List of publications on a keyword: «school education»
MADOO "D/S "Rodnichok" , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия
«Summary of the lesson “To the aid of forest animals” with children 2-3 years old»
The article presents a methodological development where the plot dynamics are closely intertwined with the tasks that children need to complete to help forest animals. This development is aimed at familiarizing children with water, sand and its properties by organizing experimental activities. During experimental activities, children learn that heavy objects sink in water, and light ones float on the surface; it is impossible to make something out of dry sand, it crumbles, but you can draw on it. The methodological development presents gaming technology. This form of work promotes the development of cognitive interest, creativity, and the development of speech skills.
Nadezhda V. Ushakova
Ekaterina A. Malygina
FSAEI of HE "Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov" , Архангельская обл
«Electronic resource Согеарр.аі as a means of implementing distance learning in preschool education»
This article presents the relevance of the use of distance technologies in preschool education. The analysis of modern remote educational technologies is made, network technology is highlighted as an effective DOT with pre-school children. The characteristic of the Internet resource is presented ., as one of the most effective in working with preschool children, the advantages and disadvantages are highlighted, the risks and the necessary technical support are presented.
Ekaterina A. Malygina
Anastasiia A. Mashina , Воспитатель
FSAEI of HE "Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov" , Архангельская обл
«Distance learning technologies in preschool education»
This article presents the relevance of the use of distance technologies in preschool education. The analysis of modern distance educational technologies is made, network technology is highlighted as an effective DOT with preschool children. The characteristic of the Internet resource is presented ., as one of the most effective in working with preschool children, the advantages and disadvantages are highlighted, the risks and the necessary technical support are presented.
FSAEI of HE "Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov" , Архангельская обл
«An empty emotional glass or ways to prevent burnout of teachers of a preschool educational organization.»
This article presents the relevance of the problem of professional burnout of employees of preschool educational organizations, the structure of the syndrome of professional burnout. The characteristic of the concept of professional burnout is given. Methods of prevention of professional burnout through methods of physical activity and express methods are proposed.
Tatiana G. Iakhontova
Irina N. Bulanova
MBDOU D/S KV 10 "Zemskii" g. Belgoroda , Белгородская обл
The relevance of the problem presented in the article is determined by the currently growing interest in the problem of the formation of financial literacy of preschool children, which is a reflection of the need to improve the financial literacy of the population. In 2018, a number of fundamental documents appeared that confirmed the seriousness of the intentions of the state authorities to increase the financial literacy of the population. These are the “Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation” and the “Strategy for the development of the financial market of the Russian Federation until 2020”, where financial literacy is seen as a resource and condition for the development of the country.
Теория и методика дошкольного образования
Svetlana V. Kazanskaia
MBDOU "D/S 8" , Иркутская обл
«Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the technological approach in preschool education»
MBDOU "D/S 267" , Челябинская обл
«Study of pedagogical and psychological literature on the problem of innovation management in pre-school educational institutions»
Annotation. The article is devoted to the problem at the scientific and methodological level determined by the need to create conditions that encourage teaching teams to innovative teaching activities, to self-improvement of professional competence. There is a need to develop individual, innovative and reflexive forms of professional development that orient teachers to learn and rethink their own pedagogical experience, create and develop the author's pedagogical system, individual style of pedagogical activity and their professional "I".
Дошкольная педагогика
Alfiia A. Akchulpanova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla" , Башкортостан Респ
MBDOU "TsRR - D/S 57 "Solovushka" g. Al'met'evska" , Татарстан Респ
Ianina I. Melnechenko , candidate of psychological sciences
Al'met'evskii filial ChOU VO "Kazanskii innovatsionnyi universitet im. V.G. Timiriasova (IEUP)" , Татарстан Респ
«Familiarity with the world of professions as a means of civic education of preschool children»
This article deals with the problem of civic education of preschool children by means of acquaintance with the world of professions. Pre-school children are significantly expanding their understanding of the world of professions, as well as the role of adult labor in the life of everyone and society as a whole.
Дошкольная педагогика
Elena I. Nilova
MBDOU "D/S 65" , Вологодская обл
«Osobennosti raboty s roditeliami pri organizatsii semeinogo kluba»
FSBEI of HE "Orenburg State University" , Оренбургская обл
«Igra kak sposob formirovaniia leksicheskikh navykov detei doshkol'nogo vozrasta pri obuchenii inostrannomu iazyku»
General pedagogy
Pervaia russkaia shkola Belfasta , Great Britain
«The project «National Strategy» as a tool for improving the quality of education in school in England»
Психология развития
MBDOU "D/S 3 "Rodnichok" , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия
«Gendernye osobennosti lichnostnogo komponenta psikhologicheskoi gotovnosti detei k shkol'nomu obucheniiu»
Olga I. Davydova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE “Altay State Pedagogical University” , Алтайский край
«Особенности игровой деятельности современного дошкольника»
Дополнительное (внешкольное) образование детей
FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия
«Развитие творческих способностей у детей посредством программы «Google SketchUp» в качестве внешкольного образования»
The article examines the program for modeling relatively simple three-dimensional objects Google SketchUp, as a program that develops the creative abilities of students of grades 1-11 in the classroom "Introduction to 3-D modeling" in the summer as an out-of-school education. Learning to work with Google SketchUp is much easier than with other 3D modeling programs, so this program is suitable for a wide audience, both for younger students and for high school students.
