analysis of the current modern conditions of activity of the preschool educational establishment and the failure of elaboration of thistopic determined the purpose of this study, which is based on formation of communicative abilities in children of preschool age through theatrical activities. The need for decisions formulated by the author of the study, determined the course of the experimental part of the work aimed at the identification of pedagogical conditions and the development of methods of learning, including theatrical activities and promoting the effective development of communication skills. In this paper the technique is presented quite briefly, however, the author reveals the main stages of its implementation in the activities of the preschool educational establishment. The result of logical and scientific experimental part of the study, the author confirms the effectiveness of the developed methodology for lessons, aimed at formation of high-level communicative abilities in preschoolers.

Теория и методика общего образования

Publication date: 28.03.2017
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Andrei V. Kazakov , candidate of philological sciences
Mark E. Tatarinov
FSBEI of HE "Vyatka State University" , Кировская обл

«Формирование политической компетенции старшеклассника в рамках исследовательской работы по теме «Метафорический образ России в зарубежной прессе»»

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The article is devoted to the problem of forming political competence of a senior pupil as a component of an individual’s civil competence. This was done through organizing and conducting research in a foreign language in the framework of the theme "Metaphorical Image of Russia in the Foreign Press".

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 15.03.2017
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Daria V. Bogdevich
MBOU "Vyezdnovskaia SSh" , Нижегородская обл

«Проектно-исследовательская деятельность обучающихся в младшей школе: достоинства и недостатки»

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This article discusses and compares the strengths and weaknesses of the application of design techniques in the implementation of primary research activities of primary school pupils and also makes assumptions about the path of adjustment of the downsides of this method.


Publication date: 09.03.2017
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Mariia S. Taiurskaia
FSBEI of HE "Irkutsk State University" , Иркутская обл

«Уровни развития творческих способностей старших дошкольников в сюжетном рисовании»

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This article discusses the problem of development of creative abilities of children of the sixth year of life. We have analyzed the concept of children's creativity and creativity of the criteria of different authors. The nature and content of work on parenting with the plot of the picture. Criteria creativity to draw a scene, which highlighted the levels of development of the plot of figure children.

[13.00.00] Педагогические науки

Publication date: 31.01.2017
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Irina M. Aleksandrova
Marina V. Koltunova
Elizaveta A. Khakimova
MBDOU D/S KV 72 "Mozaika" , Белгородская обл

«“Why does a bunny have long ears” – an integrated logopedic lesson plan»

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The authors of this article share their experience of logopedic work on preschoolers’ speech development. The scientific research describes a full lesson plan for preschoolers, improving different important skills of children.

Publication date: 24.01.2017
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Natalia V. Polyashova , candidate of biological sciences
Alina Y. Kvashnina
FSAEI of HE "Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov" , Архангельская обл

«Non-traditional techniques of drawing as a mean of creative imagination development of elder preschoolers»

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This article is devoted to necessity of using non-traditional art techniques for the purpose of creative imagination development of elder preschoolers. The work also suggests some techniques of non-traditional drawing, their role in psychological development of children and the results of the program implementation, which is aimed to the creative imagination development of preschoolers through the creative drawing and a non-traditional drawing technique.

Publication date: 24.01.2017
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Svetlana V. Levshina
SBEI lyceum №393 of Kirov district of St. Petersburg , Санкт-Петербург г

«Socio-cultural factors of updating the content of school education»

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This article examines the phenomenon of socio-cultural conditionality of updating the content of school education in Russia. Socio-cultural factors of updating the content of education have been identified on the basis of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and educational research results and evidence of educational practice. The author shows the relationship between selected factors – the development of society, the state policy in the field of education, development of culture and science, development of pedagogical science and practice – and the specificity of their influence on the formation and implementation of the content of school education.

Publication date: 31.01.2017
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Svetlana A. Sorokina
Elena V. Maksimova
ANO of PE “Planet of childhood “Lada” – Kindergarten №63 “Vesnyanochka” , Самарская обл

«Children aesthetic development and education in kindergarten according to FSES of preschool education»

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This article describes the problem of aesthetic development and education of preschoolers be means of graphic arts. The authors note that it is important to create a full sociocultural creative environment in kindergarten, helping children to develop their artistic taste.

[19.00.00] Психологические науки

Publication date: 01.02.2017
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Irina S. Voskanova
Pedagogical Institute FSAEI of HE “Belgorod State National Research University” , Белгородская обл
Elena N. Shutenko , candidate of psychological sciences
FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл

«Adaptation to frustration situations by young schoolchildren with musculoskeletal disorders»

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The article deals with the results of research of frustration, happened to young schoolchildren with musculoskeletal disorders, their main ways to respond to difficult situations in life, their adaptation in society, the relations between anxiety and frustration, and the comparison of research findings between normal children frustration and frustration of children with musculoskeletal disorders.

Publication date: 31.01.2017
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Natalia G. Nasonova
Rehabilitation Center for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders “Our sunny world” (Non-government, non-profit organization) , Москва г

«The peculiarities of imagination of children on the autism spectrum disorders»

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The author of this article has studied the peculiarities of imagination of preschoolers and younger school children on the autism spectrum. The paper has shown the results of an experimental study with a group of children on the autism spectrum disorder and the conclusions on work accomplished.

[13.00.00] Педагогические науки

Publication date: 12.10.2016
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Ekaterina S. Levanova
MAPEI of Saransk "K/g №80 of a combined type" , Мордовия Респ

«Features of psycho-pedagogical support of preschool children with an expressed mental retardation»

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The issue of implementation of inclusive education is very important. The author shows the results of the ascertaining experiment, conducted on the basis of MSCEI “Kindergarten of a combined type №80 of Saransk” to find optimal conditions contributing to the effective implementation of psycho-pedagogical support of preschool children with severe mental retardation.