List of publications on a keyword: «student»


Publication date: 16.02.2017
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Olga A. Kurmyshova
SBEI of Moscow “A.P. Mareseva School №760” , Москва г

«The problems of Russian inclusive education»

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The article is devoted to problems of Russian inclusive education. Based on the results of theoretical analysis the author raises some questions and their solutions may help to increase the effectiveness of the activity of inclusive educational organizations, provide harmonization of relations of inclusive education members and that will guarantee a successful integration of children with disabilities and special needs in the society.

Теория и методика общего образования

Publication date: 28.03.2017
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Andrei V. Kazakov , candidate of philological sciences
Mark E. Tatarinov
FSBEI of HE "Vyatka State University" , Кировская обл

«Формирование политической компетенции старшеклассника в рамках исследовательской работы по теме «Метафорический образ России в зарубежной прессе»»

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The article is devoted to the problem of forming political competence of a senior pupil as a component of an individual’s civil competence. This was done through organizing and conducting research in a foreign language in the framework of the theme "Metaphorical Image of Russia in the Foreign Press".


Publication date: 23.03.2017
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Tatiana V. Pikalova
Diiora R. Nurmatova
Tarazskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. M.Kh. Dulati , Kazakhstan

«On the development of physical qualities and improving the health of University students»

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The article examines the essence and main components of the process of physical education in high school, recommendations for improvement and practical development of students of the subject material, to promote health and improve educational performance.

Publication date: 23.03.2017
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Irina V. Mishchenko , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSAEI of HE "Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov" , Архангельская обл
Liudmila A. Sharenkova , candidate of biological sciences
Margarita N. Repitskaia , candidate of biological sciences
Vasilii M. Edovin
FSFEI of HE "Northern State Medical University" , Архангельская обл

«К стартам ГТО – готов!»

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The government is trying to revive the GTO in the framework of the Federal target program. Currently, there is a phased implementation of this project. The article discusses the history of the TRP, its structure, tests (tests), summarized the results of the three stages of the project at the Northern State Medical University.

Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Publication date: 16.03.2017
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Viktoriia V. Aksionova
Irina V. Bakhreva
MBOU "SOSh 46" g. Belgoroda , Белгородская обл

«Групповые формы работы на уроках в начальной школе»

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Abstract: The article is devoted to the organization of group work in elementary school. The authors tell about the main purpose of the group is the development of students ' thinking, raising interest in academic subjects. The article presents practical methods of group work at lessons of Russian language. The proposed materials can be used by teachers in the educational process. The authors explain the role of group work in the formation of the subject and personal educational outcomes

Дополнительное (внешкольное) образование детей

Publication date: 13.02.2017
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Iuliia V. Kopytova
Nataliia A. Chetverikova
КОГОБУ ДО «Дворец творчества – Мемориал» , Кировская обл

«Дополнительная образовательная программа очно-заочной школы «Лидер» как условие саморазвития и социализации личности обучающихся»

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The article presents the key psychological and pedagogical ideas underlying the additional educational program part-time school "Leader". The authors represent many years of experience understanding the program, created especially justify the educational environment and the specificity of teaching positions that allow the implementation of tasks in the educational process to promote and support personal self-development of pupils.


Publication date: 10.02.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Sergei I. Anulev
FSFEI of HE "Kemerovo State Institute of Culture" , Кемеровская обл

«Формирование социального заказа в сфере праздничной культуры как форма самостоятельной работы студентов»

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In this paper, the author examines the current issues of the functioning of the concept of "social order" in the field of education as the realization of creative potential of students in training as in the work with the teacher or in independent work (CPC); which should help them to realize mastered competencies in future professional activities. The author proposes the development of technology to work with the social order, by connecting through practice and independent work of students.

Педагогика профессиональной школы и СПО

Publication date: 07.02.2017
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Natalia S. Rakshina , candidate of biological sciences
Surgut Medical College , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО

«Формирование материалов для аудиторной самостоятельной работы обучающихся по дисциплине «Фармакология»»

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Pharmacology is one of the most complex disciplines in the program of the first course. For organization of independent work should be of high quality methodological support. Classroom independent work in the discipline has many forms in the classroom theoretical and practical training. The article provides a ready example of the routing of independent work on practical class.

