List of publications on a keyword: «School»
Психолого-педагогические аспекты воспитания и обучения

Evgeniia M. Kachalai
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of FSBEI of HPE "Orenburg State Pedagogical University" , Оренбургская обл
«Влияние школьной среды и воспитания в семье на формирование здоровья речевой, зрительной и слуховой систем ребенка»

Sdow this article considers the problem of forming healthy way of life. Analyzes the characteristics of children's health in Russia. Revealed and substantiated the necessity of the joint (school, family) of the formation of the orientation of children to a healthy lifestyle and the importance of preventive measures.
Дошкольная педагогика

МБДОУ «Д/С №137» , Краснодарский край
«Воспитание и обучение дошкольников посредством дидактической игры»

ГОУ СПО «Кемеровский профессионально-технический техникум» , Кемеровская обл
«Система наставничества в профессиональном образовании»

FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл
«Особенности развития социального интеллекта в младшем школьном возрасте»

The article shows, that despite intensive development of intellectual abilities of a person in this age, for younger students characterized by low level of development of social intelligence, which can lead to difficulties in communication and in understanding and predicting human behavior, the complexity of the relationship and the reduced ability of social adaptation.
Педагогические науки

Center for career guidance and planning , Красноярский край
«Компьютерная диагностика как элемент профориентации школьников»

FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл
«Изучение состояния системы дошкольного образования города Белгорода»

The author of the article, analyzing the state of the system of preschool education of Belgorod notes, the fact that the public authorities are interested and support the development of innovative activities in the content and technologies of educational process of preschool institutions. But there are a number of problems that hamper the development of innovative processes in management: such as insufficient funding of preschool institutions, the overcrowding of groups of children, overload of

FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл
«К проблеме повышения эффективности управления дошкольным образовательным учреждением»

The author draws attention to the need to improve management of preschool educational institution, a departure from legacy approaches, search of new tools, methods, technology management and innovation in the activities of the senior educator of preschool educational institutions. This will allow to improve planning and other managerial functions, will help create favorable conditions for professional and creative growth of teachers of DOE.
Современные подходы в дошкольном образовании и подготовка кадров

ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный гуманитарный университет им. М.А. Шолохова» , Москва г
«Структура профессиональных компетентностей педагогов дошкольного воспитания в условиях современного общества»
Содержание образования и развитие детей дошкольного возраста

FSBEI of HE "Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education" , Самарская обл
«Роль декоративно-прикладного искусства в развитии художественно-творческих способностей дошкольников»

Valentina S. Sapunova
МБДОУ «Д/С КВ №321» , Самарская обл
«Народная художественная культура в воспитании у дошкольников чувства принадлежности к малой Родине»

The article describes the role of traditional artistic culture in socio-communicative development of preschool children in the context of the requirements of the new educational standard. Artistic traditional culture is used as the basis of Patriotic education of children and feelings of love for their Homeland.

MBEI "MES №26" , Забайкальский край
Luydmila N. Chaika , degree-seeking student
FSBEI of HPE "Transbaikal State University" , Забайкальский край
«Transbaikal general minerals and rocks for school collection»

The article presents a scientific and practical work on making the school collection of basic minerals and rocks of Trans-Baikal territory. The study presents the results of the analysis of the scientific literature on the subject, a collection of minerals is gathered, rocks, which consist of these minerals are described. The authors analyzed the value of minerals, as well as partially explored the meaning and history of mineralogy, the role of museums for the person, society and state.
Общая педагогика

FSBEI of HE "Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education" , Самарская обл
«Архитектурное пространство города как художественная образовательная среда для детей дошкольного возраста»

Architectural environment of the modern city is the subject of the article. Scientists in the field of education learn the city as a learning environment. This article discusses the artistic and aesthetic education of children of preschool age in the conditions of the objective environment of the city.
Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

FGBOU VO "Khakasskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. N.F. Katanova" , Хакасия Респ
Tatiana I. Baranovskaia
MBOU "Tuimskaia SOSh 3" , Хакасия Респ
«Концептуально-технологические основы духовно-нравственного воспитания детей младшего школьного возраста»
Общая педагогика

Culture and Arts Institute of SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г
«Образовательная система «Музыкальный мир» для дошкольного и начального общего образования»

The article reveals the history of creation, structure and basic content of successive two-level educational system "Music world", which includes a training set T. I. Baklanova, and G. P. Novikova "Music world" for children 3-7 years (a series of "Paths") and a training set T. I. Baklanova "Music" for grades 1-4 ("planet of knowledge"). They share a common conceptual framework, continuity of goals, objectives, themes, contents and expected results musical and educational activities. The basis of
Парадигмы современной науки (различные направления)

Ekaterinburg Academy of Contemporary Art , Свердловская обл
«Научные школы историков-эмигрантоведов»
Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)

MBEI "GES of Tarasa" , Иркутская обл
«Теоретические особенности личностно-профессионального самоопределения старшеклассников»

In this monographic research theoretical features of personal and professional self-determination of seniors are presented. The author analyzes various theoretical features of personal self-determination and professional self-determination. Aspects of influence of professional orientation work at comprehensive school, profile training on development of the personality are considered, and also author's definition of personal and professional self-determination of seniors is presented.