Vitalii V. Balalov , candidate of engineering sciences
Institute of Arts of FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Pedagogical University" , Москва г
«Компьютеризация школ в России средствами мультимедиа: ИКТ и ЭОР в кабинете математики»
The article describes the results of a study on school’s equipment with information and communication and computer technologies, provides a basic set of advanced hardware multimedia to mathematics cabinet that will achieve maximum availability of electronic educational resources for teachers and students, and also can be used as a universal model in many schools in Russian Federation.
Современные подходы в дошкольном образовании и подготовка кадров
MSPEI "GES №22" , Калмыкия Респ
«Управление процессом формирования готовности педагогов ДОО к инновационной деятельности»
For the modern teacher, it takes a very special team – a team that love their work of teachers-adherents. Teachers need to combine all the best human qualities – high moral and spiritual development, honesty, justice, skill of the teacher, deep understanding, and in addition always be prepared for the changing realities of this world.
The Moscow Department of Education , Москва г
Nadezhda S. Vinogradova , candidate of political sciences
Vladimir G. Ponomarev
FSBEI of HE "Razumovskiy Moscow State University of Technology and Management" , Москва г
«The main problems in the process of identifying individual educational trajectories of student and their decision by means of electronic services and the «Digital profile» model»
The authors describe the specifics of the transition to student-centered learning standards, the main issues arising in the framework of the process of identifying an individual trajectory of student learning and methods of their solutions through the use of the «digital profile» model. The researchers present the organization scheme of school education in the framework of construction of individual educational trajectory of a student, describe the main barriers to the implementation of the scheme. Prospects of application of the «big data» technology in the construction of individual educational trajectory are considered.
Lyudmila A. Myasnikova
The Moscow Department of Education , Москва г
«Main methods of construction of the «Digital profile» model on the example of schools in Moscow»
The article presents the basic principles of construction of models of digital profiles of the student, class, school and teacher. The initial data, presented in the impersonal form, consist of students’ grades from three Moscow schools. The data have been obtained from the «electronic diary» and handed over to the Department of Education of Moscow to work on it.
[13.00.00] Педагогические науки
Elena V. Maksimova
ANO of PE “Planet of childhood “Lada” – Kindergarten №63 “Vesnyanochka” , Самарская обл
«Children aesthetic development and education in kindergarten according to FSES of preschool education»
Педагогические науки
MOBU "Gonzhinskaia SOSh" , Амурская обл
«Методическое обеспечение художественно-эстетического развития детей старшего дошкольного возраста в условиях внедрения ФГОС ДО»
ANO of HE "Moscow University for the Humanities" , Москва г
«The implementation of the content of labor education in the practice of modern pre-school educational institutions»
The article is devoted to the revival of labor education in the modern preschool educational institutions. Based on the researches of leading educators, psychologists, practitioners and on the basis of a brief analysis of the content of labor education in preschool educational institutions in previous years the author suggests to revive many popular forms of work on labor education of preschool children using modern pedagogical technologies.
MBDOU MO "Gorod Arkhangel'sk" "D/S KV 123 "ABVGDeika" , Архангельская обл
«Современные подходы в профилактике эмоционального выгорания у педагогов дошкольных образовательных организаций»
The article is devoted to modern approaches to prevention of emotional burnout among teachers of preschool educational organizations. This issue is relevant because the profession of the teacher belongs to the range of stress, which requires large reserves of self-control, self-regulation and stress resistance. The paper describes modern technologies of prevention of emotional burnout: psychological support, psychological education, training.
Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
Iuliia S. Krasilnikova
FSBEI of HE "Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University" , Нижегородская обл
«Воспитательная среда и пространство школы»
Психолого-педагогические основы дошкольного образования
МБДОУ «Д/С №161» , Челябинская обл
«Психокоррекционная работа с детьми, имеющими нарушения внимания»
Article reflects a question of development of attention urgent today in the senior preschool children. In article pedagogical conditions for successful development of properties of attention of the senior preschool children are briefly described and the example of the educational and thematic plan of the program for correction of violation of properties of attention of preschool children is given.