Социологические науки

Publication date: 08.02.2017
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Zoia A. Khismatova
Sofia P. Khan
Anna S. Berezina
FGBOU VO "Kemerovskii gosudarstvennyi sel'skokhoziaistvennyi institut" , Кемеровская обл

«Исследование проблемы курения среди студентов сельскохозяйственного вуза»

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The statistical research of a problem of smoking among students оf Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute is conducted. On the basis of data of sociological poll the smoking reasons, influence of a tabakozavisimost of relatives on formation of a habit of smoking, influence of smoking on progress of students are analysed

Publication date: 08.02.2017
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Ha Linh Quach , Student
University of Public Health , Vietnam

«Third year Public Health Majors' time management at university of Public Health, Vietnam»

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Time management is the key to perfectly organizations, there for be the key to great success in life. Time is an abstract value that people can easily slip out the most precious moment in a blink of an eye. To manage such a complex object can be difficult task for youngster without experiment in real life, especially college students. This study gives a general look into third-year Public health majors’ time management and their corresponding to their time schedule. A monolingual questionnaire was designed to generally survey student’s time managing skills as well as some relevant factors that may link to their behaviors towards time management. It has been revealed that a number of students still haven’t in total control of managing time with the lack of essential methods. In addition, procrastination, interruption and disorganization seemed to be the main factors that influenced many students’ management of time. In the recommendation, techniques are suggested to help students organize work and schedule better, also methods to stop procrastinating and improve their time management.

[07.00.00] Исторические науки и археология

Publication date: 22.12.2016
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Vldimir B. Benda , candidate of historical sciences , associate professor
Pushkin Leningrad State University , Санкт-Петербург г

«Controversial issues in Russian historiography concerning the origin and development of the system of training of artillery personnel In Saint-Petersburg in the first half of the XVIII century»

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There are some discrepancies and inaccuracies in the interpretation of certain events associated with the establishment and operation of schools and the organization of the educational process in them in the military-historical literature and other sources dealing with the military special schools’ foundation in St. Petersburg, where the training for the artillery corps had been provided during the first half of the eighteenth century. In particular, it is argued that the Saint-Petersburg artillery school «for Pushkarsk children» was established on May 20, 1730. In this article, the author, based on the study of new archival sources, specifies the date of establishment of this school. Scientific work also aims to complete the existing information about the organization and the activities of the artillery military special schools in St. Petersburg during this period. In addition, for the first time some archival sources are being introduced into scientific circulation.

Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)

Publication date: 19.11.2016
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Elena N. Shutenko , candidate of psychological sciences
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov , Белгородская обл

«Роль современных информационных технологий в обеспечении самореализации студентов в вузовском обучении»

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Author defines the need for using modern information technologies in the educational process of the higher school as stimulators for students' self-realization. Author haves found attributive signs and modalities of students' self-realization and described the related functions of information technologies – actual and potential. The actual contour is formed by such functions as: descriptive, representative, exhibiting, search- heuristic, imprinting etc. The contour of potential functions is made by such functions of information technologies as: reflexive, activation function, inclusive, motivating, self-manifestation, amplification etc. Together both contours of functions form the holistic information environment of opportunities for students' self-realization in the format the «person-to-person» educational interaction.

Социологические науки

Publication date: 01.09.2016
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Diana D. Vasilchenko
FSBEI of HE "Kursk State University" , Курская обл

«Influence of modern cinema in the social mood of students (for example, students of the Kursk region)»

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The paper is devoted to the problem of the contradiction between the influence of modern cinema to the social mood of students and lack of knowledge about the nature of this phenomenon, its forms and the need to overcome it. Collecting primary data was carried out by questionnaire with the following treatment by IBM SPSS Statistics v21.0. The study also used such methods of data processing, as the frequency distribution and content analysis. The study revealed the main features and consequences of the impact of modern films on students.

Педагогические науки

Publication date: 26.07.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 1)
Evgenia A. Orlova
FSBEI of HE "Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism" , Москва г

«Physiological effects of vigorous exercise performing on unstable support»

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In this research the author investigates the question of series of press-up execution influence at unstable platform on myographic indexes of muscle work at corpus and shoulder girdle and also 6-week training including this exercise on unstable support and its influence on the growth dynamics of force abilities. As the author marks, 10 students of a sport high school took part in the research. They registrated electromyogram from 6 muscles while performing a set of 10 press-ups at stable and unstable platform. The same exercise was has been working out during 6 weeks to develop force endurance. Before and after trainings the respondents carried out tests in the exercise press-up "to the limit" and on press of a stationary cross-bar at tenzoplatform to registrate maximum arbitrary force. After 6 weeks of training the trainees definitely improved their indicators of their force endurance and arbitrary force.


Publication date: 24.01.2017
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Svetlana N. Zhdanova , doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
FSBEI of HE "Gzhel State University" , Московская обл

«The phenomenon of multicultural socialization of the individual»

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The work gives definition to multicultural socialization of the individual by means of poly-art figurative art technologies. The author shows the importance of art technologies (figurative), poly-art, psychological and pedagogical technologies of support and assistance during student’s poly-art socialization, which are expressed in the ability of fast and affective action in multinational and polycultural environment.

Publication date: 24.01.2017
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Amanbek K. Narkoziev , doctor of pedagogic sciences
Educational Scientific and Production Center “Kyrgyzstan International University” , Kyrgyzstan

«The Experience of implementation of education technologies at the International University of Kyrgyzstan»

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The article has covered the analysis of modern state of higher education system and the global processes occurring in it, which have a direct impact on the educational policy of Kyrgyzstan. The main concern is dedicated to the research of innovative forms of organizing the educational processes and the possibilities of their implementation into the higher education system of Kyrgyzstan.