SFEI of HE "V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University" of Russian Federation Ministry of Health , Саратовская обл
«Материалы для входного тестирования первокурсников медицинского вуза по физике»

The article is devoted to one of the methodological aspects of physics teaching in medical school ( the entrance control of students in physics. The experience of the Medbiofizikal Department named after Professor V.D. Zernov of the Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky is shown. The author adduces a list of tasks for the two variants of the test control with indication of correct answers.
Образовательная реформа современной России: социальные ожидания

FSBEI of HE "Shukshin Altai State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University" , Алтайский край
«Обучение художников декоративно-прикладного искусства проектированию объектов керамики в образовательных учреждениях Сибири ХХI века»

The authors analyzed the current state of training for artists of arts and crafts in the context of the transition to a new generation of standards. The study uses a systematic approach. Research topic discussed in the context of historical and sociocultural processes based on the principle of interdisciplinary. Comparison of methodical system of training of artists of arts and crafts in educational establishments of Siberia in the early twenty-first century. Go higher and secondary specialized education to the standards of the new generation led to a quantitative reduction in the volume of classroom hours of professional development courses and special cycles that actively influence to reduce the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods. In this regard, the implementation of training areas «Decorative arts and crafts» requires new approaches that contribute to the preservation and development of artistic ceramics Siberia.
Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)

Balashov Institute (a branch) of FSBEI of HE "N.G. Chernyshevsky National Research Saratov State University" , Саратовская обл
Angelina O. Sungatullina
, Саратовская обл
«Кружок как форма развития навыков научной речи у школьников»

MBEI "GES of Tarasa" , Иркутская обл
«Развитие личностно-профессионального самоопределения старшеклассников в условиях сельской школы»

In this article various factors of the educational environment of rural school influencing development of personal and professional self-determination of seniors are considered. The author analyzes various theoretical positions of influence of the educational environment on formation of the personality, and also actions for development of personal and professional self-determination of seniors in the conditions of rural school are presented. Results of the forming experiment are presented in article, the following tasks are solved: formation of steady interest in a pedagogical profession; development of need for professional activity, receiving pleasure and satisfaction from pedagogical activity; formation of conviction in further choice of profession.
Коррекционно-воспитательная работа

MBDOU D/S "Raduga" , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО
«Modern technologies of teaching preschool children with disabilities»
Организация инновационного воспитательно-образовательного процесса

MBDOU "D/S "Skazochnaia poliana" , Оренбургская обл

In the modern world digital technologies become an integral part of the educational process, bringing diversity to traditional methods of learning. One of the innovative tools contributing to interactive and exciting learning is QR technology. In the context of familiarizing preschoolers to the national culture, the use of QR codes opens unique opportunities for creation of fascinating and cognitive educational materials. In this article we will consider how QR technology can be effectively involved in the process of teaching preschoolers, helping them to immerse into the world of national traditions, customs and art.
Организация здоровьесберегающего образовательного процесса

Alfiia A. Akchulpanova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla" , Башкортостан Респ
Формирование ценности здоровья и здорового образа жизни

PEI of HE "Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov" , Татарстан Респ
«Application of health-saving technologies in the activity of a physical education instructor in a pre-school environment»

A physical education instructor at a preschool, with the right approach, can do much more for the health of a preschooler than any doctor. The main task of the instructor is to properly organize physical education classes, plan all motor activity for the benefit of the child. The main activity for a preschooler through which the instructor can apply energy-saving technologies is a game. Applying health-saving technologies in practice, the instructor automatically directs his actions to preserve and strengthen the health of preschoolers, to prevent various diseases, and most importantly to instill the values of a healthy lifestyle.
Общее направление

MOBU "Sen'kinskaia SOSh" , Марий Эл Респ
«Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler»

Fiction is an important means for expanding the all-round development of a preschooler. It develops speech, thinking, enriches his emotions and moral qualities. Its educational, aesthetic, and cognitive significance is very important, since by enriching the idea of the surrounding reality, the child develops as a person. Children of preschool age, with the help of teachers, acquire good feelings, assessments and standards of moral behavior. The article touches upon the influence of fiction on the comprehensive development of a preschooler. Key words: fiction, preschool age, comprehensive development, familiarization, book.