Publication date: 08.12.2016
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Nadezhda S. Vinogradova , candidate of political sciences
Vladimir G. Ponomarev
Anna S. Zotova , candidate of philological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Razumovskiy Moscow State University of Technology and Management" , Москва г

«The study of perception of interface and visual design of e-government services by Moscow student youth»

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The results of studies related to how Moscow students perceive the interface and visual design portals «Active Citizen», «Our Moscow City », «Portal of Moscow urban services», «Medical portal EMIAS.INFO», «The official internet-portal of public services» and «Federal Bailiffs Service – Moscow» are considered in the article. These results are obtained in the course of joint research work of the Moscow Department of territorial bodies of the executive power and the K.G. Razumovsky. Moscow State University of Technologies and Management.


Publication date: 05.10.2016
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Alexey P. Morozov
Dmitry P. Morozov
Valery D. Panachev , doctor of sociological sciences , professor, head of chair, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Study, International Academy of Pedagogical Education
FSBEI of HE "Perm National Research Polytechnic University" , Пермский край

«Shaping to socialization of personalities student with limited life possibility facility physical culture»

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In given article analysed and called on experimental given with use the adaptive physical culture and sport in group student-invalid CCP for their socializations and developments motor quality. The subject of the study is a process of the shaping to socializations and adaptation student with limited life possibility in educational path of the high school physical culture facility and sport. The purpose given work was an opening the potential to atheletic gifts such student on occupation of the adaptive physical culture and sport. The methods were shown analysis of the literary sources, methods of the undertaking occupation with student with limited life possibility, monitoring the condition of their health, physical preparedness and mastering available sports, analysis got result.


Publication date: 25.07.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Eduard G. Dadyan , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«Concerning one method of final grade giving to undergraduate students»

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This paper proposes methods to increase the objectivity of assessment of graduation examination and the graduation qualifying work of bachelor, realized by using a special information system developed by author as an application of the system “1C: Enterprise”.

Publication date: 28.07.2016
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Marina V. Sidorenko
DSB PEI "Komsomolsk-on-Amur marine engeneering college named after Hero of the Soviet Union V. V. Orekhov" , Хабаровский край

«Organization of student's scientific school»

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The author of this article points out that the research activity of students is an integral part of the education and training of qualified specialists able to solve independently professional, scientific and technical problems. Scientific research activity contributes to the formation of readiness of the future experts to realize creatively knowledge and skills obtained in technical schools and helps to master the methodology of scientific research and to gain research experience.

Publication date: 05.07.2016
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Nina V. Miklashevich , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Irina G. Sarkisova
Nina B. Yakovenko
SEI of HPE “Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture” , Ukraine

«Organization of students’ knowledge control in the process of distance learning»

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The article observes the main problems of organizing and carrying out the educational diagnosis in distance learning. Studying different approaches to monitoring showed that such control types as routine control and self-control are more efficient and effective. There is a difficulty of carrying out the control in distance learning: the need for accurate identification of the learner's personality. Despite existing technologies and recent developments in this area, the problem of preventing the test results from falsification is not fully resolved. According to the authors, the basic type of routine control when educating distantly remains the student obligatory attendance.

Publication date: 09.06.2016
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Ekaterina V. Zayceva
FSAEI of HE "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University" , Свердловская обл

«Organization of student self-governance in a vocational pedagogical university»

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The article describes a functional model of student self-governance by the example of Russian state vocational pedagogical university. The model bases on vocationally-orientated education and students’ citizenship development. The author thinks that this might well enhance the procedure of implementing formal and informal types of education in an integrated educational system and improve the conditions required for forming this model.

Publication date: 26.05.2016
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Marina S. Smirnova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
SAEI of HE "Moscow City University" , Москва г

«Textbook as a means of developing future elementary school teacher’s way of thinking in terms of methodic»

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The article presents а new textbook for the discipline “Methods of Teaching “The world around us” is presented. The author shows some relevant differences between this textbook and the other ones. The new textbook contributes to the development of methodical thinking of the future elementary school teachers (case-technology, game design, project activity of students).


Publication date: 24.01.2017
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Anna N. Zakharova , candidate of psychological sciences , associate professor
Galina S. Dulina , candidate of psychological sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия

«Associative experiment in a research of students' value-based priorities»

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The results of an empirical study of value priorities of students in the conditions of regional polymental educational space with the help of the association experiment provided in the article.

Теория и методика профессионального образования

Publication date: 14.01.2017
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Ekaterina N. Kuvshinova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
I.I. Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences FSAEI of HE “Southern Federal University” , Ростовская обл

«Организация самостоятельной учебной деятельности студентов вуза на базе электронно-библиотечных систем»

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This article is devoted to the task of the support of the educational process of information resources for teaching in the framework of self-educational activity of students accoding to requirements of Federal state educational standards of higher education